Category Archives: Research Papers

Nutrient Removal For Activated Sludge

Q3.1) If an unaerated mass fraction fX1 is created at the beginning of the aerobic reactor, can the plant be able to comply with a TNeff concentration of less than 10 mg/L? If so, what fx1 do you suggest to implement to comply with the upcoming TNeff concentration of less than 10 mg/L?

Q3.2) If the plant cannot comply with the TNeff concentration of less than 10 mg/L, what modifications do you suggest to implement to meet the effluent discharge limit of 10 mgN/L?

Q3.3) What will be the selected a-recycle ratio?

Q3.4) What will be the expected TNeff concentration that could meet the upcoming TNeff discharge standard of less than 10 mg N/L?

Q3.5) If the plant is further optimized, what will be the minimum a-recycle ratio that could contribute to meet the upcoming TNeff discharge standard of less than 10 mg N/L while decreasing the internal recirculation flowrates?



Logo Presentation

1. The logo presentation will consist of a 2-3 minute presentation in which you share only the mechanics behind your logo, as well as how it will connect with public consciousness.

4. Remember that this logo is the logo you are creating for your 5 Minute Pitch business idea. You only have to speak about the logo itself for this presentation. You don’t have to discuss any other aspect of your 5 Minute Pitch.


Writing question

Define Quality?

What does Total Quality Management emphasize?

State the Deming philosophy.

What are the major steps for an organization to follow in implementing TQM?


Finance Question

You will write a detailed case analysis report on the Nike Inc. Case Study (attached PDF). The case analysis report should include three parts:

  1. Cover Page (APA Format)

  2. Executive summary: one page, double-space (APA Format)

  3. Case analysis: 5-6 pages of analysis (APA Format) with tables, figures, and notes attached as appendices, references page.

Your report should address the suggested questions for the case, but you are strongly encouraged to address additional points believed to be important for the analysis. Please review the syllabus and the resources listed below for additional information. The report is due on Sunday evening of Week 1 by 11:59 pm (EST).

Week 2 Case Study will be the topic of the discussion board in Week 3.

Grading: There are usually no absolute right answers for case studies. Instead, there are good arguments and bad arguments. Please review the rubric below for grading details. Also, utilize the information presented during the discussions to improve your understanding and insight into case study analysis.

Please use the attached Nike Inc Case Study PDF file to write the report, please use it as a reference also.


Mathematics Question

4. Simulation Study: Screening, Stepwise Selection, and ROC Curves
The following toy problem is motivated by the interesting (but very dicult)
problem of using genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to screen people
for rare diseases with genetic components. 2
(1) Load the data GWAS.csv, and split it into equal-sized testing and training datasets. The first column is the indicator function of a disease.
The remaining columns are indicator functions for a collection of alleles that have been studied. Fit a standard logistic regression model to the training set and apply to the testing set. Summarize the model fit and the performance of the model on the test data.
(2) Repeat the previous step, but this time use Lasso or ridge regression.
Compare the results.
(3) Draw an estimate of the ROC curve for the best method you used.
Describe any interesting features.
(4) You wish to use your model for screening. This means measuring a small number of variables, then forwarding a small fraction of people for further testing. Based on funding considerations, you wish to forward roughly 1 percent of the population for further testing. Describe a decision procedure based on the model you used in the previous step.
Does the plotted ROC curve influence your choice?




1. In the above figure, which line (dotted or dashed) represents the hare population. Explain.
2. In the lynx and hare example, are the lynx considered specialists or generalists? Explain.
3. Describe the population growth (or decline) patterns for Plant A and Herbivore A.
4. Do you expect this trend to continue? Explain.
5. Hypothesize: What do you predict will happen to the herbivore and plant populations after 100 days?
6. Was your hypothesis correct? Explain.
7. Describe the population trends for each species. Why do you think these trends occur?
8. Hypothesize: Predict what will happen to each population after 100 days.
9. Run the scenario for 100 days. Were your predictions correct? Explain.
10. Describe what happened to the population of plant A. Why do you think this pattern occurred?
11. What happened to the population of each plant species?
12. Inferring from this scenario ,which plant is the most competitive when an herbivore is present? Which one is the least competitive? Explain.
13. Hypothesize: Compared to the previous scenarios, do you expect the population size of the herbivores to be higher or lower in this scenario? What about the plant population? Explain.
14. Run the scenario for 100 days. Was your hypothesis correct? Explain.
15. Can you think of an environment where there may be a simple food chain like this? Why or why not?
16. Hypothesize: How do you expect the addition of the omnivore to change the outcomes of the scenario? Do you expect any species to go locally extinct? Explain.
17. Run the simulation for 100 days. Describe what happened to each species. Which species went extinct? Which species reached equilibrium?
18. Based on this scenario, what can you conclude about the competition and predation effects that omnivores can contribute to the food web?



English Question

After 1492

Purpose: This essay is an opportunity for you to reveal your ability to read a text (in this case, a film) and think critically. Doing so requires careful use of close reading and critical analysis. You will reveal your knowledge of the subject before presenting your own viewpoint of this topic.


  • BBC, “Racism: A History”

Topic: As we have discussed thus far, the creation of races was an intentional project that resulted from the European Enlightenment and its philosophical and scientific communities. In the documentary, “Racism: A History,” we see how the construction of race, and more specifically, antiBlackness, still affects our world today.

Writing Task

In a well-developed, thesis-driven essay of 2-pages (500 words) using the film, “Racism: A History” and our class discussions and lectures, respond to the following prompt:

Pretend you are trying to convince someone who believes we live in a post-racism and antiBlackness world that in fact, we are still dealing with a lot of racial injustice. What ideologies and practices shaped our world? Please use examples from the documentary.

Paper Requirements

Your essay should convince the reader that the claim you make (your thesis) is an arguable one, not simply a statement of fact.

  • Be sure to support your claim with quotes (textual evidence) from the film.

  • Papers must be 2-pages (500 words) and follow MLA format: typed, double-spaced, 12 pt., Times New Roman font with 1” margins and left-alignment.


Gender Studies Question

For one of the sources to use from the class readings, please use Crenshaw’s article and cite it in the works cited. Please let me know if you cannot open this link!…

The title of the article should be “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A black feminist critique….”

here are additional sources that our professor recommended we read:……

a broad general idea for the outline:

-feminism: what is it? what it’s perceived as? history, first feminist movements, etc

-modern-day feminism

-intersectionality, maybe use BLM as an example and Say her name article ^ as a source


Writing Question

The two ethic cases I was thinking of are the Controversial Patriot Act and the Reporting Recovery cases those are the instructions. The two ethic cases I was thinking of are the Controversial Patriot Act and the Reporting Recovery cases.


Partner Profile

Project #1 Essay Rubric

The author wrote an essay that meets the assignment criteria in terms of subject matter and genre. It is on topic and is appropriate for the assignment.


The author incorporated multiple quotes in an effort to capture the interviewee’s voice and create depth in their profile.


The essay is carefully proofread and edited.


The essay met the length requirement.


The author crafted a compelling and appropriate title for the essay.

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