Category Archives: Research Papers

Why is ethical communication important?

Why is ethical communication important? Please give an example of a company that could have practiced better ethical practices.


Should We Keep Eating Soul Food?”

    1. Think about your own cultural touchstones. What sort of dance or food traditions do you participate in as part of your culture? (You can focus on the culture of just your family unit/what your family does or more as culture as part of a larger group.)

    2. What is your favorite part of your culture for you? (This can be about food, dance, language, holidays, clothing, hairstyles, etc.)

    3. What was your biggest takeaway or AHA moment from “Sweetheart Dancers”?

    4. What was your biggest takeaway or AHA moment from “Should We Keep Eating Soul Food?”

    5. How has watching these two videos changed your views or ideas about culture and cultural borders? Do you now think differently about how food and dance impacts someone’s culture?

    “Sweetheart Dancers”

  • “Should We Keep Eating Soul Food?”


EDU 208 English Language Learners

EDU 208 English Language Learners

Theme A Topic 1:

In your writing you MUST answer all of the below prompts:

  • Discuss two essential differences between literacy and reading?

  • What are some specific concepts that make it challenging to learn English?

Theme A Topic 2:

Video Analysis: Watch the video below and answer the prompts based on the your sophisticated understanding of our course content and the information presented in the video.

Words Their Way Teacher Small Group

Words Their Way Teacher Small Group (Links to an external site.)Words Their Way Teacher Small Group

  • Which of the following literacy programs best matches what is utilized in the video : Phonic, Whole Language, Balanced literacy or Emergent literacy? (You can only select 1).
    • Provide 3 specific examples from the video to support your perspective.
    • What are the advantages/benefits of this approach? What are the challenges of the approach?

EDU 208 English Language Learners

Theme B- Supporting English Language Learners

*In this section you are required to cite MORE than 3 videos from our course (focus on videos found in Theme 1 and 2) .

Macro Prompt: Please write a 2-3 page response where you discuss how schools and teachers support English Language Learners towards the acquisition of English as a language. Make sure you connect your discussion to specific information from our course content specifically YouTube videos, textbook/readings, class lecture notes etc. .

In your writing you MUST answer all of the below prompts:

  • How do schools/educators determine the level of English proficiency of an English Language learner?

  • What types of supports or services are used by schools/educators to aid the language development of ELLs?

  • How is the classroom setup to support ELL students? How is the classroom setup to encourage English language acquisition?


History 101

History 101

In Detail how did a steamboat monopoly led to the regulation of interstate commerce.


Going Round-Trip with the World’s Fastest Land Animal

Step 1: Calculating distance at maximum speed

If the cheetah sprinted at maximum speed, how far would the cheetah have traveled?

  1. Set up an equation to represent the distance the cheetah covered in terms of t minutes running at maximum speed. Remember, units of distance and time must agree. Use the conversion information from the warm-up to write a rate in miles per minute.

  2. Let t = 10 and solve for the distance the cheetah covered in 10 minutes.

Step 2: Calculating distance using varied speeds

Suppose the cheetah sprinted at maximum speed for 8 minutes and then slowed to 40 mph for the next 8 minutes.

  1. How far would the cheetah have traveled in the first 8 minutes? Show how you arrived at your answer.

  2. How far would the cheetah have traveled in the next 8 minutes? Show how you arrived at your answer.

  3. How much farther did the cheetah travel in the first 8 minutes than in the second 8 minutes?

  4. The cheetah traveled 1.75 times faster for the first 8 minutes than it did for the second 8 minutes. Was the distance traveled during the first 8 minutes 1.75 times greater than the distance traveled during the second 8 minutes? Show the calculation to justify your answer.

  5. If the cheetah made a round-trip and took half the amount of time on the return trip as on the front end of the trip, what would be the relationship between the average rates on each leg of the trip? Using a complete sentence, explain how you arrived at this conclusion.



Introduction to ethics Week 8 Case study

Ethics Case Study #3: Making a decision as a manager. Who will you promote? The department manager below you has retired. You have the responsibility of choosing the next manager. Four candidates from outside the department were considered along with two from inside the department. Upper management has urged you to make an “inside” hire if there is someone qualified, because business is currently tight and profit margins are very narrow. The company is wanting to trim the workforce through retirement and those who leave for other reasons and try to avoid laying off workers. Since the two candidates inside the department are both qualified, you believe you can work within those preferred guidelines. Here is a partial description of the two candidates.

  • One candidate is an older worker who has been with the company for close to thirty-five years and would be retiring in another five years. She has a good employment record, other employees like her, and you believe she would be compatible with the rest of the work force. However, she is the less qualified candidate of the two candidates as far as education. She has no college degree. Also, in recent projects in the department, she has not played a leading role. However, she has served on some of the committees.

  • The other candidate is in his late 20s, only having been with the company for about four years. He has a college degree in engineering and has already been the team leader in several projects in the department. His working relationship with other employees is also quite good. He is anxious to move up into higher management. You are aware that another company recently showed interest in trying to hire him away.

You believe either individual would do a good job as a leader. Which one would you choose as the new department manager? On what basis?

Study each topic as described in the case study, consulting the suggested biblical resources, and analyze the situation.

  • What are the ethical issues in the situation (e.g., honesty, faithfulness, protection of the helpless, or something else)?

  • What are possible motives that at work here? (e.g., selfishness, good will, love)

  • What are possible consequences of different actions one could take?

  • What do you think would be the best course of action?


ECON 3341 Labour Economics

ECON 3341 Labour Economics

You need to retrieve data on two variables (5 points):

  • Consumer Price Index (CPI) for All-items, monthly, not seasonally adjusted, Canada as a whole and a Canadian province of your choice for January 2001-August 2020;

  • Average Hourly Earnings for Employees Paid by the Hour, including overtime and unadjusted for seasonal variation. The data is available for several industries and by province: you want data for the “industrial aggregate excluding unclassified businesses” for Canada as a whole and a Canadian province of your choice for the period January 2001-August 2020.

  • Use the data in you retrieved (CPI & Average Hourly Earnings) to calculate the real wage in August 2020 dollars (i.e. make August 2020 your base year). Report the wage data in nominal terms and your real wage series in a table and a graph. What has been happening to real hourly wages between January 2001 and August 2020? (10 points)

  • Go back to the Average Hourly Earnings table on the Statistics Canada site and set the NAICS Industry to ‘All’, choose your reference period as August 2020 only and then click ‘Apply’. This will give you wage data for a detailed list of industries (you can get even more detail by clicking the boxes to the right of the ‘All box’. Scan through the wage data for August 2020.  Which industries paid the highest wages? Which paid the lowest wages?  How much did these industries pay? (10 points)

ECON 3341 Labour Economics

  • Say that a person is employed during the survey week. Provide a list of job characteristics and working conditions that the survey collects data on (be sure to give the numbers of the questions that collect the information as part of your answer). See especially pp. 56-60 of the Guide. (5 points)

  • Go to Section 2 of the Guide. This section discusses labour force status.

    (i) People surveyed can be classified into three labour force states. What are they?

    (ii) A particularly difficult state to measure in practice is unemployment.  What three groups of people are classified as unemployed?

    (iii) Have a look at Figure 2.1 which shows the questions and responses to the questions used to classify people into each labour force state.  Based on the Figure summarize the paths (sequence of responses to questions) by which someone might end up categorized as unemployed.

    (iv) The LFS definition of unemployed status in (ii) is quite standard but it is often argued that it leaves out some people who are probably unemployed.  Suggest people who you might classify as unemployed but who would not be so classified by Statistics Canada. (10 points)

  • Go to Section 4 of the Guide (starts p.18). The section deals with Survey Methodology.

    (i) Section 4 claims that: “The LFS plays a central role in the national statistical system in several ways”. Summarize the three key roles it plays.

    (ii) What groups are excluded from the survey?

    (iii) The documentation notes that LFS follows a “rotating panel sample design”. What does this mean?

    (iv) Because the LFS is not a random sample of the population a “weight” variable is included (see Section 6). What is the role of this weight variable? What would a weight of 50 mean? (10 points)



HW 1b. H599; consider the potential impacts of sewage spills on community health, using available literature, and a data set from South Carolina on hospital admissions.

HW 1b. H599

For this homework, we will consider the potential impacts of sewage spills on community health, using available literature, and a data set from South Carolina on hospital admissions.

Part A. Download from ISI Web of Science: Brokamp et al., 2017. Combined sewer overflow events and childhood emergency department visits: A case-crossover study. Sci Total Environ 607-608, 1180-1187.

A1. Write a summary of the study, including study design and adverse health impacts (³250 words). (10 points)

A2. Using Web of Science, choose one paper that cited Brokamp et al. and explain why the authors of the second paper cited the first paper (50-100 words). (10 points)

  1. You will analyze two datasets, which contains hospital admission data for the city of Columba, SC, between 12/30/2012 and 12/24/2017, for gastrointestinal illnesses only. You may use Excel, or R, or another platform.

Keep in mind that many of the SSOs in Columbia, SC, occur in tributaries that feed into the Congaree River, which is also part of the drinking water supply for the city of Columbia. Therefore, sewage spills in the Congaree River and its tributaries may affect both surface water quality (via kayaking, swimming, etc.) and drinking water quality. For drinking water quality, you can access the boil water advisories in Columbia, SC, over the last 2 years:

B1. The first data set includes weekly admissions by sex, age category, and race. Answer the following questions (25 points).

  1. What is the total number of cases of gastro-intestinal illness?

  2. Which year had the highest number of cases? (you can combine 2012 with 2013)

  3. What percentages of cases are for males or females?

  4. Which age range has the highest percentage of cases?

  5. Which race has the highest percentage of cases?

  6. Compare your answer for 1e with the demographics for Columbia, SC from the U.S. Census Bureau ( Which race is most vulnerable, with respect to gastro-intestinal illness? Why?

B2. Now let’s focus on the trends for children under 5. For this, you will use the second data set, which includes individual-level de-identified data. (25 points)

  1. Which year had the highest number of cases?

  2. What percentages of cases were for males or females?

  3. Among children under 5, which race has the highest percentage of cases?

  4. Which race is most vulnerable, with respect to gastro-intestinal illness? Why? For this question, you should assume the racial distribution for children <5 is the same as for the entire population

Make a powerpoint presentation with 5 slides, containing a summary of the results.


Watch GreenTalk #4 and Writing Assignment

In the discussion, propose your idea for a joint project. Include the idea, and some specifics about it. Take about 2-3 paragraphs. Some ideas might be anything such as

  • the company hosting a seminar or class on one of its processes

  • the students helping to address some environmental justice issue

How would the project benefit San Jose State and the Company?


Public Works & Infrastructure

1. Explain the scope of evaluations and costs and benefits that were used for the infrastructure project.

2. Describe the environmental and social impact assessments that were conducted.

3. Explain the importance of sustainability and environmental economics as it relates to the project.

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