Category Archives: Research Papers

Finance spreadsheet

Find all data for each column. DESCRIPTION:

To complete the project, you will need to collect the following data: the daily returns to the market factor, SMB, HML, and MOM (from Kenneth French website), the daily three-month Treasury bill rate, the daily default premium, and the daily term premium.



Law question

Post your thoughts here on Chapter 4

Post your thought here on chapter 5

Book below

Welsh, 2012 Criminal Justice: Policy and Planning, 4th Edition, Anderson Publishing/Elsevier Health & Sciences.

provide 2 generic responses to the posted posts.


Software Development

Find the challenges that your group will encounter attempting to move SuperTAX Software to the new platform. Refer to the presentation attached as you prepare your presentation.

  1. Prepare a presentation for the class.

  2. Define your positions in your group.

  3. For example: Project Manager, Senior Project Network, Senior Project Engineer, etc.


Nursing Theory

One formal paper about a nursing theory. The paper is to be a five to six (5-6) pages total (double-spaced, 12 font, 1-inch margins).


Statistics exercise

1) How would The University and control quality, as it relates to its undergraduate
students? Will this definition and control method change for graduate students?
2) What tools might The University implement to measure and improve quality?
3) Using the DMAIC process, imagine improving the quality of a large grocery chain
(such as Meijer). What will this improvement process look like?
4) You are a process engineer on a paint line, you have collected the following data for
a 90-day period. Using the following Pareto Chart, describe how you may attack the

5) If an event is certain to occur, what is its probability?
6) A local emergency room has a probability of an emergency will occur that is equal to 0.247. What is the likelihood that this HR will have a peaceful day?
7) What is the probability that you will correctly guess exactly five (5) out of ten (10)
correct answers to a TRUE or FALSE test?



Virtual Drinking Water Treatment Plant

1. Draw a process flow diagram of the main treatment process at the St. Joseph Drinking Water Treatment Plant presented in the virtual tour. A process flow diagram is a diagram that depicts the flow of water through various treatment processes of a treatment plant should be drawn using a computer program (for example, Powerpoint or Autocad) and plotted in landscape view where each process is labelled. See Figures 6-4 and 6-5 from your textbook for examples. You can use various boxes and basic shapes to represent different treatment processes but the textbook figures noted above will provide examples of typical diagrams. Be sure to indicate all chemicals that were added throughout the treatment process in your diagram. (15 points)
2. Create a table or list of the chemicals added during the treatment process. For each, explain why that chemical is added during treatment. (10 points)
3. Create a table summarizing key analyses conducted by the Morgantown Utility Board (MUB) and reported on in their 2019 CCR in compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). Your table should include the parameters listed below and the following columns that should be completed for each parameter: Parameter, Units, Type of Data Reported (for example, this may be range, average, maximum daily reading, 90th percentile, number of positive samples, etc. as specified by the MCL/MCLG for that parameter), Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL), Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG), and whether MUB is in compliance (yes or no). While much of this data is provided in the CCR in the form of various figures and tables, you may also wish to refer to Table 6-2 in your textbook for help identifying regulatory requirements for the SDWA.
In cases where a column is not relevant to a particular parameter, enter N/A to indicate not applicable. (25 points)



Inorganic chemistry

I have tried to adapt this laboratory from actual three-dimensional models you could hold in your hands to computer models freely available on the internet. Some things are lost in the process, such as the space-filling aspect, which is really necessary to appreciate the importance of closest-packed layers. Nevertheless, I hope you can get some sense of the three-dimensional structures by looking at the computer models. Even if you can find a quick answer to some of the questions, make sure you really rotate the models and look at them from all angles to convince yourself that you understand the answers in three dimensions!
1. Look at the NaCl structure here:
a. What is the coordination number of each of the green atoms, i.e. how many purple
atoms are nearest neighbors to a green atom? What is the coordination number of each of the purple atoms? Do not consider the atoms at the edge or face of the cube but focus on the atoms on the interior of the model.
b. Rotate the model until you can clearly see a C4 axis perpendicular to your screen. What other symmetry elements are evident from this perspective?
c. Now rotate the model until you can see a C3 axis. What other symmetry elements are evident from this perspective?



English Question

Follow the directions on question 5-12 to visit the EEOC website. Gather the information requested and compile it into a report to be uploaded to CANVAS. Use the information on the OKC office page. (Hint–search OKC EEOC). For the data you will need to start on the About EEOC tab. From there Statistics, Enforcement and Litigation Statistics, and Charges alleging sex-based harassment.

For the data, please only include FY 2018, 2019 and 2020.

You will upload to documents. The first will be the information on how to file; the second will be the statistics. Please fit the statistics to one page and highlight the information requested. Make sure I can read the data!

Only do part 2. You do not need to visit the school’s career center


Engineering Question

calculate the tail, lead and total slurry volume, displacement volume, water and additives requirements, differential hydrostatic pressure before releasing top plug, hydrostatic pressure in the annulus, and total job time for a 13.375 inches casing using the following data:

20” (ID=19.74”) shoe at 2000ft

16” hole to a depth of 6000ft

13.375” (ID=12.347”) shoe at 5980ft

TOC to be 500ft inside 20” casing shoe

Tail slurry to extend 500ft above the 13.375” shoe

The shoe track consists of 1 Joint (40ft)

30% excess and 11 ppg mud

Mixing and pumping rates are 10bbl/min

Lead slurry: class G cement + 0.3gal/stk extender +11. 35 gal/stk seawater, yield =1.99ft^3/stk density =13ppg

Tail slurry: class G cement + 0.05 gal/stk retarder + 0.05gal/stk+4.8 gal/stk fresh water, yield=1.13ft^3 /stk density = 13ppg

Ppg= lb/gal stk = stroke “ inches ID= inside diam


Confucianism and the Tokugawa Bakufu

What elements did Confucianism contribute to Japanese culture and to the Tokugawa bakufu? How might Confucianism be said to differ from Shinto and Buddhism? What is the similarity and difference with the School of National Learning?”

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