Category Archives: Research Papers

Nursing discussion question

  1. What are the key goals when large health systems collect and analyze patient data?

  2. In healthcare organizations you have worked in, what business intelligence tools have you seen used, and what was the impact on patient health?

  3. Is use of Business intelligence tools different in Healthcare than in other industries? Why?

  4. Support your responses with credible evidence.


Management Question

Activity I: A young engineer decides to save $240 per year toward retirement in 40 years.

  1. If he invests this sum at the end of every year at 9%, then how much will be accumulated by retirement time?

  2. If by astute investing the interest rate could be raised to 12%, then what sum could be saved?

  3. If he deposits one fourth of this annual amount each quarter ($60 per quarter) in an interest bearing account earning a nominal annual interest rate of 12%, compounded quarterly, how much could be saved by retirement time?

  4. In part (c), then what annual effective interest rate is being earned?

Activity II: Maurice Micklewhite has decided to replant his garden. Show him what the cost is of making an erroneous decision at various stages of the project, starting with conceptual design and ending with the ongoing maintenance of the garden.

The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to project management. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used. Make sure no Plagiarism and if take any reference please add in the last page.


Writing Question


a. Give a detailed definition of the differences between religious studies and theology, with an example of the type of questions each discipline might ask that is unique to that discipline, and

b. Give your thoughts on which discipline has more value and interest to you given your understanding of both disciplines.


a. Explain the general cultural and spiritual beliefs of animistic hunter-gatherer groups and give reasons why both the culture and spiritual beliefs changed for many in the advent of the archaic period.

b. Give your thoughts on the pros and cons the movement from animism to the more sophisticated hierarchical worldview of archaic religion. Was it overall an “advancement” for humanity or not?


a. Describe the concept of Brahman/Atman in Hindu thought during the axial age and contrast that with the concept of Anatman in Buddhism.

b. Without necessarily making a commitment to either religious tradition, which of these two traditions has a more convincing idea of the self to you, and why?


a. What are the differences between natural and special revelation in Christian theology?

b. Does the idea of universal natural revelation make sense to you? Why or why not?


a. Explain the differences between early churchmedieval16th century, and 20th century theology (who did theology, what historical and/or cultural circumstances are indicative of these periods)?

b. Is there a style of doing theology out of all of these listed that makes the most sense to you? Why or why not?


a. Explain Bernard Lonergan’s notion of how to do theology in modern times, and explain how Gustavo Gutiérrez’s liberation theology is an example of Lonergan’s method.

b. What do you think about liberation theology as a theological method? Is liberation theology’s starting point something that all theology ought to begin with, or would it only make sense in certain contexts?


Statistics question

1. A survey was conducted to study the proportion of smokers in UK. The question, “Do you smoke?” was asked to 1000010000 randomly selected UK residents. Results showed that 47.547.5% of them smoke. Determine:

(a) Population(b) Sample(c) Parameter(d) Statistics(e) Variable

2.A city department has introduced a quality improvement program and has allowed employees to get credit for overtime hours when attending the meetings of their quality groups. The total number of overtime meeting hours, for each of the 26 pay periods in one year by now, were: 30, 100, 100, 96, 194, 163, 65, 41, 100, 43, 96, 100, 80, 42, 100, 75, 95, 65, 43, 163, 41, 41, 80, 114, 30, 114

(a) Find the mean of the overtime hours.

(b) Complete the table and find the variance and standard deviation.

3. The number of days the first 22 heart transplant patients at Stanford survived after their operation were: 3, 15, 20, 23, 26, 32, 32, 32, 46, 48, 48, 56, 64, 68, 69, 69, 70, 71, 71, 80, 85, 125

(a) Find the median.

(b) Find the 90?ℎ90th percentile.

(c) Find the first and the third quartile.

(d) Is there any outlier in this data set?

(e) Construct a box plot.

4.The medical records of the 445 male diabetics patients reporting to a clinic during one year provide the following results:

Find the probability that:

(a) The age of the patients is above 40 and their parents are not diabetics.

(b) The age of the patients is above 40 or their parents are not diabetics.

(c) The age of the patients is above 40 given that their parents are not diabetics.

(d) The age of the patients is between 20 and 40 or their parents are diabetics.

If ?=A=”The age of the patient is below 20” and ?=B=”Patient’s parents are diabetics”.

(e) Are events A and B independent? Justify tour answer.

(f) Are events A and B mutually exclusive? Justify tour answer.


Annotation of children books


Two to three strong paragraphs summarizing the book.Enough information should be given so that you will be able to recall the details of the book in four or five years.

Book Talk Ideas

This should include ways you can motivate or assist the classroom teacher in motivating students to value reading and writing as valued lifelong activities. It should also include any enhancement materials that could be used. List any non-print materials available.

Companion Websites for this book or Author:

Includes any websites that include teaching ideas or information about this book or author.


Java question

You will find the minimum element from the lists of integers.

Input: [[5,2,31,9],[2,1,6,7,11],[55,1,7,8,9]]

Output: 1. [The minimum among the lists of integers]

1. Implement a program of O(N^k) runtime complexity of the problem. marks 50

2. Implement a program of ~ O(N*logN) runtime complexity of the above same problem and explain how you have achieved. [Hint : Apply the log rule -> sort the list of integers, then compare the first element of each] marks 50

Total 100

You can choose either C#, Python, Java to implement 1 & 2.

Attach the screenshot of your implementation with output and submit at most 3 pages

long *.pdf or *.doc file by Mar-21-21 11PM

You must upload at least 1 file You can upload up to 1 file



Among the many challenges managers face is providing accurate, timely, and effective feedback to employees. As a manager, how will you ensure you are giving employees the feedback they need to be successful on the job, while still carrying out the strategic plans of the organization? You are a district manager who manages 25 employees in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. You try to see your managers once a month, but when there are issues you constantly have to change your plans. Please respond to the following questions:

  • How will you connect with your managers when you don’t see them on a daily basis?

  • How do you monitor performance and give feedback both positive and negative?


Analyze the history of Caesar Cypher and its impact on cryptography

After reading chapter 3 from the textbook or from other sources write a 300 words assay with at least two citations and references.



Stress management implementation


A young woman sought psychological services after her cardiologist referred her for stress management and treatment of “heart attack” symptoms. This 36-year-old woman had the world by the tail. Marketing director for a local high-tech firm, she was in line for promotion to vice president. She drove a new sports car, traveled extensively, and was socially active.

Although on the surface everything seemed fine, she felt that, “the wheels on my tricycle are about to fall off. I’m a mess.” Over the past several months she had attacks of shortness of breath, heart palpitations, chest pains, dizziness, and tingling sensations in her fingers and toes. Filled with a sense of impending doom, she would become anxious to the point of panic. Every day she awoke with a dreaded feeling that an attack might strike without reason or warning.

On two occasions, she rushed to a nearby hospital emergency room fearing she was having a heart attack. The first episode followed an argument with her boyfriend about the future of their relationship. After studying her electrocardiogram, the emergency room doctor told her she was “just hyperventilating” and showed her how to breathe into a paper bag to handle the situation in the future. She felt foolish and went home embarrassed, angry and confused. She remained convinced that she had almost had a heart attack.

Her next severe attack occurred after a fight at work with her boss over a new marketing campaign. This time she insisted that she be hospitalized overnight for extensive diagnostic tests and that her internist be consulted. The results were the same–no heart attack. Her internist prescribed a tranquilizer to calm her down.

Convinced now that her own doctor was wrong, she sought the advice of a cardiologist, who conducted another battery of tests, again with no physical findings. The doctor concluded that stress was the primary cause of the panic attacks and “heart attack” symptoms.

APA Reference

Stress: A case study. (2007, February 18). HealthyPlace.

Using the case study above, answer the following questions.

Title of Your Paper

Include a brief snapshot of the patient history / case study. Do Not copy information directly from the article. Highlight a few important facts that you noted in the case study.


Causes of Stress (Module 1)

Determine the most likely causes of stress for this patient, and explain what symptoms lead you to believe she is experiencing stress.

Short-term Alternative Therapies (Module 2)

What relaxation and alternative therapies may be useful to promote stress reduction?

Consider the patient’s age, career, and mental status.

Questions to Ask (Module 3)

List question you would ask this patient to assess her current situation in a non-judgmental and therapeutic way.

Are there any safety issues, irrational thought processes, or personality traits evident from the case study that you would be concerned about?

Long Term Plan (Module 4)

What long-term coping interventions would you suggest for this patient based on the assessment you made in the previous sections of this paper?

Support Networks (Module 5)

What support networks do you think would be best to suggest to this patient and why?


Provide a brief summary of how you would follow up on this patient to determine if the interventions were successful. What would you expect to find in a reduction of stress?


Accounting Question

week 2a

This week you will completing Milestone 1. There are 2 tabs in the Excel file you should be working through which will related to the information you’ve been studying the last two weeks — Cost Classifications and Variable and Fixed Costs. One note: on the Cost Classification tab you do not need to put in the dollar amounts. Simply indicate the correct cost type with an X.

Here are some reminders of upcoming deadlines and tips that will help you manage the project for the term.


Week 3 – Paper on Costing Methods (2-4 pages)

Week 4 – Milestone 2

Week 5 – Milestone 3

Week 7 – Final Presentation (Investor Report – either a PowerPoint Presentation or an 8-10 page paper)


  • Get started on your deliverables early – I will grade the Milestones as I receive them throughout the week. If there are things I think you may want to look at I will be grading the rubric and adding general notes. If you get your assignments in earlier, you will have time to make corrections. You can also email me your milestones if you want feedback prior to submitting.

  • Print out the Rubric and mark it up as you go. Make sure you cover all the elements required.

  • When working in Excel, wherever possible, use formulas. This allows me to see what you did and give you feedback to modify, but also will keep you from recalculating totals, etc. because it will flow to any other schedules are using the data.

  • Once you’ve completed each Milestone, I suggest you take some time to incorporate it into your Final Presentation. The material will be fresh on your mind and it will make weeks 6 & 7 easier because you will only need to put the finishing touches on your presentation or paper.

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