Category Archives: Discussions

Business question

Music plays a variety of roles in the shopping process, sometimes playing the role of the product sought for/acquired and sometimes playing an influential role in the process itself (think the music playing in the supermarket when you go there… what we call Muzak). Think about a time or times where music played a role in your shopping process. Using terms and scenarios provided in these slides, describe the role it played and your thoughts about it.


CMS04220 – Interpersonal Communication

CMS04220 – Interpersonal Communication

In this paper, your writing objective will be to make an argument regarding the usefulness OR
inadequacy of a concept/principle from Modules 3, 4 or 5 for describing the interpersonal
communication you experience in your daily life. You will choose ONE bulleted concept or
principle from the list on pages 2 and 3 of this document.
Specific Requirements
 Students must explicitly identify the concept/principle selected and establish the
meaning of the concept or principle according to the reading or lecture.
 Students must use at least one example (this can be either real or hypothetical) of an
interpersonal communication situation (e.g. a date, a discussion you had, a time you
ordered from a server in a restaurant) in making their argument for why the
concept/principle is useful OR inadequate.
 The paper must be written with a proper introduction to set up the points to be made, a
body that fleshes out those points, and a conclusion that provides a wrap-up
 Informal references to class content or reading (e.g. According to the lecture on..,
According to the chapter 3 of the text book…, According to the article by Wood…,) are
acceptable; HOWEVER, a formal citation in proper APA or MLA format with a Works
Cited page is required IF:
o a student relies on any source other than those in the assigned reading
 Students are encouraged to consult outside sources in this way.
 Note that sources listed in the Works Cited sections of the lectures are
NOT assigned reading.
o a student uses wording taken from any source (i.e. verbatim/copy-paste)
INCLUDING sources in the assigned reading…if you quote it, you have to cite it
 Both citation systems require quotes around the text, the name of the
author who wrote the text, and the page number in the source from
where it came provided in parentheses at the end of the text. APA has
the additional requirement of including the year of publication.
 A Works Cited page is not required UNLESS it was necessary for the student to
reference a source outside of the assigned reading or quotes any source. This Works
Cited page does not count against page total.
 Any use of MLA or APA will be scored according to the standards described on the
Purdue Online Writing Lab:


Ethical issues in end of life care

Locate 3 recent articles on the following topic: Ethical issues in end of life care

  • Summarize each article and discuss the implication for social work practice as it pertains to grief and loss across the life span

  • Integrate evidence from at least 3 scholarly references, dated 2014 and sooner


Health Care Providers and Professionals

Topic: Health Care Providers and Professionals

Prompt: Compare and contrast 2 of the following major types of health services professionals: physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and certified nurse midwives. Include their roles, training, practice requirements, and practice settings. Discuss the interrelationship between medical providers and professional and the patients they serve with the context of an overarching health care delivery systems.

Create a thread using the topic to respond to the prompt. Response should be at least 600 words with at least 2 peer-reviewed sources citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format, and integration of at least 1 biblical principle.


Management Question

Part I – Know How Management Concepts Relate

This section comprises activities that will further sharpen your understanding of management concepts. Answer essay questions as completely as possible.

6-1Define and describe the relationships among expertise, creative thinking skills, motivation, and creativity.

6-2Explain the differences between creativity and innovation.

6-3Describe the five steps of the innovation process.

 6-4  How is creativity and innovation being utilized at Olde Peninsula Brewpub and Restaurant?

6-5  Develop a new food menu offering for Olde Peninsula.  Once you have your idea, explain how each of the five steps I the innovation process would be addressed.

6-6  What advise would you give to Steve Blinn about total quality management?  Explain how he can ensure quality improvement at Olde Peninsula.



Science Question

Use the template to write your interview with 3 or 4 students.

Interview each separately and individually.

Write down their answers verbatim (you need the for part of the interview).

please find attached the pre assessment form, with the rubric.

attached i have also added the lesson and questions approved to work on.

this is a make up lesson plan,



Social Science Question

Locate 3 recent articles on the following topic: Ethical issues in end of life care

  • Summarize each article and discuss the implication for social work practice as it pertains to grief and loss across the life span

  • Integrate evidence from at least 3 scholarly references, dated 2014 and sooner


Discrete math practice test

Discrete math question from a test,pop quiz that I need help working on kindly. The answer and the working would work for me. Thank you!


Constructing Monetary Policy

It is Christmas of 2000 and our nation is facing exciting times. The United States just
elected a Republican president; this will change the balance of power in Washington and
determine who will be the new heads of government agencies. The unemployment is 4%
and retail stores can not keep shelves stocked.
1. Draw a generic business cycle. Label the phase in which the scenario is occurring.
2. What economic problem is the economy facing? ________________________________
3. What type of monetary policy did you implement? ______________________________
4. What monetary policy action could the Federal Reserve take to correct the problem?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
5. By doing this, the Federal Reserve is trying to _______________ the money supply.
6. This type of monetary policy would cause banks to __________ lending to consumers.
7. How does the change in lending in #6 affect the money supply?



English Discussion

Part 1:

Please read and prepare 1-2 questions for discussion.

Part 2: In addition to reading and submitting 2 questions, you will be asked to present your findings and reflections in class – please prepare 3-4 minutes of statements regarding the collection and presentation of assemblages of porcelain from Qing China in the Joseon paintings and embroiders. Details and links are in the word document below. The class discussion will ask you to present your ideas about whether chinoiserie is applicable and how you would redefine / expand the concept of chinoiserie as seen in the screens made by Joseon court painters and late 19th c. women embroiderers who knitted needle-looped and painted porcelain from China as a collection. For details about this final assignment for discussion, make sure you read the word document.

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