Category Archives: Research Papers

Research for the home smart assets industry

Research for the home smart assets industry

Research for the home smart assets industry, like Google Nest. Do not focus on the product, focus on the entire industry.

the research should include the history, background, and etc..


Operations Management Trends in Lean Organizations

Operations Management Trends in Lean Organizations

Analysis of an organization that is a top leader in lean practices. In your analysis, do the following:

  • Briefly describe the organization, including what type of organization it is (e.g., product or service provider, non-profit, governmental, etc.).

  • Identify the organization’s lean practices that have distinguished it as a top lean leader.

  • Provide a brief analysis of the organization’s overall culture and how this influences its lean practices.

  • To support your response, be sure to reference at least one properly cited scholarly source.


Applied Mathematics Question

In a typed essay, describe the process of Fourier analysis and how it is used in the analysis of sound. You do not need to explain or demonstrate any actual calculations, but you should be able to explain in words the basics of what is done, and why. Then, using the provided applet (Links to an external site.), design several sound waves of your own and observe how changes to the shape of the wave affect the timbre of the sound. What observations can you make? What patterns do you notice? Your essay must include answers to all of these questions, and should be at least one full page, double-spaced, with font size no larger than 12. (The minimum length is one full page, but there is no maximum length. Many of you will find you need more than one page to thoroughly answer the questions; this is fine).

If you choose to use equations or formulas in your paper, and have the ability to process math symbols (say, using LaTeX or Lyx) into a typed format, that would be preferred, but if not, any equations you feel are important to include may be handwritten if they are clear and legible. Any sources used other than your classroom notes must be cited properly in some format, including the recommended resources below. MLA, APA, AMA, etc. is irrelevant to me. Your sources should be cited on a separate “works cited” page, and should not contribute to the length of your essay. Your work will be analyzed by Turnitin for plagiarism; so if any quotes are pulled directly from a source, you must attribute them to the author and cite the source properly.


Article Writing Question

As part of the course participation in this course, you will be required to participate in a series of discussion assignments related to readings in the course. The reading homework/discussion assignments should NOT be a summary of the main ideas and findings in the readings. Rather, your discussion (750 min. – 1,000 words max.) should focus on the implications of the main points of the readings or notes .With respect to discussions focused on the main points of the reading assignments, you could consider discussing: what do they make you wonder about? What lines of inquiry might they open up regarding facility management or how do they connect to facility management notes you are provided by me? How do the readings relate to each other and to readings from previous weeks, if applicable? How do the readings connect to your career field and aspirations? Again, I want to stress this is not a summary activity but a critical thinking exercise.


CSCI 141, Introduction to Computer Science I

CSCI 141, Introduction to Computer Science I


Marketing class

The project is designed to allow students (you) to experience all the stages of marketing virtually, as students (you) create a marketing plan for an idea, product or service. Students will (you will) create an idea, product, or service that you will market to the public. The project is divided into stages which will give the students (you) the opportunity to formulate the most effective way to implement the 4 P’s to ensure marketing success. Each stage will have a list of questions which students (you) will have to answer in order to get full credit for that stage. Marketing ProjectThe format must be similar to a business plan of a business brochure. So, you need to adhere to the following guidelines:Use the questions as sub-headings.Begin your response directly under the corresponding sub-heading.If the question is worth 2 points then, write at least two sentences in response to the question.Respond in full sentences, including sections of the question in your response.Bullets, points, numbers, or dashes are not necessary when using subheadings.Project stage 1: 25ptsCreate a product, service, or idea. 22pts What is the idea product or service you plan to offer? 2pts Describe the item you are planning to offer to the public. 5pts Explain the two main things that makes your offering unique. 5pts Is the offering a new product, idea, or service? 2pts Is the offering and improvement on an existing, product, service, or idea? 3pts Why would your offering be viewed as valuable to the public? 5pts Structure and organization. 3ptsUse actual data to determine if the product will be successful. Compare to offerings that are similar. Cite using APA style. 1.5pts Questions were answered in paragraph form 1.5pts


Accounting question

Using the percentage-of-receivables method for recording bad debt expense, estimated uncollectible accounts are $57000. If the balance of the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is an $11400 debit before adjustment, what is the balance after adjustment?





  1. In reviewing the accounts receivable, the cash receivable value is $25000before the write-off of a $1000account. What is the cash receivable value after the write-off?





  1. n 2022 theKingbird, Inc.had net credit sales of $990000. On January 1, 2022, the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts had a credit balance of $22800. During 2022, $33900 of uncollectible accounts receivable were written off. Past experience indicates that the allowance should be 15% of the balance in receivables (percentage-of-receivables basis). If the accounts receivable balance at December 31 was $239000, what is the required adjustment to the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts at December 31, 2022?





  1. An analysis and aging of the accounts receivable of Whispering Winds Corp. at December 31 reveal these data:

Accounts receivable


Allowance for doubtful accounts per books before adjustment (credit)


Amounts expected to become uncollectible


What is the cash realizable value of the accounts receivable at December 31 after adjustment?







Case Study

Case Study

A pregnant patient arrived to a Labor and Delivery unit with an emergency situation: she was in an advanced stage of labor, but the fetus was in a breech presentation.

The typical response to this emergency is to perform an immediate C-section (surgical birth) to prevent the infant from getting stuck in the birth canal – a potentially deadly complication.

The mother was from a culture that did not believe in surgical intervention. Through an interpreter, the situation and risks were explained to her; however, she declined surgery, stating that if the baby died it was meant to be.

Prompts/Discussion Questions

What are the ethical challenges with this situation?

What “cure” was the medical team hoping to implement?

What does the patient’s resistance to surgery tell you about her (body-mind-spirit)?

What is the nurse’s role in regard to helping the patient heal after this encounter?


Income Tax Accounting I ACT-4494

Income Tax Accounting I ACT-4494

write a tax return

Chance D. Parkman, born April 3, 1988, is a single tax payer who works at the local high school. He lives at 1428 Elm Street, Springfield, Ohio. His Social Security number is 919-66-9999. Chance earned $40,000 in wages and had $3,500 withheld in federal income taxes; both items were reported to him on his W-2. He also earned $10 interest from First Bank of Springfield (IL) on his savings account. This amount was reported to him on his December 2020 bank statement. He had full year health coverage from his employment in the Springfield City School System. Chance would like $3 to go to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund, although he has no idea what that is. He would like any refund he may receive to be deposited into his checking account. Chance’s account number is 789654123. He cannot remember the routing number for his bank. He would like for you, his professional tax preparer and CPA, to deal with the IRS for him if needed with regards to his 2020 tax return.

Please prepare Chance’s 2020 Form 1040 and any required schedules.


Law question

Use the Global Terrorism Database ( to search for examples of terrorist acts/groups. Then, post a discussion about two different acts committed by two different groups included in the database. Provide the details of the acts (who, when, where, why, how) and then use the information from your assigned readings to identify the type of terrorist group responsible for the acts. Then, use one of the views, discussed in the text, on what motivates terrorists (psychological, economic, alienation, socialization, ideological) to try to explain the terrorists’ motivation.

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