Category Archives: Research Papers

Writing question

All of these correspondences have strengths and weaknesses. Review the the correspondence, then address the following for each example:

Describe the letter’s/emal ’s/memo’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of the following:

  • Format

  • Organization

  • Style

  • Identify the most effective and least effective correspondence, and explain why you picked the ones you picked.

  • Choose one correspondence and rewrite it so that it more effectively accomplished its goals.


Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems Course

Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems Course

Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems Course




Poli 28: Ethics and Society II

Poli 28: Ethics and Society II

First Essay Prompt
Please write a paper based on one of the prompts below. In order to facilitate anonymous grading, you are asked to include a cover page with your name and paper title, and to remove all identifying information from the remainder of your paper.
Papers are to be between 6-8 pages in length double spaced (not including the cover page or bibliography), with a standard font and margins. You are encouraged to look at the grading rubric and related course materials before writing your paper in order to familiarize yourself with the standards of assessment.

Poli 28: Ethics and Society II

The paper should address one of the following:
1. Under what conditions does voting count as an act of political dissent? Is it an effective, or ineffective method of dissent? Why?
2. Compare and contrast Gandhi and King’s views and justifications for civil disobedience. Did they agree about the situations in which it ought to be employed? At what point do their theories and practices come apart?
3. Rawls argues that civil disobedience is only morally justified when laws are sufficiently unjust and when more moderate forms of dissent have failed. Are these appropriate restrictions? Why or why not?



BCH4053.0002 Spring 2020; Topic: Water and Buffer Systems

BCH4053.0002 Spring 2020; Topic: Water and Buffer Systems

Buffer Solutions: Biological reactions are carried out at a very narrow pH range; the pH is controlled by various buffer systems. In the human blood, for instance, the pH is maintained at a narrow range between 7.35- and 7.45and is buffered in part by carbonic acid (H2CO3), which is formed from dissolved carbon dioxide and water in the blood. The bicarbonate buffer system depends on the equilibrium between carbonic acid and bicarbonate (HCO3
− ), a reaction catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase.
Draw the equilibrium between carbonic acid and bicarbonate, and write out its equilibrium constant expression:
Describe how the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation may help correlate to the pH of a buffered solution:
Example: A buffered aqueous solution is prepared using H2CO3 with pKa values of 6.35 and 10.33. Assuming that the [H2CO3] is 10 times larger than the [HCO3−] in the described solution, determine the pH of the solution:
(Note: no other ionization states of carbonic acid are present; log(10) = 1; log(0.1) = -1).

Explain if this particular solution would be more suitable to resist changes in pH upon addition of acid or base?

BCH4053.0002 Spring 2020; Topic: Water and Buffer Systems

Aspartic Acid:

Aspartic Acid is an essential proteinogenic amino-acid with three ionizable groups: its amino group has a pKa of 9.90, the carboxylic acid group attached to the alpha carbon has a pKa of 1.99, while the carboxylic acid group on its side chain has a pKa of 3.90.
Sketch out the structure of aspartic acid

and give its one and three letter abbreviation.
Draw aspartic acid in its fully protonated form and show each of its possible ionization reactions.



Personal leadership style

For this assignment, you are asked to determine your own personal leadership style. Start by taking the self-assessment from the MindTools website: ( Next, complete the required Goleman reading. Develop an understanding of your leadership style.

Goleman, D. (2000, March-April). Leadership that gets resultsHarvard Business Review. Retrieved from…

Based on your experiences, current readings, work experience, education, and use of self-assessment instruments, describe what you think your personal leadership styles are. Include the following in your response:

  • Develop an understanding of your leadership style(s).

  • What is/are your style(s) and give an example of when you have applied your leadership style(s)?

  • In what ways will this/these style(s) help you achieve your goals?

  • Evaluate yourself relative to emotional intelligence (Goleman article) and explain how you will expand your emotional intelligence.

  • What areas of leadership styles may be shortcomings and how will you improve your leadership?


  • Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question-and-answer format.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 3-5 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

  • Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Current articles are those published in the last five years.

  • It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check–Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.




Assignment description and purpose

You will complete a Research Essay mainly related to knowledge and skills from weeks 7 to 12: Circular Flow of Income Models, Gross Domestic Product, Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, Unemployment and Inflation, and Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy. You will also draw upon knowledge from weeks 1 to 6, where relevant.

Your research MUST focus on the Australian economy, and should include:

  • Quantitative data such as:

    • Current and recent data (past 3 years) for the key economic indicators of Real Gross Domestic Product, the inflation rate and the unemployment rate.

    • Recent and historical trends (up to 10 years) in Real Gross Domestic Product, the inflation rate and the unemployment rate.

  • Qualitative news pieces, no older than 6 months, such as:

    • Articles on the current state of the Australian economy. o Articles on the forecast for Australia’s economy.

    • Articles providing background or in-depth commentary on Australian economic conditions.

You will conduct research and use economic theory to draw conclusions and make assumptions about these key research areas. The aim of collecting this information is to enable you to construct a factual argument to support or refute the essay topic.

The purpose of this assessment task is to enable you to demonstrate understanding of the economic theories and concepts covered in class and apply them to the Australian economy.

Intended audience

You should write your essay as though you are explaining economic concepts to a group of fellow students who do not know anything about economics. You should ensure the language used is appropriate for a “workplace” setting and that you have not used abbreviations or slang. You should ensure all economic theories and concepts are fully explained and explicitly related to the essay topic. Where diagrams are used, you should ensure they are neat and fully labelled.



Journaling Latin America

Research Assignment 2: Journaling Latin America


For this research assignment, you will be writing from a journalistic point of view addressing the colonial rebellions and the aftermath, as discussed in Chapter 8 from your textbook.

Nationalism and the chain of events leading up to it: You are a newspaper reporter documenting the various types social, economic, and cultural changes of that have been taking place in the region where you are living (see prior chapters 4-7). Describe the scene or sequence of events that have been happening.

The elephant in the room:

Why nationalism? Is it a phenomenon that is happening from the top down, or bottom up? Here are some questions to keep in mind as you craft your report:

Where are you writing from (region/country/province)?

Describe in detail (from your journalistic angle) what is happening culturally, religiously, militaristically, technologically, and economically.

Research Assignment 2: Journaling Latin America

In your journalistic reporting please include/integrate at least 2 key terms from the chapter on Nationalism and 2 from the chapter on Neocolonialism (Ch 7). This report should be at least 500 words.

In addition to your journalistic reporting, please include a picture(s) of what you are describing. You could copy and paste 1-3 images from doing a basic google search in your report. That is where the research will come into play. Be sure that the images correspond to what you are writing about. You will treat this like if it were an actual newspaper (title of paper/date/journalistic name/etc).


51LB: Nucleophilic Substitution, Organic Chemistry Lab: Nucleophilic Substitution Experiment Report Scaffold

51LB: Nucleophilic Substitution

1. What reaction was conducted in this experiment? What reagents were used? How was the reaction set up? Don’t provide too much detail here! You should answer this question in 1-2 sentences!
2. Did you know the exact reagents you were using or was there an unknown involved? If an unknown was involved, the purpose should include determining what that unknown compound was! Mention all possible unknowns. Again, this can be answered in one sentence! You might be able to combine this sentence with the one above!
3. What techniques were used to purify and identify the product(s) of the reaction? Don’t go into detail here. Just list each and its purpose in a sentence.



CS 461/561 Computer Architecture

CS 461/561 Computer Architecture

In Part 1, average memory access time was presented as an indirect measure of memory performance. The basic formula for calculating AMAT is
AMAT = time for a hit + (miss rate x miss penalty).
In Part 2, we expanded the formula to encompass a level 1 and level 2 cache. The expanded formula for a 2-level cache is
AMAT = Hit timeL1 + (Miss rateL1 x (Hit timeL2 + (Miss rateL2 x Miss penaltyL2)))

1. Continue expanding the formula and derive the full calculation for a 3-level cache.
(10 points)
2. The following table defines the profile for a multilevel cache hierarchy.
Using the information in the table, calculate the average memory access time for this memory hierarchy. (10 points)


Simple statistics

Causal research review: Oreo Promotion Experiment (Slide No.2)

Let’s do it and example of 7-Eleven is running an Oreo promotion experiment. They have 3 stores. 3711 commission is stores which are really think about it are kind of the test units along with they have 200 men that they’re randomly sampled and notice the word random. And next to the Oreo aisle in each different store, they’ve a leg out one it has a coupon dispenser. One has a large-scale sign and one has no sales information.

You basically have a control group or controlled test with 3rd option and then marketing tracked the sales units Oreo sold before and after applying the treatment. The treatment being the coupon dispenser the sale sign.

  • So, what is the dependent variables? (What is it that researchers are measuring, and they can’t control the outcome? They make the changes, but they can’t control the outcome).

  • What is the independent variables?

  • Any extraneous variables to consider? (Explain specific)

  • Better internal or external validity?

Answer here:

Answer here:

Answer here:

Answer here:

Preference for toothpaste brands using rank order scaling (Slide 27)

  • Any issues with this test?

Answer here:

Class exercise (Slide No.32)

You are a market researcher for Instagram. You’ve been asked to validate the GenZ College Study findings on apps (next slide).

Develop 3 comparative scales (paired comparison, rank order and constant sum) to measure attitude toward the top 4 college apps.

  • Which scale do you think will give you the best results?

  • Which is the easiest to institute, most difficult?

  • What types of measurements for each? NOIR

Answer here:

Answer here:

Answer here:

Class exercise #2 (Slide No. 34)

Experiment for Kraft Foods

Kraft foods is testing new recipes (V#1-more cheese and V#2- more flavor)

They choose 1000 randomly selected shoppers and ask the panelist to taste the two versions in the grocery store.

Shoppers were then asked to pick the product they preferred.

Shoppers then chose a box of Version #1 or Version #2 to take home.

(You read an experiment for Kraft foods. You work for Kraft and you’re testing a new mac & cheese recipe. You get 1000 grocery shoppers; you randomly select them. Remember the keyword random. You ask them to try version one American cheese and version2 mac and cheese so they’ve different flavors. And then shoppers are asked to pick the product they preferred. Then they take a box of version 1 or version 2 home.)

  1. What are the independent and dependent variables of the test?

Answer here:

  1. What type of design is this? (e.g. quasi, true, etc.)

Answer here:

  1. What type of comparative test?

Answer here:

  1. What extraneous variables may be present and how could the researchers control this? (Explain specific)

Answer here:

  1. What measurements would be collected? NOIR?

Answer here:

  1. Which validity is stronger and why?

Answer here:

Chapter 10

Class exercise/mini assignment (Slide No. 38)

Based on your OWN research and hypotheses, develop 2 survey questions.

  • Consider the question decisions

  • Type (comparative/non-comp)

  • What measurement? NOIR

  • Criteria (balanced, forced? etc.)

  • How might you prove reliability/validity?

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