Category Archives: Exams

Physical chemistry

What is the equation which relates the Pressure, Volume and Temperature of gas to each other?

What is the definition of force?

What is the definition of work?

What is the definition of kinetic energy?

What is the definition of coulombic energy?

What equation relates frequency and wavelength for light?

What equation gives the energy of a single photon?

What is the difference between the functions  and ?

Units for spectroscopy:

IR uses cm-1, X-ray uses eV NMR uses MHz

What exactly are these units?  How do you convert between them?


1600 cm-1 to meters in wavelength and nm

Find the wavelength of light with an energy of 14.6 eV

What is the energy in cm-1 of light with a wavelength of  1.0 x 10-4 m

Reading question:  Determine N2/N1 Eqn F19  for an energy level difference, which is 400 MHz (NMR), 2700 cm-1 (IR), and 1 x 10 -10 m (X-rays)

You will need to pick a temperature.  Let’s use, 300 K   and also 4 K



ACCT212 Week 5 Homework

ACCT212 Week 5 Homework

1) During the year, TRC Corporation has the following inventory transactions.



Number of Units

Unit Cost

Total Cost



Beginning inventory



























For the entire year, the company sells 450 units of inventory for $70 each.

Using FIFO, calculate ending inventory, cost of goods sold, sales revenue, and gross profit.

2)During the year, TRC Corporation has the following inventory transactions.



Number of Units

Unit Cost

Total Cost



Beginning inventory



























For the entire year, the company sells 450 units of inventory for $70 each.

2. Using LIFO, calculate ending inventory, cost of goods sold, sales revenue, and gross profit.


SE 450: Midterm Exam – Winter 2021

SE 450: Midterm Exam – Winter 2021

1. An instance variable belongs to the class in which it is declared.
2. A constructor is a method that never returns anything, in fact it has void return type.
3. A constructor is called the “default constructor” , if it has no parameters.
4. A constructor is a method and therefore can be used through the dot operator, applied to
an instance of the class where it was declared.
5. The following variable x is correctly used:
Point p1 = new Point ();
Point.x = 10;
6. If a method is declared static, it cannot be called outside of its package.
7. If we don’t prefix modifiers to a method, the method is only accessible within the same
8. An instance initializer is invoked before constructors.
9. The keyword this allows you to reference the members of an object that will be created
only at runtime within the object itself.

SE 450: Midterm Exam – Winter 2021

Explain briefly the difference between these two elements of a UML class diagram: “aggregation” and “composition”. Provide also an example of ONE small UML class diagram including
all aggregation, composition and generalization relationships. Do not use any examples from the
lecture slides.

Create a City class that abstracts the concept of city(not an abstract class). Then declare a
Nation class declaring a capital instance variable of type City. Finally, create an Question2Main
class that creates a nation with a capital, and prints a sentence that verifies the actual association
between the nation and the capital. Create constructors for these classes. Some possible attributes
for Nation class can be name, capital, and population.



password is se450winter2021.

Name four natural polymers:

1. Name four natural polymers:
2. Hydrocarbons consists of elements _______________and ____________.
3. Ethylene(C2H4) is a ________________at ambient temperature but when reacted under
appropriate conditions it will transform to ___________________which is a solid polymeric
4. What is the trade name for polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)?
5. Show the generalized form of representing a polymer:
6. Give two examples of linear polymers:
7. What kind of molecular structure Bakelite has?

8. Polymer molecules maybe characterized in terms of their size, shape, and ___________.
9. If a polymer has 2 repeat units in its unit cell, its repeat unit molecular mass is 31.5 g/mol, and
the unit cell volume is 10.2×10-23cm3
, calculate the density of a totally crystalline structure (ρs) of
this polymer.

10. In the above problem (Item numbered 9), if ρa= density of the totally amorphous polymer =
0.882 g/cm3
and ρs= density of the polymer=0.899 g/cm3
, what is the percent crystallinity (%
crystallinity) of the polymer.



Conceptual Database Design (ERD)

Conceptual Database Design (ERD)

With the given requirements for Cinema Chain database, draw Entity Relationship Diagram.

The requirements for database design are given in the following:

Warner and his brothers operate a cinema chain (Warner and Brothers Movies). He wants to build a database to use for forecasting demand for both the movies he shows and the food he sells as well as to track other critical information for his business.

He tells you that he has several cinemas and each cinema has between 1 and 20 theaters. Each CINEMA has a location, a unique name and a phone number. Each THEATER of a cinema isnumbered (like 1, 2, 3, …) and the theaters vary in terms of seating style, type of sound equipment and seating capacity.

MOVIEs are shown throughout the day starting at 11 am and finishing at 1 am. Some movies will be shown in multiple theaters and over time may switch theatres that they show in. For instance, Star Wars may originally be shown in the 3 largest theatres in a cinema but after 3 months it may be showing in just one of the smaller theaters. Of course, each theater is also used for a variety of movies over time. Warner is interested in knowing how many people, classified by adults and children, attend each showing of a movie. A SHOWING would be a specific run of a specific movie, for instance, Mission Impossible II at 11 am on Saturday Oct 28th in theater 3 at WB Cinemas. To estimate approximate ticket sales each showing is given a price code that describes the cost of children and adult tickets. For instance, morning weekend prices are $10 for adults and $7.50 for children. Besides the name of each movie, the length of the movie, the type of recording (Dolby surround sound, Dolby DTS, subtitles, etc.), and the rating of the movie are recorded in the database. Warner also wants to record any awards the movie has won (e.g. Oscar for best picture, 1997, etc.).

Each cinema has a manager and several other EMPLOYEEs. Most employees are trained by another employee when they are hired. Warner needs to know the name, address, Social Security Number and phone number for all of his employees. He also wants to be certain he knows who is the manager of what cinema, who trained each employee, and at which cinema each employee works.
No employee works at more than one cinema and some employees do not work at a cinema at all (i.e. the IS department). All cinemas have one and only one manager.
In order to track FOOD RECEIPTs Warner has the manager at each cinema enter in the total receipts each cinema makes for beverages, popcorn and candy at the end of every day. (Their cash registers are not automated or linked to the database yet. Only one total food receipt in a day for a cinema is recorded in database, not every food receipt for each transaction.).

Your task is to create ER Diagram based on the above requirements.
Use software either Lucidchart or Visio to draw ERD.


NURS 6630: Psychopharmalogical Approaches to Treat Psychopathology

NURS 6630: Psychopharmalogical Approaches to Treat Psychopathology


  1. The patient in the previous question states, “I can’t even last 1 more day without feeling like my insides are going to explode with anxiety.” The most appropriate course of action would be:

    a. Inform the patient to try yoga or other natural remedies until the vortioxetine takes effect.
    b. Prescribe a short-term course of low dose benzodiazepine, such as alprazolam.
    c. Prescribe an SNRI, such as venlafaxine, in addition to the vortioxetine.
    d. Recommend in-patient mental health for the foreseeable future.

3.75 points 


  1. Jason is a 6-year-old child whose mother presents to the clinic with him. The mother says that “he’s not himself lately.” After a thorough workup, you diagnose the patient as having GAD. Which of the following medications would be the LEAST appropriate to prescribe to this child?

    a. Sertraline
    b. Paroxetine
    c. Venlafaxine
    d. Buspirone (not a SSRI/SNRI)

3.75 points 


  1. Mirza is a 75-year-old patient with a long history of schizophrenia. During the past 5 years, she has shown significant cognitive decline consistent with dementia. The patient has been well controlled on a regimen of risperidone 1mg BID. As the PMHNP, the most appropriate course of action for this patient is:

    a. Increase the risperidone to 1mg QAM, 2mg QPM
    b. Discontinue risperidone and prescribe a long-acting injectable such as Invega Sustenna.
    c. Discontinue risperidone and initiate therapy with clozapine.
    d. Augment the patient’s risperidone with brexpiprazole.

3.75 points 


  1. Stephanie is a 36-year-old female who presents to the clinic with a history of anxiety. Social history is unremarkable. For the last 4 years, she has been well controlled on paroxetine, however she feels “it just doesn’t work anymore.” You have decided to change her medication regimen to vortioxetine 5mg, titrating up to a max dose of 20mg per day based on tolerability. The patient asks, “When can I expect this to start kicking in?” The best response is:

    a. 3 or 4 days
    b. 1 or 2 weeks
    c. 3 or 4 weeks
    d. 10 weeks

3.75 points 


  1. Which of the following medications, when given intramuscularly, is most likely to cause severe postural hypotension?

    a. haloperidol
    b. lorazepam
    c. benztropine
    d. chlorpromazine

3.75 points 


  1. Rebecca is a 32-year-old female who was recently prescribed escitalopram for MDD. She presents to the clinic today complaining of diaphoresis, tachycardia, and confusion. The differential diagnosis for this patient, based on the symptoms presenting, is:

    a. Panic disorder
    b. Gastroenteritis
    c. Abnormal gait
    d. Serotonin syndrome

3.75 points 


  1. Amber is a 26-year-old female who presents to the clinic 6 weeks postpartum. The patient states that she has been “feeling down” since the birth of her son. She is currently breastfeeding her infant. You diagnose the patient with Postpartum depression. Which of the following is the LEAST appropriate option in treating her PPD?

    a. paroxetine
    b. escitalopram
    c. citalopram
    d. sertraline

3.75 points 


  1. Jane is a 17-year-old patient who presents to the office with signs consistent with schizophrenia. She states multiple times that she is concerned about gaining weight, as she has the perfect prom dress picked out and she finally got a date. Which of the following is the least appropriate choice to prescribe Jane?

    a. Aripiprazole
    b. Olanzapine
    c. Haloperidol
    d. Brexpiprazole

3.75 points 


  1. Jordyn is a 27-year-old patient who presents to the clinic with GAD. She is 30 weeks pregnant and has been well controlled on a regimen of sertraline 50mg daily. Jordyn says that “about once or twice a week my husband really gets on my nerves and I can’t take it.” She is opposed to having the sertraline dose increased due to the risk of further weight gain. You have decided to prescribe the patient a short-term course of benzodiazepines for breakthrough anxiety. Which of the following is the LEAST appropriate benzodiazepines to prescribe to this patient?

    a. diazepam (longest half-life)
    b. alprazolam
    c. clonazepam
    d. lorazepam

3.75 points 


  1. Earle is an 86-year-old patient who presents to the hospital with a Community Acquired Pneumonia. During stay, you notice that the patient often seems agitated. He suffers from cognitive decline and currently takes no mental health medications. Treatment for the CAP include ceftriaxone and azithromycin. The LEAST appropriate medication to treat Earle’s anxiety is:

    a. sertraline
    b. duloxetine
    c. citalopram (torsades with azithromycin)
    d. venlafaxine

3.75 points 


  1. Cindy is a 55-year-old patient who presents with symptoms consistent with Generalized anxiety disorder. The patient has an unremarkable social history other than she consumes two or three glasses of wine per night. Which of the following would be an appropriate therapy to start this patient on?

    a. Xanax 0.25mg BID PRN Anxiety
    b. Escitalopram 10mg daily (SSRI)
    c. Buspirone 10mg BID
    d. Aripiprazole 10mg daily

3.75 points 


  1. Richard is a 54-year-old male who suffers from schizophrenia. After exhausting various medication options, you have decided to start him on Clozapine. Which of the statements below is true regarding Clozapine?

    a. Regular blood monitoring must be performed to monitor for neutropenia.
    b. Clozapine can only be filled by a pharmacy that participates in the REMS program.
    c. Bradycardia is a common side effect of Clozapine.
    d. A & B
    e. All of the above

3.75 points 


  1. Which of the following statements are true?

    a. First-generation (typical) antipsychotics are associated with a higher incidence of EPS.
    b. Second-generation (atypical) antipsychotics are associated with a higher risk of metabolic side effects.
    c. There is evidence that atypical antipsychotics are significantly more effective than typical antipsychotics in the treatment of cognitive symptoms associated with schizophrenia.
    d. A & B
    e. A, B, and C

3.75 points 


  1. Thomas is a 28-year-old male who presents to the clinic with signs and symptoms consistent with MDD. He is concerned about starting antidepressant therapy, however, because one of his friends recently experienced erectile dysfunction when he was put on an antidepressant. Which of the following would be the most appropriate antidepressant to start Thomas on?

    a. Vilazodone
    b. Sertraline
    c. Paroxetine
    d. Citalopram

3.75 points 


  1. Melvin is an 89-year-old male who presents to the clinic with signs/symptoms consistent with MDD. Which of the following would be the LEAST appropriate medication to prescribe to this elderly patient?

    a. nortriptyline
    b. amitriptyline (active metabolite)
    c. desipramine
    d. trazodone

3.75 points 


  1. Martin is a 92-year-old male who presents to the clinic with signs/symptoms consistent with MDD. The patient suffers from glaucoma and just recently underwent surgery for a cataract. Which of the following is the LEAST appropriate course of therapy when treating the MDD?

    a. sertraline
    b. amitriptyline
    c. duloxetine
    d. vilazodone

3.75 points 


  1. teve is a 35-year-old male who presents to the primary care office complaining of anxiety secondary to quitting smoking cold turkey 2 weeks ago. The patient has a 14-year history of smoking two packs per day. The patient has an unremarkable social history other than a recent divorce from his wife, Brittany. Which of the following would be the LEAST effective medication to treat Steve’s anxiety?

    a. Buproprion (precipitates anxiety)
    b. Sertraline
    c. Varenicline
    d. Alprazolam

3.75 points 


  1. John is a 41-year old-patient who presents to the clinic with diarrhea, fatigue, and recently has been having tremors. He was diagnosed 19 years ago with bipolar disorder and is currently managed on Lithium 300mg BID. As the PMHNP, you decide to order a lithium level that comes back at 2.3mmol/l. What is the most appropriate course of action?

    a. Investigate other differential diagnoses for his symptoms.
    b. Tell John to skip his next four Lithium doses and resume therapy.
    c. Tell John he needs to go to the hospital and call an ambulance to bring him.
    d. Prescribe loperamide to treat the diarrhea and ropinirole to treat the tremors

3.75 points 


  1. Sam is a 48-year-old male who presents to the clinic with signs and symptoms consistent with GAD & MDD. Which of the following medications would be the LEAST appropriate choice when initiating pharmacotherapy?

    a. duloxetine
    b. sertraline
    c. mirtazapine
    d. buproprion

3.75 points 


  1. Mark is a 46-year-old male with treatment-resistant depression. He has tried various medications, including SSRIs, SNRI, and TCAs. You have decided to initiate therapy with phenelzine. Which of the following must the PMHNP take into consideration when initiating therapy with phenelzine?


    There is a minimum 7-day washout period when switching from another antidepressant to phenelzine.


    Patient must be counseled on dietary restrictions.


    MAOIs may be given as an adjunctive therapy with SSRIs.


    A & B


    All of the above


Production Possibilities Model

  1. Below is a production possibilities table for consumer goods (automobiles) and

      capital goods (forklifts):


Define, Graph and EXPLAIN a Production Possibilities Model using the table below. In your explanation, I want to hear your thoughts on Opportunity cost, attainable, unattainable, economics growth, specialized growth, tradeoff, what’s being produce, Economic resources etc etc.



Persuasive essay outline worksheet from class PHI 105.

Persuasive essay outline worksheet from class PHI 105.

Assignment Directions:

Use the Persuasive Essay Outline on the next page to outline your persuasive essay by completing the following:

  • Use the feedback you received from your instructor to revise your thesis statement.

    1. Write your thesis as a complete sentence (as you would in your essay) in the “Thesis Sentence” section under the Introductory Paragraph heading in the outline below.

  • Create a topic sentence for each of the three paragraphs that comprise the body of your essay.

    1. Record the topic sentences in each of the “Topic Sentence” sections under the “Support for Thesis” headings in the outline below.

    2. Your topic sentences should be persuasive in nature and support your thesis.

  • Write at least three details for each topic sentence.

    1. These details should provide support for the topic sentence.

    2. Remember to include at least one in-text citation for each supporting paragraph.

    3. Paraphrasing is preferred, use direct quotes minimally.


PHI105_T4_Persuasive Essay_Outline Worksheet (A)

Cost Accounting- Budgets

You will create department budgets for the four main departments of SRS Educational Supply Company: Sales, Purchasing Operation,and Finance. review the information for Final Project II. Then, using the Final Project II workbook, complete the four department budgets for the three-month period beginning July 1 and ending September 30.Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below:I.Budgeting: Prepare Budgets Complete the following:

A sales budget by month and in total

A schedule of expected cash collections from sales by month and in total

A merchandise purchase budget in dollars by month and in total

A schedule of expected cash disbursements for merchandise purchases by month and in total

A selling and administrative budget by month and in total

A schedule of expected cash disbursements for selling and administration


Applicant Essay for an Internship in Cybersecurity

More and more hiring actions start with a written essay from job candidates followed by a telephone “screening” interview. For this week’s discussion topic, you will take on the role of an applicant for an internship in a CISO organization. You are at the first stage in the application process — writing the essay. You have been asked to respond to ONE of the following questions:

1. Why should a large company (>1000 employees) adopt and use COBIT 5 to manage IT security risks?

2. How does compliance with the four Payment Card Industry (PCI) Standards help an e-Commerce company manage IT security risks?

The application review committee is a group of managers (both technical and non-technical) who depend upon IT security to protect their business operations (including intellectual property, company strategic and financial information, and customer data). The purpose of the essay is two fold. First, the review committee is looking for the ability to think critically and analyze a relevant problem. Second, the review committee is looking for applicants who can communicate effectively in writing for both technical and non-technical audiences.

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