Category Archives: Research Papers

Sociology Question

1. What is Juneteenth? Be specific! (35 words or more with a separate word count)

2. Read and summarize “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” (Links to an external site.) (35 words or more with a separate word count)

a. Do you agree with the author/speaker?

b. Does the author/speaker argue from a place of authority?

c. Explain your answers.

3. Why is“Lift Every Voice and Sing” (Links to an external site.)
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called the Black “Negro” National Anthem? (35 words or more with a separate word count)

a. Why should Black people have their own National Anthem?

b. Isn’t the “Star-Spangled Banner” good enough for all Americans?

c. Explain your answers.

4. Who gave the speech “Slavery A Positive Good?” (Links to an external site.) (35 words or more with a separate word count)

a. Does the author/speaker argue from a position of authority?

b. Is s/he right or wrong?

c. Explain your answer.


Media Criticism / FAMST 70

Part 1: Essay Questions (worth 30 points each)
• For this part of the exam, choose two (2) sets of essay questions below.
• Provide plenty of detail, answer every question as thoroughly as possible, and make sure to refer frequently and explicitly to course readings, lectures, and screenings. Engagement with the readings is particularly important.
• This is an exam, not a paper, so there is no need to articulate a thesis or worry about adhering to an introduction-bodyconclusion structure. Nor is there reason to repeat the questions in your answers. On the other hand, do not produce a disorganized mess. The various questions relate to each other, and this should be clear in how your organize your answers.
• If you feel you must use direct quotations, use them sparingly—no more than two or three per essay. Keep quotes short and pointed, and include a citation. To demonstrate your knowledge of the material, it is much better to describe with paraphrase and to explain and analyze in your own words.
• Each essay should be 700–900 words in length.
1.) How does Barthes (“Rhetoric of the Image,” “The Kitchen of Meaning,” “Myth Today”) formulate the distinction between denotation and connotation? What does he mean by the term “myth”? Drawing on the documentary Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse, explain how advertising mobilizes various myths (e.g., love, happiness, material abundance) to sell consumable products. What does myth have to do with the reproduction of social ideologies? How does reader-response criticism—and the notion of “active audience” more generally—suggest that the process of ideological reproduction via the circulation of myths is not simple, uniform, or absolute in its effects? In “Encoding/Decoding,” Hall distinguishes between “dominant-hegemonic,” “negotiated,” and “oppositional” positions. Explain what he means by each of these. How does Conquergood’s ethnographic research (“Is It Real?”) show that media audiences matter in their particularity? How does it suggest the insufficiency of Hall’s analytical categories?
2.) In “Fandom as Pathology,” Jensen states that “the concept of the fan involves images of social and psychological pathology.” What does she mean by this? What are the two types of pathological fan? What are the characteristics and the historical conditions of each? What ideological prejudices help explain the fact that scholars and connoisseurs of high culture are often thought worthy of respect, whereas fans of popular culture are often thought worthy of ridicule or contempt? How does Chatman’s “Black Twitter and the Politics of Viewing Scandal” offer a decidedly “non-pathological”—indeed, more elevated and affirmative—account of fandom? Why does she insist that, for certain viewers of Scandal, fan-tweeting constitutes a form of political engagement? Does it follow that the online activities of the show’s “anti-fans” also constitute a form of political engagement? Why or why not?
3.) For this essay, think about—and across—the following texts: Bridle, “Complicity,” Zuboff, “Home or Exile in the Digital Future,”
Tufekci “Platforms and Algorithms,” and Seymour, “We Are All Addicts” and “We Are All Celebrities.” How does each of these authors assess the promise and possibilities of digital media as well as their problems and dangers? How do the technologies and
practices they discuss confuse or complicate traditional distinctions between publicness and privacy? Between labor/production
and leisure/consumption? Between community, interactivity, and the logic of celebrity? Between civic participation and corporatecapitalist exploitation? Between individual freedom and social control? How do the documentaries Nothing to Hide and The Social Dilemma illustrate, extend, or challenge some of the key ideas and arguments advanced by these authors? What contemporary social-media myths do the short films Aspirational and Boomerang satirize? What asp ects of social-media culture and economy do these films perhaps fail to adequately consider or critique?



Auto Insurance Exercise

1. What is the difference between a pure no-fault automobile insurance law and a modified no-fault automobile insurance law.

2. Describe two types of programs which provide automobile insurance for high-risk drivers.

3. Explain these automobile insurance rating Factors And why insurance companies use them:

a. Territory

b. Age or driving experience

c. Credit-based insurance scores

d. Multi-car policies

4. Compare and contrast Uninsured Motorist Coverage and Underinsured Motorist Coverage.

5. What is the difference between Medical Payments Coverage and No-Fault Personal Injury Protection?

6. George has a standard, unendorsed Personal Auto Policy (PAP) with coverage for collision loss (with a $500.00 deductible) and other than collision loss (with a $250.00 deductible). What dollar amount, if any, will his PAP pay for each of the following losses? If a loss is not covered or is not fully covered, explain why. Treat each loss separately:

a. George collides with a deer. The damage will cost $900.00 to repair.

b. A thief breaks into George’s car and steals CDs valued at $600.00.

c. George earns extra money after class by transporting shoppers from the Millcreek Mall to their homes after the shoppers are done with their shopping trips. During one of these trips, he lost control of his vehicle, hit a telephone pole and caused $3,000.00 in damage to his vehicle.

d. While driving a friend’s older vehicle with permission, George leaves the roadway and strikes a tree. The car, valued at $1,500., is a total loss? The friend just carries minimum liability limits.

e. A runaway K-Mart shopping cart causes $500.00 in damages to his parked car.

f. George drives his car to Toronto where it is stolen.

g. George is struck from behind by an uninsured motorist. There is $2,000. in vehicle damage caused by the uninsured driver.

7. Louise is the named insured on a PAP with the following coverage:

Liability $500,000. Combined, single limit

Medical Payments $2,000. per person

Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists Coverages $100,000. Single limits

For each of the situations described below, indicate the amount, if any, that Louise’s PAP would pay for the loss. Assume that she lives in a state that does not have no-fault insurance. Consider each situation separately. Explain your answers:

a. Louise’s cousin, Larry, borrows her car. He gets drunk, drives off the road, strikes and kills a farmer’s cow. The cow was valued at $1,500.00.

b. Louise was involved in an accident with another motorist, who claims Louise did not have the right of way. The injured driver was awarded damages of $300,000. Legal defense costs incurred by her insurance company were $50,000. Describe what is paid under various parts of the PAP.

c. An uninsured driver hits Louise’s 4 year-old son when he is attempting to cross the street. The son was in a cross-walk. Medical bills are over $45,000. If there is coverage, take a reasonable guess at the amount paid and the coverage involved.

d. Louise rents a car while on vacation in Italy. She causes an accident. The other driver has medical bills of $10,000.00 and will not be able to work for a month, losing $2,000 in wages.


Microsoft Project

CASE- Use MicroSoft Project and Answer All Questions while providing supporting evidence

Case -Part A:

Input the following (see Information at end of case) into Microsoft Project and answer the following completely using paragraph form.

NOTE: Put a title in the first row of your Gantt chart input view and then enter all activities, indenting to show WBS (i.e. Project Approval starts on line 2 of input Gantt view):

Suggestions:1). To the left of Info column, right click, select Insert Column and add WBS; 2) Enter title on line 1 (or insert line as 0) then enter the info from that tables below, indenting or outdenting ( see Task Menu for Arrows); and 3) ensure there are no ? after any duration. For Resources, enter on Resource Sheet, determine 100% or more (teams of workers), and for all general info see MS Project Documents in Study Aids for MS Project Tutorial and/or study the suggest ancillary resource from the library or YouTube or MS videos on topic.

Your Activities:

Prepare a short memo that addresses the following:

1.Will the project as planned meet the September 25 deadline? (Assume that you start on August 1, 2021; work day is M-F 9 to (default hours); Labor Day is Holiday)

2.What activities lie on the critical path?

3.How can you determine the critical path from your Microsoft Project work?

In your answer to Part A, include the following:

a.Input Gantt View

b.Gantt Diagram (must show with activity and line numbers)

c.Network Diagram (readable to me; may need to copy and stack)

d.Statement of activities on the critical path (in your answer to #2 above). Do not just list line numbers or IDs but STATE the activities. Can show CP grouping activities but ensure that the activities listed are all one path; if multiple paths state each path)

Case: Part B:

Suggestions: 1) Enter resources and costs in Resource Sheet noting % (100% is one worker for durations—in this case set as M-F for 8 hours with one holiday); 2) Check Resource Graph for dates of overallocations –if any; and 3) Level —first within slack –using Level All instead of Ok.

Continue your Memo answering the following questions:

4.Which resources are overallocated? On what dates?

5.How did you resolve the overallocations?

6.What is your duration for the project?

7.What are the critical path activities?

In your answer to Part B, include the following:

a.Resource Sheet View with overallocations shown

b.Resource Graph(s) for overallocations by date

c.Gantt chart View showing duration and CP activities


Computer Science Question

1. Review the specification (specification.pdf) in the docs directory. You will absolutely need to understand it and the code you are debugging. The main method for the program is in Note that your boss finally got the buggy makeTree method in from the previous developer. Spend some time tracing through the code and creating a diagram of how the classes and code are put together. This will help you a lot later on!
2. Fix all bugs that are identified by the tests generated by the unit tests in the following classes:
3. See buglist.txt file in the docs directory. One sample entry is included. For each bug
that you fix add an entry to this file that includes:
a. The file/class name where the bug was.
b. The method where the bug was
c. The line number(s) where the buggy code was
d. A description of what the bug was
e. A description of what the fix was.
4. The previous developer made a set of example input and expected output in the input_tests directory. These tests will likely not pass yet even after fixing the bugs identified by the unit tests.
• See the README.txt in this directory for help running the tests. The easiest method is to copy your .java files from src to this directory and run the script in a terminal or git
bash command line shell.
• Compare the output in the .out files with the expected .gold files.
• For each output that differs from the expected output, debug the code and determine the reason for the mismatch. Fix any identified bugs missed by the unit tests.
5. Record any new bugs found and fixed from Step 4 in the previously created buglist.txt
6. Commit and push back the bug fixes and the buglist.txt file to the remote repository.



Contemporary ethics

Whenever you read or hear an interesting or questionable argument about an ethical issue, remember or copy it, then write a summary [if it is online, give a URL link] and comment for the Dustbin. Whenever one of your classmates posts an argument or comment that seems interesting or questionable, write a response for the Dustbin.

You should start at least one thread in each forum in the first two weeks that it is open. You should also respond to at least one of your classmates’ threads in each forum–you have three weeks to do this.

The best grades will go to posts which:

  • summarize clearly and accurately

  • comment or critique incisively

  • are alert to the complexity of ethical concepts and issues

  • are sensitive to the nuances, ambiguities and beauties of language

  • show an understanding of ethical principles and approaches, and an ability to apply them

  • maintain civility even in disagreement.


Criminal Justice exercise

1) Identify ONE specific theory (The Theory we are using is The Psychoanalytic theory which is explained below) and the associated theorist(s) from the relevant course section, then summarize IN DETAIL how the theory explains deviant/criminal/criminal justice behavior. This should be your LONGEST section.

2) Provide a “tweet” summarizing Step 1 using only 144 characters (or less). You DO NOT actually have to tweet your summary or have a Twitter account. (Basically Summarize Step 1 in 144 words or less)

3) Create a concept map of the theoretical process that you described in Steps 1 & 2. (Example in PDF Below)

4) Provide access to your crime/criminal justice event that can be explained using the theory you selected. Write a brief summary of what occurred (~one paragraph) and then discuss IN DETAIL how the event might possibly be explained using the map you created in Step 3. (Please Choose any event you feel fits the Rational Choice Theory)

5) Identify or create and briefly discuss some criminal justice policies/practices based on your theory that could have prevented the current event you found for Step 4 above. The more policies/practices you discuss, the better

Psychoanalytic theory is the theory of personality organization and the dynamics of personality development that guides psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology. Emphasizes importance of child-rearing early development.

Theory of Male Criminality (Alexander & Healy, 1935) –Focused on why boys commit the majority of crime

• And, built on Aichhorn’s argument about poor parenting–But, also argue that 3 factors lead boys to commit more crime:•Brotherly rivalries, competition with/against parent(s) (e.g., Oedipus complexes), & deprivations


Statistical Analysis Report


You are currently working at NCLEX Memorial Hospital in the Infectious Diseases Unit. Over the past few days, you have noticed an increase in patients admitted with a particular infectious disease. You believe that the ages of these patients play a critical role in the method used to treat the patients. You decide to speak to your manager, and together you work to use statistical analysis to look more closely at the ages of these patients.

You do some research and put together a spreadsheet of the data that contains the following information:

  • Client number

  • Infection disease status

  • Age of the patient

You need the preliminary findings immediately so that you can start treating these patients. So, let’s get to work!

Background information on the Data:

The data set consists of 65 patients that have the infectious disease with ages ranging from 41 years of age to 84 years of age for NCLEX Memorial Hospital.


  • Answer the questions below in a PowerPoint presentation.

  • Include the summary calculations and the formulas in your slides either symbolically or from Excel. Do not round your results.

  • Show calculations in your Excel spreadsheet.



Implicit Bias Evaluation

“Identify, research, analyze and evaluate a sport program, facility, or event for the manifestation of implicit bias related to race, ethnicity, gender, disability or other demographic. After a description of this state of affairs, you will be asked to propose solutions on how to address and mitigate this implicit bias.

To prepare, complete the following:

National Public Radio piece that gives some context –

Implicit Bias Exercise –

Inclusion Begins with “I” – 

and a little happiness –…



Each of the following questions can be answered with a single name or a single term, or at most a few words or a short sentence. There is no need for long or elaborate answers here. Type your response directly after the question.

  1. The city on the island of Crete was home to the fables Palace of Minos.

  1. What adjective is used to describe the ritual “mysteries” that celebrated the goddess Demeter and the changing of the seasons? (ONE BONUS POINT for naming the Athenian soldier-statesman who was accused of profaning these mysteries on the eve of the campaign against Syracuse.)

  1. What name was given to the “rearing” system devised for physically fit boys who were citizens of Sparta?

  1. What ruler briefly flourished as tyrant in Athens (although his sons did not) before the establishment of democracy there?

  1. The outcome of the First Persian War was decided almost solely by this pivotal battle.

  1. To slow down enemy invaders during the Second Persian War, a Spartan-led force fought almost to the last man at this spot? (ONE BONUS POINT for providing the nickname of the elite Persian unit the Greeks encountered here.)

  1. As he rose to power in Athens, Pericles defeated and successfully ostracized this more traditionally-minded politician and soldier? (ONE BONUS POINT for naming the ally of Pericles who was murdered by pro-oligarchic forces, and whose democratic reforms Pericles soon put into place.)

  1. During the lead-up to the Peloponnesian War, which city-state clashed MOST DIRECTLY with Athens over hotspots like Megara and Corcyra?

  1. Once the Peloponnesian War got under way, what recently-constructed defenses did Athens rely upon as a central part of Pericles’s strategy for the conflict? (ONE BONUS POINT for naming the event that unexpectedly threw Pericles’s clever plans into complete disarray.)

  1. What neutral island did the Athenians infamously victimize during the so-called Peace of Nicias? (ONE BONUS POINT for naming the play most likely written in response to this event.)

  1. Plato outlined his political philosophy most famously and most thoroughly in which work?

  1. Which Greek playwright used the myth of Orestes and his parents to ponder moral quandaries and the rise of the rule of law?

  1. Who transformed the Macedonian army into a complex fighting force operating according to the principle of combined arms?



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