Category Archives: Research Papers


 A VIDEO that you create where you teach your peers how to factor

What to do:

  1. Create/find your own example (different from the lectures notes and video examples) of each of the different types of factoring below:

  2. Record a video of yourself explaining the details – step by step – of how to factor each of these 4 different types. You will need to demonstrate/illustrate each step of the work so that your peers can see the work in the video; it can’t just be audio.

  3. Conclude by giving reminders of things that you’ve learned along the way (e.g. when should you use each type, “don’t forget to…..”, etc.)


Produce a snaps graph, that indicates over time the snaps present in each stage of the process.

  1. Snaps Graph

In class, we saw an example of a snaps graph, for the continuous flow exercise. The graph illustrates the system state over time. The graph allows one to “read off” the answer to pretty much any question that is posed.

  1. Produce a snaps graph, that indicates over time the snaps present in each stage of the process. (You can use the graph shown in class as a model, but do not feel you have to reproduce it; there are many useful visuals that one could create.) The graph can be neatly hand-drawn (take a photo) or done in software.

  2. Write out the calculations for all “transition points” in the graph. Make them easy to read. Indicate units. The calculations can be handwritten (take a photo) or typed out. Excel is NOT expected here.

  3. Process Improvement – Bins

The most snaps in the receiving bins is 175 barrels. So it is obvious that increasing the bin size by 175 (to 400 barrels) will eliminate the waiting of trucks.

Is 400 barrels the smallest receiving bin capacity, such that trucks don’t have to wait? Briefly justify your answer.

  1. Process Improvement – Delivery Break

One idea for improvement is this:  Take a “delivery break” during the day to let the plant “catch up”. During the delivery break, trucks will not arrive. After the delivery break, trucks will resume at the same arrival rate as before. The same total quantity of snaps will be delivered.

  1. What would be the metrics to evaluate a plan for a delivery break?

  2. Propose a good plan for a delivery break.

  3. Quantify the performance of your plan.


SLR PAPER-A systematic Literature review paper on analyzing and visualizing data

1. Identify your research question. Formulate a clear, well-defined research question of appropriate scope. Define your terminology. Find existing reviews on your topic to inform the development of your research question, identify gaps, and confirm that you are not duplicating the efforts of previous reviews. Consider using a framework like PICO or SPIDER to define you question scope. Use Database Search Log Excel spreadsheet to record search terms under each concept.

Optional: It is a good idea to register your protocol in a publicly accessible way. This will help avoid other people completing a review on your topic. Similarly, before you start doing a systematic review, it’s worth checking the different registries that nobody else has already registered a protocol on the same topic.

  • Cochrane Collaboration – Systematic reviews of health care and clinical interventions

  • Campbell Collaboration – Systematic reviews of the effects of social interventions

  • F1000 Research – The protocol is published immediately and subjected to open peer review. When two reviewers approve it, the paper is sent to Medline, Embase and other databases for indexing.

  • Joanna Briggs Institute – Systematic reviews of healthcare practices to assist in the improvement of healthcare outcomes globally

  • Open Science Framework (OSF) Registries – Registry of a protocol on OSF creates a frozen, time-stamped record of the protocol, thus ensuring a level of transparency and accountability for the research. There are no limits to the types of protocols that can be hosted on OSF.

  • *** PROSPERO – International prospective register of systematic reviews. This is the primary database for registering systematic review protocols and searching for published protocols. Scoping reviews are not accepted. PROSPERO accepts protocols from all disciplines (e.g., psychology, nutrition) with the stipulation that they must include health-related outcomes.

  • Research Registry – Similar to PROSPERO. Based in the UK, fee-based service, quick turnaround time.

  • Zenodo – Share your search strategy and research protocol. No limit on the format, size, access restrictions or license.

Example outlining the details and documentation necessary for conducting a systematic review:

Hersi, M., Traversy, G., Thombs, B. D., Beck, A., Skidmore, B., Groulx, S., … Stevens, A. (2019). Effectiveness of stop smoking interventions among adults: protocol for an overview of systematic reviews and an updated systematic review. Systematic Reviews8(1), 28.

Inclusion/exclusion criteria template

2. Define inclusion and exclusion criteria. Clearly state the criteria you will use to determine whether or not a study will be included in your search. Consider study populations, study design, intervention types, comparison groups, measured outcomes. Use some database-supplied limits such as language, dates, humans, female/male, age groups, and publication/study types (randomized controlled trials, etc.).

Database search log template

3. Search for studies. Run your searches in the databases that you’ve identified as relevant to your topic. Work with a librarian to help you design comprehensive search strategies across a variety of databases. Approach the grey literature methodically and purposefully. Collect ALL of the retrieved records from each search into a reference manager, such as EndnoteZotero or Mendeley, and de-duplicate the library prior to screening.

Rayyan – export your Endnote results in this screening software

4. Select studies for inclusion based on pre-defined criteria. Start with a title/abstract screening to remove studies that are clearly not related to your topic. Use your inclusion/exclusion criteria to screen the full-text of studies. It is highly recommended that two independent reviewers screen all studies, resolving areas of disagreement by consensus.

Review matrix template

5. Extract data from included studies. Use a spreadsheet, or systematic review software (e.g. RayyanRevMan), to extract all relevant data from each included study. It is recommended that you pilot your data extraction tool, to determine if other fields should be included or existing fields clarified.

Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool

6. Evaluate the risk of bias of included studies. Use a Risk of Bias tool (such as the Cochrane RoB Tool) to assess the potential biases of studies in regards to study design and other factors. Read the Cochrane training materials to learn about the topic of assessing risk of bias in included studies. You can adapt existing tools (PDF p.5) to best meet the needs of your review, depending on the types of studies included.

– PRISMA Flow Diagram

– PRISMA Checklist

– Manuscript template

7. Present results and assess the quality of evidence. Clearly present your findings, including detailed methodology (such as search strategies used, selection criteria, etc.) such that your review can be easily updated in the future with new research findings. Perform a meta-analysis, if the studies allow. Provide recommendations for practice and policy-making if sufficient, high quality evidence exists, or future directions for research to fill existing gaps in knowledge or to strengthen the body of evidence.

For more information, see:

– Elsevier Journal Finder

– Springer Journal Suggester

8. Find the best journal to publish your work. Identifying the best journal to submit your research to can be a difficult process. To help you make the choice of where to submit, simply insert your title and abstract in any of the journal finder tools listed under the Publishing your Systematic Review tab.


Optimization model

Use an optimization model to determine the best course of action for your real estate company, using the following assumptions:

You wish to maximize the net present value of profit over the next eight quarters. Assume 6% IRR, compounding quarterly. (so 1.5% per quarter)

In each neighborhood in which they open an office, they will achieve a baseline of 5.5% market penetration, and earn a 5% commission on sales. For every .1% the commission you charge decreases, your market penetration will increase by .15%, (down to a minimum of 4% or a maximum of 5%)

You must pay rent and utilities in each office you open each month. Determine the average cost per gross square foot of commercial real estate in your neighborhood for the last year (in NYC Historical). [When determining this value, you should exclude properties where gross square feet or sale price is unknown.]  Each month you will pay 1.5% of this for rent and utilities for each square foot of office space you rent. You must rent at least 250 square feet of office space, plus 125 for each employee you hire.

You may hire up to 3 employees. Each employee you hire costs a yearly salary $65,000 including benefits, and increases your market penetration by .5%.

Your monthly operating budget is $15,000.


Creating a Game of Dice or Cards.

Create a game like a dice game that 2-4 players can join in which a player can do 3 attempts if they do not like their first. after all players done their attempts or picked to stay with their first or second attempt then the player with highest score wins. This can can be played by real players or player vs computer. Or a card game similar to that.

1. Create proposal describing what the program will do. need within a day or two.

2. Create 3 status reports.

4. Draft report.

5. Final report.


Construction Estimating

2. Using the geometric method determine the amount of excavation required for the basement in below Figure 2. The basement measurements are from the outside of the foundation walls. The average depth of the excavation is 7 feet. The footings extend 1 foot outside of the foundation walls, and a 2-foot space between the footing and the sides of the excavation must be provided to form the footings. The soil is excavated at a 1.5:1 (horizontal:vertical) slope. Express your answer in cubic yards.

3. The perimeter of the floor system in below Figure 3 sits on a redwood sill. Determine the number of 16-foot-long pieces of redwood that are needed to complete the floor system. Determine the materials needed to construct the joists and joist headers for the floor system. An engineered rim board is used for the joist headers. Determine the number of 4-foot by 8-foot sheets of 23/32 T&G OSB sheathing that are needed to construct the floor system.

4. Using a waste factor of 8 percent, determine the number of cubic yards of concrete needed to pour and the amount of rebar needed for two of the spread footings in below Figure 4. Allow for two inches of cover.

5. Determine the number of modular bricks needed and labour hours for the wall in below Figure 5. Assume that 675 bricks are required for 100 square feet of wall. Add 4 percent for waste.


EGRE 303 Lab 3: PN Junction Lab – Exploring PN Junction Diode

EGRE 303 Lab 3: PN Junction Lab – Exploring PN Junction Diode

Project Goal:
Your task in this laboratory project to explore and understand operation of PN junction diodes and gain insight
into some limitation associated with a simplified the textbook model. The simulation tool is available at
Nanohub. (
We have discussed in class the depletion approximation. The depletion approximation is extremely useful, when
it is valid, so it is important to understand its limitations. In this work, you will compare the results of depletion
approximation analyses of PN junctions with the “exact” solution obtained by solving the semiconductor
equations directly by numerical simulation using the computer program.

Part 1: Analytical calculations with the depletion approximation:
1) A Si step junction maintained at room temperature under equilibrium conditions has a
p-side doping density of NA = 2 x 1015 /cm3
and an n-side doping of ND = 1015/cm3.

EGRE 303 Lab 3: PN Junction Lab – Exploring PN Junction Diode

Use the depletion approximation to compute:
(a) Vbi
(b) The depletion layer boundaries, xp, xn, and the depletion width, W
(c) The electric field at the junction.
(d) The electrostatic potential at the junction.
(e) Plot of the charge density, electric field, and electrostatic potential as a function of position, as well as I-V
2) Repeat problem 1), still using the depletion approximation, but set the p-side doping to NA
= 3 x 1017
and keep the n-side doping at ND = 1016
. Compute the same quantities
as in problem 1) and compare the results to those of problem 1).
Part 2: “Exact” numerical simulations and their comparison with “textbook” result:
Set the doping densities on the P and N sides of the junction to correspond to those in problem 1) above.
Set the length of the P-region to be 1.0 micrometer and for the N-region, 2.0 micrometers. Be sure that you have
selected “Si” as the material and that the temperature is “300K.”
Simulate the parameters of the defined structure .
3a) Use the potential vs. position plot to determine the built-in potential of the PN junction. Compare your
answer to the depletion approximation result. (Remember that potentials always have an arbitrary reference, so
don’t be confused by the fact that the potential is not zero on one side of the junction.)
3b) Use the carrier density vs. position plot to estimate the width of the depletion layers on the P and N sides, xp
and xn. First, plot side-by-side the carrier density vs. position assumed in the depletion approximation and the
numerically generated plot, then determine whether the depletion approximation results are reasonable. Explain


Barriers to Food Security and Community Stress in an Urban Food Desert

  1. Where is food insecurity most common in the USA?

  2. How does the lack of grocery stores (often referred to as food deserts) negatively affect residents in urban areas?

  3. In an urban area, how is a food desert defined? In other words, how is it determined that urban residents have “low access to healthy food”?

  4. Racial Segregation and the Rise of American Suburbs

    1. What led to a separation of race and class after World War II?

    2. What was redlining?

    3. What were racially restrictive covenants?

    4. What is an example of housing discrimination that still occurs today?

    The Rise of Suburbs, Supermarket Redlining and Urban Food Deserts

    1. Why were the suburbs attractive to chain supermarkets?

    2. By the 1980s, it became more common to have fewer, bigger grocery stores in the suburbs, and many stores in urban areas shut down. As an example, what did the grocery store Safeway do?

    1. Name at least two barriers to building grocery stores in urban neighborhoods, according to industry representatives.

    2. What is supermarket redlining?

    3. What is a specific example from the article that illustrates a negative effect of supermarket redlining?


 “New Kid”, Jerry Craft 

 “New Kid”, Jerry Craft

1. What is your initial reaction to the first four chapters of New Kid? What are you noticing, feeling, how are you beginning to connect it to “Peter Pan”, J.M. Barrie AND “Island of the Aunts”, Eva Ibbotson?

2. How do you see issues of identity and identity formation represented in New Kid thus far?


KNH 184: Assignment 6 – Measurement of Motor Learning and Performance

KNH 184: Assignment 6 – Measurement of Motor Learning and Performance

*Before attempting Assignment 6, you should thoroughly review Module 6.2 Measurement of Motor Learning.

Using Excel or another suitable graphing software, create a properly labeled chart including performance curves, retention interval and retention tests for the data presented below, and then answer these two questions.

1) Which group of softball players improved fielding performance the most during the 10-week practice phase?

2) Which group of softball players exhibited superior learning of fielding?

KNH 184: Assignment 6 – Measurement of Motor Learning and Performance

Fielding = to catch or pick up the ball after it has been hit in a game such as baseball or softball

Two groups of softball players practiced fielding for 10 weeks with each group using a different practice technique. At the end of each week, all players’ fielding performance was tested using a 50-trial fielding test. The data below reflects the average number of errors made on the fielding tests by each group. RI = 10-week retention interval; RT = a 50-trial fielding retention rest.

Week Group A Group B
1 8 8
2 9 7
3 8 5
4 7 6
5 7 4
6 6 5
7 5 4
8 5 3
9 4 3
10 5 3
RI = 10 weeks
RT 4 5
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