Category Archives: Research Papers

Sorting Algorithms (Needs Excel) The Bubble Short/Merge Short Spreadsheet


The Bubble Sort

In the words of Brad Miller and David Ranum, authors of the Creative Commons- licensed book Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python (Links to an external site.), a bubble sort is “an algorithm that makes multiple passes through a list. It compares adjacent items and exchanges those that are out of order. Each pass through the list places the next largest value in its proper place. In essence, each item ‘bubbles’ up to the location where it belongs.” The image below illustrates the point.

Bubble Sort First Pass table.png

Figure 1 shows the complete First Pass for the Bubble Sort. But it will take additional passes before the sorting algorithm has finished its work.

For your Bubble Sort Exercise, you — a human computer — will carry out every step in every pass of a full bubble sort. You will find the work repetitive and tedious, which actually is part of the point. Your human brain can put the figures in order almost instantly, without having to work through the algorithm step-by-step. But as you know from Janelle Shane’s book, computers need to be given and execute very precise instructions.

Before trying it yourself, please watch this short demonstration. (Don’t get freaked out by the tech talk at the end. He’s speaking in pseudocode (Links to an external site.), something you’ll learn more about in a future module.)

The Merge Sort

Working through all of the steps in a bubble sort takes a long time. It’s even slow for a computer. How can the same sorting task be done more efficiently? Enter the merge sort!

According to Miller and Ranum (Links to an external site.), a merge sort algorithm is “a recursive algorithm that uses a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy that continually splits a list in half. If the list is empty or has one item, it is sorted by definition. If the list has more than one item, we split the list and recursively invoke a merge sort on both halves. Once the two halves are sorted, the fundamental operation, called a merge, is performed. Merging is the process of taking two smaller sorted lists and combining them together into a single, sorted, new list.”


NUR3805 Nursing Role and Scope

NUR3805 Nursing Role and Scope Research Paper # 1

Select a nurse theorist and write a paper describing the background of the theorist, the theory, and its application to nursing practice. The paper should address the following:

1. Describe the background of the nurse theorist and the various social and professional issues that influenced the development of the theory.

2. Identify the major concepts and relational statement of the nursing theory. Concepts common to most nursing theories include: Person, health, nursing, and environment.

NUR3805 Nursing Role and Scope

3. Describe the assumptions made by the nurse theorist. To what extent are these assumptions compatible with your personal philosophy of nursing?

4. Apply the theory to a clinical situation and describe how its use will improve nursing care or influence the way care is given.


Excel Version of Building houses

You are part of a construction company that is supposed to build houses. An architect has left you plans to build houses on each island. Bridges connect the islands. Island A and Island B have a total of 30 houses. Island A and Island C have a total of 40 houses. Island B and Island C have a total of 36 houses. A total of 53 houses is to be built on the three islands.


Mathematics writing question

Consider the 1−period model from class, with N > 0, S0 > 0, and 0 < d < 1 + r < u. Show that this model does not admit arbitrage if there are no securities other than savings or stock. That is, show that there is no way to make a portfolio such that X0 = 0, X1 ≥ 0, and either X1(H) > 0 or X1(T) > 0.


Computer Science question.

  • Filesystem Analysis and Data Recovery. Although there are many automated and commercial tools available nowadays, understanding how these tools perform can distinguish one from another, and this can provide great support during expert testimony in the courtroom. Filesystem analysis and data recovery are considered as the main categories in the digital forensics process. Extracting files from a storage device or recovering deleted ones with evidential related data can solve a case. For this research, you will go through two different filesystems: the FAT and the NTFS. You will basically explain how the files are structured in each one and how the recovery process of deleted files actually works. You will start with the famous TSK or The Sleuth Kit and how its command line tools are categorized, as they are based on each layer in the hard drive or the forensic image. After this, we will discuss Autopsy, the TSK graphical user interface. At the end of this chapter, you will need to show your foremost of these, which is the Linux-based file carving tool that is used to recover files based on their signature.


Building Houses

You are part of a construction company that is supposed to build houses. An architect has left you plans to build houses on each island. Bridges connect the islands. Island A and Island B have a total of 30 houses. Island A and Island C have a total of 40 houses. Island B and Island C have a total of 36 houses. A total of 53 houses is to be built on the three islands. Determine how many houses are to be built on each island. Show how to represent the problem in each of the following ways and solve them. (This is the verbal description, use sentences to explain)

I. Concrete or pictoral representation

II. Graph

III. Algebraic Formula

IV. Table


Writing Question

Conduct a self-experiment on phone screen time and self-reported happiness, 5 days.

1. Make sure your Screen Time phone tracking is on. Do not check your screen usage until the end of the experiment.

2. Every night before going to bed record your mood on a scale from 1 (sad) to 10 (happy).

3. At the end, on day 6, record your daily screen time usage.

4. Write about 500-word report on your experiment. Attach a separate file with the two variables.


Adapting to the Digital Revolution Case Analysis

Adapting to the Digital Revolution Case Analysis

Use ALL the steps of the Wertheim Problem Solving Model to identify a problem to be solved and evaluate potential alternative actions before suggesting an optimal solution for the company.

Your analysis should follow APA format including a title page, references page, in-text citations, and use Times New Roman, size 12 font. An appendix section is not required. Your analysis should be at least 4 pages in length, not including title or reference pages.



State of Science Project

Begin with a subject you are already interested in or curious about.  There is a good chance your initial topic will be too broad, so keep the 1250-1500 word limit in mind as you think about your scope and area of focus.  As you do your research, you will come across facts, common knowledge, or aspects of your topic that are well established.  While this can be part of what you talk about, you want to find interesting questions to guide your research.  But what is an “interesting” question?  Consider what is new, unexpected, controversial, or unsettled about your research question.  Interesting content will also be relevant to your audience; you should be able to show your audience how your topic impacts their lives and ultimately, why they should care.

A note about COVID-19 topics: Given the amount of coronavirus-related information we encounter daily, we might all appreciate a break from this subject. While I’m not enforcing this as a hard rule, and we will certainly talk about COVID-19 communication in other aspects of this course, consider picking a science topic unrelated to COVID-19 for this project.

Do your research.

Now that you’ve decided on your topic, and probably already done some preliminary research, it is time to get serious about researching your topic.



Communications Question

Once you have watched the Perception video in the Assignment Folder/Perception please answer the following questions:

1. How often do you “Turn to Wonder” (Covey, 2016), to check your Perception of others in your friendship circles, workplace of home? The concept of “Turning to Wonder”, has to do with trying to understand the “How, Why , When” did the other person arrive at their Perceptual Perspective.

2. Have you ever Blocked/Unfriended someone from Social Media simply because their Perception was different than yours?

3. What are healthy ways to “Cope/Deal/Benefit” with others who thinking differently or contradict your Perceptions?

4. What are your thoughts pertaining to the FedEx Logo?

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