Category Archives: Research Papers

Answering genetics questions

Hi, I need someone to help me with biology genetics multiple-choice questions. Please help me out! Thanks in advance!


Combinatorics questions

1. There is a connected graph with 8 vertices and 21 edges which has no
HC since 21 = (n − 1)(n − 2)/2 + 1 for n = 8. Is there such a graph if
we assume in addition that each vertex has degree at least 2? Please
provide one if it exists, or provide the argument if such graph does not
2. Show that a graph with 7 vertices and at least 17 edges has at least
two different HC – e.e different but at least one edge. ( note that
17 = (n − 1)(n − 2)/2 + 2 for n = 7)
3. Let G be a connected bipartite graph (i.e the set of vertices is split
as X
Y so that the edges are connecting some pairs xi ∈ X with
yj ∈ Y ). Show that if each vertex has multyplicity 3 then there is a
complete matching( i.e the number of vertices in X is the same as in
Y and there is matching of all vertices in X with vertices in Y )
4. Find a connected bipartite graph G with a minimal number of vertices
such that
(a) Each vertex has multyplicity either 3 or 4.
(b) X = Y where X and Y are as in the previous problem
(c) there is no complete matching
5. Describe all bipartite graphs modulo isomorphism with 12 vertices and
each vertex of degree 3.


Art exercise

Answer these questions about a picture i will provide.

    1. Create an alternative meaning that could be misconstrued for the artwork when viewed out of context. Be specific in your analysis of the artwork, subject matter, etc.

    2. Then, provide the correct context as described in your research.

    3. How much does context matter in interpreting an artwork’s meaning

    Capture-2.PNGDraped Reclining Mother and Baby , from 1983, is an abstracted image that has captured the essence of that close relationship. The sculptor Henry Moore said “the Mother and Child . . . has been a universal theme from the beginning of time” (Hedgecoe 1968:61).


Why Employment Laws are Important in Healthcare: Impact and Consequences

Less than century ago it was not uncommon to have children working in factories, long work days and weeks, and unfair wages. Over the past 50 years, employment laws have been enacted to protect workers from discrimination, unfair termination, and disparity in wages. In the healthcare field, leaders and managers must know these laws and how they impact the management of a diverse workforce and assess and manage the legal, ethical, and financial risks associated with not complying with these laws.

In this Discussion you will analyze two cases from the list of cases found in this week’s Learning Resources.

Note: This Discussion covers important regulations and laws that will impact your decision-making as a leader in healthcare. Please note that this Discussion is more substantive and is worth 48 points, rather than the 24 points allotted to all other Discussions in this course

Review the Week 3 Case Studies found in the Learning Resources and select two to focus on for this Discussion.

For each of the cases your selected (you must select two), post a cohesive and substantive response to the following:

  • Identify the cases you selected and address the questions posed in the scenarios you chose.

  • Support your post with reputable and current references from the Learning Resources and or other professional/academic/government resources.


Health and Medical Question.


A key part of your proposal will be to identify benchmarks and trends for the topic you have chosen for your documentation review. Benchmarks can come from national or state quality standards or trends. If your proposal is approved, you as the office manager will want to try to answer this question: How does our office data compare to national or state trends?You need to identify your benchmarks before you can collect and then compare the data. You decide what your benchmarks are. They could be based on national averages, state averages, or quality standards. For example, here is one quality standard: All patients with chronic, stable coronary artery disease are on an antiplatelet therapy or have supporting documentation as to why they cannot take an antiplatelet therapy. For instance, they may have an allergy.Another question to consider when establishing benchmarks is this: Are you comparing apples to apples or apples to oranges? In addition, if you are retrieving information from a national database or data from an HIE, how do you know your office data is comparable to the information you are retrieving? Consult your suggested resources for answers to these questions.For this second assessment, you are to:

  • Analyze statistical trends and assess quality measures relevant to your proposal.

  • Assess the compatibility of data drawn from multiple sources.

  • Determine the effects of health information quality on an HIE.

This assessment is completed in three steps:

  1. Step One – Preparation: Locate data related to quality measures or trends relevant to your topic from specific websites.

  2. Step Two – Data Collection: Create a data collection tracking spreadsheet and dashboard.

  3. Step Three – Data Compatibility: Write a short paper on data compatibility and quality.

Please study this assessment’s scoring guide to better understand the performance levels relating to each criterion on which you will be evaluated.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 4: Determine how a health information exchange (HIE) affects the management of patient data, clinical knowledge, and population data.

    • Assess the compatibility of data from multiple sources.

    • Explain the effects of health information quality on an HIE.

  • Competency 5: Integrate quality and change management strategies.

    • Analyze statistical trends relevant to a selected condition.

    • Assess quality measures relevant to a selected condition.

  • Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others, and consistent with the expectations for health care professionals.

    • Write clearly, with correct spelling, grammar, and syntax, and good organization.

    • Apply proper APA formatting and style to citations and references.


Step One: Preparation

Locate data related to quality measures relevant to your topic from one or more of these websites:

Step Two: Data Collection

Using the Data Collection Spreadsheet Guide [XLSX] as an example, create a spreadsheet containing three tabs: Dashboard Tracking, Data Collection, and Trending.On the first tab, Dashboard Tracking, draw from the information you gathered in Step One as part of your preparation for this assessment:

  • Identify the specific benchmark data you will compare with your office data. Remember it is up to you to establish your benchmarks.

  • Organize or create a spreadsheet to display the totals, percentages, averages, and so on of your office data and of the national or state data you will be using for comparison. Note: Your Office Data column will be blank because you are not collecting any office data. This is only a proposal to do an information review of the quality of care provided by the physician group. Data does, however, need to appear in the Benchmark (national/state) data column.

  • Include at least one comparison graph of your choice on this tab.

On the second tab, Data Collection, draw from the information you gathered in Step One as part of your preparation for this assessment:

  • Create a form you will use to collect specific data from the patients’ records.

  • Include a row for each patient.

  • Provide a column for each data collection point (quality measure) you will be comparing.

Note: The information on this page is totaled, averaged, et cetera, with the results linked to the first tab.To create your third tab, Trends, you will need to do some additional research. Identify national benchmarks for the condition you have chosen that could be compared to your office data. For example, if the trend in your office is that you are seeing more patients with asthma, but the national trend is decreasing, you have discovered a discrepancy that needs to be investigated.To perform your analysis:

  • Visit one or more of the following websites containing national data:

  • Locate and analyze statistical data relevant to the selected condition.

    • Examine trends:

      • What other meaningful trends exist? For example, consider the number of new cases, increases or decreases of cases within a specific age range or location, et cetera.

      • How do the national and state trends compare?

      • Is the national trend increasing or decreasing?

      • What is the percentage of cases who expire from the disease?

  • Identify the trending of one statistical result relating to the condition you selected over the last 5–10 years.

  • Create a line graph on the third tab of your spreadsheet, Trends, that illustrates the national and/or state trending of the disease you selected over the past 5–10 years.

Note: Remember you have not collected your office data yet for comparison purposes. You could add that data at a later time.

Step 3: Data Compatibility

Write a short section to add to the proposal you will complete in Assessment 3. Be sure this section of your proposal includes all of the following headings and your narrative addresses each of the bullet points.


  • Provide a brief 1–2-sentence high-level summary explaining data compatibility.

Data Compatibility

  • Assess the compatibility of the data:

    • How can you ensure data from multiple sources is compatible?

    • How do you know the data you are using for comparison is compatible with your office data?

    • What challenges are associated with data standardization? We do not want to compare apples with oranges. You want to be sure data from multiple sources:

      • Represents the same condition.

      • Uses similar statistical analysis.

      • And so on.

Effects of Health Information Quality on the HIE

  • Explain the difference between an HIE and a national database.

  • Explain what problems can develop if facilities submit incomplete or inaccurate information to an HIE.

  • Explain what problems can develop if facilities submit incomplete or inaccurate information to a national database.

  • Explain how incomplete or inaccurate data may affect your proposal.


  • Briefly reinforce your paper’s main points.


Your assessment should meet the following requirements:

  • Excel spreadsheet: Your spreadsheet must contain three tabs, be organized, contain appropriate graphs, and have correct spelling.

  • Written communication: Your paper does not need to be in APA format. It does need to be clear and well organized, with correct spelling, grammar, and syntax, to support orderly exposition of content.

  • Title page: Develop a descriptive title of approximately 5–15 words. It should stir interest yet maintain professional decorum.

  • References: Include a minimum of two citations of peer-reviewed sources in current APA format.

  • Length: 1–3 typed, double-spaced content pages, not including the title page and references page.

  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Asian American Literature

  • In Orientalism, the literary Critic Edward Said argues that the tradition of Orientalism is based on an “ontological and epistemological” distinction made between the East and the West. Moreover, Said argues, these cultural differences have been used to justify political actions and are the basis for the power play between East and West. How do these two aspects of Orientalism work themselves into David Henry Hwang’s M. Butterfly? How does Hwang overturn Orientalist assumptions in his play?


Education & teaching discussion question

  • Essential Question(s): How do we teach better (and more inclusive) social studies?

  • Part 1: Wrestle with the essential question(s) and respond to it/them. Answer the question(s) clearly and concisely, providing evidence or examples for claims, cite the readings/videos/podcasts when appropriate, making connections to your life and/or current events, and being reflexive over how the material has shaped your previous and present understandings of the topic.

  • Part 2: List a SAC that fits within the bounds of this lesson. And briefly explain how you think this SAC is related to this module, what you learned, and make suggestions about how the SAC and module could be used in their future classroom.


Network Diagram for the Optimal Solution

1. True/False: For each of the transportation problem, state whether it is true or false.
a. Transportation problems can only be feasible if the supply is at most equal to the demand.
b. Network is a graphical representation of the transportation problem using the nodes and
c. Dummy origin is added when the supply is more than the demand.
d. Transportation problems can only have minimization as objective.
2. Valence Pharmaceuticals has three manufacturing facilities in the US where they produce an anticancer drug. The drug is shipped from the plants to four distribution centers. Plants 1, 2, and 3
produce 12, 17, and 11 shipments per month, respectively. The distribution centers, A, B, C, and D,
each needs to receive 10 shipments per month. The distance (in miles) from each plant to each
distribution center is shown in the following table
Distribution Center
Plant A B C D
1 800 1300 400 700
2 1100 1400 600 1000
3 600 1200 800 900
The freight cost for each shipment is $1.00 per mile.
(a) Draw a network diagram representing the problem.
(b) Formulate a linear optimization model that can be used to determine the shipping plan that will
minimize total distribution costs. Make sure to follow the mathematical formulation steps clearly
(Remember that to formulate a model means to write it out mathematically. Do not set up your
model in Excel.)
(c) Is the capacity of the plants equal to the demand at the distribution centers?
3. Michael would like to drink 3 pints of home-brewed craft beer today and an additional 4 pints
tomorrow. There are two neighbors on his block who brew beer. Louise is able to sell up to 5 pints
of her beer. She’s charging $3.00 a pint today and will charge $2.70 a pint tomorrow. Serge is able
to sell up to 4 pints of his beer, at $2.90 a pint today and at $2.80 a pint tomorrow.



Career Institute of Florida Nucleic Acids and DNA Protein Interactions Discussion

1. the data table is in the image below. It has 7 species and 7 charateristics that have to be turned into a cladogram

2. There is 2 questions about cladograms and what is important and which cladogram is correct

3. Answer the question, How might different scientists construct different cladograms of the same species? Discuss the roles of observation versus opinion in constructing a cladogram.


History question

How did the market revolution affect the lives of workers, women, and Blacks?

Locke, Joseph L., and Ben Wright, editors. American Yawp: A Massively Collaborative Open U.S. History Textbook, Vol. 1. Stanford CA, Stanford University

this is required book

you also can use two videos on youtube which is

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