Category Archives: Research Papers

Determination of Pi

Lab #3:Determination of Pi


  • To take measurements of circumference and diameter for circles.

  • To use data from these measurements to develop data analysis techniques that will be useful in other components of this course.


We start by asking the question: “In a circle, is the circumference proportional to the diameter?”

If it is then C =Nd, where N is some number whose value we do not yet know. We can now write this as N = C/d Thus, if N is the same for all circles then C is proportional to d for the circles.

Procedure:piece of string, ruler with units (metric units of cm or mm might be easier), a coin, a small can and a large can or round jar.

  • Draw the 3 different circles of different sizes. Label each on second page. (only second page to be submitted for the assignment.

  • Using a string determine the circumference of each object and the diameter. Record your measurements in the data section and remember to record your units.

  • Compute N for each circle.

Data: Use these values for the table on the next page and remember the units

Circle 1:Value of C: __________Circle 2:Value of C: __________

Value of d: __________Value of d: __________

Value of N: __________Value of N: __________

Circle 3:Value of C: __________

Value of d: __________

Value of N: __________

This sheet to be completed and submitted for your assignment:

Drawings of three circles: (they can overlap)




Value of N




  • Average of N: __________________ (sum up 3 values and divide by 3)

  • Did each circle have same N value?If not why might that have happened?

  • Based on theaverage N, what is the value of N referred to as in mathematics?

  • Explain if this experiment verifies that C is proportional d?


Business communication project


Using visuals to present data requires a thoughtful assessment of what type of visual medium to use to convey a message. The visual medium often depends on the type of information being presented. This assignment will guide students in process of selecting an effective visual medium to present data and the creation of a business graphic.


  • Assess the power of business images, use the six principles of graphic design to ensure effective visuals, and to avoid ethical lapses when using visuals.

  • Compare the most common options for presenting data in a visual format.


For this assignment, students will develop a visual to communicate a business message of their choice. Students will select one visual creation resource from the list below to produce the visual. Follow the steps below to complete this creative assignment.

  1. Select a data set, concept, idea, or piece of information to present in a visual. Pay special attention to Table 9.1 and Table 9.2 in the textbook. Students may select any business or career-related topic to communicate. Use fact-based information. Examples include:

    1. A flow chart presenting a business concept

    2. A graph presenting the revenue of five companies

    3. An infographic displaying your employable skills

    4. A 1 Year Plan Illustration

  2. Select a visual creation resource provided below to create the visual.

    1. Canva (Links to an external site.)

    2. Visme (Links to an external site.)

    3. Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets

    4. Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides


Network Design and Plan

Network Design and Plan


The data and information you need to complete this part of the project are provided to you. (See the Required Source Information and Tools section at the beginning of this document.) In this part of the project, you need to conduct a survey of the existing hosts, services, and protocols within Corporation Techs’ network. Specifically, you need to:

  1. Access the PCAP data using NetWitness Investigator.

  2. Identify hosts within the Corporation Techs’ network.

  3. Identify protocols in use within the Corporation Techs’ network.

  4. Develop a list of hosts and services provided by each.

  5. Create a professional report detailing the information above as the initial document for development of the network security plan.

Write the network survey results as detailed in the instructions above



Engineering Question

1- Look up the fatality and injury statistics related to construction equipment

2- Find and read an article on a heavy construction project.
3- Find a book that tells the story of a heavy construction project (dam, canal, road, etc.)

Deliverables (1 page max, TYPED – make sure to submit a PDF or Word document in this link)

1.Half a page summary on equipment-related injuries and fatalities (number, rate, types)

2.Two paragraph summary of the article

3.The bibliographical info of the book (title, author, publisher, year)


math482 computational methods for data analysis

math482 computational methods for data analysis

1. Through the use of the Gabor filtering we used in class, reproduce the music score for the guitar in the GNR clip, and the bass in the Floyd clip. Both are clearly identifiable. See Figure 1 which has the music scale in Hertz. (NOTE: to get a good clean score, you may want to filter out overtones… see below. NOTE
2: It is also helpful to plot the log of the spectrogram… so plot log(|s| + 1) where s is the spectrogram.)
2. Use a filter in frequency space to try to isolate the bass in Comfortably Numb.
3. See how much of the guitar solo you can put together in Comfortably Numb. It may help to look at smaller portions of the clip to guide your reconstruction of the music score.



TCA 210 1001 Internet Meeting Search

TCA 210 1001 Internet Meeting Search

Research the Internet to find an example for each of the following:

1. Corporate Meeting or Event (eg. product launch, BOD meeting, Annual Share holder meeting, etc.)
2. Association Meeting or Event (an event produced by an association like and Annual Conference, regional meeting, or local chapter meeting)
3. SMERF Meeting or Event (Some examples include The Fraternal Order of Police, a Military Ball, a Red Hat Society meeting, Sorority or Fraternity meeting, Motorcycle Club, Book Club, etc)

TCA 210 1001 Internet Meeting Search

Tell me the following for each:

• The name of the organization sponsoring the meeting (putting the meeting on – not a sponsor for the meeting)
• Their website address (they must have a website that I can check)
• The location of their next (or most recent) meeting (must have taken place in the last year or in the coming year)
• Is there a cost to attend? If so, what is the cost?
• Why would someone want to attend this meeting?


Establishing Credibility

Review “Evaluating Web Resources: Evaluating Blogs” for a brief overview of the signs of blog credibility.

Visit LinkedIn. If you already have a LinkedIn account, sign in to your account. If you do not yet have a LinkedIn account, sign up for one, so you can access LinkedIn profiles.

Search for an individual you may know (for example, a colleague, coworker, or classmate), and review his or her profile.

Write a 700- to 875-word analysis paper that addresses the following questions based on the two sites you reviewed:

  • What is the goal of the blog site? What is the goal of the LinkedIn profile?

  • Who is the author of each site or profile page? What are his or her professional qualifications?

  • Describe the content from the blog and the LinkedIn profile, summarizing what you learned about each individual.

  • Was one individual more credible than the other? If so, in what ways?

  • Would you share the content or credentials of each individual with others as credible sources? How are value, power, and social capital created in each platform?

  • Do you feel the blogger and the LinkedIn individual’s profiles were credible and authentic? Explain your response.


Essay Paper: Art has the power to heal.

1. Personal Reflection – Maya Lin. (200 words minimum)


does learning about the objections met by Maya Lin and hearing the

artist speak about her challenges change your understanding and

appreciation of her work?” How did you process this history – don’t report on Maya Lin.
2. Formal Analysis Paper – Public ART in the Austin Community College District. (1000 words minimum) This assignment requires a field trip and a photo proving you went onsite to complete the assignment. Find a large scale outdoor public sculpture, IN THE AREA WHERE YOU currently LIVE, during the window of this assignment. (Not architecture and NOT a mural) Visit the “public” sculpture and spend some time with it observing and making notes.

Include a photo of the sculpture. Careful to not exceed a maximum file size of 10 megabytes. To avoid this you may upload the accepted image file separately. Use of Safe Assign is required! If you do not use Safe Assign your paper may not be accepted for a grade of 0.

Write a formal analysis of the selected work, using the form below:

Part 1 Personal Reflection – Maya Lin. Single paragraph.
Part 2 Formal Analysis Paper – Public ART in the Austin Community College District.
Using the form below, do your own writing. Your instructor is looking for an authentic and well-organized writing sample. Do not quote other authors. Use your own voice, as you write to produce a college-level writing sample.

A. Introduction paragraph:
Create a complete heading for your paper. Introduce the selected artwork by title, artist, date, medium, scale, and location. If the artist is unknown, DO NOT use the work. Find another. Include a detailed description of the piece, describing the work as if the reader has not seen it. Make note important features. Be certain to include a thesis statement in which three visual elements are identified because they contribute to the work’s overall successfulness, both in terms of expression and content. How did you and people in the community interact with it? SPECIAL Note: Write about the artwork, not the artist. Use double-spaced line spacing, 12 point font. ( 200 words minimum )

B. The body of your paper must contain three separate paragraphs.
In separate paragraphs, discuss three different Visual Elements and related Principles of Design seen. The body of the paper will consist of a careful analysis of each of the three visual elements deemed most relevant in the work. Observe and explain how the visual element is working in the overall composition and the supporting design principle is seen in the composition. Relate the ways these pictorial properties convey content or meaning to the viewer. (minimum of 600 words)
1. 1st paragraph: Visual element and supporting principle of design.
2. 2nd paragraph: Visual element and supporting principle of design.
3. 3rd paragraph: Visual element and supporting principle of design.
The Visual Elements describe the characteristics of the visible properties such as color or line or shape that make up the work’s aesthetic form. (Chapter 4)
The Principles of Design reflect the ways in which the Visual Elements are assembled into a coherent whole. (Chapter 5)
C. Conclusion paragraph. In conclusion, students should summarize how the three visual elements work together with companion design principles to express or convey meaning ( what is the artist trying to say or express ) for communication and expression. ( 200 words minimum )

Student PapersStudents respond to writing prompts posted at Blackboard Learn. Students are expected to follow instructions, complete writing assignments before the due date and to produce authentic writing sample. This means you do all of the writing with absolutely no use of quotes or direct copy and pasting from any other source and use formal English and proper usage to receive full credit.

Always include your full name and a heading on every paper or assignment submitted. Double-space your paper and use a 12 point font. Please use boldface to highlight the visual element and principle of design you write about in the context or body of your paper. Produce an original writing sample. Do not quote other authors. Review the questions below and write to answer each question. ( pay attention to word count )


9.3.10. Release personal information. What are the responsibilities of the decision maker? –What is the most appropriate action to take?

9.3.10. Release personal information. What are the responsibilities of the decision maker? –What is the most appropriate action to take?



Career Research Paper

Format: 3 pages, double-spaced, typed, #12 font Content:

  1. For the Career Research Paper, choose a career that interests you or one suggested by the career assessments done in the class. Answer these possible questions:

  2. Describe the career. What are the typical job duties? Why are you interested in this career?

  3. Are certain personality types and skills desired and/or required? How does your personality type match this career or not? Go back to your AchieveWorks Assessments. Click on this Video (Links to an external site.) on finding your assessment results.

  4. What are some advantages and disadvantages of working in this career? What type of environment will you be working in?

  5. What is a typical day, week, month, year? What is the salary or pay? Part time? Full time?

  6. What is the job outlook? Is there a demand or not in this field? How difficult or not difficult is it to gain employment in this career?

  7. What are the educational requirements? Licenses?

  8. What are related majors or majors needed for this career?

  9. What are related occupations for this career? Research other occupations similar that may be of interest.

  10. What are the growth opportunities?

  11. What interesting facts did you discover?

  12. Extra: Find a job advertisement on this career and paste it on a piece of paper or download it from a website (extra)

  13. To research your career, use at least 4 sources of information

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