Category Archives: Discussions

political science

1) What do you consider to be the biggest threat currently facing the United States and (briefly) why? If you were a member of Congress (you decide with house, state, and party), what legislation would you propose to try to mitigate this threat and how would you guide your legislation through Congress to give it the best shot of passing? What road blocks would you expect to run into and how would you attempt to get around those barriers while operating within the law. Who will have an interest in preventing the passage of the legislation and how will the author either bring those interests on board or get around them? In other words, how would you maximize your ameliorating effect on the issue? Your response should draw on topics covered in the course material Relevant units include but are not limited to political parties, the media, the Congress, and the Constitution.

2) . A transgender state employee sues his state because the state employee health insurance plan has a blanket policy of refusing to cover surgeries and medical procedures related to gender transition. The employee argues that the procedures are medically necessary for the treatment of gender dysphoria. Your essay on this prompt should take a position on whether a state’s refusal to cover these medical treatments violates the Constitution. To make your claim, choose 2 civil liberties or civil rights that might be relevant to such a case and evaluate whether and how the government is or is not violating those liberties/rights.

Our Spirits Don’t Speak English: Indian Boarding Schools

Unspoken: Native American Boarding Schools to an external site.

Short Answers [2-4 sentences]: answer these questions below (10 points) and view these other items for the bonus questions (5 pts)

1. What is Assimilation? Give examples of how it was implemented. (2 pts)

2. How were the children treated that was like the military? What did General Pratt at Carlisle say about killing Indians? (2 pts)

3. How might children raised in Boarding Schools have a difficult time becoming good parents? Discuss ideas of nurture; what does sexual abuse do? (2 pts)

4. How did Boarding Schools make some Indians stronger? What eventually happened in modern schools? (2 pts)

5. Name one of the famous people mentioned who excelled although they were in Boarding School. What were their accomplishments? (2 pts)


6. How do Native American mascots affect some people both negatively and positively? (2 Bonus pts)

7. Discuss the intergenerational trauma in each of the two clips below. Name the clip you are referring to (3 Bonus pts) to an external site.

Our Spirits Don’t Speak English: Indian Boarding SchoolLinks to an external site.Our Spirits Don't Speak English: Indian Boarding School

More information on Intergenerational Trauma. to an external site.

Nursing Personal Nursing Philosophy

As you finish this course, your philosophy of nursing has probably changed. As a final review, polish your philosophy of nursing based on your newly acquired knowledge.

Also, write a summary reflection answering the following questions based on the readings and discussions throughout the course:

  • As an art and a science, how has your personal nursing philosophy unfolded?
  • Have there been ideas that have challenged your personal values or assumptions?
  • Have there been ideas that have caused you personal conflict and may lead to deconstructing those dispositions in a critical manner?
  • What actions have you taken that illustrate your personal nursing philosophy?
  • Describe your own definition of the concepts involving the meta-paradigm of nursing.
  • Has your first written philosophy of nursing changed? In what ways

big data analytics project using spark or hive on aws

Results and Insights: After performing the above methodology, the Random Forest Classifier model was found to be the best model for predicting customer churn, with an accuracy of 95.3%. The model achieved a precision of 94%, a recall of 92%, and an F1 score of 93%. This indicates that the model can accurately identify potential churners while minimizing false positives. The most crucial features that contribute to customer churn were found to be contract type, tenure, monthly charges, and internet service. By identifying these factors, the telecommunications company can take proactive measures to retain its customers and improve its customer retention rates.

Conclusion: In conclusion, this project demonstrates how data analytics can be used to predict customer churn in a telecommunications company. By developing a predictive model, the company can identify potential churners


Vishnu Vardhan

1. Select food security data use of Map Reduce or Apache Spark to evaluate industry domain specific data analytic goals. For Map Reduce, this could be through direct means such as through Java or Python programs or indirect means such as through Apache Pig or Apache Hive. 2. You will also need to use the data analytic questions or goals for your project that are appropriate for the dataset you have chosen. These data analytic goals or questions can mirror or be similar to the questions posed and answered in the peer-reviewed papers you have researched for your literature survey paper for the domain surrounding your dataset. You can also find such domain-specific questions from published case studies or technical reports. Regardless, ensure the questions you pose are appropriate to the domain and valuable in their own right based on your research into the data science Map Reduce or Apache Spark related work conducted by the industry or institution most appropriate for your dataset. If you do this, then these questions will be well-suited for this project paper. 3. The methodology section should contain what you intend to do in order to answer these project questions and how you will analyze these results in the context of the dataset specific domain you haunchacan Submit 4. Conduct your Map Reduce and Apache Spark job on the AWS Hadoop Cluster. You should be familiar with the specific tool you wish to use through your previous homework assignments. You will need to implement the appropriate commands on the Cluster required to extract the insights from the specific features of the dataset provided on Canvas. 5. Analyze your results and formulate answers to those questions raised in the earlier part of your report based on the data you have extracted from the large data set as a result of your Map Reduce or Apache Spark job. 6. Write your insights into your conclusion section and incorporate the answers you have formulated and supported with the results of your work in the previous sections of this project report.


1. Use the appropriate method to compare between the means of the following data sets, use 95% confidence level:

5.986 5.3245
2.6754 2.288
0.52874 0.40599
5.7825 5.6355
8.4536 7.8196
2.4489 1.9856
4.1822 3.4643
0.83244 0.65252
5.9825 5.0003
1.6476 1.3842

2. Use the appropriate method to compare between the means of the following data sets, use 95% confidence level:

5.986 2.288
2.6754 0.40599
0.52874 3.126
5.7825 1.3842
8.4536 0.6525
2.4489 5.0981
4.1822 3.4643
0.83244 0.40599
5.9825 5.6355
1.6476 5.3245

DES 300 – Motion Graphics – Week 13

Project: Create an opening sequence for a hypothetical documentary film on a
famous public figure. You will use still photos or video, animated text, logos,
animation, screen captures, score music, voice overs, and sound elements to create
a compelling sequence. You may utilize ANY of the skills from the many projects
completed over the course of the semester.
Main Research Source: NY TIMES Obituaries
The NY Times Obituaries section is updated daily with short documentary/
journalistic entries for famous and well-known public figures from musicians and
artists to political figures and scientists. Use this resource as your main research to
decide on your sequence material.
If you have a subscription to the NY Times, you can access the Obituaries right
away. If you do not, I can help with my own personal account and print the

supply and demand curves

I have these two news articles..

I need you to do a well-labeled graph showing the supply and demand curves and equilibrium price and quantity prior to the change. and a well-labeled graph illustrating the shift in demand, supply or both curves, and the change in the equilibrium price and quantity.

Last Week Tonight

As was implied on the previous page, John Oliver’s reporting on Last Week Tonight often employs the structure of academic essays with jokes thrown in. With that in mind, I’ve written the following questions, which are arranged in sections that guide you through the content and structure of the piece.

Answer the following questions about Last Week Tonight‘s piece on how the media goes about reporting crime. The video is embedded at the bottom of this page.

Because this assignment asks more questions than qualitatively similar assignments do, this assignment is worth 30 points.

Questions about the piece’s rhetorical strategy:

  1. List two examples of when John Oliver (the host) uses a secondary source for each of the following purposes:
    1. To give credence to what he’s just said.
    2. To argue against that source.
    3. To use that source’s words as a springboard to a larger point.
  2. What do you notice about the way that Oliver sets up/leads into quotations?
  3. Note the times that John reads a passage that appears on the screen verbatim. What part of an essay is this analogous with?

Content-based questions:

  1. What effect does Oliver’s playing the Pat Collins report (about the graffitied car) have on you as a viewer?
  2. In your opinion, how effective is Oliver’s reaction to the rainbow fentanyl reports? Why?
  3. Aside from the jokes, this piece is structured like an academic essay. Thinking of it that way, what is its thesis?

General approaches to covering crime:

  1. When it comes to news coverage, what notable change happened around the 1970s?
  2. What stands out to you about the CNN program on crime reporting that aired in the 1990s?
  3. How has crime reporting contributed to the public’s race-based fears?

The media’s sources in their coverage:

  1. According to the video, what are the problems with the media relying on police as sources of information?
    1. What are the shortcomings of the phrase “officer-involved shooting”?
  2. What is your reaction to the video’s discussion of the Minneapolis police’s handling of the George Floyd incident?
  3. What stands out to you about Oliver’s follow-up on Pat Camden (the Fraternal Order of Police spokesman)?

Greater harm caused by uncritical crime reporting:

  1. According to the piece, what are some of the effects of uncritical reporting of crime?
  2. What is the problem with news reports consistently saying “police say” in thei

Economics of Education PS 5

Write the name of all group members, and your responses on a single document to submit.
Estimating the Returns to Schooling
For this section we will analyze data describing individual earnings, their education and
experience profile, and other characteristics. We will dive into the economic relationship
between education and wages in this example.
Q1a. Load wagedata.csv in your workstation and name the data frame wages main.
The variable wage represents monthly wages. We want to convert this value into 2020 dollar
values. First create a variable CPI and set it equal to 0.4. Then, create a new variable
wages main$wage2020 by dividing the wage by the CPI. Use the describe function and
report the summary statistics for monthly wages in 2020 dollars. Include the mean, standard
deviation, median, max, min, Q1 and Q3.
Q1b. Let’s create an hourly wage variable. The current variable hours is average hours
worked per week. Create a variable annualhours equal to weekly hours multiplied by 52.
Also, create a varaiable annualwages, noting that the current 2020 wage measure is in
months. Next, create a variable hourlywages. Use the describe function and report the
summary statistics for hourly wages. Note any cause for concern you may have with the data.
Q1c. The education variable educ reports the highest level of education attainment for
each person in the sample. Count the number of people in the sample with each education
level. Describe what you see in 2-3 sentences. Overall, does the data align with what you
would expect?
Q1d. Produce five scatter plots and paste them here. Note that tenure is defined as years
in the current job, and experience is defined as overall years of work experience.
• Education vs. IQ (IQ on x-axis)
• Hourly Wages vs. IQ (IQ on x-axis)
• Hourly wages vs education (education on x-axis)
• Hourly wages vs tenure (tenure on x-axis)
• Hourly wages vs experience (experience on x-axis)
Q1e. Describe the findings of your scatterplots in 2-3 paragraphs. Define discrete and
continuous variables, then categorize each variable in this assignment as one or the other.
Explain the relationship between education, IQ and wages. Then describe the what you find
in terms of tenure, experience and wages. Any surprises on this visual inspection of the data?
Q1f. First create three new variables: Log(HourlyWage), exper2
, and tenure2
. Then, use
linear regression to estimate the returns to education, also known as the Mincer equation.
Log(HourlyW agei) = β0 + β1Educi + ϵi
Describe the estimate you get for βb1. Based on your results, how much does the model predict your hourly wage to rise for one additional year of schooling completed? What makes
this estimate difficult to interpret?
Q1g. Next estimate
Log(HourlyW agei) = β0 + β1Educi + βexperiencei + β3experience2
i + ϵi
Report the coefficient for βb1. How did it change and why?
Q1h. Substitute the tenure variables for the experience variables in 2f and run the regression again. Do your results for βb1 change much?

disorder related to the endocrine system

Imagine that you are employed at a local nonprofit agency and belong to an online community of people who work in the field of mental health. In a blog space, you are interested in sharing information on a particular disease that is related to the endocrine system function.

Select and research a disease or disorder related to the endocrine system. Refer to this week’s University Library articles to begin your research.

Write a 350- to 700-word informational blog post based on your research. Address the following in your post:

  • Describe the general function of the endocrine system.
  • Describe the selected disease or disorder related to the endocrine system.
  • What are the underlying causes of symptoms of the disease or disorder?
  • How is the endocrine system related to the causes of these symptoms?
  • What are recommendations on how to treat the disease or disorder?
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