Category Archives: Research Papers

Outline and speech about viewpoint on a company’s future

Scenario: Give a 4-5 minute presentation about a company which is Boston Financial Management’s future. Specifically, what do you anticipate could be different for the company five years from now? Also, what is the basis for your claim?

Audience: A company department head and a Simon alumnus.


Business analysis – Create histograms and box plots

Exobank Financial Holdings (EFH) is in the process of acquiring a peer-to-peer (P2P) lending company known as FundZap. P2P lending companies are essentially marketplaces that primarily serve the needs of individuals looking for loans. A single loan, say, for $5000, may be funded by several notes from individuals chipping in, say, $25 each. The benefit to using P2P lending for the borrower is often a lower interest rate or more flexible terms. For the peer lender, the benefit is 1 an investment with potentially higher returns than savings accounts or CDs. gaining further insight into FundZap’s platform. EFH is interested in gaining further insight into FundZap’s platform.

2.b. (b) Create neatly formatted and labeled histograms and box plots for each numeric variable in the data set that you identified in the previous question. Present the graphs in pairs for each variable, and describe, briefly and specifically, what insights each pair of graphs gives you about the customers that EFH has acquired through FundZap.


Persuasive Strategy Report

SPEECH TOPIC: Marijuana should be legal for recreational use nationwide

  1. Note the specific purpose of your speech. After noting the purpose statement, reflect further on the type of persuasive message you will be developing using terms from class: a speech to change attitudes, call for action, inspire commitment, or compare and contrast perspectives.

  2. Note the thesis statement of your presentation using the guidelines for framing a thesis sentence. Observe how the content of your speech will be most closely centered on claims of fact, questions of value or questions of policy?

  3. Explain your strategies for Audience Analysis and Adaptation

    1. Review the outcomes from the Audience Analysis Questionnaire (PDF DOC ATTACHMENT BELOW) Explain how you will tailor your speech to the audience in light of the political typology, audience demographics, values and attitudes.

    2. In terms from our text how do you expect audience members to respond to your message? Note especially pp. 218-220.

    3. Drawing further from Chapter Nine, describe the best ways to motivate your audience with this topic. In what way will they be motivated in light of how relevant the topic is to their interests, timeliness of the subject matter, and significance to their lives?

    4. Drawing on our audience analysis, how can you create identification with your audience in terms of the value priorities of the audience? Identify shared values to emphasize that relate to the position you hold.

  4. Identify your Principle Persuasive Strategies using the terms from Chapter Fourteen that explains types of arguments, from Chapter Eleven on modes of proof, from Chapter Sixteen for aspects of credibility and Organizational Pattern for persuasiveness viz. Problem-Solution, Problem-Cause-Solution, Comparative Advantages, Monroe Motivated Sequence. In addition, explain what types of Supporting Materials you intend to use in your speech using the terms from Chapter Ten.


Salt of the Earth, an Banned American Film

You need to write at least 250 words and 3-4 Works Cited from different sources found in Module or Reading Log or Other Academic Site.

Salt of the Earth is a classic American film. As you read in the module, the film was blacklisted in the United States for its content.

Write an essay that explains Ramon’s change of heart, what do you think motivated him to make the change, and how does it connect to the idea of being and becoming

For this assignment you need two files winter_lorence and Salt of the Earth.

Assignment 2: Educational Equity

You need to write at least 150 word.

In this week’s push back, the Mendez family pushes back against educational institutions that discriminate against Mexican-American children. Answer the following questions:

1. Discuss the similarities between the Lemon Grove Incident and the Mendez Case.

2. Relate the experiences of these two cases with current educational experiences. The ideas of each case addresses educational equity and access, explain the importance of educational access from k-12 to college.


Prepare the 2019 federal tax return

The information below will allow you to prepare the 2019 federal tax return for Bill and Joyce Schnappauf. The information is provided in three phases, which correspond to the three major components of computing income tax—gross income, deductions and losses, and property transactions. If your instructor assigns these problems, at the end of each major segment (i.e., Chapter 4, Chapter 8, and Chapter 12), you should complete the appropriate portions of the forms indicated. If you are not using a tax software package, you should not complete the second page of Form 1040 until you have completed Chapter12. Completing the tax return problem will help you understand the reporting procedures for the information in each major segment of the text. In addition, it will aid you in reviewing the major topics discussed in the book; it serves as an overview of the course.


In 2019, Bill and Joyce Schnappauf live in Wakefield, R.I. Bill is 53, and Joyce is 51. Bill is a district sales manager for USC Equipment Corporation, a Rhode Island firm that manufactures and distributes gaming equipment. Joyce is a self-employed author of children’s books. The Schnappaufs have three children, Will, 21, Dan, 19, and Tom, 16. In February 2020, the Schnappaufs provide the following basic information for preparing their 2019 federal income tax return:

1. The Schnappaufs use the cash method of accounting and file their return on a calendar-year basis.

2. Unless otherwise stated, assume that the Schnappaufs want to minimize the cur- rent year’s tax liability. That is, they would like to defer income when possible and take the largest deductions possible, a practice they have followed in the past.

3. Joyce’s Social Security number is 371-42-5207.

4. Bill’s Social Security number is 150-52-0546.

5. Will’s Social Security number is 372-46-2611.

6. Dan’s Social Security number is 377-42-3411.

7. Tom’s Social Security number is 375-49-6511.

8. The Schnappaufs do not have any foreign bank accounts or foreign trusts.

9. Their address is 27 Northup Street, Wakefield, R.I. (02879).

10. The Schnappaufs do not wish to contribute to the presidential election campaign.


The first phase of the tax return problem is designed to introduce you to some of the tax forms and the supporting documentation (FormsW-2,1099-INT,etc.) needed to com-plete a basic tax return. The first four chapters focus on the income aspects of individual taxation. Accordingly, this phase of the tax return focuses on the basic income concepts.

1. Bill’s W-2 is provided (ExhibitA-1). The 2019 W-2 includes his salary ($98,000), bonus ($61,000), and income from group-term life insurance coverage in excess of $50,000 ($132.48), and is reduced by his 7 percent contribution ($6,860) to USC’s qualified pension plan. The company matches Bill’s contribution to the plan.

2. The Schnappaufs receive two 1099-INTs for interest (ExhibitsA-2andA-3), two 1099-DIVs for dividends (ExhibitsA-4andA-5), and a combined interest and dividend statement (ExhibitA-6).

3. Joyce and her brother, Bob, are co-owners of, and active participants in, a furniture-restoration business. Joyce owns 30 percent, and Bob owns 70 percent of the business. The business was formed as an S corporation in 2011. During 2019, the company pays $5,000 in dividends. The basis of Joyce’s stock is $33,000.

4. The Schnappaufs receive a 2018 federal income tax refund of $818 on May 12, 2019. On May 15, 2019, they receive their income tax refund from the state of Rhode Island. In January 2020, the state mails the Schnappaufs a Form 1099-G (ExhibitA-7). Their total itemized deductions in 2018 were $20,161.

5. During 2019, Joyce is the lucky ninety-third caller to a local radio station and wins $300 in cash and a tablet. Despite repeated calls to the radio station, she has not received a Form 1099—MISC. In announcing the prize, the radio station host said that the manufacturer’s suggested retail price for the tablet is $720. However, Joyce has a catalog from Supersonic Electronics that advertises the tablet for $595.

6. The Schnappaufs receive a Form W-2G (ExhibitA-8) or their winnings at the Yardley Casino in Connecticut.

7. On June 26, 2019, Bill receives a check for $15,480 from the United Insurance Corporation. Though he was unaware of it, he was the designated beneficiary of an insurance policy on the life of his uncle. The policy had a maturity value of $15,100, and the letter from the company stated that his uncle had paid premiums on the policy of $3620 (ExhibitA-9).

8. Joyce is active in the school PTO. During the year, she receives an award for out-standing service to the organization. She receives a plaque and two $125 gift certificates that were donated to the PTO by local merchants.

9. To complete phase I, you will need Form 1040, Schedule B , and Schedule D.


If you are pre-paring the return manually, you cannot complete some of the forms used in phase I until you receive additional information provided in phase II or phase III. Therefore, as a general rule, you should only post the information to the appropriate form and not compute totals for that form. The following specific instructions will assist you in preparing Part I of the return.

a. The only form that can be totaled is Schedule B.

b. Only post the appropriate information to Schedule D. Do not total any columns. More information is provided in phase III of the tax return problem.

c. Do not calculate total income or adjusted gross income on page 1 of Form 1040.

d. Post the appropriate information on page 2 of Form 1040, but do not total this page, compute the federal tax liability, or determine the refund or balance due.


Tax forms and instructions can be downloaded from the IRS’s home page ( You can also download IRS Publication 17, which is a useful guide in preparing the tax return.


This is the second phase of the tax return problem you began at the end of Chapter 4. This phase of the tax return incorporates the material from Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 by providing you with information concerning the Schnappaufs’ deductions for 2012. They provide you with the following information.

1. Joyce writes children’s books for a variety of publishers. She has been self-employed since 2011. As a freelance writer, Joyce incurs costs associated with preparing a manuscript for which she does not yet have a contract. During the year, Joyce makes 4 business trips, each 3 days long, to meet with various publishers. For shorter trips that are closer to home, she either drives or takes the train and returns the same day. On December 10, 2019, Joyce receives an advance (see below) on her next book. Under the contract, Joyce is scheduled to begin work on the book on February 1, 2020, and must have it completed by November 30, 2020. The Schnappaufs’ home has 2 telephones. Joyce has a separate phone number for her business. The information on Joyce’s business is listed below.

Royalties (ExhibitsA-10 to A-12)

Publisher’s advance $4,000

Office supplies 170

Train tickets 535

air fair 4 trips 1670

Lodging (12 nights) 2,240

Meals (12 days) 610

Telephone ($28 monthly fee per phone line) 672

Internet provider 570

Cellphone, including business calls 913

Business-related postage 87

Printing/copying 162

Legal fees 2000

Interest on auto 254

2. On January 2, 2019, Joyce purchases a new car to use in her business. The car, a Volster, costs $15,200. Joyce pays $2,200 in cash and finances the balance through the dealer. She uses the car 45 percent of the time for business and drives a total of 10,800 miles during 2019. The total expenses for the 10,800 miles driven are: repairs and maintenance, $240; insurance, $920; and gasoline, $1,960. The correct depreciation expense for 2019 is $684 ($15,200×45%×10%).

3. Joyce’s office is located in a separate room in the house and occupies 375 square feet. The total square footage of the house is 2,500. The Schnappaufs purchased the home on July 7, 2005, for $70,000. The local practice is to allocate 10 percent of the purchase price to land. The depreciation percentage for the office is 0.02564. When Joyce started her business on January 1, 2011, the fair market value of the house was $108,000. The total household expenses for 2019 are as follows:

Heat $2,170

Insurance 1,480

Electricity 740

Repairs to kitchen 3100

Cleaning 1,560

4.. Bill and Joyce each contribute the maximum to their respective IRA accounts in 2019. The IRA account is Joyce’s only retirement vehicle. Bill’s basis in his IRA before the current year’s contribution is $26,000, and Joyce’s basis is $36,000. The fair market value of Bill’s IRA on 12/31/19 is $41,720, and the fair market value of Joyce’s IRA is $57,100. In addition, Bill and Joyce contributed $2,000 to a Coverdell Education Savings Account for Thomas.

5. The Schnappaufs incur the following medical expenses (before considering the $700 reimbursement they receive from their health insurance policy):

Medical premiums $3,800

Doctors 1,200

Chiropractor 650

Dentist 1,900

Vet fees (family dog Sandy) 345

Prescription drugs 340

Over-the-counter drugs (aspirin, cough syrup) 175

In addition, Bill purchases an Exsoaligner machine for$700. The machine was recommended by the chiropractor to help strengthen Bill’s back muscles.

6. The Schnappaufs pay the following property taxes:

Wakefield house $11,200

Family car used by Bill (ad valorem) 480

Joyce’s car (ad valorem) 520

7. The Schnappaufs receive two Form 1098s for the cost of interest on bank loans. They also pay interest on their personal credit cards.

Jefferson Trust 1098 (Exhibit A-13—Wakefield house)

Jefferson Trust 1098 (Exhibit A-14—Home equity)

Dempsey’s Department Store revolving account $191

Brooks’ Bargain Basement revolving account 67

Jefferson Trust bank card 212

The proceeds from the home equity loan were used to renovate their kitchen.

8. Bill and Joyce make cash charitable contributions to the United Fund Campaign ($5700), Adelade University ($2510), Tremon University ($1900), and Christ the King Church in Kingston, R.I. ($8100). The Schnappaufs have documentation to verify their cash contributions. They also donate property to the Salvation Army on July 15, 2019:

Property FMVOriginal CostDate Acquired

Antique table $410 $225 1/4/07

Dishwasher 130 700 5/6/11

Sofa bed 90 800 13/14/13

Men’s suits (2) 14 0540 Various

The Salvation Army acknowledges that these amounts represent the fair market value of the donated items.

9. The Schnappaufs incur 3450 in gambling losses

10. Because Joyce is self-employed, they make federal estimated tax payments of $210 per quarter on April 15, 2019, June 15, 2019, September 15, 2019, and January 15, 2019. They also make estimated payments of $150 per quarter to the state of Rhode Island on April 15, 2019, June 15, 2019, September 15, 2019, and December 31, 2019.

11. Bill and Joyce paid $7400 in tuition, $840 for books, and $9300 for room and board for Will, a junior, to attend Springbrook State University. They also paid $16410 in tuition, $950 in books, and $10,100 in room and board for Dan, a freshman at Prescott College.

15. Other information:

a. Joyce’s business is named Queensbridge Books, and her employer I.D. number is 05-3456345.

b. The Salvation Army’s address is 15 High Street, Wakefield, R.I. 02879.

c. To complete phase II, you will need the following additional forms: Schedule A, ScheduleC, Schedule SE, and Forms 4562, 4684, 8283, 8606, 8829, and 8863.

As in phase I, there are forms in phase II that cannot be completed without additional information which is provided in phase III. Therefore, as a general rule, you should only post the information to the appropriate form and not compute totals for that form. The following specific instructions will assist you in preparing Part II of the return.

  • The only form that can be completed at the end of phase II is Form 8283.
  • Do not calculate total income or adjusted gross income on page 1 of Form 1040.
  • Post the appropriate information on page 2 of Form 1040, but do not total this page, compute the federal tax liability, or determine the refund or balance due.
  • Do not calculate the total itemized deductions on Schedule A.
  • Do not total Joyce’s expenses on Schedule C.
  • Do not compute Joyce’s self-employment tax on Schedule SE.
  • Do not complete the summary section of Form 4562.
  • Complete Form 4684 only to the point at which adjusted gross income is requested.
  • On Form 8829, complete Part I, and only post the appropriate indirect expenses. Do not calculate the allowable depreciation or the allowable home office deduction.


This is the third and final phase of the Schnappauf family’s tax return. This phase incorporates the material in Chapters 9, 10, 11, and 12 requires you to analyze the various types of property transactions discussed in those chapters.

  • On February11, 2019, Bill inherits his father’s summer home. The house, located in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada, has a fair market value of $550,000 at the date of his father’s death. His parents had purchased the house in 1980 for $140,000 and made $122,000 worth of capital improvements to it. Twenty percent of the total value of the property is attributable to the land. Because Bill and Joyce ultimately would like to use the property as a vacation home, they decide to rent it out. Bill actively participates in the management of the property. The property is first advertised for rent on March 1, 2019, but is not rented until April 15, 2019. Bill pro-vides the following income and expense information for the Lake Tahoe rental property:
  • The Schnappaufs receive Form 1099-B (Exhibit A-15) from Pebble Beach Investors for the sale of several securities. Details on the securities sales are provided below. The selling price listed is net of brokerage commissions and represents the amount the Schnappaufs actually receive from the sale.

Rent $21,000

Repairs 6250

Management fee 4800

Property taxes 15100

Insurance 3500

In addition, Bill buys a new stove for $1,800 and a new refrigerator for $1450 on March 20, 2019.

2. the Schnappaufs receive Form 1099-B from Pebble beach investors for the sale of several securities, the details on the securites sales are provided below. the selling price listed is net of brokerage commissions and represents the amount the Schnappaufs actually recieve from the sale.

Stock Date acquired Date sold Sale price purchase price

150 shares Pfizer Corporation 5/12/96 8/15/19 $6,000 $*

300 shares Texas Instruments 7/30/01 10/25/19 17,100 $**

50 shares Alcoa 6/10/13 10/23/19 525 1,800

25 shares Luminent 4/28/19 9/4/19 900 2,700

60 shares Textron 9/11/19 10/27/19 10,410 9,100

300 shares Hasbro 1/7/08 12/20/19,6125,3150

*When Joyce graduated from college on May 12, 1996, her father gave her 150 shares of Pfizer Corporation stock that he had acquired on October 27, 1988, for $1,300. At the date of the gift, the fair market value of the stock was $1,800. In January 2005, Pfizer Corporation stock split 2 for 1.

**The Schnappaufs acquired 500 shares of preferred stock in Texas Instruments for $7,810. Shortly after the purchase, they received a nontaxable 10% stock dividend.

3. On May 18, 2019, Joyce purchases a computer system for $2,700. She also buys a color printer/copier/fax machine for $450. All the equipment is used exclusively in her business.

4. On June 12, 2019, Joyce sells her old computer system for $300 and her printer for $75. She had acquired the computer system and printer on February 18, 2016, for $2,800 and $425, respectively. When the Schnappaufs prepared their 2016 tax return, they elected to expense the computer and printer using Section 179. The computer system and the printer were used exclusively in her business.

5. Joyce receives a Schedule K-1 (Exhibit A-16) for her interest in the furniture-restoration business.

6. Other information:

a. The rental property in Lake Tahoe is located at 100 Paraiso Drive, South Lake Tahoe (88197).

7. the Schnappaufs qualified business income from queensbridge books is 5220 and 7125 from b and f . these amounts should appear as qbi on line 1 of form 8995


Reflection Paper; Discuss legal and ethical issues of hiring and selection. Compare and contrast the quality of selection tools and assessment used in staffing.

Discuss legal and ethical issues of hiring and selection

Apply UGESP to planning and staffing

Assess Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other (KSAO) human qualities in relation to hiring and selection

Compare and contrast the quality of selection tools and assessment used in staffing

Develop a hiring and selection plan for a department/organization

Evaluate recruitment strategies and effectiveness measures


Create a game like a dice game that 2-4 players can join in which a player can do 3 attempts if they do not like their first.

Create a game like a dice game that 2-4 players can join in which a player can do 3 attempts if they do not like their first. after all players done their attempts or picked to stay with their first or second attempt then the player with highest score wins. This can can be played by real players or player vs computer. Or a card game similar to that.

1. Create proposal describing what the program will do.

2. Create 3 status reports.

4. Draft report.

5. Final report


Geological Engineering 420 Hydrogeology for Engineers

Geological Engineering 420 Hydrogeology for Engineers

 Problem 1: Plot the time vs. water level data that shows all of the slug tests performed on your well (both X and Y axes should be linear scale). This is different than the graphs you need to calculate the hydraulic conductivity. Instead, this is just time and water level from the pressure transducer. You need to show it, and explain which dataset appears to be cleanest for determining the hydraulic conductivity. (Normally, you would use all slug tests and calculate multiple K values, but you only need to use data from one of your slug tests). Be sure to cut out all the data that is before and after putting the transducer in the well.

Geological Engineering 420 Hydrogeology for Engineers


Problem 2: Pick the best dataset showing the cleanest water draw up or draw down, and use the Hvorslev method to determine the hydraulic conductivity of the well you tested. The following information is needed. The length of the well screen and gravel pack together is 6 ft (Le). The well radius (r) 1 inch. The borehole diameter(R) is 4.125 inches.  Be sure to include a graph showing the straight line fit and appropriate t37 pick for both datasets you chose.

Problem 3: Using the same dataset as problem 2, use the Bouwer and Rice slug-test method to determine hydraulic conductivity. The following is needed. Radius of well casing (rc) is 1 inch, radius of gravel envelope (R) is 4.125 inch, the length of screen is 6 ft. Also assume that the wells are drilled to the impermeable clay layer below the aquifer (i.e. h = Lw). You will need to use the total depth of the well and the depth to water table (amount in the water column) to determine the value of h (see figure 5.24 in the text).


Describe your experience shifting from the “collection” mode of traditional college research to an inquiry, or questioned-based, approach. How did having a question to answer to guide your research affect how you conducted your search and how will this shape your research process in the future?

Part One: Compile Your Annotated Bibliography

List five highly credible sources that help you understand the scope of a current and unresolved issue in your field and the audiences who have decision-making authority over it. (NOTE: To arrive at six great sources, you will probably review many more than that). One of those sources must be from a scholarly journal. The remainder can be from the major newspapers, trade publications, notable blogs written by credentialed authors, and high-end periodicals.

Include sources that address the following aspects of research for Essay 2:

  • One source for background information about the issue (scholarly sources are usually good for this purpose)

  • One source that provides evidence about a potential audience, someone with decision-making authority over the issue you are investigating

  • Two sources that offer differing perspectives on the issue

  • One source the establishes why this issue is current and unresolved in your field

Part Two: Writing the Annotations

For each of your sources, you must write a rhetorical précis, a four sentence summary or “annotation” that does the following:

Sentence 1 Name of author and title of work [publishing information, date, and page numbers in parentheses]; a rhetorically accurate verb (such as asserts, argues, suggests, contends, believes, reports, indicates, insists); and a “that” clause containing the thesis or main argument of the work.

Sentence 2 A brief but accurate explanation of how the author develops or supports the thesis, usually in the same order as was developed in the essay.

Sentence 3 A statement of the author’s apparent purpose, followed by an “in order to” phrase.

Sentence 4 An explanation of how this source is relevant to your research and why you chose it.

Jane Goodall in “Primate Research is Inhumane” (Animal Rights: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. Janelle Rohr. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 1989: 95-100) argues that most laboratories using primates engage in inhumane practices. She supports her argument through detailed descriptions of lab environments and draws special attention to the neglect of psychological comforts which these primates endure until they sometimes become insane. Her purpose is to speak on behalf of the chimpanzees in order topersuade her readers to see that if we do not fight for improvements in lab care, “we make a mockery of the whole concept of justice.” I chose this source because Goodall is a well-known subject matter expert and animal rights activist whose research shows animals can feel emotions, which provides an alternate perspective to other scholars who claim animals do not.

Part Three: Synthesize Your Sources

After you annotate your five sources, list your academic discipline and your narrowed research question.

Below that, write a two paragraph synthesis essay where you do the following:

  • Identify connections and differences you see among the sources you annotated

  • Explain how they are responding to ideas you see in other articles.

  • Identify the leading candidate for your audience that emerged from your research.

  • Cite the sources accurately using the documentation style appropriate for your academic discipline (MLA or APA).


1. Describe your experience shifting from the “collection” mode of traditional college research to an inquiry, or questioned-based, approach. How did having a question to answer to guide your research affect how you conducted your search and how will this shape your research process in the future?

2. How did synthesizing the sources you included help you refine your research question and/or influence your choice of audience?


GED210 – Intro to cultural anthropology

GED210 – Intro to cultural anthropology

Examine anthropology’s dual identity as a member of both the social sciences and the humanities. What advantages and problems do you see rooted in this dual identity?

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