Category Archives: Research Papers

Entrepreneurship Question

In this assignment, you will be completing a short assessment on the opportunity space. Please think along the following 9 dimensions as you develop your assessment. (need 1-1.5 pages)

  1. Market sector of your opportunity

  2. Problem you seek to solve, or pain you wish to alleviate

  3. What type(s) of customer(s) have this problem

  4. Product(s) or service(s) you envision to solve this problem

  5. Brief statement of an initial Value Proposition

  6. Approximate market size (number of potential customers)

  7. Technologies/Innovations you may utilize

  8. Initial bottom-up research you may undertake to validate your opportunity

  9. Any *unfair advantage* you may possess that will help you to pursue this opportunity


Writing Question

1) What does the article identify as the critical elements of effective teamwork?

2) How does this relate to your experiences with teams ?

3) Why is it difficult to create good teamwork?

4) How do the lessons from this article relate to construction projects?

5) Other interesting / important issues?



Coding of a problem.


Write a program to compute the amount of nacho slim jims a son must eat to be considered 1% nacho. Your input is the initial weight of the son. The output is the weight of the son, the amount of nacho slim jims the son must eat, and the weight of the son combined with the nacho slim jims.

To calculate how much nacho slim jims is needed to be 1% nacho, take 1/99th of the son’s initial weight (i.e. nachoweight = (1/99)*sonweight).




Directions: Analyze the raw data provided for this lab and record all calculated data in the table below (cells in black should not be completed). You must show the work for how you calculated each value for one of the samples (use sample 6, 7, or 8 so that all measurements are included), as an example. This may be hand-written or typed. You may include in this file when you submit or attach as a second file. The example calculations must include a titration plot for the alkalinity calculation.




Phenolphthalein Alkalinity

(mg/L as CaCO3)

Total Alkalinity

(mg/L as CaCO3)


(mg/L as CaCO3)

Specific Conductance (mmho/cm)








Distilled Water




Monongahela River Water


Morgantown Water

Treatment Plant


WVU Tap Water





Management Question

Management Question

Research Paper on Gig Economy


CE-347-001: Solids Determination

CE-347-001: Solids Determination


The purpose of this experiment was to determine the classification of solids in the wastewater in Kepler, West Virginia’s sewer system, test how well the current treatment plant was functioning, and see how the current discharge from the plant impacts the river. By studying this, the team was able to determine how to upgrade the wastewater treatment plant in the best fashion, which is the ultimate goal of this project. The wastewater was classified into the following categories: total solids, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, total volatile solids, non-volatile solids, volatile suspended solids, non-volatile suspended solids, volatile dissolved solids, and non-volatile dissolved solids. Solid determination was completed by using evaporation, filtration, and combustion, which through various combinations, can classify the solids. The samples analyzed included: Glucose, Na2CO3, and Silica as one sample, Glucose, Silica, Na2CO3, Kepler wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)  influent, Kepler WWTP final effluent, Kepler River Water (Upstream), and Kepler River Water (Down-stream) for a total of 8 samples.

Q: Do the computed results for your process control samples agree with the known concentrations of the samples? Provide a plot that demonstrates how your computed values for the process control samples compare to the expected values. Based on this data, should your client feel confident in your analysis of samples of unknown composition?


20210212060129report (1)

Concept Maps on Parkinson’s disease, Nervous System.

Concept Maps on Parkinson’s disease, Nervous System.

Concept Maps should be completed thoroughly based on the criteria listed in the rubric. Direct copying of material will be viewed as academic misconduct and plagiarism, please see policy listed above in the syllabus. The student is expected to do their own work and use their own words when completing these assignments.


PDF, doc, and docx will be the ONLY accepted formats, other formats will NOT be accepted for grading. Plagarism review is turned on for this assignment, remember to cite your sources in proper APA format (7th edition) if you are using direct quotes. Also, try to reword using your own words and still provide an in-text citation.


Medical Application Critical Appraisal Guidelines

  • PART 1: The medical application selection for this assignment is contingent upon the month of your birthday. Use the table below to identify the Medical App for this assignment.

    • Use the Google Play Store for Android devices or the Apple iTunes App Store for Apple devices to search for the medical application as determined by the table above.

    • In order to complete the following guided appraisal, download the app to a mobile device (smartphone or tablet). The apps are free and do not require purchase to complete this assignment.

    • Provide proof of download by attaching a screenshot of the device screen in JPEG or PDF format to the assignment upload tab (in addition to submitting this assignment). Following the general instructions below for smartphone devices (specific device instructions may vary):

      • Android 4.0 and Newer: (Galaxy SIII, Galaxy S 4, Galaxy Note, HTC One, Nexus phones, Droid phones)

        • Any Android phone running Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0) or later can easily take a screenshot. Hold the Power and Volume Down buttons together until the screen flashes and you hear the shutter sound. The screenshot image will appear in your Gallery app, usually inside the Screenshots folder

      • iPhone

        • The method for taking a screenshot in iOS has been the same since version 2.0. Hold the Power (Sleep/Wake) and Home buttons together until the screen flashes and you hear the shutter sound. The screenshot image will appear in your Photos app under Camera Roll.

  • PART 2: Answer the Medical App Critical Appraisal questions thoughtfully and comprehensively. Use the criteria headings on this outline as the headings on your properly APA- formatted paper.

    • NAME: What is the name of the app?

    • AUTHOR: Who created, developed, or maintains the app? Explain.

    • ENDORSEMENT: Is the app licensed by the Food and Drug Administration, other government agency, or endorsed by an academic institution or medical professional organization? Explain.

    • OPERATION: Which platform (mobile or web-based) is suitable for the app and why?

    • AESTHETICS: Is the information displayed in a way that is easy to navigate? Is it easy to use? Can you use it without instructions? Explain.

    • PURPOSE: What is the intended purpose or use of the app?

    • CLINICAL DECISION MAKING: What influence does the app have on clinical decision making? Explain.

    • SAFETY: Is there potential for patient harm? Explain.

    • PRIVACY/SECURITY: Does the app have privacy statement or setting? Is there a clear privacy policy stating information will be encrypted and not shared with third parties? Does the app share information on social networks? Are users notified in the event of a breach of privacy and health information? Explain.

    • USER: For whom is the app intended (providers, patients, or others)? Explain.

    • DISTRIBUTION: Is it designed for local use or wider distribution? Explain.

    • CREDIBILITY: How credible are the sources of information? How do you know? Explain.

    • RELEVANCE: How current is the information in the app? When was the last update? Is the content consistent with evidence-based literature or best practices/standards of care? Explain.

Your Birth Month

Medical App for Assignment

January, February


March, April, May


June, July, August

CDC Milestone Tracker

September, October

ICD10 Consult

November, December


  • PART 3: Provide one example of an appropriate patient or clinical scenario for this app. The example should include the following details:

  • This assignment will be graded on the quality of the information, inclusion of one evidence-based scholarly resource, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, and organization based on the required components (see the paper headings and content details in Part 1).

  • The length of the paper is to be between 1,000 and 1,500 words, excluding title page and reference list.

  • Create this assignment using Microsoft (MS) Word. You can tell that the document is saved as a MS Word document because it will end in “.docx.”

  • APA format is required in this assignment, explicitly for in-text citations and the reference list. Use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins and double spacing. See the APA manual for details regarding proper citation. See resources under Course Resources, “Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers” for further clarification.


CIS 21JA – Lab 5: Branching and review of arithmetic operations

CIS 21JA –  Lab 5: Branching and review of arithmetic operations

Write a program that converts a signed decimal number to binary and prints the binary result as a numeric text string.

The program does the following 5 steps:

  1. Read the user input number and check for valid input.

  2. Prompt the user for a number.

  3. Check that the input number is within the range of a signed 8-bit.

If the input number is larger or smaller than the signed 8-bit range, print an error message to tell the user the range of values, then loop back and re-prompt.

  1. Create an array of characters (a text string) that will be used to store all the bits as characters (‘1’ or ‘0’), a space character in the middle of the 8 bits, and the null termination character. See the sample output.

  1. Convert the number to binary.

  2. Recall from module 1 that to convert from decimal to binary, you keep dividing by 2 to extract one bit at a time

  3. You must use a loop to extract each bit. Don’t copy and paste the division code multiple times.

  4. Since the user input is 8-bit, use 8-bit division to do the extraction.

  5. As you find each bit, convert it to its ASCII character: 0 becomes ‘0’ and 1 becomes ‘1’

  6. Store each character in the array of characters that you defined in step 2.

  7. Accessing an element of an array is similar as in HLL: arr[0] is the first element, arr[3] is the 4th element, etc. The index value 0,1,2.. can be stored in a 32-bit register:  arr[ecx]  for example, where ecx can be 0,1,2…

  1. Call writeString and print the resulting text string to screen. See the sample output.

  1. After printing the text string, loop back to prompt the user for another number.

      The loop ends when the user enters 0.

      When the loop ends, print a “goodbye” message before ending the program.

Additional requirements, don’t miss them:

  • Don’t use any memory variables other than for text strings. Store all numeric data in registers.

    The available registers are: EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, EBP, ESI, EDI and their smaller sizes: AL, BH…

  • You must use writeString to print the binary string output. Using writeBin means an automatic 5 point deduction.

  • Don’t use bit-wise instructions (shift, and, or…) for this lab.

  • Don’t use the decision directives of MASM. Implement loops and if statements with assembly instructions.

  • Keep your logic flow as simple as you can. Use “fall through” logic as shown in the class notes or the book.

Document your program to get full credit: your name at the top of the file, and optionally explain your loop and if statements


MGMT659 Corporate Driven Change and Employee Resistance

MGMT659 Corporate Driven Change and Employee Resistance

For this assignment, you will add an abstract and proposed implementation to your research paper. Finally, you will further refine the report and produce the Final Draft version. Updates may be based on peer and instructor feedback.

The project deliverables are the following:

  • Update the research document’s title page with a new date and project name.

  • Update the previously completed sections based on all of the feedback that was received.

  • Management Research Analysis and Synthesis document

    • Review the entire document for any changes and improvements that you would like to make.

    • Ensure that this final version of the document is sufficiently detailed to fully meet the assignment requirements for each part of the course.

    • Any previous instructor feedback should be addressed with appropriate changes.

  • New content

    • Letter of transmittal and table of contents

      • Develop a letter of transmittal addressed to the identified audience.

      • Add a table of contents to the final draft of the research paper.

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