Category Archives: Research Papers

Busi 3633 individual project

Busi 3633 individual project

  • Consider the construction of a $500,000 single family house in your city or region. Develop the project plan that would see this completed.

  • Develop a project plan for the rebranding of a university like Yorkville University. Start with the Board of Governors’ decision to develop a new name and brand and have it ready for a fall recruitment drive.

  • Propose a project in your own company or volunteer organization. The proposal would be a brief charter document for approval by the professor.  If in your organization you do not need access to complete corporate financials, ensure that you are not violating any disclosure rules within your company. If you are unsure, get permission to use non-public company information. If there is some information you cannot access, write it with reasonable assumptions of what would be involved.



Corporate Social Responsibilities; Develop a Strategic CSR Plan

TeaLand S.A. is a London company that started as a medium-sized company. Its main activity is the commercialization of tea to various European countries. Currently they obtain tea from the main producing countries: China, India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Indonesia and Turkey. They sell their tea in different ways: in bulk, in bags and cold tea as a soda. They not only sell to supermarkets, but also to companies and the hospitality and catering industries.

They have been in the market for approximately 20 years, with an exponential growth in the first 15 years due to the quality of the tea they offer and an excellent and careful Marketing campaign, which has put them at the top of the market.

However, TeaLand is not known to take good care of its workers. In a job satisfaction survey taken a few months ago, the results were alarmingly negative, and it is unknown how this information was leaked to the media. Its repercussion was so great that sales were directly affected, which led the firm to not achieve last year’s goals.

In this survey several topics surfaced: endless workdays, low salaries, difficulty reconciling work and personal life, low career options within the company, scarce training, etc.

In regard to consumers, in recent surveys it is said that it is a well respected brand, and satisfaction is high, since they are very aromatic teas. However, the lack of an ecological tea option is highlighted as a negative aspect.

In recent years, other European, American and Asian brands have been gaining ground, as they offer a product of similar quality but at a more competitive price, a wide range of ecological varieties, and also a remarkable and commendable commitment to the environment and the community: collaboration with NGOs, sustainability projects with producing countries, etc.

Taking into account the situation which TeaLand is currently facing, they have decided to hire the services of a specialized consultancy in CSR, and they assign the project to you.


  • Analyze the starting situation: make a complete, synthesized and visual analysis, and design a SWOT matrix.

  • Formulate realistic goals to achieve with the CSR Plan.

  • Create a Stakeholders Map: in this section we ask you to design a map classifying the groups of interest.

  • Develop a Strategic CSR Plan: this is the most important exercise of the final project, and therefore the one with the most academic weight.

  • State which CSR measurement tools you are going to propose for TeaLand.

  • Final thoughts: make a final consideration in the form of an evaluation and conclusions about CSR at present.


The NFL is Suddenly Worried About Black Lives

1.) Why does James A. Smith share a number of anecdotes in his Ted Talk? How does he think we can fight back against the current systemic racism in society?

2.) In reading “The NFL is Suddenly Worried…,” what persuasive appeals (logos, ethos, pathos) does Jamele Hill use to make her case? And, how would you describe her tone?

3.) Where do you stand on the protesting (kneeling) in the NFL? And, do you agree with Jamele Hill that “as unrest spreads across the nation, the NFL does not get to act as if it always stood with Kaepernick or the other players who followed his lead. Not when the league has shown itself to be a fake ally, an obstacle in the pursuit of social justice and equality, and a reflection of the racism that it says it stands against”? In other words, do you think the NFL has done enough to right its wrongs?


US history

The following question set will be used in almost all of our primary source analyses. It contains the questions that all historians ask of their primary sources as they seek to do what I ask you to do in examining primary sources in our course: to understand the past. Here are those questions:

  1. Source the document. That is, who (or what) wrote or produced this source? How do you know? When was the source made? It’s important to know, as precisely as possible, what was going on at the time. List three important events from our history textbook that occurred at about the same time that this document was created.

  2. In at least 250 words, summarize the key points of the source. Put your answer entirely in your own words. Quote nothing. Offer no editorials, context, or opinion: focus only on the document and convey its key points.

  3. Using only this document and our assigned reading, who was the probable audience for this source? That is, to whom was this document aimed at? Using the document and its context, justify your answer.

  4. What Larger Themes of those listed in the “Principal Themes in Our Class” does this source link to and shed light on? List and discuss at least two. If more linkages exist, discuss them.

  5. What is most memorable about this source for you – you personally?


Day in my life at a music label + how to get an internship in music


After reading the PDF (, reflect on current trends in the music industry. What did you learn? What was interesting? What was concerning? Please connect what you read to concepts from this week’s lesson. Additionally, incorporate examples that help support your points. These examples may come from industry and your own experiences engaging with entertainment products. Yet, all work must be supported with adequate research. In-text references and short reference list must be used in discussions.

You are encouraged to demonstrate your use of research by incorporating creative elements into your discussion posts, as well. Please consider using quotes from outside sources or from the provided resources. Please consider sharing images, screenshots, videos, audio excerpts, screencasts and similar resources to help demonstrate your points.


Watch the following video about the “Day in my life at a music label + how to get an internship in music” BY SIMPLYMACI to see what it’s like to work in one of the entry-level positions in the music industry. Share a reflection on watching one of the videos linked here and post a screenshot of a job/internship you found in the music industry. Share a screenshot as well as a link to the position.


IT498 capstone

IT498 capstone

Literature Review: All projects must include a search and review of relevant literature presented in a 2-5 page report. This should provide background for the project and/or provide the basis for the methodologies being used in the project. For example, if you are developing a Web site for a client, you might focus on the software tools you use and when they might be used or a topic such as usability, if that is your focus. Your Literature Review should include the sources, a brief description of the content of each source, and the applicability to your project. It is anticipated that you will review 10 – 15 scholarly articles, technical Web sites, or books, depending on the type of project. All citations must be in APA format.


Finance management

  1. The Millers, a family of four (with two young child) filing a joint tax return, had the following information to prepare their federal income tax return for 2019:

Total Income                                                         $110,000

State and local income taxes                                 $6,000

Property tax                                                          $6,000

Home mortgage interest                                        $14,000

Contribution to charities                                       $4,000

Interest on student loans                                       $2,000

Contribution to their 401(k) retirement account:  $10,000

For tax year 2019:

Standard deduction for a married couple: $24,000;

Child tax credit: $2,000 per child;

The tax brackets, which apply to the Millers, are: for taxable income from:

 $0 to $20,000                   the tax rate is 10%;

$20,000 to $60,000           the tax rate is 20%;

$60,000 to $110,000         the tax rate is 30%.

(5 points) Please compute the following for tax year for the Miller family: A) Adjusted gross income; B) Taxable income; C) Tax owed to the federal government; D) Marginal tax rate; and E) Average tax rate.

(1 point) If this family’s income increases by $1,000 in 2020 to $111,000, and if all other information remains the same (for the sake of simplicity) in 2019, how much EXTRA will this family have to pay in federal income tax in 2020? You NEED to use the marginal tax rate concept to answer this question, rather than do the whole calculation again.

(1 point) If this family increases its charitable contribution by $1,000 to $5,000 in 2019, and if all other information remains the same (for the sake of simplicity) in 2019, how will the family’s tax liability change in 2020 and by how much? Again you NEED to use the marginal tax rate concept to answer this question, rather than do the whole calculation again.

  1. After winning the election, President Obama reached a compromise with the Congress on collecting more taxes from wealthy people in 2013. Beginning in 2014, families making over $400,000 will have to pay a top marginal tax rate of 39.6%.

(1 Point) How do you define this $400,000? Is it a family’s gross income, adjusted gross income or taxable income? Please justify your answer.

  1. (2 points) Let’s say the current progressive personal income tax is now replaced by a flat tax, as advocated by many people for efficiency reason. A flat tax keeps only the standard deduction for a married couple (say in this case, $40,000) and a single tax payer (say $20,000), and gets rid of all other kinds of exclusions, exemptions, deductions and tax credits. What remains of your income will be subject to a flat tax rate of, say, 20%. Here are two questions:

  2. Is this a proportional tax or is it still a progressive tax? (You need to think in terms of average rate by thinking about two hypothetical families with two different income level, say one at $50,000 and another at $110,000.)

  3. How is this flat tax compared to our current personal income tax design, as the one in Question 1, in terms of vertical equity?


Look up the definitions of migrant and refugee from legitimate sources (a dictionary is a good source). What is the difference between the two?


  1. Look up the definitions of migrant and refugee from legitimate sources (a dictionary is a good source). What is the difference between the two?









  2. Briefly explain the difference between an internally displaced person and a refugee.

  3. According to video and article, what main reasons are contributing to people migrating or seeking asylum from these countries and whether the people are refugees or migrants?



    Migrant or Refugee?

    Northern Triangle



  4. According to the resources provided to you, are current asylum seeking policies fair and equitable? Briefly explain.


Outline for a scientific paper

Reading a scientific paper is a completely different process than reading an article about science in a blog or newspaper. Not only do you read the sections in a different order than they’re presented, but you also have to take notes, read it multiple times, and probably go look up other papers for some of the details. Reading a single paper may take you a very long time at first (hours). Be patient with yourself. The process will go much faster as you gain experience.

Most primary research papers will be divided into the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. The order will depend on which journal it is published in. Some journals have additional files called Supplementary Online Information which contain important details of the research, but are published online instead of in the article itself .

As you read, write down every single word that you don’t understand. You’re going to have to look them all up (yes, every one. You won’t understand the paper if you don’t understand the vocabulary. Scientific words have extremely precise meanings).



Two Thirds of Consumers Now Buy on Beliefs

  1. In your own words, as it relates to consumers, explain the concept of “values-based attachment”. Start with the article: Two Thirds of Consumers Now Buy on Beliefs…

  1. Next, research companies known for its values–based commitment. Choose one of such companies and explain with examples how this company uses value-based attachment to build customer relationships.

  2. you at least 3 paragraphs

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