Category Archives: Research Papers



(c) For each of the values of n and p in the table below, calculate F(2) exactly and fill in the first empty column. Calculate the absolute difference between the exact probability and the approximation you calculated earlier and fill in the second empty column. Round to three decimal places.


(d) Often it is said that the approximation is good when n is “large enough”. What do you notice about the approximation error as n increases?


(e) However, “large enough” varies in different contexts. What do you notice about the approximation error for larger sample sizes when p is small? Do you think that n = 50 is sufficient to achieve a good approximation if p = 0.01?

Data on 134 Americans from the CDC’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicated that average BMI was 28.8 kg/m2. We will assume that the variance is 64. Let Yidenote the BMI of the ith survey respondent, and assume that the data are collected from a random sample of Americans. Let Y¯ denote the (random) sample mean and ¯y denote the (observed) sample mean 28.8.
(a) Identify any given parameters and quantities other than ¯y and write a transformation of Y¯ that is approximately standard normal. (The transformation can include unknown parameters, but any known parameters should be replaced by their given values.)
(b) Suppose that the mean BMI were the midpoint of the healthy range. Under this assumption, calculate the probability that the sample mean exceeds 28.8.
(c) Do you think the data suggest Americans are overweight on average? Why or why not?



1.Search “” for a company or school that has reported issues, problems, concerns about their backup procedures. Discuss the issue of securing backups. There have been several incidents lately in which backup media containing personal customer information were lost or stolen. How should backup media be secured? What about off-site storage of backups?

1.Search “” for a company or school that has reported issues, problems, concerns about their backup procedures. Discuss the issue of securing backups. There have been several incidents lately in which backup media containing personal customer information were lost or stolen. How should backup media be secured? What about off-site storage of backups? Make sure its 250 words in APA FORMAT with references.

2.Search “” for a company or school that has defined the role of end-users in the creation of a contingency plan. Discuss why it is (or is not) important to include end users in the process of creating the contingency plan? What are the possible pitfalls of end user inclusion? Make sure its 250 words in APA FORMAT with references.


Process map

Put yourself in the shoes of a machine manufacturer. Your boss comes to you and says: “I want you to build a business process for how we handle repairs. It’s not really working today, so forget anything we do today and start with a blank sheet of paper. This about the best way to do this.” The model that you need to build should have at least 20 activities and probably a lot more events than that. Let’s look at a few facts to give you the background. The machines are similar to the ones you see in the picture on slide 32. They are fancy and very expensive ($1,200 to $3,500). These are machines are used in high-end restaurants and by high-end users such as very discerning espresso drinkers. So think about how you’re going to build your process for repairing the machine.

What are some of the early things you need to do? You probably start the process when a customer calls since they are the ones who experience the problem you need to fix. You may ask them for some preliminary information such as “Describe why it does not work, please?”, “Can you tell me whether the little green light is on?” or “Is it plugged in?” Then you need to determine whether as much about the breakdown as possible. Eventually, you want to find out whether the customer can repair the machine herself e.g. you send parts and instructions or whether they need to send it to you. Equally important, you need to figure out how you handle the different types of customers. A restaurant needs to be able to serve espressos to diners and they probably can’t wait for the machine to be fixed in your facility. That could take weeks or months. At the same time, if you design the process to basically overnight a replacement unit to the restaurant and they ship the broken one back to you, then how expensive is that and would you do that for private household consumers as well? Restaurants may be willing to pay $299 a year for a maintenance contract that allows you to cover the cost of sending a new machine in exchange for a broken one, but consumer may not. Essentially, your process could fork into two streams here. On one hand, you could have professional users with a paid warranty (don’t forget to check for that when you talk to them on the phone) and household users who do not. The latter may need to send their machine to you and will have to wait for the repair before they get it back.


Geographic Information Question

  1. Calculate the amount of net radiation (Q*) available on these two days.


33 + 75 = 108 (33 + 75) * .8 = 86.4. 108-86.4 = 21.6

620 – 575 =  45

21.6 + 45 = 66.6 cal cm-2 day-1

  1. On each day, what percentage of total insolation is comprised of diffuse (D) radiation?

{D/(S+D)}x 100 = %.

  1. What atmospheric conditions likely explain the percentage differences between these two days? Interestingly, Day 2 has a higher absolute total of D. What does that suggest about the seasonality of Day 2?

  1. Based only on surface albedo (r), what seasons of the year are being exhibited?

  1. L¯ is less than L­ on Day 2, yet L¯ is greater than L­ on Day 1.  What does this tell us about the relative temperatures of the surface and the air immediately above ground?  Which day has an “inverted” lapse rate? Which day has a “normal” lapse rate?



Ethics paper: Why is it more important for HR professionals to have higher levels of ethics than any other management position in an organization?

Research the importance of ethics for human resources professionals. Write a 2-3 page essay that answers this question…

Why is it more important for HR professionals to have higher levels of ethics than any other management position in an organization? Or, is it? Why or why not? Be sure to provide support for your answer and cite sources using APA formatting


Model the Regulation of Social Work Practice as an Ethical Issue

Model the Regulation of Social Work Practice as an Ethical Issue

Locate the website of the licensing board for social work practice in your jurisdiction (state or province). After reviewing the regulations for practice in your jurisdiction, identify three regulatory issues that apply to contracting with the client system discussed in the first assignment.

With this information, prepare a podcast to help educate your colleagues who may be newly practicing social workers in your jurisdiction. Discuss the difference in the regulatory issue from the ethical principle and how both may apply to the contract with your client system. The distinctions should be made in your discussion, with the mandate of what you must do in the process clearly differentiated from what you should do in establishing the contract for services. You may use any software you like to record your podcast. Instructions for using Audacity are included in this week’s resources.

Podcasts are assessed considering the following: 1) how well the introduction sets the scene; 2) clarity, accuracy, and relevance of content; 3) whether the conclusion provided a clear summary of the main points; 4) the structure and flow of the podcast, and 5) technical sound quality (volume and clarity). Creativity is also considered.


Compare and contrast the events of 1968 to 2020. In what ways were the events of 1968 similar and different to the events of 2020 (be specific) and what do you think can be learned for the future?

Please click on the following link to watch the video. It is just over 40 minutes long and will help you if you are able to watch it before taking the final exam.

1968 video (Links to an external site.)

Compare and contrast the events of 1968 to 2020. In what ways were the events of 1968 similar and different to the events of 2020 (be specific) and what do you think can be learned for the future?


Essay 1: Memoir

Write a memoir by choosing an event that has shaped your life (for the better or worse). Over the course of this essay, your readers should be able to understand why this event has had such an impact on you.


1: Review the strategic integration section. Note what strategic integration is and how it ties to the implementation of technology within an organization. 2: Review the information technology roles and responsibilities section. Note how IT is divided based on operations and why this is important to understand within an organization

Essay Assignment 1: Review the strategic integration section. Note what strategic integration is and how it ties to the implementation of technology within an organization.

Essay Assignment 2: Review the information technology roles and responsibilities section. Note how IT is divided based on operations and why this is important to understand within an organization


COM201032VA016-1212-001: The Power of Effective Speakng: INTRODUCTORY SPEECH OUTLINE

COM201032VA016-1212-001: The Power of Effective Speakng: INTRODUCTORY SPEECH OUTLINE



Strong oral communication skills will be valuable to you throughout your academic journey. They are in high demand by many employers. Creating an outline is critical to your success in crafting an effective speech.

For this assignment, you will create an outline. The speech based on your outline is due next week.


  1. Select either Topic A or Topic B for your introductory speech.

    • Topic A: Elevator Pitch. Deliver an elevator pitch that describes your professional background and experience for a potential employer during a job interview.

    • Topic B: Dream Career. Discuss your dream career.

  2. Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word.

    • Download the Sample Outline [DOCX], which provides guidance for the structure of an outline.

    • Focus your speech on 2–3 main points so you’ll stay within the 2-minute time limit.

  3. Submit the completed outline in a Microsoft Word document.


Your assignment will be graded according to the following criteria:

  • The outline is complete and on topic.

  • The outline provides solid flow for the speech.

  • The outline is clear and free from spelling and grammar issues.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Outline a speech using a structured flow and proper spelling and grammar.

Week 2 Assignment Overview:

My Dream as a Fashion Designer Ashalayah Bryant COM201

Professor Stesha Brazil

January 16, 2021

Your Topic


A.Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak. —Rachel Zoe

B.Fashion is Art and you are the canvas —Velvet Paper

II.What does A fashion Designer do?

B.Supporting material 2

C.Supporting material 3, if you have one

III.What kind of education do I need to be a Fashion Designer?

IV.Third Main Point

B.Supporting material 2


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