Category Archives: Research Papers

Business Plans Question

About this Assignment

Small businesses account for 99.9% of all firms and are directly responsible for more than half of the new jobs created in the United States. In this course, you have learned about small business models, financing, forecasting, accounting, and management. For this assignment, you will develop a 2,000-2,500-word small business plan.


To start, you should create a fictional small business. You will then write a paper that incorporates all of the following components:

  • Business Description: Summarize your vision for the business. Explain your business model (e.g., direct sales, brick-and-mortar, click-and-mortar, or franchise) and describe the products or services your company will provide.

  • Industry Background: Provide a brief description of the background/history of the industry you have chosen for your business.

  • Financial Plan: Identify the short-term and long-term financial goals for your small business. Explain your plan to obtain financing for the business.

  • Sales Forecast: Provide an immediate (six-month), short-term (two-year), and long-term (five-year) sales forecast for your small business.

  • Feasibility Plan: Develop a feasibility plan to determine if your business can meet operating expenses. The feasibility plan should identify the target market for your business, identify and analyze your direct and indirect competitors, identify the organizational competence of your business, and perform a financial analysis to determine the viability and profitability of your company.

  • Exit/Succession Strategy: Describe how you will determine if the business is failing and what your exit strategy will be should your business fail. In addition, describe the succession strategy you will use if you decide to exit the business.


BE 330 Lab 2: Simulating Circuits with LTspice or MultiSim

BE 330 Lab 2: Simulating Circuits with LTspice or MultiSim

Read the entire lab instructions before starting the lab assignment. You should do this for every lab, every week. It is important to read the entire lab first because often, you will be connecting multiple components together, and you need to understand each component before connecting them together. If you just try to serially read and complete the instructions, you will get stuck because vital information for completing specific steps may appear later in the instructions.
There will be many breakout rooms that you may self-assign yourselves to, to identify the people you would like to work with and help each other with the debugging. You are highly likely encouraged to ask your peers before looking for a TA, peer instructor, or the professor.
If you need to refuel, please stay away from the electronics, wash your hands, and consume your food or drink. You do not want to consume heavy metals or fry your $300 instrument.
Your webcam should be on throughout the whole lab, but feel free to turn off your webcam for a short while if you need to use the restroom, tend to an unexpected guest, etc. Not turning on the webcam will not allow you to be checkout (which means that you may lose major points for your lab).

BE 330 Lab 2: Simulating Circuits with LTspice or MultiSim

Circuit simulation is one of the oldest applications of computer simulation. SPICE (“Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis”), the original circuit simulation program, was first released in 1973. Forty-eight years later, SPICE is still the de facto standard for circuit simulation. Whether you are using LTSpice, MultiSim Live, or the full version of MultiSim, the core of the software you are using is still SPICE.
SPICE is initially inspired the need to obtain realistic input/output characteristic circuit without building a breadboard circuit. This situation is extremely common in building integrated circuit (IC) chips, for which breadboarding is highly impractical due to the high amount of circuitry components involved. Building IC chips often require high-quality photolithographic masks and product failure can be catastrophically costly.



Management question

Extreme sports tourism in China or Malaysia, please find all recent(2015-2021) literature articles about “Extreme Sports Tourism”, and find/record their dependent variables and independent variables, also finalize the excel matrix sheet including :

1. Read understand the content inside the articles

2. Transfer the information of the articles into template literature review in excel

3. There are three template:

Conceptual paper – paper that synthesis knowledge without data

Empirical paper – paper contain data and findings

Meta-analysis – paper discussing the trend and provide future direction


International Trade question.

 International Trade question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

You are to post a 3-4 paragraph overview of the countr India. You will be using the country in future discussion

Where in the world is the country located? Include a map.

What is the population?

What are the main languages spoken within the country? What percentages?

What is the climate of the country?

Explain the ethnic mix within the country. What percentages? If any? it doesn’t just have to be these questions add your own facts that you think will match.


Research and prepare a community-level strategic plan that addresses a key public health issue.

Research and prepare a community-level strategic plan that addresses a key public health issue.

Potential topics may include:

  • Using prenatal and infancy home visits to prevent child abuse and neglect

  • Preventing falls in the elderly

  • Reducing population salt intake

  • Reducing tobacco use among adults

  • Preventing risky sexual behavior among youth and young adults

  • Reducing drug experimentation among young adults

Include the following in your paper:

  • Introduction:

    • Provide an overview of the community health issue as described in Part A with identified causes and influences, including knowledge gaps.

      • Part A: Using Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns framework (p. 130 in your e-text), assess the health risks in your community.

        In your community assessment paper, include the following:

        • Identify resources in your community that would enable you to complete a community assessment and submit a summary of your findings (1–2 paragraphs).

        • Refer to Table 8-3: Examples of Community Strengths and Concerns, and assess the strengths and concerns of your community (2–3 paragraphs).

        • Identify potential barriers to implementing community health plans in your community and brainstorm ways of addressing these barriers (2–3 paragraphs).

    • Detail the prevalence of the issue inside and outside the United States.

    • Describe potential monetary costs associated with the issue in the United States.

    • You must include data as part of your introduction (images, charts, graphs, etc., may be included as well as written data).

  • Describe advance practice roles and management strategies that affect change at the community level.

  • Identify key community and social resources that negatively and positivelyaffect the selected issue.

  • Identify changes or enhancements in community-related services for your selected topic.

  • Develop a strategic plan that could decrease the prevalence of your selected topic.The goals for this plan needs to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, andtime-bound. Include how your plan takes into consideration health literacy, socioeconomic factors, and cultural differences.


Write analytical journal

State your opinion on whether US corporate bond yields will rise, fall, or remain reasonably constant over the next six months and explain why you have reached your conclusion. To support your answer, reference at least one item of class material we have covered in our meetings, textbook reading, slides, and video lectures, as well as at least one financial news article. Your post should contain between 100-250 words. You may cite high-quality financial news from the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times


Argo Tech Foods and The Branded Pulses Segment

Argo Tech Foods and The Branded Pulses Segment

This is a case study for a management class. Its about a technology company tech argo. This case study is for a Capstone class. I have provided the case study grading breakdown AND EXAMPLES OF GREAT PAPER. Please make sure to follow the great paper criteria . Please the Assignment needs to be 1 page single spaced





The subject of your essay for this course is “Changing Our Lives.” You have taken a marvelous, brave step on an educational journey. Congratulations! You have likely done a great deal of soul-searching to come to this enormous decision. The purpose of this essay, therefore, is for you to tell your readers (your instructor and your classmates) why you came to this decision. In your “Changing Our Lives” essay, you will present and then explain three reasons why you decided to go to college at this time in your life.

In this assignment, you will create a thesis statement for your “Changing Our Lives” essay.


Download and review the Student Sample of Thesis Statement [PDF].


You will create and submit your thesis statement by using Ecree. Just click on the link and start writing. Your work will be saved automatically. You’ll see some feedback on the right-hand side of the screen; ignore any red feedback that does not relate to your thesis. When you’re ready, you can turn in your assignment by clicking Submit at the bottom of the page.


Write a 20–25 word thesis statement in which you do the following:

  • Construct a one-sentence thesis statement that clearly states the narrow topic and main point of the essay.

  • Identify the narrow topic of the thesis statement by bolding the text.

  • Identify the main point of the thesis statement.

  • Minimize mechanical, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and stylistic errors.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Describe the narrow topic and main point of an essay using a thesis statement.



Remember, in this course, you will develop one essay. The subject of your essay for this course is “Changing Our Lives.” In your essay, you will present and then explain three reasons why you decided to go to college at this time in your life.

In this assignment, you will create an outline to help you organize your ideas for your essay.


For guidance, download and review the Sample Student Outline [PDF].


You will create and submit your outline by using Ecree. Just click on the link and start writing. Your work will be saved automatically. You’ll see some feedback on the right-hand side of the screen—ignore the red feedback for now. When you’re ready, you can turn in your assignment by clicking Submit at the bottom of the page.

Create a topic outline in which you do the following:

  • Use short phrases and not complete sentences.

  • Identify at least three main points.

  • Identify at least two supporting points for each main point.

  • Minimize mechanical, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and stylistic errors.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Identify the main points and supporting points of a given topic.


Remember, in this course, you will develop one essay. The subject of your essay for this course is “Changing Our Lives.” In your essay, you will present and then explain three reasons why you decided to go to college at this time in your life.

In the first two assignments, you chose your topic, created a thesis statement, and prepared an outline. Now you will create the introduction and the conclusion paragraphs for your essay.


Download and review the Sample Student Essay – Introduction and Conclusion [PDF].


Write an introduction and conclusion in which you do the following:

  • Develop an introduction paragraph that attracts the reader’s attention and introduces the topic of returning to school.

  • Include the revised version of the thesis statement you wrote in the outline, making sure to use instructor feedback in your revision.

  • Develop a conclusion paragraph to the essay, making sure the conclusion signals an end to the essay and provides a closing thought.

  • Meet the assignment word count of 5–7 sentences for each paragraph.

  • Minimize mechanical, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and stylistic errors.


What specific criticism does the woman make about United States society? What information is their criticism based on (personal experience, facts, history)? What solution does the woman, and/or her organization offer? What criticism/obstacles has the woman encountered?

Watch the videos of the speakers: Winona LaDuke, Angela Davis and Patrisse Cullors and review the writings of the three.

Angela Davis, They Will be Coming for us Tonight (Links to an external site.).

Winona LaDukeUranium Mining, Native Resistance and the Greener Path (Links to an external site.)

Patrisse Cullors,

Jenkins, Aric. “Black Lives Matters Co-Founder Patrisse Cullor on Her Memoir, Her Life, and What’s Next for the Movement.” Time. Feb. 26, 2018. (Links to an external site.)


After you have watched the videos and explored the documents –

Write a short analysis (2-3 pages) of what you found of interest about ONE of the speakers.

Then compare with one other woman speaker.


  • What specific criticism does the woman make about United States society?

  • What information is their criticism based on (personal experience, facts, history)?

  • What solution does the woman, and/or her organization offer?

  • What criticism/obstacles has the woman encountered?


Management Question


List five principles that affect your life on a daily basis.In what ways are you affected?Do they impact you in positive or negative ways?


Think of two habits you have, one good and one bad.Write down the knowledge, skills, and desires connected with those two habits.

Good habit:




Bad Habit:




Looking at the Maturity Continuum, where are you right now?Take a few minutes and record where you are now and why.What behaviors and attitudes do you exhibit that put you at this stage of the continuum?Are you beginning to see where you need the most work?


Think of two or three situations in your personal life during the past few weeks when you have responded in a reactive way.Describe what you said.

Now think of some proactive responses you might have used in the same situations.Write them down below.

  • Is there an area in your life you are unhappy about or frustrated by – family, a relationship, your job?What are you unhappy about or frustrated by?For example, do you feel powerless, hopeless, or used?Describe the situation.

  • What is the stimulus to your frustration or unhappiness?

  • How do you respond?

  • What other choices might exist between the stimulus and the response?

Think of a recent situation (possibly the one you chose earlier) and take it through the MASTER steps.

Identify situation:







  • Would the outcome have been different if you had used this technique?

  • Use the MASTER checklist for one week.

  • What were the outcomes to my conscious, proactive responses?

  • What would have been the outcomes had I chosen reactive responses?

  • In what ways have my proactive responses improved my life?

During this week, write down the various challenges and problems you face.Which area does each fall within?What is your immediate response?

Problem 1:



Problem 2:



Problem 3:



  • How will you change your response to meet the challenge more effectively?

  • Is there something you have always wanted to do but felt you didn’t have the talent, time, or ability?What would it take for you to overcome your weaknesses?What one thing can you do this week to begin?

  • If you could develop a new talent, what would it be?

  • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

  • If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

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