Category Archives: Exams

Electricity and magnetism

Electricity and magnetism



Biology question

1. What are the typical fates of GSCs after mitosis?

Group of answer choices

In normal flies, the mitotic spindle is always oriented perpendicular to the hub-GSC interface during cell division.

Group of answer choices

My Grandma is super cool. She loves hearing about science, but she has a pretty low level understanding of how cells work. Explain this statement to my Grandma:

“We propose that the reliably asymmetric outcome of male GSC divisions is controlled by the concerted action of (i) extrinsic factor(s)
from the niche that specify stem cell identity, and (ii) intrinsic cellular machinery acting at the centrosome and a specialized region of the GSC
cortex located at the hub-GSC interface to orient the cell division plane with respect to the signaling microenvironment (Fig. 3L).


ISE 4120 probability distribution and control chart

ISE 4120 probability distribution and control chart

1. The life of a certain component x is normally distributed with a mean of µ=30 hours and std deviation
= 4 hours. a) What is the probability that failure occurs after 26 hours of operation.
b) When should the component be replaced so that the probability of
failure is no more than 5%.
2. If the probability that a single article will be nonconforming is 0.2, what is the probability that a sample
of 15 such articles will contain:
a) exactly 1 nonconforming item
b) more than 5 nonconforming items.
c) at most 3 nonconforming
Give your answers by both i) the exact probability (use tables) and ii) Poisson approximation.

ISE 4120 probability distribution and control chart

3. A certain machining operation puts out finished bolts whose diameters have a mean:µ = 0.440 in. and  = 0.02 inches. (Use the table of Control Chart Constants #4 in our class portal)
a) compute the 3-sigma control limits for the x-bar and S charts based on a subgroup size of 9.
b) what is the probability of not detecting a shift in  to 0.05 inches on the x-bar chart on the first subgroup sampled after the shift (assume the mean stays the same)?
c) what is the average number of samples (i.e., the expected number) required to detect the shift in b) above? Give your answers to the nearest whole number.

ISE 4120 probability distribution and control chart

4. A manufacturer of certain subassembly item used in robot control is having difficulty with a particular dimension on the unit. Two automatic screw machines produce the parts at a rate of 100 per hour each.
Items from both machines are discharged into a single tote from which a subgroup of 4 is selected every half-hour. The process appears to be in statistical control with the 3-sigma control limits for the X-bar chart equal to 140 ± 5 units. The s-chart also showed control. The normal distribution applies.
a). Assuming no points are out of control and no runs are apparent, if the buyer of the subassembly components has design spec limits of 139 ± 10, and 10,000 parts undergo this process, how many parts will be out of spec.
b). Suppose a sudden shift in the process average increases the mean by + 0.25 but the process variance remains unchanged, what % of the product will be out of control on the manufacturer’s control chart.
What is the probability of detecting this shift by the 4th sample taken after the shift?

ISE 4120 probability distribution and control chart

5. A control chart for number nonconforming chart (np chart) is to be established based on a sample size of n=400. To initiate the control chart, 30 samples, each of 400 items, were selected were and the number nonconforming tabulated for all 30 samples, yielding the following: ∑ ?? = ? = 120 30 ?=1
a). Establish the parameters of the np chart (compute ?̅, ??̅, ??,???, ???)
b). Suppose the fraction nonconforming p shifts to 0.025. What is the probability that the shift would be detected in the first sample taken after the shift has occurred? ( Use the Poisson Approximation)
6. A fraction nonconforming chart has center line ?̅= 0.1, UCL=0.19, and UCL=0.01.
a). Assuming a 3-sigma chart is used, what is the sample size for the control chart.
b). Use the Poisson approximation to the binomial to find the probability of a Type I error α.
c). Use the Poisson approximation to find the Type II error if the actual fraction nonconforming p=0.2
d). What is the ARL in part c).
e). If it is desired that the UCL should not be more than 0.182, what sample size n will guarantee this value of the UCL. What is the corresponding value for LCL?





Question 1
A. Assume that you are the HR manager in an investment bank. You have an orientation session with
interns. One of the interns ask you how the investment banking operations are organised. Please
respond to this intern by explaining three organisational departments of an investment bank. Another
intern asks, “I heard that the ‘middle office’ is a less glamorous part of an investment bank but serves
some of the most important functions.” Discuss this statement. [4 marks]


B. Tulip Bank uses the Moody’s Analytics Portfolio Manager model to evaluate the risk–return
characteristics of the loans in its portfolio. Tulip has two loans with the following characteristics:
Loan given to Marvel Corporation (with an amount of $6 million) earns 1 percent per year in fees, and
the loan is priced at a 3 percent spread over the cost of funds for the bank. For collateral
considerations, the loss to the bank if the borrower defaults will be 25 percent of the loan’s face value.
The expected probability of default is 2 percent.
Loan given to Capcom Corporation (with an amount of $5 million) earns 1 percent per year in fees,
and the loan is priced at a 4 percent spread over the cost of funds for the bank. For collateral
considerations, the loss to the bank if the borrower defaults will be 20 percent of the loan’s face value.
The expected probability of default is 3 percent.

The default risk correlation between Marvel and Capcom is 0.12.
i. Calculate the percentage return on the loan portfolio [2 marks]
ii. Calculate the percentage risk of the loan portfolio [2 marks]
iii. Discuss why Moody’s Analytics Portfolio Manager model might be a good choice over using
MPT based regular loan portfolio diversification model for ADIs and insurance companies.
[2 marks]


Question 2
A. The duration of an 11-year, $1000 Treasury Bond paying a 10 per cent semi-annual coupon and
selling at par has been estimated at 6.763 years.
i. What is the modified duration of the bond? What is the dollar duration of the bond? [1 mark]
ii. What will be the estimated price change on the bond if interest rates increase 15 basis points?
If rates decrease 25 basis points? [2 marks]
iii. What would the actual price of the bond be under each rate change situation in part (b) using
the traditional present value bond pricing techniques? What is the amount of error (difference
between estimated and actual price) in each case? [3 marks]
B. ‘Even years after the commencement of deregulation in the financial markets, the international capital
markets still remain a relatively important source of funds for commercial banks.’ Give your opinion on
this statement with a detailed discussion. [4 marks]



Computer Science

1. Using a Microsoft Word document, please post one federal and one state statute utilizing standard legal notation and a hyperlink to each statute.

2. In the same document, please post one federal and one state case using standard legal notation and a hyperlink to each case.


Show the new equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity graphically. Include the original and regulated inverse demand curves, firm’s marginal revenue curve, and firm’s marginal cost curve.

Imagine a university called ic that is the monopoly in the market for economics degrees, with cost-function C(Q) = 25Q2 + 360. Imagine the inverse demand function for economics degrees is p(Q) = 400 − 25Q. The government has decided it would ensure that there is no deadweight loss in this market for economics degrees by setting a price cap on ic.

A. What would be the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity if the government did not impose a price cap and ic was able to operate as an un-regulated monopoly?

B. At what optimal price should the government cap economics degree sales?

C. What are the new post-price cap equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity?

D. What is ic’s new profit at the equilibrium?

E. Prove that this new profit level is a global maximum.

F. Show the new equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity graphically. Include the original and regulated inverse demand curves, firm’s marginal revenue curve, and firm’s marginal cost curve.


GEO 290 – Gen_Ed

GEO 290 – Gen_Ed

For this CLA, you will need to follow the steps outlined below to complete the map. Each

element to the map is a part of the overall grade. For this activity, you may need to

reference maps in your textbook, atlas, or the Internet.

1. Save THIS MAP and decide whether you will be completing this activity digitally

with paint software, or if you are going to print and color in your map. If you

choose the latter, you will need to scan and upload it when you are done.

2. Draw a compass rose just south of your name.

3. In the southwest corner of your paper, draw a box to serve as your key. Be sure to

label this area.

4. Label the Oceans: Atlantic, Arctic, Indian, Pacific, and Southern.

5. Label the Continents: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America,

and South America.

GEO 290 – Gen_Ed

6. Find each of the following lines of latitude: the Equator, Tropic of Cancer, and

Tropic of Capricorn. Trace over each of these lines with a different color. Add these

colors to your key.

7. Find the following line of longitude: the Prime Meridian. Trace over this line with a

different color. Add this color to your key.

8. Using a new color not already on your map, trace over the lines of longitude. Add

this color to your key.

9. Using a new color not already on your map, trace over the lines of latitude. Add

this color to your key.

10. Shade in each continent in a different color.


To prepare a solution of KCl, you weigh out 1.5672 (± 0.0003) g and dissolve it in a volumetric flask of 250.00 (±0.50) mL in volume. Express the molarity of the solution and its uncertainty with an appropriate number of significant figures. (Formula mass of KCl is 74.551 ± 0.004 g/mol).

To prepare a solution of KCl, you weigh out 1.5672 (± 0.0003) g and dissolve it in a volumetric flask of 250.00 (±0.50) mL in volume. Express the molarity of the solution and its uncertainty with an appropriate number of significant figures. (Formula mass of KCl is 74.551 ± 0.004 g/mol).


Dig man and co had retained earnings of $400,000 and$50,000 in cash on January 1. It mad a net income of $300,000 in the year. The amortization epense was $250,000. Digman co issued. Additional common shares for $500,000 and borrowed $600,000 from the bank of toy lane. What was cash from financing activities.

Dig man and co had retained earnings of $400,000 and$50,000 in cash on January 1. It mad a net income of $300,000 in the year. The amortization epense was $250,000. Digman co issued. Additional common shares for $500,000 and borrowed $600,000 from the bank of toy lane. What was cash from financing activities.

Next question; miden co. Has current assets of $180,000 (cash, $20,000; accounts receivable , $70,000 ; inventory , $90,000) and long term assets that had cost $400,000 with amortization to date of $180,000. Sales were $500,000 and operating profit was $50,000. Tax was $20,000 and interest paid was $10,000 . Miden co inventory holding period to nearest day would be either what? A) 46 days b) 66 days c) 32 days d) 23 days e) 51 days


Read and annotate Anyon’s “Social Class & Hidden Curriculum of Work”.

Using the skills we have learned thus far, read and annotate Anyon’s “Social Class & Hidden Curriculum of Work“. After you finishing annotating your text submit here for review.

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