Category Archives: Research Papers

Reflective Journaling

Reflective Journaling Guidelines and Rubric

Reflective journaling is an evidence-based practice that assists students with strengthening personal knowledge of self as well as assimilating course concepts into their existing base of knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

Students will be provided with weekly reflective journaling prompts that address course topics, readings, and classroom exercises. Reflective journals will be submitted online to the learning management system (Canvas) via a text entry box provided on the journal submission link.

Respond to the specific questions assigned each week as the primary focus of your reflection.
You may also reflect on additional topics, thoughts, or experiences as desired.

NOTE: This assignment is set up to automatically award full points to students upon submission of their reflective journals to the online system; however, the instructor will review submissions and may deduct or adjust points if submissions do not meet the expected criteria as outlined in the rubric shown below and in the course syllabus.


Management Question


Professional man and woman looking over a proposal on a clipboard.

The first function of management to address for this proposal is planning. Decision-making is an important part of the process, and there are decisions that need to be made to get the event rolling.

For your assignment, ensure you identify your local school’s name and the school’s sports team that needs to raise money for uniforms. Ensure you are specific in answering the questions below in a research paper format. Remember, you need to “sell” your proposal to the school board to ensure you have enough details to be convincing. You can write your proposal in the first person.

Using the template provided, this week you will submit the first section of your proposal in a Microsoft Word®document that details the following:

  • Explain how the goods/services being donated will be collected and used for the fundraiser.

  • Explain how you will utilize the location donated to you.

  • Summarize how you are going to promote the event.

  • Describe the process you will use to collect the revenue.

  • State how you will present this process to the team of volunteers.

MGMT 201 Proposal Template (DOCX)


  • Proposals should always start out with the “why” and “what.” Example, state why the need for the fundraiser and what you are fundraising for. Include your school name, the sports team that needs the funds, and how much money you need to raise. This should be your introductory paragraph.

  • Be very specific in answering the direction questions. Example, describe what local businesses are going to help, explain what exactly each business will donate, and what you plan to do if you raise more than the cost of the uniforms, etc.

  • In planning, you need to estimate how many people may attend your fundraiser. Why? Because you need to know how much food, tickets, prizes, etc., to better plan and be prepared.

  • References should be on their own page at the end of the proposal with ‘References’ centered on the first line.

Remember to think strategically and use resources to support your information.


Rhetorical Criticism

This essay assignment will be an early draft of your Semester project. You should be working up a rough introduction at this point.

Step 1: Find a rhetorical artifact that you will be critiquing for your course semester project.

Step 2: Write up a quick draft of an introduction.

Step 3: Historical–Write up a page about the significance of this artifact–the effect it had (or has) on changing the attitudes, belief’s, and values of the people to whom it was intended. Here is where you explain the “Rhetorical situation” that called this artifact into existence.

Step 4: Biographical–Write a page about the life and background of the “Rhetor.” –the person, group, organization, company, government that produced the artifact.
Look up everything you can discover about the “rhetor” that is relevant to understanding the artifact.

I am only grading on your word count. The real aim here is to provide comments that will hopefully help you to complete the project and improve your writing.

Aim for 600 words at this point –2-3 pages, depending on your font & spacing.


UMAP 322 Difference Equations with Applications

Select one of the following two projects to do.

Note that the report should adequately summarize the derivation of the model(s), the key mathematical tools used, and the conclusions made.

1. UMAP 322 Difference Equations with Applications

Read pages 1-21 of UMAP 322 and write a 1-2 page report on the first order difference equations and their applications. In addition, solve problem 3 on page 21 (Note: the answer to this problem is at the end of the file, so you should explain in details how you set up the difference equation and the method to solve the equation).

2. UMAP 73 Epidemics

Read UMAP 73 and write a 1-2 page report on the model for an epidemic. In the report, address the following questions

1. What is the extent W?
2. and how to estimate W ? then do problem 5 on page 15.


Psychology Question

Title page (5 pts):




Page numbers

Abstract (5 pts):

Intro sentence





Introduction (15 pts):

Describes topic of study

Describes previous studies on this topic

Summarizes what we know about the topic

Describes goal of current study, including: Research question, Alternative possible outcomes, Logic of the design (how it will answer the research question)

Methods* (30 pts)(see M&R rubric):





Results* (15 pts)

Correct statistics reported in Results section

Appropriate figures

Discussion (15 pts)

Description of results

Implications of results

Limitationsof the study

Future directions

References (5 pts):

At least 4

Alphabetical order



Quality & Clarity (10 pts)

Word choice, flow, APA style, APA formatting, etc.APA paper, which should contain all of the following sections:

  • Title page

  • Abstract

  • Introduction

  • Methods

  • Results

  • Figure

  • Discussion

  • Reference


Computer science writing question


The semester project S1 consists of the Running Case tasks from Chapter 4 & Chapter 5.

1. Complete Task 4 as described in the Chapter 4 Running Case. Save the project charter as a Word document (35 points);

2. Complete Tasks 2-4 as described in the Chapter 5 Running Case. Save the project scope statement (15 points) and the WBS (25 points) inside one Word document, and the Gantt chart (25 points) as a Excel spreadsheet.

Note: As you might notice from reading the book, there are several software such as MS Project and MindView can be used to create the Gantt chart. However, Microsoft Project is quite expensive and the MindView has only 30-day free trail.

In order to learn the PM concept without costing a fortune, you will learn to use Excel to create Gantt chart by following LinkedIn Learning tutorials:


c++ project

C++ must be completed without the use of iterators.

Assume a classed named BankXA that contains info about a customer’s transaction. The class has 3 public attributes:
string xaDetail //some detail on the transaction
string type // assume the value will always be either “dep” for a deposit or “withd” for withdrawal or “END” if the last element
double amt //the amount of the transaction. The amount will always be 0 or more

Note that these attributes are public therefore you will not need setters and getters for this exercise.

You will retrieve a pointer to an array of some number of BankXA objects. This array contains a flag object or “sentinel record” that indicates the final element in the array. This element will have a type equal to “END” and has xaDetail equal to “END REC”. Either of these two values can be used to indicate there are no more records. The amt for this record should be disregarded.

See the numbered comments in the template to assist in completion of this project

1) Write a function called popBadTrans(). This function must return void and take two parameters:
A vector<BankXA> passed by reference
A BankXA pointer
The function will populate the passed-in vector with BankXA objects that are suspicious. A transaction is suspicious if it is a deposit for at least $10,000 or a withdrawal that is at least $5,000. Note that this function must be able to handle 1 - any number of elements as long as the final element is the sentinel record. Do NOT include any output in this function.

2) Retrieve a pointer to an array of BankXA into some variable.
This pointer variable should be assigned to the return from the included function named getXAs(). You should not change this function in any way. You will not know haw many elements the returned array has. The final element is marked with the sentinel record documented in the description above.

3) Declare a vector of BankXA.
This will be passed to the function described in 1 above.

4) Call the popBadTrans function here passing in the pointer to array of XA as the first parameter, and the vector declared above as the second

5) Output the number of suspicious transactions like:
xx suspicious transactions
where xx is the number of suspicious transactions found in 4 above. Do NOT put this output in the popBadTrans function itself.

6) Create a function that meets these specs exactly as stated. The function must be called totalDepositAmt() and will take a pointer to a vector of BankXA objects. The function must return the total amount of all the deposit BankXA objects in the vector. If a nullptr is passed to the function, the function must return 0.





using namespace std;


BankXA *getXAs();


//1) TODO: Implement your popBadTrans function here

//6) TODO: Implement totalDepositAmt function here
int main()


//2) Retrieve a pointer to an array of BankXA into some variable

//3) Declare a vector of BankXA

//4) Call the popBadTrans function here passing in the pointer
to array of XA as the first parameter,

// and the vector declared above as the second
//5) Output the number of suspicious transactions like:

//xx suspicious transactions.

//, where xx is the number of suspicious transactions found.

//6) Test totalDepositAmt here if you like, but remove any
output as that will cause one of the tests to fail
return 0;



BankXA *getXAs(){
BankXA *bxas=new
BankXA[10];bxas[3].type="withd";bxas[0].xaDetail="R. Wade getting
some $";

bxas[0].type="withd"; //dep, withd

bxas[0].amt=45.92;bxas[1].xaDetail="J. Faune getting some

bxas[1].type="withd";bxas[2].xaDetail="I. Boesky got cashier's

bxas[2].type="withd"; //dep, withd

bxas[2].amt=42885.5;bxas[3].xaDetail="S. Ronson getting some
$";bxas[3].amt=100.0;bxas[4].xaDetail="E. Thomas cash

bxas[5].xaDetail="JJ Jameson cash withdrawal";


bxas[5].amt=10000.0;bxas[8].xaDetail="Earl Mason got some

bxas[7].xaDetail="P. Ferb getting some $";

bxas[7].type="withd";bxas[7].amt=1487.0;bxas[6].xaDetail="E. Rue
made a cash deposit";bxas[6].type="dep"; bxas[6].amt=92317.0;

return bxas;


data.cpp file

this file mask as read only


using namespace std;

class BankXA{

string xaDetail;

string type; //dep, withd

double amt;



Econ 3370 HW 3

1. The OLS estimator for a single-variable regression can be expressed as a.

2. Consider a dataset with 32,000 observations. Two random variables X and Y contain information collected by survey to describe each observation in the sample. Consider the single-variable regression

A researcher first estimates the regression above with the entire sample (n=32,000), then splits the sample in half and estimates the same regression on the subsamples (n=16,000 each). When comparing the coefficient from each set of results, which of the following are true? Choose all that apply.

  1. If X and Y are normally distributed, each estimate will be exactly the same.

  2. Since the sample (and subsamples) have a large number of observations n, each estimateshould be exactly the same.

  3. If there is a strong correlation between X and Y, AND there is no measurement error in X,the estimates will be exactly the same.

  4. If there is a strong correlation between X and Y, AND there is no measurement error in X,AND the stochastic error term is normally distributed, the estimates will be exactly thesame.

  5. None of the above

Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Justify your answer choice for question 2 with 3 or 4 sentences. Use econometric terminology (hint: your answer choice in question 1 will help).

After estimating the multivariate regression model
a researcher uses the results to produce the prediction equation

True or false: the prediction equation is purely stochastic.
True or false: the residual is theoretical and impossible to calculate, since is unobservable.

We introduced R-Squared to measure goodness of fit. Which of the following describe the intuition behind R-Squared?

  1. R-Squared must be between 0 and 1.

  2. The higher the R-Squared, the closer the prediction equation/regression line fits thesample.

  3. R-Squared is only one way to describe the quality of a regression model.

  4. Adding additional explanatory variables to the regression will increase the R-Squaredeven if the new variable has no theoretical relationship with the outcome.

  5. All of the above

Explained sum of squares (ESS)
a. Describes how the variance in the outcome variable is explained by the residual. b. Describes how the variance in the outcome variable is omitted from the model. c. Describes how the variance in the outcome variable is explained by the model. d. All of the above
e. BandConly

For a multivariate OLS model, assume there are N sample observations, and k explanatory variables, such that we have the following general form

Use three sentences or less to define degrees of freedom and explain how adding additional explanatory variables (hence increasing k) will affect the degrees of freedom. Will the degrees of freedom increase or decrease? Assume a fixed number of observations N.

Caterpillar: Confidential Green


Political Science Question

Question: Compare and Contrast the society centered and state centered approaches to monetary policy. What are the pros and cons of each?


Explain the origins of the Red Flags Rule.

Instructions: The Red Flags Rule, a law enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), requires certain businesses and organizations — including many doctors’ offices, hospitals, and other healthcare providers, to develop a written program to spot the warning signs, or “red flags” of identity theft; a legal and ethical violation.

  • Utilize online resources and the Purdue Global Library to research the Red Flags Rule

  • Create an Identity Theft Prevention Program for a healthcare setting of your choice, based on the requirements of the Red Flags Rule. Be sure to include the following key components in your prevention program:

    • Procedures put in place to detect red flags in your day-to-day operations

    • Descriptions of how you plan to prevent and mitigate identity theft

    • Procedures for how you will respond when you spot the red flags of identity theft, provide examples

    • Descriptions of the training you will provide to the staff


  • Paper should be in APA format, and should be between 2-3 pages

  • Use at least 3 references

  • Submit completed Assignment by the end of Unit 4

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