Category Archives: Discussions

environmental justice

Environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.

Unfortunately, the environment has been harmed by people who have acted thoughtlessly and without due consideration to all the relevant stakeholders. Identify one prominent example of environmental injustice in your home or regional area. Analyze the scope of the issue, the individuals or groups most impacted, and what if anything they have in common.

In your initial post, consider the following questions.

What groups are most negatively impacted by environmental injustice?

What is the role of social power, prestige, or political influence in these injustices?

Who should be held liable for environmental injustices?

Health & Medical

Imagine a parent came into the “preschool classroom” while you did the math-based activity you planned this module. The parent makes a comment about how they are curious why the child(ren) did that activity. Describe how you might either explain to them why, or how you might show them. Either way, be sure to include your observational record in your rationale. This might be a conversation, a newsletter, a display board… up to you how you would convey your observations’ influence on your activity planning to a parent.



Part A

Before posting on this Discussion Board, please read through this description of grief from “An old guy” on Reddit. Reflect on what you read.

The “old guy” writes:

As for grief, you’ll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked, you’re drowning, with wreckage all around you. Everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and the magnificence of the ship that was, and is no more. And all you can do is float. You find some piece of wreckage and you hang on for a while. Maybe it’s some physical thing. Maybe it’s a happy memory or a photograph. Maybe it’s a person who is also floating. For a while all you can do is float. Stay Alive. In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. They come 10 seconds apart and don’t even give you time to catch your breath. All you can do is hang on and float. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, you’ll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. When they come, they still crash all over you and wipe you out. But in between you can breathe, you can function. You never know what’s going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything… and the waves comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life. Somewhere down the line, and its different for everybody, you find the waves are only 80 feet tall. Or 50 feet tall. And while they still come, they come further apart. You can see them coming. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at O’Hare. You can see it coming, for the most part, and prepare yourself. And when it washes over you, you know that somehow, you will again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you’ll come out. Take it from an old guy. The waves never stop coming, and somehow, you don’t really want them to. But you learn that you’ll survive them. And other waves will come. And you’ll survive them too. If you’re lucky, you’ll have lots of scars from lots of loves. And lots of shipwrecks.” (Reddit, 2014)

In your initial post, please address the following questions:

  • Is this an accurate description of grief, in your experience?
  • What is an example of a “piece of wreckage” that you have or could hold onto?
  • How does reading this help someone who is grieving (if at all?)

Part B

In addition, read over the helpful tips in the module. In your initial post, please answer the following questions:


  • Three things you can do to help someone who is grieving
  • Answer the following question in two or more sentences: What is something on the list that I think would have actually helped me when I was grieving and why? OR, if you have not experienced any significant grief, what is something on the list that you think would actually help and why?
  • 2.

  • The Communication Problem Analysis is a written assignment that asks you to write about a problem you are having in communication with another person in your life. It can be a large problem or a small one. Read through the instructions on the assignment sheet below. I have also included a Communication Problem Analysis student sample below, which should give you a good idea what I am looking for. This assignment asks you to analyze one aspect of the communication skills you have learned this semester. Please follow the steps below. See the sample for an idea how long and how detailed your answers should be.

    Communication Problem Analysis

    Choose one problem that you currently have with communication with one person in your life.


    1. Who the person is you have chosen?just the name goes here2. Briefly describe your relationship with that personYou have two questions to answer here: How do you know them? What is your relationship like?3. Describe (with examples) the communication problem you are having with that person.4. Write out a sample dialogue, a typical conversation you have had with that person that illustrates the problem you are doesn’t have to be an actual word for word conversation. Just give an example of what a typical conversation that illustrates the problem would sound likename statement________: ______________________________________________________________________: ______________________________________________________________Etc.5. Choose one communication topic from this class that relates to the problem you are having and list it here.For example, it could be one of the following topics: (please choose only one).distorted self conceptself fulfilling prophecyperception checkingdifference between hearing and listeningwhy humans are poor listenerstypes of nonlisteningSelf DisclosureKnapp’s Stages of Relationship DevelopmentJohari WindowCommunication climateConfirming and disconfirming communicationDefensivenessDefense mechanismsConflict styles6. Relate that topic (the same one listed in #5) to the communication problem you have described in this section, you want to show me that you know that topic from class and what it means. You also need to show how it relates to your own experience7. How could the problem be improved?What can YOU do to help solve the problem, even if it is not you that is primarily at fault? It can be something you have learned in class, or an idea you have the might work. Don’t tell me what the other person should do, like “Bob needs to stop being a jerk.” This isn’t Bob’s paper. It is true that he is being a jerk, but what can you do to facilitate a better relationship? In an extreme case, the only thing you might be able to do is leave the relationship.8. Write out a sample dialogue, how the conversation might go in its improved statement________: ______________________________________________________________________: ______________________________________________________________

    Student Sample

    The Problem1. Who the person is you have chosen? Bob Cooke2. Briefly describe your relationship with that person How do you know them? What is your relationship like?Bob is my brother-in-law. He has been married to my sister for the past 17 years. We have a cold and distant relationship.3. Describe (with examples) the communication problem you are having with that person. The problem I am having is that Bob does not seem to want to talk to me. I try to talk to him and he is busy, makes excuses in order to avoid me, walks away or simply ignores me. For example, when I was at his house for dinner last Sunday, I tried to talk to him and he told me he was busy, walked into the garage and started working on his car. He closed the door when I tried to follow him in there.4. Write out a sample dialogue, a typical conversation you have had with that person that illustrates the problem you are having. Nancy: Hey Bob, it’s great to see you! How are things going?
    Bob: I’m doing fine. I’m actually really busy right now.
    Nancy: What are you up to?
    Bob: I’m working on my car project. I don’t have time to talk
    Nancy: But I haven’t seen you in a while and I just want to catch up
    Bob: I have to go.
    Nancy: But Bob, I really want to talk to you
    Bob: Why don’t you help your sister in the kitchen? I’m going in the garage Nancy: Can I come with you?
    Bob: (walks into the garage and slams the door)

    5. Choose ONE communication topic from this class that relates to the problem you are having.Self Disclosure6. Relate that topic (the same one listed in #5) to the communication problem you have described in #3. I chose self disclosure because I believe this topic from class relates to the problem I am having. Self Disclosure is the process of revealing personal information about yourself. One of the characteristics of self disclosure is that it is necessary for relationship growth. I feel like my relationship with Bob is cold and distant because he is uncomfortable with self disclosure. We also learned in class that unbalanced self disclosure can make one partner in the relationship uncomfortable. I certainly have felt uncomfortable in the relationship due to Bob’s lack of self disclosure.7. How could the problem be improved? (what can YOU do to help solve the problem, even if it is not you that is primarily at fault).I think I may be approaching Bob at a bad time. I should ask him to go out for a beer with me on a day of his choosing so it is a time when he is not busy working on his car. I can also ask my sister if she knows what I might have done to cause Bob to want to avoid me. If the problem is that Bob is uncomfortable with self disclosure, I should certainly respect his feelings. I can also gradually self disclose a little bit about myself. Since self disclosure is reciprocal, Bob may also begin to self disclose a little bit also.8. Write out a sample dialogue, how the conversation might go in its improved form. Nancy: Hey, Bob, Its great to see you! How’s it going? Bob: I’m fine. I’m actually busy right now Nancy: Oh, well in that case, maybe we can chat later in the week Bob: I guess that would be alright Nancy: What evening works best for you? Bob: Well, Heather works late on Thursdays, so that is probably best Nancy: That works great for me. I’ll meet you at Hooley’s around 6:00 and I’ll buy you a beer Bob: Ok, I will see you then.Nancy: I’m looking forward to hearing more about your car project.


Question: Do I care less or more because of my gender?

include Outline

essay words at least 1000 words long and should include a bibliography of all and philosophy

Loops and Functions

What are Python functions? Why use them

  • Explain the definition, types and the use of Functions.
  • Provide at least one example.


Based on your reading, and a thorough exploration of the program (Re) Imagining Black Masculinity and the article by Holden, Hernandez, Wrenn, and Belton (2017), and the textbook chapter 9; highlight two (2) methods for working with either Black men, women, or youth who struggle with mental illness. Argue for the one treatment approach that you believe is most effective and explain why. Describe how the method you have chosen takes into consideration cultural and ecological risk and protective factors for that population. Identify the pros and cons of each. Please only use the 2 attachments and website for reference. No outside sources

LSCO (conflict)


The Logistics’ Advisor the relationships that need to be built to ensure mission success are relations with assigned Brigade and Battalion S-4 and S-8. These relationships are vital to ensure the partner force and Military Advisor Team can sustain. This should be done prior to movement and creating the conditions as well as giving the RTU an idea of the capabilities of your partner force. This will aid the PF and MAT to sustain themselves for prolonged operations. Building a relationship with the S-8 officer will aid the MAT and PF to determine funding for equipment shipping FUVA and personnel movement. This is an important step to ensure how much equipment you will be able to bring due to the weight and cost of shipping container and vehicles. For reporting to higher headquarters’ (S-4), a LOGSTAT request will be needed daily utilizing a JBPCP or ATAK if the RTU has the capabilities. The format will depend on the BDE or BN so it is crucial to obtain the format prior to execution. This is the best way of reporting to due to the ability to access these reports mobile and throughout different vehicles. GCSSA capabilities will be at a minimal due to MAT team not being allocated to the RTU’s DODAAC. This means you will have to lean heavy on you RTU’s S-4 maintenance tech and food service tech when it comes to submitting requests. During the initial link-up with the PF command, it’s great to receive a list of what the PF intends to bring to the CTC rotation. However, request a list of what they have available (MTOE) to prevent them from bringing equipment that may not be compatible with US blank ammunition/miles. Also, ensure the PF has the appropriate amount of BFA’s for their weapons systems. Any requests to the PF’s equipment through their military channels needs to be made as soon as possible with an understanding that their processes might be significantly slower than ours. Also, I would look at RTU’s MTOE to understand their capabilities and where MAT and PF would best fit and be attached to make the most impact. Sustainment equipment that will help ensure success are the MBK to give yourself internet capabilities if the MIFI devices do not provide the signal needed in the environment. Generators that can provide power to 4-6 hours a day. Enough water and fuel cans for 72 DOS with fuel spout. EUD’s that mission capable with updated software to support communication to your MAT and RTU. Portable printer to print documents such as dispatches and memorandums.

JRTC rotation 22-10, TM 2312 initially was attached to 326 BEB for the duration of the rotation for maintenance support. During RSOI, I linked in with CW2 Ruther the maintenance tech for 326 BEB for coordination on wrecker support, dispatching process, spare parts. Being the only Maintenance Advisor for prepo draw was a major challenge for 20 level PMCS on 18x M1097 HMMVs that were drawn. During this process myself and SFC Eleccion, conducted the PMCS on all vehicles. Future recommendation for preposition vehicle draw, would be to have a support element from the FSC of mechanics to help conduct the 20 level PMCS. Dispatching process for JRTC is every 48 hours a DD Form 1970 (Motor Equipment Utilization Record) with a release signature from supervisor or FSC clerks. Recommendation for this process is to have multiple copies of DD form 1970 inside dispatch book. Major setbacks that TM 2312 came across was maintenance support from 326 BEB, initial movement to the box our M1151A1 blew the fan clutch. 326 BEB did have wrecker support at the time, I did have a sit down with CW2 Ruther on ordering the part and to see if any SSA on Fort Polk obtained the part, at the time 326 BEB did not have any spare parts on hand. A recommendation for spare parts for any SFAB team, would be to get with civilian contractor maintenance or FSC within SFAB, to get common parts that usually break on any tactical vehicle. This process failed at JRTC; the initial ordering of the part was not available at any SSA at FT. Polk the part never came in during the rotation, leaving a M1151A1 out of the fight. To recover this vehicle, we did utilize 326 BEB wrecker support for movement to the box, it was dropped off at Eastgate, upon PMCS on the vehicle it was noticed that it had more faults Class lll trans. leak, no coolant, broken headlight this happened, during the recovery process of 326 BEB Hotel 8 Team. To get the HMMV to the CTCP with the rest of the team we had to flat tow the vehicle with another M1151A1 that TM2312 brought from home station. This was also a downfall; due to the fact we did not have a tow bar for flat tow recovery. Recommendation for this would have a minimum of four tow bars in the event one or more vehicles becomes NMC. Self-Recovery operations, during JRTC rotation TM 2312 utilized the SAFE-XTRACT recovery kit, this kit comes with many different recovery elements, this was a huge success during the rotation highly recommend any SFAB team to bring one to any field training event.






children’s growth, development, and learning

Describe the benefits of collaborating with families to promote and assess their children’s growth, development, and learning.Please provide thoughtful responses to your questions – submit in an essay type format with an intro/body/conclusion and you will need to provide one citation or reference in the response.

mobile technology

From the humdrum of the mid-2000s web apps, Apple radically changed the mobile world with the iPhone, offering well-designed apps of their own and curating apps that were accepted into the App Store. That influence has been far reaching, prompting Google to push their boundaries and develop material design, a design language that has become the distinctive hallmark of Android apps. When compared to the web world where some popular apps could get away with mediocre design, why do mobile apps face a higher design bar? Anytime you see data presented in a single-column format, whether it’s in the Settings app, the list of songs in the Music app, or the list of emails in the Mail app, those are examples of using a table which contains stored data being configured in different ways.

.Why is it important to persist mobile application data into a database?

.Discuss six (6) ways that data can persist in iOS

.Why is navigation using tables an important aspect of mobile app development?

.Discuss how navigation using tables in iOS is compared to Android (see Hand-out)


each bullet point needs to have explanation with more than 300 words

you must include at least two citations (APA style) from different academic resources

commmunication question

  1. The paper is based on this scene: The Devil Wears Prada Movie Clip
  2. Identify two types of nonverbal messages used by the interviewee when she was the sender. What is one example of her nonverbal messages that you see as evidence that her nonverbal messages were intentional in this interview? What is one example of her nonverbal messages that you see as evidence of unconscious use?
  3. What is the communication goal of the interviewee (the young woman walking into the office) when she is in the role of the sender at the beginning of this interview? What is one example of evidence that this young woman made decisions for step 2 in DECIDE, evaluating the receiver and the context? Did her use of nonverbal messages help her to accomplish her communication goal? Why or why not?
  4. What was one function of nonverbal communication the young woman used that guided the use of nonverbal messages when she was the sender and was talking to the interviewer (the executive woman seated at her desk)? Explain evidence of the interviewee accomplishing or not accomplishing this function. How did this function relate to her communication goal?
  5. Observe the nonverbal messages used by the interviewer (the executive woman seated at her desk) when she was the receiver in the situation. Identify one type of nonverbal message used by the interviewer when she was the receiver and identify and explain one example of evidence you observed where she consciously made a decision to use this nonverbal message as the listener/receiver. Identify and explain one example of evidence you observed of a type of nonverbal message used by the interviewer when she was the receiver where she may not have been conscious of using and sending this nonverbal message.
  6. Analyze the effectiveness of the nonverbal messages in this interpersonal communication situation. What are two specific examples of strategies used by either person to decode the nonverbal messages used by the other person? If you were observing this specific situation what meaning would you have decoded from the use of one of these nonverbal messages? Why?
  7. 4.1 Principles and Functions of Nonverbal Communication – Communication in the Real World (
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