Category Archives: Research Papers

The odyssey

Compare and contrast Hesiod’s and Homer’s representations of the land of the dead? Where is the land of the dead located? Are there any specific geographical features to be noted? Who rules the land of the dead? Are there people being rewarded or punished? If so, how (and perhaps why)? What other notable individuals or features are part of each depiction?


Mobile Computing

Mobile Computing Service Providers including Apple, Microsoft, Verizon…discuss the importance of designing and development of Applications for Mobile Devices (Example of Applications can run on iPhone…). Describe some examples of Mobile Applications is used in our daily life. Why you think developing Mobile Applications are becoming more popular? provide some example of Mobile Application you may be using in your mobile devices.


Subordinating conjunction

Write a descriptive passage about a particular delight. Try to use a subordinating conjunction in every sentence without sounding clunky or uncertain. Or make up your own arbitrary formal constraint and try to work against it.


Essay Writing

  1. Does the author present the issue of inequalities in education in his or her introduction? Is lead the author used effective (refer back to Writing a Good Introduction)? What could the writer add to his or her introduction?

  2. Does the introduction have a clear thesis as its last sentence? Does the thesis answer the questions at least one of the focusing questions from the prompt? Is the thesis an argument?

  3. Does the writer have at least three body paragraphs developed in PIEIE structure? Refer back to the Lecture on Argument Essay Structure.

  4. Does each body paragraph the writer has start with a Point? Does the Point connect back to the argument in the thesis? Is the Point an opinion?

  5. Does the writer use strong Information from both his or her personal life and the sources we read or viewed in class? Is there Explanation after? Are there at east two IEs in every paragraph?

  6. Are all examples from the articles or videos introduced properly according to our Incorporating Quotes in Research Handout? Is the paper formatted in MLA style? Is there a works cited page in the end?

  7. Does the writer have a conclusion that restates the thesis and gives a final thought?

  8. What would you say are the paper’s greatest strengths? What did the writer do particularly well?

  9. What should the writer focus on most as he or she revised the paper? What can be most improved?


Server Virtualization

Complete a case study on an organization that will address the following prompts:

  • Describe the organization’s environment, and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization.

  • Explain Microsoft (or another product) licensing for virtualized environments.

  • Recommend a configuration for shared storage; make sure to discuss the need for high availability and redundancy for virtualization for the organization.

  • Explain Windows Azure capabilities for virtual machines and managing a hybrid cloud, including Windows Azure’s Internet as a Service (IaaS) and storage capabilities

  • Make a recommendation for cloud computer use in the organization, including a justification for your recommendations.


Division of Labor; Wilson Football Factory.

1. Please watch the video entitled “Division of Labor; Wilson Football Factory.” What advantages of job specialization (as explained in Chapter 9) can be seen in the video. Please be specific.

2. The book also lists several disadvantages of job specialization. These disadvantages have been known to increase absenteeism and turnover. What disadvantages of job specialization did you recognize in the video?

3. If the disadvantages of job specialization increase employee turnover, then why have these same employees been performing the same jobs for such a long time? Please give a few reasons.

Asks you to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of job specialization, based on your reading of 9-3a, and why companies still use this method of job assignment. This argument hearkens back to Frederick Taylor, who advocated giving employees the right tool and then training them after delineating a job into its smallest components possible.


Using Avogadro, construct the conformations for tert-butylcyclohexane, similar to Question # 5. Record the energy of each conformation in the table.

Question # 7: Conformations of tert-butylcyclohexane A. Using Avogadro, construct the conformations for tert-butylcyclohexane, similar to Question # 5. Record the energy of each conformation in the table. tert-Butyl Position Energy (kJ//mol) B. Based on the data collected from Questions 4-7, what can be said about placing substituents in axial vs. equatorial positions? C. Consider the conformations for cis-1-tert-butyl-4-methylcyclohexane. Based on the information gained in questions 4-7, draw the lowest energy structure for cis-1-tert-butyl-4- methylcyclohexane.


Standard Basic C program/ Rewrite if applicable/Point out what’s wrong from original

In the space provided below write a C program that computes the total cost of items you want to order online. It does so by first asking how many items are in your shopping cart and then based on that number, it repeatedly asks you to enter the cost of each item.

It then adds a 5% delivery charge for standard delivery if the total is BELOW $1000, and an additional 10% charge if you want expedited shipping.


HLTH 505 Environmental Health

HLTH 505 Environmental Health

Research Paper Instructions

The goal of this project is to evaluate a current environmental health issue, discuss the control and/or mitigation measures currently employed and advocate for a systems approach in public health policy or practice to address that issue.

HLTH 505 Environmental Health

Here’s what you will do for this assignment:

  • Select the topic for your research.

  • Submit the topic. You should submit your topic to the topic discussion board area to avoid duplicates. The topic selection must not duplicate any other in the class. If it does, it is your responsibility to change it, the earlier submission taking precedence. Once a student posts on the discussion board, their topic will be considered ‘selected.’

  • Read the supporting article on how to advocate for environmental justice in your area of interest:

  • Submit at least ten sources for your References list.


Creative Writing: Write poems

You need to choose six things and write six poems about them. It can be love, time, or other things, preferably realism or expressionism. Try to keep each poem to half a page in length.

Remember the poetry needs to revolve around a single, specific thing

Poetry may be single-spaced. Underline and/or boldface poem titles, and leave a little white space between poems-just enough to show readers where one poem ends and the next one begins.

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