Category Archives: Research Papers

What are the relevant issues in this debate over the best response to a crisis? Is it best to apologize, repent and move on, or stand firm and aggressively defend? What is the downside risk of mounting a rigorous defense? Do research on the Chipotle crisis. Did the company Repent or Defend?

When facing a crisis, especially one in which the organization is implicated, many experts on crisis management take the approach that management or the firm needs to quickly repent of its malfeasance or wrongdoing, ask for forgiveness, and promise to do better in the future. This soft approach argues for engaging in careful communications and apologizing, if necessary. This approach, it is believed, is the best route to limiting damage and restoring the public’s confidence in the company and its leaders.

In their book, Damage Control: Why Everything You Know about Crisis Management Is Wrong, authors Eric Dezenhall and John Weber argue that this soft approach is often wrong. According to the authors, if you are facing a lawsuit, a sex scandal, a defective product, or allegations of insider trading, experts may tell you to stay positive, get your message out, and everything will be just fine. But, Dezenhall and Weber conclude, this kind of cheery talk does not help much during a real crisis, and it’s easy to lose sight of your genuine priorities. If your case goes to trial, for example, you might want the public to think you’re a wonderful company, but all that matters is what the jury thinks.

The authors support a political model of crisis management, which means you may have to fight back and defend yourself. When the company has done wrong, repentance is in order. When the company has been wronged, a strong defense is recommended. The authors recommend not admitting guilt and meeting each accusation with a counter claim. They say this is how Martha Stewart turned her public image around after serving a jail sentence. In another example, they say this is how Merck, the pharmaceutical company, recovered from legal defeats and bad press as it began to portray plaintiffs as selfish opportunists. They also cite how successful the mobile phone industry was in mounting a defense against the consumer complaints that the phones were causing brain tumors. The key, they say, is determining when to be conciliatory and when to defend aggressively.

  1. What are the relevant issues in this debate over the best response to a crisis?

  2. Is it best to apologize, repent and move on, or stand firm and aggressively defend?

  3. What is the downside risk of mounting a rigorous defense?

  4. Do research on the Chipotle crisis. Did the company Repent or Defend?


Essay related to the book Marbles by Ellen Forney

1. Having now read the entire paper, how are the essay’s two modes (Marbles analysis + personal narrative) working together? Do they work together?

2. Does the balance between the two modes (Marbles analysis + personal narrative) feel okay or do you think one or the other needs further content and/or development?

3. Marbles analysis (1): Does the author’s discussion of passages in Marbles persuade you that the author has a solid grasp of the book? Collectively, the author’s selection and discussion of passages should be from various parts of the book. Discussion of particular passages should, for the most part, be put in the context of the overall book.

4. Marbles analysis (2): Does the discussion of Marbles include at least some reference to form/style (e.g., visual strategies, structure/organization, and so on)? How effective/persuasive are these moments?

5. Personal Narrative (1): How effective is this aspect of the essay? Look for areas in need of more clarity, more explanation or development, etc.

6. Personal Narrative (2): Does the world described in these passages come to life? Look for areas in need of livelier, more specific language. Look for areas in need of more description.

7. Does the essay have an effective introduction and conclusion?

8. Are the quotations grammatically integrated?






What is the staff nurse’s role in evidence-based practice in your organization? How much do you think evidence-based practice is valued by your colleagues on the nursing staff?

Online Materials & Resources

  • Introduction to Evidence Based Practice [Video file]. (2015, May 26). Retrieved from

Introduction to Evidence Based Practice by Molly Montgomery

  • Hain, D., & Haras, M. S. (2015). Changing nephrology nurses’ beliefs about the value of evidence-based practice and their ability to implement in clinical practice. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 42(6), 563-567.

  • Neil, H. P. (2015). Nursing liability and evidence-based practice. MedSurg Nursing, 24(5), 10.

What is the staff nurse’s role in evidence-based practice in your organization? How much do you think evidence-based practice is valued by your colleagues on the nursing staff?


Research and then describe your company’s primary business activities (Tesla, Inc. (TSLA))

Research and then describe your company’s primary business activities (Tesla, Inc. (TSLA))


2.A brief historical summary,

3.A list of competitors,

4.The company’s position within the industry,


Mendel’s Principles and Contribution to Modern Biology

Mendel used mathematics and experimentation to derive major principles that have helped us understand inheritance. His ideas were totally different than the explanation for passage of characteristics from parents to offspring that was common to his time. Discuss at least two of his principles in detail, providing examples. Describe how each principle contributes to genetic variability. Discuss the significance of Mendel’s discoveries to modern biology.


SWE 321 Object Oriented Programming – Lab

SWE 321 Object Oriented Programming – Lab

Write a Python program with the following 10 functions. Solution to the first program given as a sample.
o All input values are to be taken from the user.
o Ensure to check for possible error cases like mismatch of data type and input out of range, for every function.
o Include test cases for the functions with different parameters to ensure all working conditions.
1. greatestOfFour (w, x, y, z) – Function to find the greatest of four numbers w, x, y, and z, and return it. (Answer to this is given as an example)

1. Write a Python program that reads a text file called “sample.txt”. A sample of the file is provided below, you may add more details to the file. Your program must read the data from the file and count the number of words in the file

2. Write a Python program that reads a text file called bill.txt. The text file contains, item-IDs and item-prices. Your program should read each item and respective prices from the file; find the most expensive, least expensive item, count the number of items and give the total of all the prices. The program should output the report into a file called output.txt. A sample of source file and report file is given below.
Item Price
A01 50.00
B31 149.50
A41 179.00
F01 169.50
C45 185.75
H21 29.25
There are total of 6 items purchased.
The most expensive item is “C45” with price 185.75

The least expensive item is “H21” with price 29.25
The total is 763.00


Physic105 the force vectors

Physic105 the force vectors


A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. For instance, a force of 10 lb upward or

a velocity of 30 miles per hour east is a vector. A scalar is a quantity that has magnitude but not

direction. For instance, temperature and volume are scalars, since it would make no sense to speak of a

temperature of 70 °F west or a volume of 20 cubic feet south. The resultant of two or more vectors is the

single vector that could be substituted for the given vectors and have the same effect. Although there are

many types of vectors, this experiment will concentrate on force vectors and their resultants.

Physic105 the force vectors

Suppose that a 3 lb force is acting on a body in an easterly direction and a 2 lb force is acting on the

body in a north-easterly direction as in Figure la. The 3 lb force by itself would cause the body to

accelerate toward the east; and the 2 lb force by itself would cause the body to accelerate toward the

northeast. If both of these forces (and only these two forces) act on the body, the body will accelerate in

an intermediate direction as shown. A single force R could produce the same acceleration. See Figure lb.

Since R is a single vector having the same effect as the given vectors, R is the resultant of the given




Genetic Engineering Research Essay

Genetic Engineering Research Essay


❒ Have you included a thesis in your introduction that takes a clear, specific position on one side of a debatable issue?


❒ Are all of the details relevant to the purpose of your essay?

❒ Is the argument supported using rhetorical appeals and source material?

❒ Is your essay 6-8 pages (approximately 1500-2000 words)? If not, which details do you need to add or remove?


❒ Have you cited outside sources effectively using quotation, summary, or paraphrase techniques?

❒ Are the sources incorporated smoothly, providing the reader with signal phrases and context for the source information?

❒ Have you referenced a range of at least 7 credible sources?

❒ Have you properly cited your sources according to APA style guidelines?

❒ Have you included an APA style reference page below your essay?


❒ Have you answered all reflection questions thoughtfully and included insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses?

❒ Are your answers included on a separate page below the main assignment?


CRUD Python Module


You will be given starter code that implements a preliminary dashboard and prompts the user for their username and password. You will have to modify the code to add the appropriate calls to MongoDB, using the CRUD Python Module that you completed as a part of Project One.

Important Note: To avoid any possible confusion, the authentication that you are building in this assignment will be passing the username and password through to the MongoDB database. You will not be using the authentication component from the Dash framework itself.

  1. Open the ModuleFiveAssignment.ipynb file, which contains the starter code for the dashboard and the authentication interface. Upload this file into Apporto and open it using the Jupyter Notebook application. Be sure to review all of the starter code that you have been given. Pay special attention to the import commands and the comments describing what each section of code does.

  1. The code that you have been given provides you with a very basic dashboard. Add an HTML component, such as a header, to create a unique identifier for your dashboard. This unique identifier could be your name or a specific handle or image that is unique to you.

  1. Customize the starter code that you have been given by developing connections between the dashboard username/pword interface and your CRUD Python module. The dashboard should prompt the user for their username and pword and return the output of the test query. Be sure to complete each of the following:

    • Import the CRUD Python module that you created for Project One.

    • Add the functionality in the callback routine for instantiation of your CRUD object. Remember to apply the user authentication when creating your CRUD object.

    • Finally, add functionality to test your dashboard connection to MongoDB. To do this, write code that returns the following read query: {“animal_type” : “Dog”,”name” : “Lucy”}.

      IMPORTANT: Use the “aacuser” account and the password that you set up in the Module Three milestone.

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