You were supposed to read: Haggai: chaps. 1-2, Obadiah: chap.1
1- List the texts you read!
2- Give a short summary of three of them.
3- chose one chapter of your readings and begin a close reading (the close reading can be completed next time)
4- In you close reading, extend the message in context and the message today using the historical context, the geographical context, the structure, themes…….anything you find in your study of the text should contribute to the extension of the message. The message should not be only summary of the text.
- Historical context
- Geographical context
- Propose a structure with titles! (How many parts)
For example: three parts
Vs 1-2: Title
Vs 3-6: Title
Vs 7-10: Title
4. What are the main themes?
5. What is the theology of the Author? (What do we learn about God)?
6. What is the message in the historical context?
7. What could be the message today?
8. What section, paragraph, verse (s) or word (s) speak to you?
9. What section, paragraph, verse (s) or word (s) do you think can speak to our contemporary society?
10. What can be an obstacle to this message today? A searchable online Bible in over 150 versions and 50 languages.
There is the website to find the book