Category Archives: Research Papers

NURS-FPX4010 assessment 1

NURS-FPX4010 assessment 1

Using Kaltura, record a 5–10 minute video reflection on an interprofessional collaboration experience from your personal practice, proposing suggestions on how to improve the collaboration presented in the Vila Health: Collaboration for Change activity.

Be sure that your assessment addresses the following criteria. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you will know what is needed for a distinguished score:

  • Reflect on an interdisciplinary collaboration experience, noting ways in which it was successful and unsuccessful in achieving desired outcomes.

  • Identify how poor collaboration can result in inefficient management of human and financial resources, citing supporting evidence from the literature.

  • Identify best-practice leadership strategies from the literature that would improve an interdisciplinary team’s ability to achieve its goals, citing at least one author from the literature.

  • Identify best-practice interdisciplinary collaboration strategies to help a team achieve its goals and work together, citing the work of at least one author.

  • Communicate in a professional manner, is easily audible, and uses proper grammar. Format reference list in current APA style.

You will need to relate an experience that you have had collaborating on a project. This could be at your current or former place of practice, or another relevant project that will enable you to address the requirements. In addition to describing your experience, you should explain aspects of the collaboration that helped the team make progress toward relevant goals or outcomes, as well as aspects of the collaboration that could have been improved.

A simplified gap-analysis approach may be useful:

  • What happened?

  • What went well?

  • What did not go well?

    • What should have happened?

After your personal reflection, examine the scenario in the Vila Health activity and discuss the ways in which the interdisciplinary team did not collaborate effectively and the negative implications for the human and financial resources of the interdisciplinary team and the organization as a whole.

Building on this investigation, identify at least one leadership best practice or strategy that you believe would improve the team’s ability to achieve their goals. Be sure to identify the strategy and its source or author and provide a brief rationale for your choice of strategy.

Additionally, identify at least one interdisciplinary collaboration best practice or strategy to help the team achieve its goals and work more effectively together. Again, identify the strategy, its source, and reasons why you think it will be effective.

You are encouraged to integrate lessons learned from your self-reflection to support and enrich your discussion of the Vila Health activity.

You are required to submit an APA-formatted reference list for any sources that you cited specifically in your video or used to inform your presentation. The Example Kaltura Reflection will show you how to cite scholarly sources in the context of an oral presentation.


Create a JES script that adds a journal entry to your webserver blog database.

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate how scripting languages can interact to produce common results that are seen on the Web every day.

Create a JES script that adds a journal entry to your webserver blog database.

The entry should include a title field, along with a file upload prompt. Review the information in “IT/Python Web Forms & UI,” prior to beginning the assignment.

Using your homepage from Topic 3, create a Python script that prompts the user for a title, description, and filename of your Python program and add the following to the bottom of the existing homepage:

  1. Add the post title with an emphasis

  2. Add the post description beneath the post title

  3. Create a hyperlink to the Python file using the filename input

  4. Create another hyperlink to the page you will create in the Web Showcase assignment

Submit the following in a compressed, zip file format:

  1. Your python program. Naming convention is: Example:

  2. At least one screen capture demonstrating that your program was functional.

  3. The html code for your webpage.

  4. ZIP file naming convention is:


Cutting on Action

Along with your course project, you will have a short editing assignment in Module 03. You will need to download the “Cutting on Action” footage and log it this week in preparation for editing the project in the next module.

Download the footage here:

Looking at and logging all of the video in the projects you edit seems like a lot of wasted time. It’s NOT.

It WILL take a lot of time, but it’s one of the most important things you can do in editing. The purpose of the log is to help you find shots you need to edit, quickly.

It’s such an important task, that Hollywood editors have one or more assistant editors whose job is log the film and keep track of all of the footage so the editor can find it. (You can read more about the life of an Assistant Editor here.)

When you log the footage, you will know where certain shots are and which shots are good and which aren’t.

What do you log? Everything that might be important later, like:

  • Is the shot shaky?

  • Does the camera reframe the shot in the middle of the take?

  • Is the shot dark?

  • Too bright?

  • Is the audio distorted?

  • Is the audio too soft or too loud?

  • Maybe you like the take, but it runs too long…

There are ways to fix many of these problems in Premiere. However:

  • You can’t stabilize shaky footage

  • You can’t make a too-bright scene darker… the whites become gray.

  • Color grading or correction will NOT improve the quality or sharpness of the image.

  • You can fix colors that are too warm (orange) or too cool (blue).

  • You can improve scenes that are too dark.

Again: WATCH the footage. LOG IT. You will find good takes. And bad takes. Make detailed notes.

The better you know the footage now; the easier editing will be throughout the course.

  • Here is a version of a log sheet in PDF format. Print it out, fill it in by hand, then rescan to submit.

  • Here is the log sheet as an Excel spreadsheet

Feel free to create your own. If you write your editing log sheet in a notebook instead of on your computer, you will have to scan it in and combine all of the pages into one file. Do not upload multiple separate images to the Dropbox.

Follow these instructions:

If you filled out the Excel spreadsheet, submit the form to the Dropbox.

If you filled out the PDF form or created your own, you will need to photograph (or scan) each page. Make sure the photos/scans clearly show your handwritten notes. You may need to photograph/scan a few times to make sure they are sharp, in focus, and readable (meaning that the background isn’t a dark gray.)

Save your photos/scans as separate JPEG, PNG, or PDF files.

Make sure each image is numbered in order and includes your name as part of the filename.

Then, zip your files together.

  • On a PC, select the files, right-click and select Send To > Compressed zipped folder.

  • On a Mac, select the files, right-click and select Compress.


Write a memo to the CEO with the listing of specifications and prices for each option (one computer, hardware, and software) and give him a recommendation as to which you feel meets his need. The specifications should be detailed, including processor make, model and speed, memory installed and any capacity limit, disk space available, and all peripherals.

You work for a company that is about to replace its 3-year old desktop computers. The machines are principally used for the applications described in the chart attached.

The staff takes work home routinely using USB keys so the USB ports should be easily accessible. Existing printers and scanners may also be connected to each machine.

The firm has traditionally used Dell computers and wishes to stay with Dell unless there is a considerable saving by going to another company (they will be buying 20 machines.)

Sensitive nature of the data on these machines, the company wishes to have a fingerprint scanner on each machine. Corporate firewalls are in place, and so a local firewall is not needed. A current and secure operating system and the Office suite of programs is required. They want Office on their machine and not a cloud solution.

Begin by looking at the applications that your computer will run. Go to the Web sites to find the minimum and recommended hardware configurations and the cost of each package. Use the one with the highest requirements to specify your computer.

Research the Internet, beginning with the Dell site, and obtain a suitable configuration and a price for your selected machine. The machine should not be too large or too small in capacity. Go to a second site and identify the same or a similar computer from Dell sold through a third party.

Thirdly, go to a second manufacturer and identify a similar machine from that location.

Write a memo to the CEO with the listing of specifications and prices for each option (one computer, hardware, and software) and give him a recommendation as to which you feel meets his need. The specifications should be detailed, including processor make, model and speed, memory installed and any capacity limit, disk space available, and all peripherals.


Case Analyses, B&R Ch. 9

Case Analyses, B&R Ch. 9

Review the material from Chapter 9, especially the 4 conditions of the Doctrine of Double Effect.
Below are 4 ethically-loaded cases. For each case (so, 4 times total):
1. In 1-3 sentences, describe the act being performed (in a little more detail than I have in 1.1-1.4), and determine whether or not the act violates a moral principle or natural function. Remember that the act is distinct from the good and bad effects (2) and the intentions (3), so don’t talk about these yet.
1.1. In case one, the act is giving morphine to an elderly cancer patient.
1.2. In case two, the act is natural family planning.
1.3. In case three, assume the act is the bombing of the Amiriya Shelter.
1.4. In case four, the act is the removal of Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube.
1.5. “In the case of whatever, a student is skipping class on a whim. The student is a human being with a mind, and so has the natural function of learning and acquiring knowledge.
The natural function of the mind is violated by skipping class on a whim.”
2. In 3-5 sentences, describe the act’s double effect, or the good and the bad effects. Then:
2.1. Determine whether or not the good effect is “at least as great as,” or “greater than or equal to,” the bad effect – does the good effect outweigh the bad effect?
2.2. Determine whether or not the bad effect is the means for, or cause of, the good effect – was the bad effect necessary in order to have the good effect?
2.3. “The good effect of skipping class on a whim is that it frees up the entire afternoon for more exciting activities. The bad effect of skipping class on a whim is that the student will miss learning the class content. The free afternoon does not seem as great or significant as the missed content because free afternoon activities (e.g., napping or gaming) are generally not at all productive. However, missing class content does not by itself cause the free afternoon – it’s just an unfortunate side effect of skipping class.

3. In 1-3 sentences, describe the intention behind the act – why was the act being performed? If there isn’t enough information to describe the intention, then tell me what you think the intention might have been. Then determine whether or not the intention was only for the good effect and not for the bad effect.
3.1. “The intention behind skipping class on a whim is that the student simply did not want to be in class that afternoon. The student likely intended only to have a free afternoon, but did not necessarily intend to miss class content. They could have expected to miss class content by skipping class, but this does not mean that they intended or wanted to miss class content.
4. In 1-2 sentences, conclude by determining whether the act is right or wrong according to the doctrine of double effect.
4.1. The act of skipping class on a whim is wrong according to the doctrine of double effect because the act itself violates the natural function of the mind to learn and acquire knowledge, and because the good effect of the free afternoon does not outweigh the bad effect of missing class content. For these two reasons, one should not skip class on a whim.



List the total for operating, investing, and financing cash flows for 2 years shown in the report’s statement of cash flows. What method is used to prepare the cash flow statement, direct or indirect?

Instructions: Select a publicly traded company and find their annual reports via the internet. You will conduct a financial analysis on this company. Present this information as if your boss has requested it. Use the outline and topics provided. Make the information clear and easy to find (i.e., use tables, when possible). Appendices can be used to make the document less cluttered, however, make sure you state where to find the information.


4. Section 4: Cash Flows

a. List the total for operating, investing, and financing cash flows for 2 years shown in the report’s statement of cash flows.

i. Assess each cash flow and examine the report to see what additional information is provided.

b. What method is used to prepare the cash flow statement, direct or indirect?

c. Analyze/assess/discuss your findings

Cash FlowExpand AllAll numbers in thousands


How do trustworthy and ethical leaders enhance knowledge sharing in organizations? How does this impact the rate of information technology implementations? How does this impact data management within organizations?

  1. How do trustworthy and ethical leaders enhance knowledge sharing in organizations? How does this impact the rate of information technology implementations? How does this impact data management within organizations?

  2. How does servant leadership assist with transferring knowledge in an organization?

  3. When thinking about data analytics, how does transformational leadership assist with building good data structures?


Development of Early Number Concepts

Development of Early Number Concepts

Successful teachers recognize the connections between conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and real-world application when teaching children to make sense of numbers. They embed opportunities for children to concurrently develop numeracy skills in all math areas, including the contexts of counting, cardinality, and base ten concepts.

For this assignment, select three state math standards for kindergarten related to number sense (counting and cardinality) for the selected grade level.

Using the “Number Sense Standards Table,” create one math activity for each standard that is developmentally appropriate for the selected grade level and that uses manipulatives.

Each activity should provide:

  • Real-world application for the math skill taught

  • Manipulatives and other resources

  • Differentiation strategies to meet the individual needs of all students

  • Formal and informal assessment strategies to ensure mastery of the standards

Write a 250-500 word rationale for the hands-on learning activities you created and how each supports learning of the selected standards. Discuss how each activity, manipulative, and assessment is developmentally appropriate for the selected grade level.

Support your matrix and rationale with 2-3 resources.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


Methodological approaches to evaluation studies.

To critique the papers you should draw on the principles and methods of evaluation outlined in this unit; and also on a range of literature and resources that relate to methodological approaches to evaluation studies.

Your evaluation critique should include:
• A clear introduction to the reports, including citations for the reports you are comparing
and critiquing
• A synopsis of the two evaluation reports, written in your own words (perhaps in a table,
approx. 1,000 words). This should be a concise and comprehensive account of what
was done and reported, based on the whole report. Beware: do not rely wholly on the
executive summary or other summary elements of the report for this -as they are not
always fully representative of the evaluation.
• Methodological critique of the evaluation and report, with comment on, but not
restricted to, the following:
❍ The clarity of report on aims and characteristics the programs being evaluated
❍ The use of /or lack of a logistic framework
❍ The alignment between the evaluation designs and the aims/characteristics of the
❍ The quality (reliability and validity) of the data collected
❍ The appropriateness of the claims and conclusions made from the data
❍ The transparency of the reporting


FlyBase Homework Assignment

FlyBase Homework Assignment

FlyBase ( is a valuable community resources for Drosophila (and non-Drosophila) geneticists.  The purpose of this exercises is to help you become familiar with some of the functions of FlyBase such that you can use it for.  Note: you don’t need to pay the web access fee.

There is a ton of stuff that can be done with it and I hope you learn some of it by answering the following questions.

Start by watching these quick tutorials:

  • How to find all data related to a gene

  • Finding related genes in FlyBase: Gene Groups

  • FlyBase 2.0

  • Gene Snapshots

Acp26Aa is well studied gene.

What is the full name of this gene?

What is its annotation symbol?

Tell me a bit about what it does.

What is the approximate location of this gene in the genome?

Paste the decorated FASTA sequence below.  Note: keep the colors that are used on the website.

What do the different colors and capitalization indicate?

Download the coding sequence (CDS) in FASTA file. In the sequence box, I would change “gene region” to “CDS” and click “Get Sequence”.  On the next page you can click “Download FASTA” and open the sequence in a text viewer such as WordPad.

How many nucleotides is the coding sequence?

Download the protein translation in FASTA and paste it below. The FASTA text sequence corresponds to the individual amino acids with their abbreviations. (

How many amino acids long is the protein?

What is the first and last amino acid?

What the gene ontology categories for Acp26Aa?

In what tissue is Acp26Aa expressed based on Northern Blots?

What is the first citation in the references section?

BLAST the D. melanogaster Acp26Aa coding DNA sequence against the other species in the Sophophora subgenus (exclude D. melanogaster). Use “Genome Assembly” and blastn NT->NT.  In general, E values < 10^-10 are usually considered to be significant hits.

                What is BLAST?

What is an E-value?

                Based on a cut-off of 10^-10, what other species, show strong evidence for homologous genes?

In many cases, you want to be able to identify orthologous genes as compared to just homologous genes.  What is the difference between orthologous genes and homologous genes?

One way to test for orthologous genes is called reciprocal best BLAST hits.  Take the gene from D. melanogaster and BLAST it and then take the top hit that you get and BLAST it back against the D. melanogaster genome.  Take the top hit when using the D. melanogaster version of Acp26Aa and BLAST that hit against the D. melanogaster genome.  Do you get the D. melanogaster Acp26Aa back as the top hit?  (Hints: to get the sequence from the top BLAST hit, click the subject FASTA button on the results table.  To see more details about the hit you get back, click on GBrowse, this will take you to the region of the genome where the hit it located and you can see any features in that area)

Are there any known human orthologs of Acp26Aa or any Human disease model data?

CG4637 is another interesting gene.  What is this gene’s name?

What does CG4637 do (according to gene snap shot)?

Does CG4637 have any human orthologs and if so what are they?

What role might these orthologs play in human disease according to:

  • FlyBase Human Disease Model Reports?

  • According to the Summary, Automated Description


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