Category Archives: Research Papers

Accounting Question

1. Long Problems: Download the excel templates provided; complete the 3 problems and save then with your name; submit them using the file upload.

2. Multiple choice questions: select the BEST answer that is the most accurate, fully correct answer.


English question

The topic is about the relationship between experience and leadership. use the two General Aviation accidents colgan 3407 and pinnacle 3701 to prove that the amount of experience dose not necessarily guarantee an effective leadership.


Critical Forensic Literacy Activity

In this critical forensic literacy activity you will a warranted claim and illustrate how that warrant is justified by scholarly research. To achieve this, complete the following steps:

  1. First, state your basic claim: this is your core argument.

  2. List the 5 scholarly sources you are using for your data and evidence.

  3. Then, write your warrant statement by discussing the claim in more detail, making direct reference to the data and evidence you found in the 5 scholarly research sources.

  4. Respond to at least one of your peers’ posts with a critique of their warrant and sources, as appropriate. Use the following critical forensic literacy evaluation rubric to score their post, and explain your scoring in your response.


Strength of material

after 7 hours from now, exactly at 7:45am (EST) i will send you 2 or 3 questions, i want their answers in 1 one hour. you can use your handwriting or have it encoded. if you are using handwriting, please be clear and simple.

– attached is information about the subject.



Writing Question

Your essay will focus on how the process of GENDER SOCIALIZATION in our society and detail how FAMILY, SCHOOL and MEDIA play a primary role in socializing young children. Specifically address the negative impact gender socialization has on FEMALES.

In your introductory paragraph, you will need to define Gender Socialization, using the academic articles assigned below.

Keep your focus narrow. The broader the topic, the more difficult to keep your essay focused. You do not have to cover everything on this topic!

This essay will function as a literature review. Literature reviewsuse secondary sources (the assigned articles), and do not report new or original experimental work. Meaning you are to use the research to make an argument, rather than stating your own opinion. You may “analyze” research by using other research (the assigned articles to either support or refute arguments.

Refer to at least three course readings in your essay. A total of 5 scholarly sources are required. All sources MUST be academic/scholarly sources.

All factual information should have a cited reference. Your in-text citations, as well as reference page, must adhere to APA format.

Your in-text citations, as well as reference page, must adhere to APA format.

You do not need an abstract or a titled page.


Essays should be approximately 1,000 words (not including your reference page). Each to be given points for content and form; papers should not be substantially under or over the 1000-word requirement.

Essays should be double-spaced, times new roman font or arial

These are the articles you can use in your essay:

Capitalist Industrial Society

Work, Family, and Black Women’s Oppression

Gender Socialization Theory

The Social Construction of Gender

Theoretical Approaches to Gender Development

Gender-Role Socialization

The Media as an Agent of Gender Development


Review & Compose

To confirm that you have mastered the content for this module, complete the end of module review below.

Independently answer the following essay questions using your own words.

  • Compare and contrast the differences involved between purely domestic logistics operations and the challenges of global logistics systems as related to aviation and aerospace companies.

  • Assume you are the logistics vice president for a major airline seeking to expand its international operations. What factors would you consider when determining where to locate parts and maintenance warehouses and facilities? What are the cost trade-offs involved?


Business Question

-Contains relevant background information

-Draws upon course text and lecture material

-Explanations are well-organized

-Central ideas are presented very clearly, cogently, and effectively

-All sources are cited using APA style

-Minimal spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors



-12-pt Arial font

-One-inch wide margins on all four sides

-Submitted in MS-Word

-Includes a Title Page


ECOM101_E-commerce Project

  1. Business software 1 marks

The development of an e-commerce website requires more interactive functionalities, such as the ability to respond to user input (name and address forms), capturing customer orders for goods and services, clearing credit card transactions on the fly, consolidating price and product databases, and even adjusting advertising on the screen based on user characteristics.

  • Explain the different types of software used on the website to perform the current functionalities.

  • What can be done to improve the software?

  1. Payment and Security 5 marks

  • What are the methods of payment available in the online store?

    • What other methods can be added? Explain why?

  • What are the technologies used on the website to secure the online transactions?

    • What other technologies can be added? Explain why?

  • What is the current privacy policy of the online store? Outline how the information is collected and used?

    • What can be added to the privacy policy? Explain why?

  1. Categorize marketing and advertising strategy and method. 1 mark

  • Explain the current online, offline, and social media marketing strategies of the e-commerce business?

  • What can be done to improve the marketing aspects of the business?


  1. Know your competitors. 2 marks

  • Choose a website of one competitor in the same industry (locally or globally) and compare it with your chosen company’s site. Indicate why the competitor’s website is better or worse than the chosen company’s website. Provide screenshots with explanation.

  • What can be done by learning from your competitor’s experience?



Geography Question

1. Take a look at this website, or others you find on the web, that document the Black Lives Matter murals that have gone up around the world in the last year:…

2. Why do you think so many people chose street art as a medium to express their feelings in the wake of George Floyd’s death?

3. Drawing on the chapter by Tim Cresswell, do you think the BLM murals are “transgressive” or “out of place”?

4. Again, drawing on concepts from Cresswell, do you think they can change the meaning of the places where they have been made?


Assembly Machine


Discussion spans multiple weeks so you only need to complete it once before the due date, not multiple times.

Please respond to the following prompts in the Reply box shown below.

  1. Describe the most interesting thing you learned in Chapter 3: MIPS Assembly Part 2 (20 points)

  2. Write/ask a question that you have about any topic in Chapter 3. The question can be a question you know the answer to or don’t know. (20 points)

  3. Answer the question in your own words the best you can. (20 points)

  4. Reply to at least two or more of your classmates’ initial posts and answer their question in your own words. (20 points)

  5. Reply to at least one or more of your classmate’s reply to your question with another question or comment. (20 points)

  6. (Optional) Create a short video to answer the questions above; include the video link in your reply.

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