Category Archives: Research Papers

System analysis and design.

Identify three different jobs, one with a focus for each of the following:

Hardware focused

Software focused

People (process) focused

Then, for each position, answer the following questions:

For 15 points,

For each position that you identified,

What are the

Inputs (requirements)

Processes (activities/duties of the position)

Outputs (look beyond salary and benefits – Work life balance, skills

learned, potential for advancement)

For 15 poings,

For each position that you identified,

What is your opinion of the position?

Paragraph – for each

What do you like about it?

What do you dislike about it?

What prevents you from applying?

What would facilitate your applying?

Then, at an organizational level,

For 15 points, For each position that you identified, for the organization that posted the

position, what organizational need (i.e. part of value chain segment) is the

position designed to fullfil?

Then at an Economic level,

For 10 points,

For each organization that you identified (i.e. the organization that is posting the job you identified) Who is the industry leader in that industry/market?

Then, shifting back to an organizational level,

For 10 points,

How does each organization that you identified (i.e. the organization that

is offering the position) compare within the industry/market?

Use the formatting below to create your outline!


Job 1

Job title

<<White space – which means hit enter three times and separate the sections>>

Job focus (Hardware, software, or people)

<<White space>>

First paragraph of the job posting

<<White space>>

Hyperlink for Job 1

<<White space>>

Inputs for Job 1 (I.E. requirements)

<<White space>>

Processes for Job 1 (I.E. activities/duties)

<<White space>>

Outputs for Job 1 (I.E. work/life balance, skills learned, potential for advancement, etc.)

<<White space>>

What do you like about Job 1?

<<White space>>

What do you dislike about Job 1?

<<White space>>

What prevents you from applying for Job 1?

<<White space>>

What would facilitate your applying for Job 1?

<<White space>>

What Value Chain segment does Job 1 fill?

<<White space>>

Who is the industry or market leader for the industry or market of Job 1?

<<White space>>

How does the organization offering Job 1 compare with other organizations in their


<<Double line>> ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Job 2

Job title

<<White space>>

Job focus (Hardware, software, or people)

<<White space>>

First paragraph of the job posting

<<White space>>

Hyperlink for Job 2

<<White space>>

Inputs for Job 2 (I.E. requirements)

<<White space>>

Processes for Job 2 (I.E. activities/duties)

<<White space>>

Outputs for Job 2 (I.E. work/life balance, skills learned, potential for advancement, etc.)

<<White space>>

What do you like about Job 2?

<<White space>>

What do you dislike about Job 2?

<<White space>>

What prevents you from applying for Job 2?

<<White space>>

What would facilitate your applying for Job 2?

<<White space>>

What Value Chain segment does Job 2 fill?

<<White space>>

Who is the industry or market leader for the industry or market of Job 2?

<<White space>>

How does the organization offering Job 1 compare with other organizations in their


<<Double line>> ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Job 3

Job title

<<White space>>

Job focus (Hardware, software, or people)

<<White space>>

First paragraph of the job posting

<<White space>>

Hyperlink for Job 3

<<White space>>

Inputs for Job 3 (I.E. requirements)

<<White space>>

Processes for Job 3 (I.E. activities/duties)

<<White space>>

Outputs for Job 3 (I.E. work/life balance, skills learned, potential for advancement, etc.)

<<White space>>

What do you like about Job 3?

<<White space>>

What do you dislike about Job 3?

<<White space>>

What prevents you from applying for Job 3?

<<White space>>

What would facilitate your applying for Job 3?

<<White space>>

What Value Chain segment does Job 3 fill?

<<White space>>

Who is the industry or market leader for the industry or market of Job 3?

<<White space>>




This is Phineas. Phineas has had a very bad day since he was stabbed 5 times in the head…. follow the image attached

Each one of the colorful dots on the skull designates the location of a stab wound. The corresponding arrow (they match in color) shows how deep the stab would went and the angle at which it entered his skull. So you have the bright red and blue anterior stab wounds and the dark red, green, and purple lateral stab wounds.

For EACH of the 5 stab wounds you will need to determine the following:

1. Which lobe of the brain (if any) did that stab wound pierce and what cognitive or behavioral differences would occur as a result assuming he lived through them.

2. Which of these pierced the cerebellum? Which portion of the cerebellum was pierced and what behavioral difference would that cause? Did it pierce both hemispheres?

3. Determine which of these stab wounds pierced either the midbrain, brainstem, or diencephalon. For the one(s) that did, determine which section was pierced and what the behavioral side effect would be.

4. Determine which of these stab wounds pierced a ventricle. For the one(s) that did, determine which ventricle(s) were pierced and the overall effect that would have –> hint – think about what the ventricles hold and what would happen if it suddenly emptied into the brain

5. Determine which of these stab wounds severed a cranial nerve. For the one(s) that did, determine which CNs were severed and what effect that would have on him.

6. Oops… he died… which one of these stab wounds was the most likely one to kill him and why?


Classical and Molecular Genetics

These are the topics

– mendelian genetics and pedigrees

– chromosomes, meiosis, sex linkage

– extensions to mendelian genetics

– Quantitative genetics

– gene function


Physics 1 question activity

A 24.0 V battery is attached across a length of gold wire with a radius of 0.600 mm.

(a) If you want the current to be 1.00 mA, how long does the wire have to be?
(b) What is the current density?
(c) How much energy would be delivered to the wire in 1 hour?(hint find power first)


Authority, competition, confrontation, dependency, empowerment, intergroup conflict, negotiation, organizational politics, power, or rational model.

QUESTION: Pick one of the following terms for your research: authority, competition, confrontation, dependency, empowerment, intergroup conflict, negotiation, organizational politics, power, or rational model.

NOTE: Your submission must include the following information in the following format:

DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200-word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.

DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the mostimportant part of the assignment.


MK/421T DQ Post; Provide an example of how an international company (such as Unilever or Mondelez International) changes its distribution channels and/or marketing messages based on country.

MK/421T DQ Post

At least one APA formatted reference is required with your answer (please support your work with strong sources):

  • Provide an example of how an international company (such as Unilever or Mondelez International) changes its distribution channels and/or marketing messages based on country.


Contour lines and slope steepness

Describe the relation between the contour lines and slope steepness.

What is the effect of adjusting the Elevation (Vertical) Exaggeration on the image? Describe with examples.


Analytical Report Work Plan

Analytical Report Work Plan (approx. 500 words)



A work plan is a document (and tool) to define and guide larger writing projects. See the sample work plan on page 240 in the textbook. There is also a student sample work plan available.

The sections of the work plan are as follows:



  1. Problem/Opportunity — What is the problem or opportunity the upcoming report will address? What company/organization do you represent?

  1. Purpose and Scope — Explain why you are preparing the report and what you plan to deliver through the report. What will your report cover? Include limitations (what will not be covered), if necessary. By mentioning the limitations of your report, you are also rationalizing how much can be

  1. Sources and Methods of Data Collection — How will you find the data and what data will be needed?

  1. Background — What were the historical conditions leading up to the need of doing this analysis?

  1. Audience Analysis — Profile your audience (demographics, attitude toward problem/opportunity, level of knowledge on topic, number of people, location, etc.)

  1. Outline – This section will provide a preliminary outline to guide your ensuing report (with headings). Include questions that need to be answered in the body of your report. You won’t know if you can answer all the questions at this time, but articulating them will help you choose the right articles and reject others during the research

  1. Proposed Schedule of Tasks – Include a proposed timeline of tasks and dates for

  1. Preliminary Reference List – List at least 5 sources (in APA format) that you may use for your research and cited information.


Source analysis on social Justice topic Homelessness


1. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate two sources, which means to explain why they are strong, credible sources to use for your research paper. You should ask yourself this question: would I use these resources in a research paper. Why or why not?

2. Use the topic that you have chosen to research. Your topic should focus on a particular “problem” that you have identified in our society/community. For example, Take one article that you found in the library, and then find another source by doing a Google search. You can use any website or online source for the second article. The point of the exercise will be to find out which source is more trustworthy than the other source.

3. Compare and contrast these two sources. To do this, you will write a paragraph about each of them. For each paragraph, you will explain the source’s argument, the strengths and weaknesses of the argument, and what research and sources the article used. You can write a short (2-3 sentences) summary of the helpful information the argument provides.




Clever Monkeys
• Watch the 30-second introduction, then click on “explore more from this episode” and click on “Monkeys and Medicinal Plants” (text), “Monkeys and Language” (text), and “Monkeys and Emotion” (text).
• What is zoopharmacognosy? Give two examples based on the presented text.
• Give two examples of language abilities in monkeys.
• How do monkeys express emotions related to death, stress, and friendship?
The E-Skeleton’s Project
• Compare the human and the baboon cranium. Describe each bone. What are the
differences between the two?
• Compare the human and gorilla cranium. Describe each bone. What are the differences between the two?
• Compare the human and gorilla mandible. Describe each bone. What are the differences between the two?
• Compare the human and baboon mandible. Describe each bone. What are the differences between the two?
• Compare the human and baboon innominate (os Coxa). Describe each bone. What are the differences between the two?
• Compare the human and gorilla innominate (os Coxa). Describe each bone. What are the differences between the two?



Primate Brains
• Look at the images of the brains of the ring-tailed lemur, tarsier, spider monkey, baboon chimp and human. What are the differences?
• In the “brain evolution” section, click on “paleoneurology.” What is an endocast? What information is derived from an endocast?
• Click on “brain development.” Describe the development of the human brain.
Becoming Human
• Click on “learning center” and then on “building bodies.” Assemble the appropriate bones into a complete chimp and a complete human skeleton.
• Which bones did you have the most difficulty with?
• What is the difference between the foramen magnum in chimps versus in humans?
• What are the differences in the pelvis and femurs?
• What are other important differences between the two skeletons?

The Jane Goodall Institute
• Go to the website. Click on “Wiki” on the top menu. There are two sections: Jane Wiki and Chimp Wiki. You will explore both sections to answer the following questions:
• Who is Jane Goodall? What was her most notable and surprising discovery about
chimpanzees? Give examples.
• Are chimpanzees herbivores or omnivores. Explain with examples.
• What is the chimpanzee habitat like?
• How do chimpanzees communicate with each other?
Amboseli Baboon Research Project
• What is a day in the life of a baboon like? What are some of the activities they engage
• Click on “Baboon social life.” What characterizes baboon social life? Be sure to watch the video examples of baboon social behavior.
• What have the researchers learned from doing genetic research?



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