Category Archives: Research Papers

English Question

General Overview:

Your final research paper is the longest and most important assignment in English 2 because it is your opportunity to prove that you can write and research competently at the college level. Based on our class discussions of drama, you will write and research an 1800 word paper (the bibliography will not be included in the word count) that answers one (1) of the following research questions:

Prompt 1: In class we’ve spent a lot of time talking about the classical idea of the qualities that can be found in a tragic hero. Choose 2 of the following characters – Hamlet, Laertes, Antigone, Blanche Dubois, Troy Maxson, Rose Maxson and argue whether or not they should be considered tragic heroes and why you came to your conclusion. Note: You cannot choose to write on two characters from the same play. You must choose characters from different plays.

Prompt 2: Because drama is meant to be performed in front of an audience, it is vital that a successful play feature a compelling and complex protagonist. The plays that we have read have featured a variety of interesting female characters that have all been flawed in one way or another. Despite their flaws, who do you believe to be the two strongest female characters from the dramas we have read and why? Your paper should make a clear argument for which character you believe to be the absolute strongest, and why that character deserves to be considered a stronger woman than your choice for runner-up. It will also be up to you to define what makes a ‘strong female character’ in your opinion.

Prompt 3: One recorring theme that we’ve seen emphasized in all our plays complicated nature of our characters’ families and family life. It’s fair to say that all of the family relationships that we’ve seen portrayed in our 4 plays have had their issues, but should we call them all dysfunctional or can we still find strong, supportive family units in the plays that we’ve read? Do the family issues that we’ve seen in these plays stem from characters who are well meaning-yet-flawed in their relationships, or from characters who are mean-spirited, selfish, abusive, or who otherwise lack redeeming characteristics? For this prompt, argue which families you believe represent the most

Research Requirements:

For this paper, you will be required to use five (5) secondary sources that are appropriate for an academic paper to bolster your argument. ‘Use’ here means that the secondary must be quoted or paraphrased and cited in-text within the essay to receive research credit; sources listed on a bibliography but not cited within the essay will not count towards the research requirements. Remember to include a bibliography of your research with your work, either within the same word document as your paper or as a separate attachment. Also remember that the story you’re analyzing is a primary source, and does not count as a secondary source (for the purposes of this paper, anything in your textbook will be considered a primary source and won’t ‘count’ towards your secondary research requirement). Failing to follow the research requirements will result in failure for the assignment.

N.B.: Sparknotes, Wikipedia, Shmoop, 123helpme, Yahoo Voices, Gradesaver, the Dictionary, etc are not considered appropriate academic sources. If you use them to help brainstorm make sure to cite them on your bibliography, but they will not count towards your 5 required sources. The library website features a database of literary sources that you might find helpful, such as, Literary Sources, and Academic Search Premier. You can find these resources here:…




1. What amount of Ca(OH)2 is needed in mg/L as CaCO3, and what amount of Na2CO3 is needed in mg/L as CaCO3 to meet the requirements in Table 2 given the information provided in Table 3?
2. Based on this experiment what is one additional step needed to make this water suitable for human consumption?
3. What was the percentage removal of total hardness, calcium and magnesium during this process?
4. How close did the treatment process come to the practical limits of reduction of hardness to about 30 mg/L and 10 mg/L as CaCO3 for Ca and Mg respectively?
5. Assume that your untreated water sample is representative of the hardness of all potable water distributed by the City of Tampa. The Tippin Water Treatment Facility processes about 59 million gallons of water per day, per FAQ on website. Based on your calculations in
Procedure steps 1.a. and 1.b., how many metric tons (1 tonne = 1000 kg) of Ca(OH)2(s) and of Na2CO3(s) would be required per day to soften all the water for the city coming out of the Tippin plant?
6. Summarize the water softening treatment method used by a firm where you live. Use Tampa if you don’t have any. Include name of company, website, and description of process.






ACCT 102 – Project

ACCT 102 – Project

Select a company that is publicly-traded (that is, has stock that you could purchase as an investor).The company must be traded on either NYSE or NASDAQ exchanges only, no exceptions!The company should be preferably an American company, if you choose a foreign company you must convert the foreign currency on the financial statements to U. S. Dollars. The company should be something that interests you (e.g. Nike because you wear their sneakers).I would suggest that you use or some other similar web site for assistance.Be sure to not plagiarize any part of this project, be sure to use proper APA format for your citations for all necessary parts of the project.Since you are using APA format you must insert parenthetical citations (IN-Text) within the text of your project, failure to do so will result in point deductions.If you don’t know how to do it, see the library or Mr. Beebe for assistance. For all parts of your project, you are to submit an emailed copy to my college email account (, and a copy of your project needs to be posted to Blackboard.All parts of your project need to be submitted to Blackboard and you are not to use more than one Word and one Excel file for the entire project.

ACCT 102 – Project

Locate that company’s website.Use a search engine such as Yahoo or Google for assistance.Locate the section entitled Investor Relations (or a similar phrase) to find the company’s most recent annual report.

Print out the following pages from the annual report:

  1. Letter to Shareholders

  2. Income Statement

  3. Balance Sheet

  4. Summary of Financial and Operating Results (may be 5 year or 10 year, don’t use a company that doesn’t provide at least 5 years of results!)

ACCT 102 – Project

Using your company’s financial information, prepare a typed report that incorporates the following items:

  1. Describe your company’s purpose (provides a service, sells a product, or manufactures and sells a product)

  2. Summarize the content of the Letter to Shareholders

    1. Management’s opinion of financial performance

    2. Existing successful operating strategies

    3. Planned strategies to improve future financial performance


Assignment 1 – Photo Album Web Application

Assignment 1 – Photo Album Web Application



  • User uploads new photo to photo album including meta data (Name, Date, Location, Photographer)

  • User views all photos currently in photo album as gallery

  • User chooses sorting method by selecting from choice of meta fields in dropdown

  • User can choose to upload additional photos from gallery screen (back to upload form)




  • Program the following files in collaboration with your chosen partner:

    • index.html – contains the photo upload form in HTML

    • gallery.php – contains the script storing the uploaded file in a folder called “uploads” and displays all files currently in that folder, allowing for sorting as specified in wireframes associated with this assignment




You may find that including a CSS framework (e.g. Bootstrap or Foundation) will make the creation of this application easier, especially when using existing building blocks like this one:


The use of any framework(s) is optional, but getting familiar with them will allow you to complete assignments faster.


Uploaded files are first moved into a temporary directory on the web server. Use move_uploaded_file($_FILES[“fileToUpload”][“tmp_name”],”uploads/”.$_FILES[“fileToUpload”][“name”]); to move the uploaded file to a subdirectory named “uploads”. Note that you will have to allow PHP scripts to write into this directory.



Five-Year Career Plan

(Individual) GE Area S Essay 1: Five-Year Career Plan (500 words minimum, graded by Area S graders)

Five-Year Career Plan: In order to build a success career and life, you have to have a plan. This paper is a reflection on your main career goals and how you plan to reach them. You should refer to the file “ENG 198A Lecture 1 – Who are you and where are you going” for this essay.

  1. Why do you want to pursue a career in electrical engineering?

  • When and how did you get interested?

  • How your wish for becoming an engineer was shaped by cultural and societal influences?

  1. Select a job/career that is right for you

  • Describe three top values that are most important to you as you make career decision and pick one job and/or company that you would like to work in/for.

  • Highlight one specific task for the job you picked that is interesting to you and why.

  1. How do you plan to build relevant experience and keep learning?

  • Identify one of your potential gap (where you need to develop) for the job that you picked and identify a specific way of addressing the gap (e.g. take a specific class, complete an internship, etc.)

  • How do you keep up with the technology (learning strategies)?

(Individual) GE Area S Essay 2: Your Project’s Implication in Area S (500 words minimum, graded by Area S graders).

Your Project’s Implication in Area S

The projects that engineers work on are situated in a complex historical, social, political, and economic system that can contributes to diversity, equality, and structured inequalities in the U.S. How your project (or a technology that is relevant to your project, not presented in ENGR 195A) has a potential impact (or has impacted) diversity, equality, and/or structured inequalities in the United States. Your essay must cite your sources and include a reference section that follows the APA 6.0 or IEEE standard (minimum 500 words)

If your project does not have a clear connection to Area S issues (such as designing an electronics component), you can think about the question at a higher level . For example, if your project is about designing a faster transistor, you can talk about how the semiconductor industry, in general, contributes to diversity, equality, and structured inequalities in the U.S.

(Individual) GE Area S Essay 3: Lead-free (500 words minimum, graded by Area S graders).

Lead-free: Describe how the push for a lead-free standard in electronic products (RoHS) increased social justice in the U.S. (minimum 500 words)



Financial Analysis

Complete a financial analysis of a public company. Include the following data:

  • Background Information/Environmental Scan

  • DuPont Identity

  • Current Ratio

  • Quick Ratio

  • Inventory Holding Period

  • Average Collection Period

  • Debt Ratio

  • Free Cash Flow

  • Market Value Added

  • Economic Value Added

  • Dividend Yield

  • Required Rate of Return based on the Capital Asset Pricing Model

  • Make a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold the company’s common stock at its current price. The recommendation should be based on the calculations required plus any other relevant information about the company

  • Describe a situation in which his/her company would make use of capital budgeting. No calculations are required. This section of the paper would be about one to two pages describing the process that the company would make use of for analyzing the capital budgeting situation.

  • Describe how the company would use cost-volume-profit analysis for one of its products. No calculations are necessary; just provide an explanation of how the process works. This section of the paper should be one to two pages.


Create a logic model

create a logic model, no need for any instruction, just the model

you should be constructing your own original logic model for your program based on information and literature on the program itself.

Remember, the logic model should visually describe the program itself, not your evaluation of the program.te a logic model of a program


Enzyme Lab Write Up (physiology)

Enzyme Lab Write Up (physiology)

which focuses on the effect of temperature (the independent variable) on glucose concentration (the dependent variable), which is a measure of lactase activity. Save your document as a Word or PDF file Remember to load a single PDF, Google doc, or Word file.


Physics Question

  • Use proposed mathematical models to make predictions and justify experimental design decisions such as how much data to collect and how to space data collection.

  •  Enter measurements, manipulate or create additional columns of data based on measurements, and make plots in Logger Pro.

  •  Linearize data via semi-log and log-log plots and use linear least-squares fitting techniques in Logger Pro on the linearized data.

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