Category Archives: Research Papers

Create a business document

Prepare a cause-and-effect diagram (a.k. fishbone diagram or Ishikawa diagram) for the largest 2 categories of complaints.Prepare a prioritized list of 3-5 specific recommendations that will improve the customer experience at Quick Change Shoppes.Based on the recommendations, provide target values for the categories on the Pareto Chart.


From the film, A Midwife’s Tale, what was Martha Ballard’s occupation? What larger role did she play in her community? How did Martha determine the father of an unwed mother’s child? What does this demonstrate about the legal and social status of these women (both Midwives/Martha and unwed mothers) in this New England society?

  1. From our “Colonial Women” lecture, list and explain what sort of evidence was used in the Salem witch trials, in 1692, to convict a person of witchcraft? Who tended to be the target of these accusations and what happened to those who were convicted? Why were the trials so disastrous for the Puritans?

  2. From the film, A Midwife’s Tale, what was Martha Ballard’s occupation? What larger role did she play in her community? How did Martha determine the father of an unwed mother’s child? What does this demonstrate about the legal and social status of these women (both Midwives/Martha and unwed mothers) in this New England society?

  3. From our lecture “19th Century Women – North,” what is the Cult of True Womanhood? Explain the four tenets and how and how they applied to 19th century women. From the film, Not for Ourselves Alone, did Elizabeth Cady Stanton (ECS) and Susan B. Anthony (SBA) consider themselves “True Women” according to this philosophy? Explain why or why not. What goals did Stanton and Anthony work toward and what goals did they achieve?

  4. From our lecture “19th Century Women in the South,” what made Sarah and Angelina Grimke so unique and effective in the abolitionist movement? How did Quakers in their town initially react to the sister’s abolitionist work? How did the general public in the North respond to them early on as abolitionist speakers? What controversies arose regarding the Grimke sister’s writings? (List specific examples of the writings and controversies)


BUS273 Semester Project – Medical Marijuana

BUS273 Semester Project – Medical Marijuana

“A total of 33 states, the District of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico have approved a comprehensive public medical marijuana/cannabis program” (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2018), signaling a shift in “public” acceptance unheard of in the last 50 years.

Additionally, 11 states and the District of Columbia now have legalized small amounts of marijuana for adult recreational use, creating a conflict with federal existing law and serious potential issues for business owners. Your assignment involves significant academic research on the rights, responsibilities, and legalities of business interactions with medical marijuana usage by staff and suppliers. To enhance your learning and overall point earning of this major assignment, please consider the following.

BUS273 Semester Project – Medical Marijuana

  • You will address the questions based on the following assumptions:

    • You are a business owner in Elko County that employs a minimum 20 employees but less than 100. Think of a manufacturing company, mine contractor, hospitality provider (casino, hotel, restaurant, etc.).

    • You currently have a stable and thriving business with several long term staffers but also have significant turnover.

    • You have a non-union staff and have been approached by employees with questions on the laws relating to medical marijuana usage and work.

  • The questions:

    1. What is your responsibility to the staff and consumer regards medical marijuana usage during employees “off time”?

    2. What can you legally do regards enforcement of federal versus state medical marijuana laws?

    3. Can you fire an employee for usage that is confirmed with a drug test at the business? Should you? Why?

    4. What considerations do you see as being relevant to this business concern?


Advanced math physics question

Question 1: Show that (3.48) satisfies (3.47) for r not equal to 0.

Question 2: Consider two types of monochromatic plane waves propagating in the x direction in a uniform medium: (a) P-wave in which LaTeX: u_x=A\sin\left(\omega t-kx\right)

ux=Asin⁡(ωt−kx), (b) S-wave with displacements in the y direction, i.e., LaTeX: u_y=A\sin\left(\omega t-kx\right)uy=Asin⁡(ωt−kx). For each case, derive expressions for the nonzero components of the stress tensor. Refer to (2.17) to get the components of the strain tensor; then use (2.30) to obtain stress components.


Bank finance

  1. This is an individualassignment.

  2. This assessment is designed to test your achievement of Objectives 1 to 4 as detailed in the section titled “Topic Schedule and Assessment Summary” on the Unit Moodle site.

  3. The maximum word limit for this assignment is 2000 words. This includes all parts of the report except for the Title Page, Cover letter, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Appendices and the Bibliography.

  4. The assignment will be marked out of a total of 100 marksand will count toward 25% of the total marks for this Unit.

  5. The assignment must be submitted on Moodle on or before Friday 30 October 2020 by 5.00pm. Please note penalties will apply to late submissions.  A penalty of 5% of the total mark allocated to this assessment task will be deducted for each day, or part thereof, it is late.

  6. If you have any queries regarding the assignment contact your Tutor or the Unit Co-ordinator by attending designated Consultation times and/or using your Monash student email address and have “BFC5280 Assignment” and your Tutorial Time (e.g. Tuesday 11:00 am) as the subject line in the email.  Be sure to include your name and student number  in any email sent.  The unit co-ordinator can be contacted by email at:


Theme of the power of the imagination over reason in creating its own reality.

Washington Irving is an American Romantic writer whose short stories often reflect the movement away from Enlightenment thinking with its insistence on the authority of Reason and its ability to verify objective reality to Romantic views that assert the power of the imagination and the emotion to create its own (subjective) reality.

In the short story “Adventure of the German Student”, Irving evokes the theme of the power of the imagination over reason in creating its own reality.

In a well thought out and composed essay, illustrate how this theme is evoked through Irvings use of setting(day/night, historical period-French Rev/Reign of Terror, Germany/France), character (Wolfgang, Woman, Police Officer), imagery (catacombs, decay, storm), and symbols (guillotine, overturn statue Henry IV-“head of State).


Scholarly Activities

Throughout the RN-to-BSN program, students are required to participate in scholarly activities outside of clinical practice or professional practice. Examples of scholarly activities include attending conferences, seminars, journal club, grand rounds, morbidity and mortality meetings, interdisciplinary committees, quality improvement committees, and any other opportunities available at your site, within your community, or nationally.

You are required to post at least one documented scholarly activity by the end of this course. In addition to this submission, you are required to be involved and contribute to interdisciplinary initiatives on a regular basis.



Case Study 62 (GI) and Concept Map

Case study progress


C.W.’s condition deteriorates. On the third day after admission she experiences intractable abdominal pain and unrelenting nausea and vomiting. C.W. is taken to the operating room because of probable SBO and is readmitted to your unit from the post anesthesia care unit. During surgery, 38 inches (96 cm) of her small bowel was found to be severely stenosed, with 2 areas of visible perforation. Much of the remaining bowel is severely inflamed and friable. A total of 5 feet (152 cm) of distal ileum and 2 feet (61 cm) of colon have been removed, and a temporary ileostomy was established. She has a Jackson-Pratt (JP) drain to bulb suction in her right lower quadrant (RLQ), and her wound was packed and left open. She has 2 peripheral IV lines, a Salem Sump nasogastric tube (NGT), and a Foley catheter. Her vital signs (VS) are 112/72, 86, 24, 100.8° F (38.2° C) (tympanic). You attach her NGT to low-continuous wall suction per the postoperative orders.


  1. You begin a thorough postoperative assessment of C.W.’s abdomen. What does your assessment include? List the steps in the order in which the assessment should be completed.

  1. A nursing student enters C.W.’s room and auscultates her abdomen. She looks at you and excitedly announces that she hears good bowel sounds. You take the opportunity to teach her the proper method of auscultating bowel sounds on a patient who has NGT to low-continuous wall suction. How would you correct her error?


Central Conflicts and Colonial Legacies.

1) Central Conflicts and Colonial Legacies. Discuss some of the “central conflicts” of the colonial era, our “colonial legacies” that would shape the region for centuries to come: of the conquest, subjugation and exploitation of Native peoples (native slavery, the encomienda); diseases and demographic collapse (which ones? When? Consequences?); the transatlantic slave trade (how did that happen? How many? To what regions and for what?), and the emergence of race as a hegemonic idea (why is that important?); and patriarchy as a hegemonic idea. and discuss how these would matter for the modern era- the 19th-21st centuries. Remember, “legacies” don’t have to be negative, for example: culture, transculturation, language and music… Explain each part with specific examples

(Study hints: our lectures, Chasteen’s ch’s 1-3; our films on conquest; our podcasts on race and “caste” system; our documents from Wood & Alexander on Colonial era)

2) Manifest Destiny. Describe the emergence of “Manifest Destiny” in the U.S. – tell us what it is, how it emerged, and explain how it impacted Native peoples in the U.S. (the Cherokee, Plains Indians, Native Peoples of the West,…) in the 19th century. Then explain how the U.S. came to take half of Mexico, and how the Mexican-American and Native American population that lived in the territories that the U.S. took from Mexico in 1848 (California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas…) fared after 1848. Explain each part with specific examples

(Study hints: our lectures, Chasteen’s ch. 5 including “Countercurrents,” our lecture our films “To Conquer or Redeem: Manifest Destiny, Pt II, Empire of Liberty”, films & podcasts on Native Peoples, American Yawp ch’s 17 “Conquering the West” & LAT art. genocide of California natives…)

3) Progress, Neocolonialism & U.S. Imperial Expansion. Describe the political, economic, ideological, and social changes of the late 19th century and how those transformed this hemisphere. Discuss how the major technological innovations of the late 19th century, as well as foreign investment, contributed to the export-led growth and the transformation of the region (our ‘globalization 2.0; discuss specific regions, specific countries and specific products [crops/mining] they came to specialize in and explain why that was important). What were some social consequences of that economic growth? (I.e. who benefited? Dislocations? What kind and where?). Immigration is an important part of these trends- discuss. Lastly, explain how “Progress” also led to “Imperialism”, i.e., how the U.S. economic penetration of Latin America in the late 19th century and early 20th century led to the political and military domination of Latin America, especially Central America and the Caribbean (discuss “dollar diplomacy, “gunboat diplomacy”, the Roosevelt Corollary, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Panama and U.S. “protectorates”) Discuss also how the U.S. came to acquire Hawaii and the Philippines and the consequences for Hawaiian and Filipino sovereignty (discuss “Benevolent Assimilation”). Explain each part with specific examples


What supply chain network would you recommend to Bob Bassett based on the current four echelon structure (plant –> SW –> DC –> Store)?

  1. Develop a flow diagram depicting all the possible supply chain flows

  2. What supply chain network would you recommend to Bob Bassett based on the current four echelon structure (plant –> SW –> DC –> Store)?

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