Category Archives: Research Papers

Conduct and Observation and write a short Report on the Experience

Part 1 Observation

For this assignment, You will conduct an Observation at a Middle school for 7th and 8th graders that are in a special education class .These students have different needs like Special needs that include cognitive difficulties, physical or sensory difficulties, emotional and behavioral difficulties, and difficulties with speech and language. There are also 2 para educators to assist the students. The special education class consisted of 9 special education students You will observe an Adaptive reading assessment, by a special educator. Please discuss if students needed help. What type of help, How many worked independently?

In the observation It must look like you observed a real teacher and real students. Please include What grade level? What needs? How many students? Always establish the setting up front as I am not there and do not know what you are seeing. How many got acodomodations extra time to complete test?


This is a verilog programming code

In this question, you are asked to design a synthesizable ALU in Verilog. This ALU gets two 9-bit signed inputs (A, B) in 2’s complement format, and a 4-bit select input (S) based on which decides about the operation that should be executed. The output is Q, and you determine the number of bits for Q in order to have a correct answer. What follows shows these operations:

If S=0 Addition (i.e., A+B)

If S=1 Subtraction (A-B)

If S=2 Multiplication (only the least 8 significant bits are shown in output)

If S=3 Shift B to the right A times (and add 0 from right side)

If S=4 Rotate B to the left A times

If S=5 A is ored with B

If S=6 A is anded with B

If S=7 A is nanded with B

If S=8 A is xnored (the logical opposite of XOR, like NAND to AND) with B If S=9 complement of B is computed

a. Design this ALU similar the example we did in class. First write a verilog module for each operation and then instantiate them in Top.v. Make sure you first test and verify the functionality of each submodule and then test Top.v with different inputs.

b. Write testbench for the addition, subtraction, multiplication, shifts, rotate and complement Modules. Test with all extreme cases (e.g. all zero inputs, all one inputs, all positive inputs, all negative inputs, negative and positive inputs).

c. Write testbench top.v top_tb and test with all extreme cases (e.g. all zero inputs, all one inputs, all positive inputs, all negative inputs, negative and positive inputs).


3. Reconsider question 2 with the assumption that the output is a registered output, i.e., Q is loaded by the rising edge of the clock signal when reset is not active (RESET=0). Build the following:

A) Consider a synchronous resetting mechanism (RESET only acts in the rising edge of the CLK signal). Implement the circuit using a sequential case statement.

B) Consider an asynchronous resetting mechanism (RESET triggers a reset immediately, not only on the clock signal). Implement the circuit using a sequential case statement. Note: The only difference between part A and B is the reset mechanism, not the registered output.


Finance Question

Q1 (1.5 marks)


Ahlam Company’s net income for the year 2000, is $3,700,214. The company had an EBITDA of $ 10,125,300, and its depreciation and amortization expense was equal to $2,543,790. The company’s average tax rate is 35 percent.


  • What is the amount of interest expenses for the firm? (Show the details of your calculations).

  • Prepare a common sized Income Statement if net sales equal $12,000,000.


Q2. (1 Mark)


The following are accounts balance (in thousands) for Malak Company. Calculate Net Income after-tax (show intermediate steps) t=35% for the year ended December 31, 2020.


Net property and equipment

$ 2,000

Accounts receivable


Notes payable



$ 983,000

Supply expenses

$ 255,000

Depreciation expenses

$ 35,000

Labor expense


Interest Expenses


Stockholders’ Equity


Cash & cash equivalents


Long-term debt



Q3. Calculate the following ratios from the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement given below: (1.5 Mark)


  • Current Ratio

  • Debt Ratio

  • Fixed asset turnover

  • Total asset turnover

  • Operating profit margin


Balance Sheet:







Current assets


Net fixed assets


Total assets




Accrued expenses


Short-term N/P


Current liabilities


Long-term debt


Owner’s equity


Total liabilities and owners equity


Income Statement:

Net sales




Gross profit


Operating expenses


Net operating income


Interest expense




Income taxes


Net income



Q4. Using the values below, answer the questions that follow: (1mark)


Amount of annuity: $500


Interest rate: 9%


N=10 years


  • Calculate the future value of the annuity, assuming that it is

    • An ordinary annuity.

    • An annuity due.

  • Compare your findings in parts a(1) and a(2). All else being identical, which type of annuityordinary or annuity dueis preferable as an investment? Explain why.


Read data from csv file with pipe separated values in one column

I have a CSV file with two columns: server, port which has its data with the pipe as a delimiter



I want to read the values from the CSV file in the below combination and store them in two different variables. There might be more number of servers or ports in future so I need to add a loop to check the combinations




Endocrine questions

In this lab, you will read through a published case study and use your physiology knowledge and resources to diagnose an individual with an endocrine pathology. Start by watching the three Endocrine Case Videos for background to help you with the case. You are also free to use your text, internet resources, and others in the class to help you answer the questions. You do not turn in the Endocrine Case Videos answers, but you need to use them to help you prepare for the quiz this week You should not be given the answers by other students, but if you collaborate with others, that is effective learning.

Type your answers into the Endocrine Case Questions sheet (a Word document), you can save your answers as a Google doc, PDF, or Word file.


What is the difference between Colorism and Racism?

Research Question: What is the difference between Colorism and Racism?



Topic is: Regional fastest growing industries


Understanding Employee Training

Please review the following in our course text, Human Resource Management ebook (Open Textbook Library) (Links to an external site.):

  • 8.1 Types of Training

  • 8.2 Training Delivery Methods

  • 10.1 Handling Performance

  • 11.1 Performance Evaluation Systems

You will notice that employee training, performance appraisals, and advancement have clear ties to each other. In your current role within your organization, please consider the following questions: Which type(s) of training are most appropriate for your current role? What mechanisms are in place to ensure that you are aware of your performance? What types of rating errors have you experienced? And, how would you modify the current practices within your organization to better meet the needs of employee development?

Please create a multimedia presentation using Prezi™, Powtoons™, or PowerPoint® with audio that provides responses to these questions, and post your presentation to the discussion forum. Check out the tools listed on the Optional Presentation Tools page.


Analytical review about the topic Mobility and Migration

Thesis Statement

Each student needs to turn in a one-page summary describing their thesis

statement and briefly discussing some important works in the literature on this topic. The thesis statement is worth 4 points. Some examples of thesis statements are:

1. Enclosures are thought to have contributed to productivity growth in agriculture, but the evidence shows that in Britain enclosures had a minimal impact.

2. Banks are thought to have spurred industrialization. The evidence generally confirms this view in Britain during its industrialization.

Literature Review

The literature review is the most important part of the course. It should be 15 pages in length (double space, 12 point font, 1 inch margins). It must contain an introduction, body paragraphs, a conclusion, and a list of references. Most importantly, you must develop a thesis statement, which identifies a topic and makes a statement about some finding in the literature.

You will need to evaluate several papers that address a topic in the literature. It usually works best to study one of the topics discussed on the reading list. In doing so, you will need to do some research and draw on papers not on the reading list. You should consult the bibliographies of the papers on the reading list, or consult the other papers of the authors on the reading list. You can also search google scholar for related papers on a topic. Try searching Enclosure Britain Agriculture and you will find many entries.

Here is the grading rubric for the literature review:

The thesis is clear (2 points)
The thesis is well defended in the paper (4 points) The paper maintains a focus on the thesis (2 points)

Sufficient research been done (12 points)
The literature discussed is meaningful to the advancement of the paper’s thesis (6 points) Meaningful connections being made between the presented papers (6 points)
There is meaningful and effective critical analysis of the papers (6 points)

Writing style:
The writing is clear (2 points)
The paper flows from one topic to the next and is logical (4 points)

Page Minimum (5 points)
Minus one point for every page short of 15 pages

Minus one point for exaggerated margins
Bibliography (1 point). Use MLA, APA, or Chicago style for references. Just be consistent.

Reading list you can use(first two are provided):

Boyer, George R., and Timothy J. Hatton. “Migration and labour market integration in late


nineteenth‐century England and Wales.” The Economic History Review 50.4 (1997): 697-734.


Long, Jason. “Rural-urban migration and socioeconomic mobility in Victorian Britain.” The Journal of


Economic History65.1 (2005): 1-35.


Simon, Curtis J., and Clark Nardinelli. “The talk of the town: Human capital, information, and the growth


of English cities, 1861 to 1961.” Explorations in Economic History 33.3 (1996): 384-413.


Schürer, K., and Joe Day. “Migration to London and the development of the north–south divide, 1851–


1911.” Social History 44.1 (2019): 26-56.

Important notes:

1. Please use detailed data in the papers to support your thesis instead of just summarizing

2. Besides the four papers provided on the list, please find another two papers to support your thesis.

3. Please write the thesis statement based on the instructions.


Business Research

Business Research

Research Methods: Finding Secondary Research – 3% of final Grade

Instructions: Each group will complete the following template and submit using the drop-box folder.  Articles listed here must be peer-reviewed and journal articles.



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