Category Archives: Research Papers

Secure combination of PRGs

Secure combination of PRGs

  • Secure combination of PRGs] Let G1, G2 be the deterministic functions which take bit-strings of length “s” as inputs and output bit-strings of length “n”, wheren >> s. undefined Define the functionH(k1,k2)=G1(k1) Å G2(k2) , where k1, kÎ {0,1}s.undefined

Task: Prove that if eitherG1orG2is a secure PRG, then so is H.


Note: Your proof may be informal.


Remark: The function “H” takes two inputs k1andk2, which are used as inputs (seeds) for
the generators (functions) G1andG2, respectively.


Advanced PC Applications : Microsoft Access Graded Project

Advanced PC Applications : Microsoft Access Graded Project

2.1 Create a home inventory database that can be referred to in case of damage, theft, or natural disaster

Create a Database
1. Start Access and create a Blank database, naming it “Inventory.”
2. On the Home tab, select View and then go to Design.
3. When prompted, name the new table “Inventory.”
4. In Design view, change the field name ‘ID’ to ‘Item ID’ and verify that it’s data type AutoNumber and has been selected as the primary key.
5. In Design view, add the remaining fields and corresponding data types:

Query the Database
1. Create a select query that retrieves the Item Name, Purchase Date, Purchase Price, and Online Purchase fields from the Inventory table for items purchased online.
a. Have the select query sort the results in chronological order by purchase date.
b. Be sure to format the Datasheet view so that all field names and data are displayed entirely.
c. Save the query, naming it “Online Purchases,” and then close the query.
2. Create a select query that retrieves the Merchant Name from the Merchants table and the Item Name, Category, Manufacturer, and Purchase Date from the Inventory table for appliances.
a. Have the select query sort the results in alphabetical order by merchant name.
b. Be sure to format the Datasheet view so that all field names and data are displayed entirely.
c. Save the query, naming it “Appliance Purchases,” and then close the query.



Environmental Science question

Start by watching the video : (Links to an external site.)

Next answer the following questions:

1. Who is David Vaughan ?

2. What did he study?

3. Give a summary of his research?

4. Do you think it is important to have multiple generations of scientists working together? Why or why not?

5. If you were David Vaughan, would you have retired or kept working on your passion? Why or why not?


NUTR405-06: Experimental Food Science Technology Laboratory

NUTR405-06: Experimental Food Science Technology Laboratory

There is a lot of misinformation in the field of foods and nutrition. I think it is partly due to the lack of training in science communication among scientists. Communicating science to the public requires a completely different skill set than those mastered by researchers, such as delivering scientific presentations and publishing papers. This project provides an opportunity to develop science communication skills.
Project Learning Objectives
After completing this project, students will be able to:
1. Design scientific experiments (option 1) or evaluate scientific literature (option 2)
2. Develop critical thinking, literature searching, and presentation skills
3. Create a video to communicate scientific information to the public



Computer Science Question

Step 1: Enterprise Network Diagram

In this project, you will research and learn about types of networks and their secure constructs that may be used in an organization to accomplish the functions of the organization’s mission.

You will propose a local area network (LAN) and a wide area network (WAN) for the organization, define the systems environment, and incorporate this information in a network diagram. You will discuss the security benefits of your chosen network design.

Read the following resources about some of the computing platforms available for networks and discuss how these platforms could be implemented in your organization:

Include the rationale for each of the platforms you choose to include in your network design.

Step 2: Enterprise Threats

Review the OIG report on the OPM breach that you were asked to research and read about at the beginning of the project. The OIG report includes many security deficiencies that likely left OPM networks vulnerable to being breached.

In addition to those external threats, the report describes the ways OPM was vulnerable to insider threats. The information about the breach could be classified as threat intelligence. Define threat intelligence and explain what kind of threat intelligence is known about the OPM breach.

You just provided detailed background information on your organization. Next, you’ll describe threats to your organization’s system. Before you get started, select and explore the contents of the following link: insider threats (also known as internal threats). As you’re reading, take note of which insider threats are a risk to your organization.

Now, differentiate between the external threats to the system and the insider threats. Identify where these threats can occur in the previously created diagrams. Relate the OPM threat intelligence to your organization. How likely is it that a similar attack will occur at your organization?

Professionals in the Field

The OPM breach is a matter of historical fact. Your scholarly research into this matter can and should inform your approach to cybersecurity. Your ability to fluently converse on past cyber breaches is one way of demonstrating to potential employers that you have the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be a valuable addition to their team.

Take notes as you read about this breach—feel free to search for other major breaches—and pay attention to the mistakes that were made that and what actions were taken afterward. As a part of the interview process, you might be asked to apply this knowledge to a new situation.

Step 3: Scan the Network

You will now investigate network traffic and the security of the network and information system infrastructure overall. Past network data has been logged and stored, as collected by a network analyzer tool such as Wireshark. Explore the tutorials and user guides to learn more about the tools to monitor and analyze network activities you will use.

You will perform a network analysis of the Wireshark files provided to you in Workspace and assess the network posture and any vulnerability or suspicious information you are able to obtain. You will identify any suspicious activities on the network through port scanning and other techniques. Include this information in your SAR.

In order to validate the assets and devices on the organization’s network, you should run scans using security and vulnerability assessment analysis tools such as OpenVAS, Nmap, or Nessus, depending on the operating systems of your organization’s networks. Live network traffic can also be sampled and scanned using Wireshark on either the Linux or Windows systems. Wireshark allows you to inspect all OSI layers of traffic information. Further analyze the packet capture for network performance, behavior, and any suspicious source and destination addresses on the networks.

Hackers frequently scan the internet for computers or networks to exploit. An effective firewall can prevent hackers from detecting the existence of networks. Hackers continue to scan ports, but if the hacker finds there is no response from the port and no connection, the hacker will move on. The firewall can block unwanted traffic and Nmap can be used to self-scan to test the responsiveness of the organization’s network to would-be hackers.

In the existing Wireshark files, identify whether any databases have been accessed. What are the IP addresses associated with that activity? Include this information in your SAR.

Step 4: Identify Security Issues

You have a suite of security tools, techniques, and procedures that can be used to assess the security posture of your organization’s network in a SAR.

Now it’s time to identify the security issues in your organization’s networks. You have previously learned about password-cracking tools; in this step, provide an analysis of the strength of passwords used by the employees in your organization. Are weak passwords a security issue for your organization?

Step 5: Firewalls and Encryption

Next, examine these resources on firewalls and auditing related to the use of the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), the database system and data. Also review these resources related to access control.

Determine the role of firewalls, encryption, and auditing for RDBMS in protecting information and monitoring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information in the information systems.

Reflect any weaknesses found in the network and information system diagrams previously created, as well as in your developing SAR.

Step 6: Threat Identification

Now that you know the weaknesses in your organization’s network and information system, you will determine various known threats to the organization’s network architecture and IT assets.

Get acquainted with the following types of threats and attack techniques. Which are a risk to your organization?



Expanded Version of a Market Study

i) Expanded Version of a Market Study (PPT)

    • The expanded version of a Market Study includes additional information on how to conduct a Market Study. There are also various graphs that you can use as templates for your Market Study.

    • Note that the additional information on this expanded version will NOT be tested in this course, but you will need to use this version to conduct your Market Study and probably to prepare for the CAHTA exam.

ii) Related Reports and Data files

    • You will need to use these reports and data files to conduct a Market Study.

iii) A Video for Market Breakdown and Comparable Market

    • This video explains how to create graphs for the “Market Breakdown” and “Comparable Market” sections in a Market Study by using the templates available in the Expanded Version of a Market Study.

iv) Market Study Samples

    • I posted a couple of Market Study samples.

v) Hotel Market Study Rubric

    • Your Market Study will be evaluated based on this rubric.

PART A—The First Half of a Market Study (90 points)

You will perform the first half of a Market Study:

  1. Title, Table of Contents, map if desired and available – 3 slides

  2. General Makeup – 4 slides (statistics, hotels of interest), tables, bar graphs

  3. Current Statistics – 1 slide

  4. Trended Data – 4 slides (Supply & Demand, Occ & ADR; actuals, % changes line graphs

  5. Market Breakdown – 6 slides (S&D % changes, O&A % changes and actuals, Submarket and Class, possibly others, bar graphs)

Hotel Market Study (PART A) Structure:

  • Contents should be summarized.

  • PART A must be prepared in a Microsoft PowerPoint file (.pptx or .ppt)

  • Minimum 18 slides; Maximum 20 slides.


CS 61 – Programming Assignment 5

CS 61 – Programming Assignment 5

A. What bit mask value and what operation would one use to set machine 2 from free (1) to busy (0)? (Without changing the state of the other machines, obviously!)
B. What bit mask value and what operation would one use to set machines 2 and 6 to free (1)?
(Again, without changing the state of the other machines).
Note: This can be done with a single boolean operation, but it cannot be implemented in LC-3 assembly language with a single instruction!
C. What bit mask value and what operation would one use to set all machines to busy (0)?
D. What bit mask value and what operation would one use to set all machines to free (1)?
E. Develop a procedure to “interrogate” the status of machine 2 by isolating it as the “sign bit” (i.e. the msb).
For example, if the BUSYNESS pattern is 0101 1100, then the output of this procedure is 10000000. If the BUSYNESS pattern is 0111 0011, then the output is 0110 0000. In general, if the BUSYNESS pattern is:

CS 61 – Programming Assignment 5

Question 5.6
Recall the machine busy example from Section 2.7.1. Assuming the BUSYNESS bit vector is stored in R2, we can use the LC3 instruction AND R3, R2, #1 to determine whether machine 0 is busy or not.
If the result of this instruction is 0, then machine 0 is busy.
A. Write an LC3 instruction that determines whether machine 2 is busy.
B. Write an LC3 instruction that determines whether both machines 2 and 3 are busy.
C. Write an LC3 instruction that indicates whether none of the machines are busy.
D. Can you write a single LC3 instruction that determines whether machine 6 is busy? Is there a problem here?
The variation of Question 9.9 that you will implement in this assignment:
(remember – 0 = busy; 1 = free)
A. Check if all machines are busy; return 1 if all are busy (0), 0 otherwise (i.e. if any are free).
B. Check if all machines are free; return 1 if all are free (1), 0 otherwise (i.e. if any are busy).
C. Check how many machines are busy (0); return the number of busy machines.
D. Check how many machines are free (1); return the number of free machines.
E. Check the status of a specific machine whose number is passed as an argument in R1; return 1 if that machine is free (1), 0 if it is busy (0).
F. Return the number of the first (lowest numbered, or rightmost) machine that is free (1) – i.e. a number between 0 and 15. If no machine is free, return -1 (= xFFFF)
e.g. if the busyness vector is 0101 0100, then the first available machine is #2
(Remember – the lsb is always considered bit 0)

CS 61 – Programming Assignment 5

Your Tasks
The assignment can be broken down into the following tasks:

1. Your main code block should call a MENU subroutine, which prints out a fancy looking menu
with numerical options, invites the user to input a choice, and returns in R1 the user’s selection
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} If the user inputs a non-existent option, output an error message and re-print
the menu; repeat until a valid entry is obtained. In other words, there is no way of getting out
of the subroutine with anything other than a number in the correct range.
Here is the menu that you will be using for the assignment:
(it is given to you in the starter code as a single long string located at memory address x6400)
* The Busyness Server *
1. Check to see whether all machines are busy
2. Check to see whether all machines are free
3. Report the number of busy machines
4. Report the number of free machines
5. Report the status of machine n
6. Report the number of the first available machine
7. Quit
2. Write the following corresponding subroutines:

plus the two helper subroutines:



Writing Question

Writing Question

This is a 3-pages (around 750 words) Biographical Essay that requires to write an event that has affected your life greatly. It should be a real event and should be written in essay format(i.e has introduction, body parts, conclusion) and should have 1 academic references.


trimStudents() Finally, write a method called trimStudents() which takes the LinkedList of students and a grade to filter by, and uses an Iterator of type Student to iterate through the passed in list and remove any Student with a grade less than the filter passed in. If you need another explanation of iterators, watch this video. Call this method from main() passing the list of students and a grade filter of 90.0. After you have trimmed the student list, call printStuff again and pass the list of students

Program This program is meant to give you practice with Generics, Iterators and the List ADT. You will load 2 separate provided files. The first one contains numbers which you will load into an ArrayList of type Double. The second one is a comma-separated-values list of students, which you load into a LinkedList of type Student, a custom class that you will create. You will display the list of numbers and the list of students using the same method implemented with Generics. You will also use OOP Abstraction by having the Student class implement the Comparable interface. By doing so, you will be able to use the Collections.sort() method on your list of Student objects to effectively sort them. Finally, you will code a method to remove students that have grades less than an A (90%). See the Example Output for an example of how this program should perform.

1) TODO There are various // TODO: comments provided in your assignment source code. You don’t have to follow them exactly, but they are how we implemented our solution. Note there is a TODO window in IntelliJ IDEA which can be used to quickly jump between them as well.

2) Student Create a Student class with 3 encapsulated member variables for: student last name, first name, and grade. The constructor should take 3 arguments: a last name, a first name, and a grade, and then assign those to the private member variables. Add accessor (getter) methods for each of the 3 member variables. Override the toString() method that comes from the Object class by returning a full string describing the student (e.g. “[first name] [last name] – [grade]”).

3) Load Students Uncomment the method provided for loading the .csv roster file of students provided. Call this method from main() to load all of the students and return a LinkedList of type Student. Create an equivalent variable in main() to hold the list of students that come back from the method.

4) Load Constants At this point you should do the same for the file of constants (numbers). Create a new method to load the constant data file provided and return an ArrayList of type Double which contains all the constants from the provided text file. You should know be able to figure out how to code this method on your own, which is simpler than the one for loading students, but if not, watch this video on how to load a simple text file and read line by line. You will have to convert each line that you read from the file from type String to type Double, then add() each one to the ArrayList. Call this method from main() to load the list of constants into an equivalent variable in main(). Tip Recall that you can convert Strings to Doubles like this: Double d = Double.valueOf([any string]); 5) printStuff() Next, write a method called printStuff() that uses Generics and takes a List of any type. This means you can pass both your ArrayList of Doubles and your LinkedList of Students to the same function. Page 2 of 4 Joe Del Rocco CSCI 142: Assignment 1 It will print the List out with each element on its own line. Call this method from main() to print out both your lists.

 6) Comparable Next, implement the Comparable interface from the Student class. The interface only has one single method, compareTo(). Override it in the Student class. If you need help with overriding a method, you can consult your book (Section 8.2 pp. 373-376 of the 5th edition). You can choose how to sort Students however you wish: by first name, last name, or grade. By implementing Comparable, you can now call Collections.sort() from main() and pass it your list of students. 7) trimStudents() Finally, write a method called trimStudents() which takes the LinkedList of students and a grade to filter by, and uses an Iterator of type Student to iterate through the passed in list and remove any Student with a grade less than the filter passed in. If you need another explanation of iterators, watch this video. Call this method from main() passing the list of students and a grade filter of 90.0. After you have trimmed the student list, call printStuff again and pass the list of students.



“Thinking Skills and Creativity.” “Critical thinking perspectives across contexts and curricula: Dominant, neglected, and complementing dimensions” by Luis Fernando Santos Meneses

Reflection, Assignment #2 (10 pts.)

Read assigned article “Thinking Skills and Creativity.” “Critical thinking perspectives across contexts and curricula: Dominant, neglected, and complementing dimensions” by Luis Fernando Santos Meneses


To relate the material in Chapter 3, “Thinking Critically” and Chapter 4, “Solving Problems” to the thesis of a research article. Your paper will consist of three sections as follows.

Introduction Paragraph (2 pts.)

Briefly summarize the abstract in five sentences or less.

Thinking (6 pts.)

From the Introduction paragraph 1. of the article, and Table One, explain the three historical waves of thinking and research on critical thinking.

From the Skills Based CT Perspective paragraph 2. of the article, explain the “critical thinking skills-based approach” and its shortcomings.

From the Dispositions and Ethical Dimension of CT paragraph 3. of the article, discuss how Paul and Elder describe “fairmindedness.”

From the Civic Dimension of CT, paragraph 4. of the article, how is CT involved with “the public good.”

From the Cultural implications of CT, paragraph 5. of the article, what does it mean to say that CT should be “culturally embedded.”

How is CT in the curriculum related to ethical behavior in communities, societies, cultures, countries, nations.

Conclusion Paragraph (2 pts.)

Briefly explain why it is important to teach critical thinking.

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