Category Archives: Research Papers

Basic communication

  1. What is the topic of your speech? _______________________________________________________

  1. Are you delivering a recorded or real-time online speech? ____________________________________

  1. What is your specific purpose statement? _________________________________________________


  1. What is your central idea? _____________________________________________________________


  1. What method of organization will you use in the speech? ____________________________________

  1. State in full sentences the main points to be developed in the body of your speech.




  1. What steps will you take to control the visual environment of your speech? Explain with regard to each of the following. Be specific.

  1. Setting: ___________________________________________________________________________

  2. Lighting: __________________________________________________________________________

  3. Framing: __________________________________________________________________________

  4. Eye contact: _______________________________________________________________________



Financial economics

1. (20) Automobile dealerships often advertise promotions such as “no payments for 90 days!” or similar deals that sound too good to be true. The goal, of course, is to entice buyers with the ever-tantalizing prospect of getting something now without having to worry about how to pay for it until later. Suppose that you are looking to buy a car priced at $35,000 and are offered a loan with a down payment of $5,000 and an APR of 6% over 60 months.

(a) (5) Calculate the monthly payment for this loan.

(b) (5) Now suppose that the dealer offers you “no money down, no interest, and no payments for 90 days!” and you naively interpret this to imply that the remaining payments are unchanged. In present value terms, what price do you think that you are paying for the car?

(c) (5) Somewhat coming to your senses, you realize that your monthly payment will go up to offset the missing initial payments, but still believe that you will see some savings because of the time value of avoiding interest for three months. What monthly payment do you calculate and what do price do you think you are paying?

(d) (5) Finally, you realize that if the dealer had any intention of offering you a discount, he would have let you know how much you’d be saving, and that “no interest” simply means that any unpaid interest is added to the principal. What is your actual monthly payment?

2. (20) One of the shortcomings of the dividend discount model is that it assumes that the firm can grow at the same rate indefinitely, and projecting a company’s future prospects based only on a brief snapshot of its current status can lead to wildly unrealistic estimates of its growth opportunities. Suppose that shares of Fly By Night Inc. are currently priced at P0 = 100, compared to a book value of B0 = 20 per share, with forecasted earnings of E1 = 8 and a scheduled dividend payment of D1 = 3 per share.

(a) (5) Using the constant growth model, estimate Fly By Night’s growth rate g and market capitalization rate r. Do these numbers seem plausible to you?

(b) (5) Upon closer inspection, you observe that all of Fly By Night’s growth opportunities consist only of a single investment project this year. After this year it cannot repeat this or undertake any other positive NPV project, and must pay out all subsequent earnings to shareholders. Suppose you believe that you are the only one who is aware of this, while all other investors are convinced that the stock will continue growing at the same rate forever. What should the stock be priced at?

(c) (10) You now realize that all investors are well aware of Fly By Night’s limited growth opportunities, and that this is already reflected in its price. What is the correct discount rate?

3. (30) Consider a portfolio choice problem with a risk-free asset with return rf and two risky assets, the first with mean return µ1 = 0.12 and standard deviation σ1 = 0.4 and the second with mean µ2 = 0.08 and standard deviation σ2 = 0.3, with correlation ρ12 = 0. For any stock portfolio let λ denote the proportion invested in stock 1.

(a) (10) Find the weight λ˜ that minimizes portfolio standard deviation σp.

(b) (5) Consider the tangency portfolio and let λ ∗ denote the weight it places on stock 1. Find the condition that defines this value, but do not solve for it, and explain how it would compare to λ˜.

(c) (5) Now consider varying the risk-free rate rf . Again without solving anything, explain how you would expect λ ∗ to vary as rf increases.

(d) (10) Show how the slope of the tangent line changes with rf . Recall a useful theorem that allows you to do this without ever actually solving for λ ∗ .

4. (30) Let Cara be a consumer who she exhibits no time preference δ = 1 and receives an endowment of W in each of two periods. There exists a single risky asset currently priced at P0 = 1 that next period has payoffs of P1 = ( 3 w/ prob. 2 3 0 w/ prob. 1 3 1 Consider Cara’s two-period utility maximization problem. max ξ u(C0) + δE[u(C1)] s.t. C0 = W − ξP0 C1 = W + ξP1

(a) (10) Find the first order condition for Cara’s optimization problem.

(b) (10) Predictably, Cara’s utility function exhibits constant absolute risk aversion u(C) = 1 − e −αC . Show that the number of shares she buys does not depend on her endowment W.

(c) (10) Suppose that Cara has a twin sister, Cora, who faces the same optimization problem but whose utility function instead exhibits constant relative risk aversion u(C) = C 1−ρ 1−ρ . Show that the number of shares she buys is proportional to her endowment W.


Astrodynamics 351 Iowa State

Please solve those practice exam problem. They are from astrodynamics class in aerospace major please show all steps thank you


Geology Question

Earthquake Preparedness
Create a separate word document that has the answers to the questions below.
(You do not need to repeat the question, just give your answers on the file you
create). Please be sure to read all and follow all directions.
For this assignment, you will be reviewing a United States Geological Survey
publication called “Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country” which can be
downloaded from Canvas.
Pages 4-7
1. What was the magnitude of the 1906 SF Earthquake? What was the length of the fault rupture?
2. What was the magnitude of the October 1989 Loma Prieta EQ? Approximate the length of fault rupture from the map.
3. Explain how earthquake frequency in the Bay Area changed as a result of the 1906 SF Earthquake.
4. According to geologists, what is the likelihood of a large magnitude earthquake
occurring in the Bay Area in the near future? (one sentence that gives the % and the
range of time).
5. Which Bay Area Fault has the highest probability for the earthquake described above? What is the probability?



PT 7.2: The Superb Owl


Learning Target

(HS-LS2-4) I can use mathematical representations to support claims for the cycling of matter and flow of energy among organisms in an ecosystem.


The Superb Owl!

Owls are nocturnal raptors that feast on small rodents, reptiles, and birds. If a farmer is having problems with mice or rats, a barn owl can be a big help. One pair of barn owls can catch more of these rodents than a dozen cats can. One study followed a one month old baby owl and gave it as many mice as it wanted. It swallowed 9 mice one right after another and ate 4 more only three hours later. In one year, a barn owl probably eats 2,000 rats and mice. 

Owls have a specialized digestive system because they cannot digest the fur, bones, or feathers of the organisms they eat. Their digestive system clumps the indigestible parts into clumps called a pellet which the owl regurgitates approximately 20 hours after it is finished eating.

Guiding Questions

How are matter and energy transferred in an ecosystem?

Task 1

In this lab you will be dissecting and analyzing owl pellets. The owl pellets you will be analyzing are from the common barn owl and have been sterilized. However, it is still important to sterilize the dissecting area and thoroughly wash your hands after clean-up. By dissecting owl pellets, we not only learn about the birds’ diets, but also learn about the ecosystem in which it lives.

To answer the guiding question, you will be provided materials to explore via a dissection of a barn owl pellet. Your teacher will have a “tool talk” to review what the materials are and how to use it appropriately and safely.

Here are required tasks that you will need to perform in your investigation:

  1. Inspecting the outside of your owl pellet

  2. Dissecting the owl pellet (use your fingers or provided instruments to carefully extract bones).

  3. Grouping similar bones together

  4. Classifying and recording your findings according to the owl pellet chart

You will need to record the data you collect from the owl pellet in a data table. Create your data table on the next page.

Other Observations:

Task 1

Keep a tally of the different bones you find in your owl pellet after dissection. Make an educated guess about what animals you found and how many you think were consumed.

Task 2

Trophic Pyramids


We will draw or create a google slide with a trophic pyramid that includes the owl at the top. First, draw a pyramid that shows what organisms are in each level and the amount of biomass that they take up in that ecosystem. Be sure to correctly label each trophic level. Be sure to label where the energy flows from each level.


DSO 424 HW3 Business Forecasting: build a predictive model to forecast data with R

Part I:

Perform exploratory data analysis and briefly summarize your findings.

Part II:

To ensure that your modeling and decision making process and recommendations based on your models are robust and credible in a range of possible future outcomes, you will apply the validation approach two times (see Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 described below) and evaluate models’ predictive accuracy using validation MAPE for both scenarios. Then you will average MAPE’s from both scenarios for each model and obtain the average MAPE for each model.

If appropriate and applicable apply the Box-Cox transformation for models in R.

Scenario 1:

Training set: start = 01/1992, end=12/2007

Testing set:   start = 01/2008, end=12/2009

Scenario 2:

Training set: start = 01/1992, end=08/2018

Testing set:   start = 09/2018, end=08/2020

Report the results in Table 1 in the answer sheet.


Extra credit if you try different models that we have not discussed in class (both time series and machine learning ones)!

Part III:

The model that has smallest average MAPE is the champion model. You will need to use the champion model to forecast next 12 months of data. Whatever forecasting approach is used to estimate future patterns of data, the results will inevitably be subject to significant uncertainty. An understanding of how this uncertainty could affect any decisions is therefore about as important as the forecast itself. Thus report both future forecast and corresponding 95% prediction interval in Table 2 in the answer sheet. (Do not include decimal digits!)

Part IV:

Plot all historical data, future forecasts with prediction intervals, and fitted values.

Part V:

Do you consider that your modeling approach presents an accurate picture of current and future data patterns? Does your model need to be improved?

Part VI:

Briefly mention what situations could potentially distort predictions, cause challenges in finding reliable and accurate predictive models to forecast this data and discuss the ways to overcome these challenges.


Project management final

So i have done this whole project but under a different prompt, just need it rearranged to fit current prompt.



Computer Science Question

Questions (Part 1)


  • What are the steps in the SDLC methodology?

  • What is RAD software development?

  • What makes the lean methodology unique?

  • What are three differences between second-generation and third-generation languages?

  • Why would an organization consider building its own software application if it is cheaper to buy one?

  • What is responsive design?

  • What is the relationship between HTML and CSS in website design?

  • What is the difference between the pilot implementation methodology and the parallel implementation methodology?

  • What is change management?

  • What are the four different implementation methodologies?


Exercise: (Part 2)


  • Which software-development methodology would be best if an organization needed to develop a software tool for a small group of users in the marketing department? Why? Which implementation methodology should they use? Why?




Assignment 2


From the attached CHAPTER 8 (Chapter 8 OEITO.pdf) – Review the Siemens AG case study. Note the importance of understanding the interrelationships amongst all the senior leaders at every location. Pay special attention to Figure 8.1 and Figure 8.2. Note how the corporate CIO should engage with each of the regional leaders. Why is this important?


Advanced Multivariable Calculus Basic Topology of Euclidian Space Exam Practice

2. (5 pts) The sides of a triangle a = 2m, b = 3m, and the angle between them is θ = 60◦
. Use linear approximation to estimate how much the third side c of the triangle changes when a, b, θ increase by 2 cm, 5 cm and 1◦ , respectively.



English Question

Informal Outline Guide

Part 1: Give a general introduction to the problem, including the thesis statement. The thesis statement should present a clearly defined position on a debatable topic.

Part 2: Present the history of the problem, including, perhaps, past attempts at a solution.

Part 3: Discuss the extent of the problem. Who is affected by it? How bad is it?

Part 4: Indicate what will happen if the problem is not solved.

Part 5: Connect the argument with facts that prove your points. Note the areas of objections and offer concessions if needed.

Part 6: Provide a conclusion, including a restatement of the thesis and summary of the main ideas.

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