Category Archives: Research Papers

CHE 1403: Circuits


Students will learn the relationship between voltage, current and resistance by exploring series and parallel circuits. Students will design and answer their own question.


Ohm’s Law describes the relationship between current, voltage, and resistance.

V = I R

For this lab, the resistance is provided by the light bulbs. Fortunately, the light bulbs can light up different amounts, which allows us to approximate the amount of power used. Based on your observations and calculations, you will be able to determine whether voltage or current controls the brightness of the light bulbs.

During this lab, we will also construct more complicated circuits known as ‘series’ and ‘parallel’. A series circuit has the electricity flowing through all elements, one after another, while a parallel circuit has multiple paths for the electricity to flow.

You will also generate a scientific question and then answer it using the circuit materials. When forming this question, remember to include ideas of independent, dependent, and controlled variables. Only one thing in your circuits should change at a time, so that you can be certain that any change in results is caused by the change you made in the circuit elements.


  1. Use the kit instructions to build a simple circuit with one battery, battery holder, and light bulb. Note your observations:

  2. Add a switch to your circuit.

    1. When the switch is swung away from the other side, does the bulb light? Is this circuit open or closed?

  1. When the switch is swung into from the other side (touching), does the bulb light? Is this circuit open or closed?

  2. Note any other observations. Particularly, compare with the circuit with no switch.

  1. Create the first series and parallel circuit from the kit instructions. For each circuit, record your observations:

  1. Compose a scientific question related to series and/or parallel circuits and your observations. What can you change about the circuit? Remember to change only one variable at a time. Have the instructor approve your question before proceeding.

What circuits will you need to build to test/answer your question? Draw them below



Website Development Question

Topics are: (CH8) Modules, Objects, and Forms (Processing forms with JavaScript) + Introduction to PHP (CH9) Introduction to Bootstrap CSS, create the HTML markup for your UI.

Over the next seven chapters, you will build a shopping-cart style application called CoffeeRun to manage coffee orders for a food truck. You will create CoffeeRun in three layers of code: the UI, the internal logic, and the server communication.

(CH8) In this chapter, you will create the internal logic and interact with it through the DevTools console

(CH9) You will be creating the UI for the CoffeeRun app in two parts. The first consists of a form into which a user can enter a coffee order with all of its details. In the second part, the existing coffee orders will be displayed in a checklist. Each of these parts will have a corresponding JavaScript module to handle user interaction.


Writing question

Please fill out the following information related to your working paper idea. When providing information about the study specifics (goals, methods, measures, results, etc.) please provide the page number where this information is located.

*Recall that a peer-reviewed source is a study (meaning it has research questions/goals, systematic research methods and analysis), that has undergone blind peer-review and is published in a verified journal (for example, many law reviews do not count).



Obedience chart

  • Use at least five articles from the book.

  • Use at least one video mentioned in the book or included in our course content page.

  • Include at least 10 big ideas in the row across the top.

  • Include at least 30-page numbers (if from the book) or timestamps (if from the video) in the chart.

  • using chapter 15 writing and reading across the curriculum thirteenth edition

  • Write 10 big ideas from that article in the row across the top of your chart. Just make these big ideas short phrases, not sentences.

  • Underneath each big idea, write down the page number where that big idea occurs


Interview Process

Once you have a clear understanding of what your organization needs, it is time to consider the interview process. This assignment is a continuation of the acquiring, developing, and leveraging employee process you have already been working on during this course. The interview process is an important step in hiring the right person for your organization.

For this assignment, develop an interview strategy you would consider using to interview and select the right candidate for your organization. You are required to use the job descriptions you developed in the previous assignment. As you are developing your interview strategy, think about testing options that would benefit the interview process.

The following must be included in your interview strategy (1,000 words):

  1. A detailed description of the time, place, format, interview type, and employees involved in the actual interview process.

  2. At least one testing option to be included in the selection process. Explain why this testing option is best suited for the selection process.

  3. A minimum of four situational and four behavioral interview questions that you would use to interview for both jobs. (Reminder: Use both of the job descriptions from your previous assignment.)


Windshield survey about zip code

I need one page about information gathered from windshield survey about this zip code Milwaukee, MI 53233. You can gather the information from these websites

1. Boundaries and land use patterns

Through observation, what are the boundaries of the neighborhood? How do you know the boundaries? Are the boundaries natural (such as a lake or hill) or manmade (such as a highway or park)? How is the land used in this community? What are the patterns? (Is there industry, commercial, housing developments, etc.?) Does the neighborhood have a name or a special identity? You may support the boundaries with information gathered from the internet and cite your sources

12. Protective Services

Where are the protective services located? (Police, fire, other) Are there any fire hydrants? Tornado sirens? Do you see police officers patrolling the streets?

13. Other

What other observations do you see? Consider signs of drug use/abuse, homelessness, or other indicators of health or safety challenges that might be present in the community.

13- Education Level


2131 D Sections Quiz 2

2131 D Sections Quiz 2

• 1: Suppose that your measurement of the diameter of the pickup coil is too large
by 5% . How will this affect the estimate of µ? Show your calculation.
• 2: Suppose that your measurement of the length of the drive coil is too large by
5% . How will this affect the estimate of µ? Show your calculation, but you may
ignore the p1 + (D/L)
2) in the denominator of “C”.
• 3: In part B, after the experimenter adjusts the frequency, why is it important to
readjust the amplitude?
• 4: The experimenter records the following values for the important dimensions of
their apparatus:
– Length of solenoid: 10cm
– Number of turns in solenoid: 3000
– Diameter of pickup coil: 2cm
– Number of turns of pickup coil: 200
They proceed to apply 40mA of alternating current at a frequency of 500Hz,
and the amplutide of the signal from the pickup coil is 0.42V . Suppose that
the uncertainty in all length measurements is 1mm. Is the experiment working
properly? (Recall that µ is supposed to ≈ 4π × 10−7 in MKS units.)



MathLab question

I.- [25 marks] The legendary Dr. Schrodinger has decided to hire you as his good Padawan. However, before finally signing the contract, he decides to put yourself to the test, for which he asks you to calculate numerically, using the derivative operator method seen in class, the first 25 energy eigenvalues ​​of the quantum system:

The good Dr. Schrodinger kindly shares with you the analytical solution of such a system:

Obtain your results using = 1, m = 1 and ~ = 1. Report the table of results obtained for the first 25 eigenvalues ​​of energy, as well as the percentage of relative error obtained with respect to the theoretical value. What is a major source of error in this problem, due to factor x2?

II.- [25 marks] By then, the legendary Dr. Schrodinger has already realized that he also has 23 other applications for his vacancy. Therefore, he also decides to challenge you to calculate numerically, using the shooting method (that’s right, Dr. Schrodinger wants to observe your research skills!), The first 25 eigenvalues ​​of energy of the following quantum system:

The good Dr. Schrodinger shares with you – again – and kindly the analytical solution to this quantum system:

Obtain your results using a = 1, m = 1 and ~ = 1. Report the table of results obtained, as well as the percentage of relative error obtained with respect to the theoretical value for the first 25 energy eigenvalues ​​of said system. Good luck with the hiring!

Deliverables: A printed document (and sent to my email) containing your results obtained, the MATLAB codes used (with their respective comments). Remember to include figures, bibliographic references, and conclusions as well as the corresponding flow diagram of the algorithm using in MATLAB.



Management Information Systems

a. What is the company’s situation?

b. Does the need for change exist? Explain

c. What are the key issues involved?

d. What features of contemporary e-commerce does Groupon Now! utilize?

e. What value does this service provide subscribing merchants? What value does it provide customers?

1. To date, what do you think is the most important thing you have learned during the performance of this case study? Please explain in at least two paragraphs.

2. How have the course materials taught up to this point helped you to understand this case scenario?


Law case study

you are required to submit a skeleton argument. The skeleton argument should outline your key submissions and the authorities you intend to cite in support of your arguments. The word limit is 500 words.

I have included the case file below.

You will be assessed according to your level of achievement of Learning Outcome 3, which states:

3. Compose appropriate legal written arguments on the admissibility of evidence.

In order to achieve this learning outcome you will need to demonstrate:

  • An understanding of the relevant rules of evidence and their application to the facts of the case;

  • An ability to research relevant rules and issues and construct a coherent and logical argument;

  • Adoption of language and style that is appropriate to the intended audience.

You will be expected to show:

  • Skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation of relevant legal rules, principles and concepts.

  • Knowledge and understanding of relevant legal rules, principles and concepts.

  • Appropriate research in preparation of your skeleton argument.

  • Proficient use of legal and other information and materials.

  • An understanding of the intended audience.

  • Present your work using an appropriate structure and format; and effective and precise written English.

Please see the marking grid which is available on Moodle for specific information on the marking bands for this assessment.

In particular,

first-class answer is likely to:

  • Demonstrate a high level of critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation of the relevant legal rules, principles and concepts.

  • Show an excellent knowledge and understanding of the relevant legal rules, principles and concepts and evidence in the case.

  • Demonstrate extensive independent research.

  • Display an excellent understanding of the intended audience

  • Submissions should be coherent, eloquent and well-structured and presented using an appropriate format.

  • Be an excellent piece of work, free of errors and omissions.

  • Demonstrate a good level of critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation of relevant legal rules, principles and concepts.

  • Show a good knowledge and understanding of relevant legal rules, principles and concepts and evidence in the case.

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