Category Archives: Research Papers
Accelerometer with STEMMA QT 4-Pin I2C cable and msp430
Explain configuration for accelerometer. (5 points)
How frequent are accelerometer values being read. (5 points)
Explain how accelerometer values affect ball position. (5 points)
Explain purpose and configuration of each timer used. (2 points)
Explain how ball hitting a wall is detected. Did corners make it challenging. (3 points)
tele-medicine delivery systems
Research tele-medicine delivery systems and select one that is appropriate for a specific healthcare organization. Your paper will include the following and will be presented in the final Week 8 live class as though you were presenting the option to the organization’s leadership for their approval:
- Reasoning and justification for the use of tele-medicine technologies
- Networking infrastructure that must be in place to support tele-medicine
- Regulations that exist governing tele-medicine and healthcare networks
- Plans to secure healthcare data in transmission over the network
- Plans for managing network uptime and redundancy
- Selection of a tele-medicine delivery system that meets the needs of the organization, including at least two others you have researched and why they were not selected. Write 6-8 APA-formatted page.
Question 2: Presentation
Based on this Assessment , present your technical summary and system selection. Your presentation should be at least 8-10 slides and last approximately 10-12 minutes, depending on the number of students in the class and time available. Presentations will be given as though to the organization’s leadership for their review and approval.
education and teaching
1- What makes the “one size fits all” paradigm in teaching and testing so appealing to policy makers and some educators?
This assignment supports student learning objectives 2, 3, 4, and 5.
2-List and discuss the characteristics of a high-quality early childhood care and education program. As a classroom teacher, how will you assure that your classroom meets standards for high quality?
This assignment supports student learning objectives 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Puckett, Margaret B. Meaningful Assessments of the Young Child: Celebrating Development and Learning. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008.You will adopt this source, and I will send its pages to quote from it, and another external source can be adopted
This is a finance one, years ago you invested in 7 acres of land at the edge of town with the
thought of expanding your business on the property sometime in the future. In the years since
you bought the property the city expanded around your acres and now you see an opportunity
to sell your property. You have also started a different building project that you do not have
fully funded and will need to borrow money unless you are able to sell the property on the
edge of town.
The building project is being done over several years and has a $19,000,000 price tag. You have
secured 12 million so far, can restructure another 2 million dollars with internal borrowing, but
are counting on 5 million from the sale of the land to avoid borrowing that amount. You have
not received any offers for the full amount but have received offers around 3 million but feel
that is far below the value of the land and you do not want to give it away. At some point you
will need to borrow the 5 million as the project is completed early in 2023. You estimate a
business loan will have an interest rate of around 6 percent annually. Prepare a business
proposal using financial functions like pmt or fv to predict when you would be better off taking
a low offer (Scenario Manager might be a good tool) rather than waiting for the land to sell at
your asking price. You should show what the loan is going to cost over time vs. what it would
cost if you took a lower offer – I would suggest you model it based on a sale of both 3 million
and 4 million. Charts/graphs along with payment plans showing interest and principal over
time to help me understand when it starts costing more to wait for the full offer vs. taking a
lower offer now. If you think you can secure a lower interest loan you could show the costs
based on lower (or higher) rates as well.
MAT 510 Business Statistics
The research department of an appliance manufacturing firm has developed a new bimetallic thermal sensor for its toaster. The new bimetallic thermal sensor can sense the temperature of the bread and move the lever arm to activate the switch. The research department claims that the new bimetallic thermal sensor will reduce appliance returns under the one-year full warranty by 2%–6%. To determine if the claim can be supported, the testing department selects a group of the toasters manufactured with the new bimetallic thermal sensor and a group with the old thermal sensor and subjects them to a normal year’s worth of wear. Out of 250 toasters tested with the new bimetallic thermal sensor, 8 would have been returned. Seventeen would have been returned out of the 250 toasters with the old thermal sensor. As the manager of the appliance manufacturing process, use a statistical procedure to verify or refute the research department’s claim.
Create 8–10 slides, including a cover and a sources list, for a presentation to the director of the manufacturing plant in which you:
- Summarize the problem with the appliance manufacturing firm’s toaster.
- Propose the statistical inference to use to solve the problem. Support your decision using a scholarly reference.
- Using Excel:
- Develop a flowchart for the proposed statistical inference, including specific steps.
- Compute all statistical calculations.
- Place your flowchart in a slide.
- Determine if you can verify or refute the research department’s claim.
- Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.
Unit 7 – Health Care Data: Strategies, Services Alignment & Data Governance
Below is an outline of the items for which you will be responsible throughout the week.
DUE: Early in the week
Read the following early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).
Required Textbook Readings
- Wager, K. A., Glaser, J., & Lee, F. W. (2022). Health Care Information Technology Management . In Wager, K. A., Glaser, J., & Lee, F. W. (5th Ed.). Health care information systems a practical approach for health care management (pp 113-142.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass . . – (WO 1,2,3)
- Wager, K. A., Glaser, J., & Lee, F. W. (2022). Data Governance and Analytics. In Wager, K. A., Glaser, J., & Lee, F. W. (5th Ed.). Health care information systems a practical approach for health care management (pp 237-258.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass . . – (WO 1,2,3)
- Wager, K. A., Glaser, J., & Lee, F. W. (2022). Emerging Technology Management. In Wager, K. A., Glaser, J., & Lee, F. W. (5th Ed.). Health care information systems a practical approach for health care management (pp 287-306). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass . . – (WO 1,2,3)
- Maron, J. (2020). The Shared Responsibility of Implementing Value-based Health Care. Clinical Therapeutics, 42(1), 7–9. (WO 1,2,3)
- Nokkala, T., & Dahlberg, T. (2019). Empowering citizens through data interoperability – data federation applied to consumer-centric healthcare. Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare, 11(4). (WO 1,2,3)
- DeCamp, M. (2019). Patients’ Views About Patient Engagement and Representation in Healthcare Governance. Journal of Healthcare Management /, 64(5), 332–346. (WO 1,2,3)
DUE: Day 2 (Tuesday)
View the Unit 7 Lecture and Learning Content Video on the following topics:
- What is Data Governance– (WO 1,2,3)
- Data Governance Explained – (WO 1,2,3)
DUE: Day 3 (Wednesday) -32 Points
Initial Discussion Post: Post your 500-600 word response to the assigned discovery questions (DQ) to the Group Discussion Board. Access the groups through the “Discussion Board ” link in the left menu bar. Each student is assigned a discussion question. Locate your assigned group and select its link. Scroll down to Group Tools and select the Group Discussion Board link. Finally, select your group discussion board and create a thread to post your assignment. Please note: It is recommended to backup your initial discussion post in a Word Document in an event of any technical issues.
Discovery Questions
DQ2 – Determine and justify if consumers should continue to have a role in data governance to address shared-decision making based on the known challenges of data literacy. (WO2,3)
Discussion will include the following 4 components:
– Add new information or viewpoints
– Provide context by example, inference, explanation, or comparison
– Critically evaluate discussion content
– Challenge, question, or refute discussion content or accepted knowledge
Unit 7: Learning Content – Improving Data Data Governance
LEARNING CONTENT – Data Governance Explained
Based on the topics covered in this course it is important to consider what may make data governance better. The role of health care professionals and consumers should be considered. It is important to consider if all stakeholders have the same role in maintaining data governance. The video below provides a brief explaination of Data Governance using various industries as they may be applied to healthcare.
Click below to watch the online video.
Data Governance Explained
Duration: 7:47
User: n/a – Added: 5/20/22
IBM Technology (2022, May 5th) Data Governance Explained [Video File]. YouTube
Reflect of what you have learned in week 1-7 of the course. Answer the following questions in 250-300 words based on your own individual learning experience. There should be no collaboration with other students.
- How do you apply your previous course units into the data exploration, management and governance covered in Unit 5-7?
- How would you apply what you learned so far in this course since Unit 5-7 to your professional life if asked to work with data?
- What’s your greatest “take away” learning so far in this course for regarding health care data (collection, management, information to knowledge) ? Why?
- What unanswered questions remain?
Unit 7: Summary
The course began discussing Health Information Sysems as the tool for data collection, storage and retrieval. Another role is to convert data to information and knowledge. In other units we addressed the importance of data literacy, quality and security of data. In Unit 5 all students had the hands on simulation with an I2B2 database and given the opportunity to present individuals conversion of data into information and knowledge. Each of you has shown that there is not one way in which the task can be done. In the final unit we took a closer look at governance and data management which is dependent on data literacy, data quality and security.
Through the completion of this course you have gained knowledge and skills in key area of Health Informatics presented as the American Medical Informatics (AMIA) domains in the field of Health Informatics. The American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) provides information about the knowledge and skills required by a Health Informatics Professional.
The AMIA domains covered in this course include the following:
- F2 Information Science and Technology
F2: Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of information science concepts; methods and tools to locate, interpret, synthesize and integrate information; and how these methods and tools influence the evolution of health care data into knowledge.
- F4 Health Information Science and Technology
F4 #1: Demonstrate the appropriate application of healthcare information technology and systems thinking; methods and tools and standards to analyze, design, develop and implement solutions to address specific healthcare systems challenges. (how to move data around etc design a solution)
F4#2: Demonstrate the appropriate application of methods, tools, and computational thinking to collect, organize, visualize, integrate data and to design and develop systems that address stakeholders needs and environment context. (now that you have a solution, turning the information to knowledge)
- F6 Social, Behavioral Aspects of Health
F6# 2 Demonstrate the ability to consider role of social determinants, patient generated data and informed decision-making to improve health outcomes.
- F10. Leadership
F10 #2: Demonstrate behaviors and effective communication to motivate, direct and guide stakeholders, building collaborations throughout the organization and bringing resources to projects, programs, and people to accomplish a health informatics vision.
CS552CH2: Object-Oriented Design
- Read Chapters 9, 10, 11 & 12 of the textbook.
- What are the main principles for User Interface Design? Describe any one of the principles in detail.
- Name the basic principles of output design.
- Name different System architectures, give examples of each.
- Name the three different types of Clouds. How do they differ from each other?
Name the different Cloud Services and briefly describe each of them
INSY 4305 Lab 5 Instructions
- Create a class CellPhone with following fields: (see
String model, manufacturer, double retailPrice
Add Constructors, Accessors and Mutators.
- Create another class CellPhoneList to store Cellphone objects in an ArrayList. This class can be used to serialize cellphones into an XML file.(see
- Create a program (see with menu options as shown below:
Sample Run
——–Menu Selections——-
1 – Create cell phones and write in text file
2 – Display cell phones from text file
3 – Create cell phones and write in xml file
4 – Display cell phones from xml file
5 – Exit
? 1
Creating cellphone objects and write into txt file…
cellphone list stored in txt file.
——–Menu Selections——-
1 – Create cell phones and write in text file
2 – Display cell phones from text file
3 – Create cell phones and write in xml file
4 – Display cell phones from xml file
5 – Exit
? 2
Reading cellphone list from txt file
Model Manufacturer retail price
Pixel1 Google 899.99
11 Apple 499.99
13 Apple 1009.99
S21 SamSung 600.00
Xperia Sony 614.22
——–Menu Selections——-
1 – Create cell phones and write in text file
2 – Display cell phones from text file
3 – Create cell phones and write in xml file
4 – Display cell phones from xml file
5 – Exit
? 3
creating cellphone objects and store in XML file…
cellphone list stored in XML file.
——–Menu Selections——-
1 – Create cell phones and write in text file
2 – Display cell phones from text file
3 – Create cell phones and write in xml file
4 – Display cell phones from xml file
5 – Exit
? 4
Reading cell phone list from XML file…
Model Manufacturer retail price
Pixel 6 Google 899.99
iPhone 11 Pro Apple 499.99
iPhone 13 Pro Apple 1009.99
Galaxy S21 5G SamSung 600.00
Sony Xperia 5 III Sony 614.22
——–Menu Selections——-
1 – Create cell phones and write in text file
2 – Display cell phones from text file
3 – Create cell phones and write in xml file
4 – Display cell phones from xml file
5 – Exit
? 5
cause of the Global Financial Meltdown
Watch the movie, Inside Job and the PBS Documentary the Ascent of Money.
What is your analysis of the cause of the Global Financial Meltdown and the resultant bailout of the large US Banks and Insurance Companies such as AIG? You can answer any of the additional questions. Was this simply a failure in regulation? What ethical missteps were taken to allow such a serious blow that affected so many people in the form of lost jobs and homes? Does the blame lie with the powerful few and intense competition in an unregulated environment or is it something fundamental about human nature that causes such things to happen from time to time? Discuss these questions or pose questions of your own that deal with the root causes of the financial crisis. What role does personal consumption and our propensity to over-consume play in this (and other) financial crises?
Since the foundation of anthropology as an academic discipline, a major dimension of cultural anthropology has been to explore and compare the diversity of human groups. For this assignment, select a modern day linguistic and cultural group (other than the Dobe Ju/Hoansi) whose worldviews and cultural practices are substantially different from those in the United States (for example, the Tuareg, the Kalash, the Hmong, the Yoruba, the Quechua, the Inuit, etc.). Using at least two major themes developed in the course (economic systems, kinship and family, political organizations, etc.), explain predominant values and norms associated with this culture, contrast these with similar practices in the United States, and explain how both are increasingly affected by global processes.