simple genetics
1. Energy Production ( Glycolysis, Krebs, ETC
2. Why we feel exhausted after exercising?
3. Aerobic – Anaerobic (Distinguish),
Flowcharts on page 15
4. What is the importance of cell division?
5. Mitosis – Meiosis (Distinguish)
6. Vitamins
7. l
Life Processes– 1
1. Modern methods of reproduction (IVF,
Sperm bank, Surrogacy)
2. Draw neat labelled diagram of flower and
explain it’s parts.
3. Sexual Reproduction in plants – Full
4. Menstrual cycle (Activity based questions
5. Spore formation
6. Gender of child is determined by male
parent. Give reason. Draw a diagram
explaining the above statement.
7. Distinguish between Sexual and Asexual
8. Reproductive Health
Life Processes– 2
1. Symbols and their meanings, Our roles
2. How the biodiversity can be conserved?
3. Three Levels of Biodiversity.
4. Endangered heritage places (Western ghats,
Manas, Sunderban)
5. Threatened species
6. Sacred groves
7. Jadav Molai Payeng Story
8. Pg 37 Flow chart
9. l
Environmental Management
1. Advantages and problems of Hydroelectric
2. Natural gas power plant (Schematics and
Flow charts)
3. Hydroelectric energy, solar energy and wind
energy are called renewable energies.
4. Nuclear fission diagram
5. Flow charts of all Power plants
6. Limitations of wind energy power plant
Towards Green Energy
1. Benefits of animal classification
2. At least 4 characters of All 6 classes
(Cyclostomata, Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia,
Aves, Mammalia)
3. Cockroach diagram based question
4. Our body irritates if it comes in contact with
jelly fish.
5. Balanoglossus is connecting link between
non–chordates & chordates
6. 5 characters from All Phyla
7. ;
Animal Classification
1. Microbial Enzymes – V.V. Important
2. Activities
3. Safe Landfill site
4. Microbes and Fuels Onwards– page 82, 83,
84, 85
5. Why is it necessary to ban plastic bags?
6. Cheese Production
7. l
Intro to Microbiology
1. Organ and Body donation, Stem cell therapy
2. Activities
3. Biotechnology (Define)
4. Commercial applications of biotechnology
(GM Crops, biofertilizers, edible vaccines)
5. Environment and biotechnology – page
95,96 (Bioremediation)
6. Which precautions will you take during
spraying of pesticides?
Cell Biology and Biotech
1. Exercise Question: 2,5,6 (Full)
2. Addiction (Alcohol, smoking) – Personal
response type questions
3. Harmful effects of alcohol consumption
4. Ways to minimize stress?
5. l
Social Health
1. Objectives of Disaster Management
2. Define disaster. Man made and Natural
disaster examples
3. First aid training is necessary. Why?
4. Define – Disaster management
5. Pre and post disaster management
6. Exercise question : 8 and 11
7. Materials in first aid box
8. Mock drill – Short note
9. L
10. write any two effects of this disaster
Disaster Management
1. Microbial enzymes are used instead of
chemical catalyst in a chemical industry.
2. Hydroelectric energy, solar energy and wind
energy are called renewable energies. Why?
3. Indians should follow family planning for
controlling the population.
4. First aid training is essential. Why?
5. We feel exhausted after exercising.
6. Cell division is one of the very important
properties of cells and living organisms.
7. Girls face stress due to gender inequality.
8. Our body irritates if it comes in contact with
9. Cockroach belongs to phylum Arthropoda.
10. Power generation plant based on natural gas is