Category Archives: Research Papers

The Cell Cycle and Cancer; Explain the phases of the cell cycle. Be sure to include what it takes to move through checkpoints and between the stages.  Explain the important processes occurring in each stage.

  1. Briefly explain the phases of the cell cycle. Be sure to include what it takes to move through checkpoints and between the stages.  Explain the important processes occurring in each stage.  (2 pts.)

  2. What influence does the FBP1 protein have on the cell cycle and how can this proliferate the cancer? What are the investigators aiming to understand with this research and what is their hypothesis? (2 pts.)

  3. In two or three sentences, briefly explain how each of methods used works. What will these methods tell you? (10 pts. For the question)

    1. FBP1 Knockdown (How does knockdown work?) (2pts.)

    2. Cell viability and plate formation assays (2 pts.)

    3. Western Blot Analysis (2 pts.)

    4. Flow cytometry for cell cycle and cell apoptosis analysis (2 pts.)

    5. Wound healing and transwell migration assay (2pts.)

  4. Briefly explain the results from the paper. The following questions can help guide you to find some important information. If you find anything else that you see as an important thing to note, please do so! (4 pts.)

    • What effect did the expression of FBP1 have in the different tissue types?

    • What influence did the FBP1 Knockdown (FBP1-KD) have on the cell cycle and proliferation?

    • What type of migration or metastasis did the investigators see in the cells with the FBP1 protein?

  5. After reading the results, what checkpoint in the cell cycle is most likely the one that is mainly influenced and why does the down regulation of the checkpoint lead to cancer? Do not simply answer this by saying it leads to unregulated cell growth! Think through why that particular checkpoint is important and what is happening at that checkpoint. (2 pts.)



Cytogenetic Analysis

Cytogenetic Analysis

  1. What type of chromosomal aberration does this individual have? (hint: the # sign indicates an aberrant chromosome)

  2. Would you expect this person to have a normal or abnormal phenotype? Explain.

  3. If this person had children, would you expect them to have normal or abnormal phenotypes? Explain.


Effects of UV on Yeast

Effects of UV on Yeast lab report

You may write this report with your lab partner(s) or you may complete it individually, if you wish.  If you write this together with your lab partner(s), be sure to include a section titled “author contribution” at the end of the report that briefly states who worked on which section, who edited each section, who made each figure, etc.

  1. Give your report a title. It has to be concise, yet it needs to give your readers a good idea of the scope of your report.  Don’t just call it “UV effects in yeast” or something else generic.  What specifically did you test in the second half of this lab?  Have the title convey that.  Often times, good titles will state the actual findings of the work rather than just the question being asked.

  2. Write this section last! It is difficult to write before you spend a significant amount of thinking and writing about your data. Keep your abstract under 200 words.  Abstracts typically have this general structure:

    1. Generally describe the topic your paper covers. Provide the reader with a brief background/context.

    2. State the problem/unknown you are attempting to investigate. What is your idea/hypothesis/question?

    3. State your approach/technique(s) you used to testing your hypothesis. Do not get into details here – that will go in the materials and methods section!

    4. What were your main findings and what was their importance?

  3. Introduction Write a couple of paragraphs that outline your goals and purpose of your Yeast experiments. Begin generally, by discussing the dangers of UV light and how UV light damages DNA. Discuss briefly how our cells deal with DNA damage. Transition into the need to better understand if certain skin-protective creams, lotions etc. work better than others and how yeast are a great model organism to do so. Briefly outline why yeast can be used as a model organism: what is similar between yeast and humans?  What is your main questions and how did you set out to answer it?  What were your main findings?



Describe the mutualistic benefit fungi and plants receive from their association with one another. How do some trees end up with springtail (insect) or salmon (fish) nitrogen in their tissues?

Listen to the Radiolab Podcast, From Tree to Shining Tree (Links to an external site.)and answer the following questions.…

1. Professor Suzanne Simard who is forestry professor at the University of British Columbia describes how she noticed that the forest seemed healthier when different species of trees were present. This observation inspired her to conduct an experiment where she covered douglas fir, birch, and cedar trees with bags and exposed to them radioactive gas. Explain the major conclusions from her experiment.

2. Describe the mutualistic benefit fungi and plants receive from their association with one another. How do some trees end up with springtail (insect) or salmon (fish) nitrogen in their tissues?

3. What surprising thing happens when one tree in the forest becomes injured or is dying? Why do you think this has evolved?

4. In your opinion, why do you think people should care about the mutualism between fungi and plants?


MAD6; Need Power Point Presentation with Detailed Notes


Based on the materials presented in Chapters 11 and 12, complete the following:

Pick one concept from Chapter 11 and another concept from Chapter 12. Based on the two concepts you picked, produce a Power Point with detailed explanation in the notes. Power point should contain at least 10 slides excluding title and references slides, 5 Slides per Each topic. Provide numerical example(s) to support your explanations.

Based on this Power point Notes, I should be able to record a video Presentation.




  1. Were any accessory structure of the eye included while you were playing the game? If so, which ones? If any, or all, are missing, please list each accessory structure with a two (2) sentence description of its anatomical location and function.

  2. What are the three tunic, or layers of the eye? Match only the structures from the game to the correct tunic, but keep in mind that not all structures may belong to a tunic.

  3. What is the difference between the aqueous and vitreous humor? If applicable, where are they produced, circulated, and/or stored within the eye?

  4. Describe the visual pathway, with a focus on the eye and nervous system anatomy. Beginwhen light hits the cornea, and end when it reaches the primary visual cortex.


​What does it mean to discover and exploit? How does an exploit differ from a vulnerability?​

​What does it mean to discover and exploit?

How does an exploit differ from a vulnerability?​


EDU 250: Poetry Assignment

EDU 250: Poetry Assignment

Part 1: Poetry Anthology
● Select one collection (anthology) of poetry for children that includes many types of poetry on many subjects. They may include selections by one author or be centered around one theme. (You may not select Shel Silverstein or Jack Prelutsky ONLY Anthologies)
● You are not expected to read the entire collection, but do read a good sampling. To complete this assignment, you will have to read at least five poems in each anthology.
Try to read five different types of poems in each anthology; however, if the anthology you select is dedicated completely to one type of poetry [limericks], you may not be able to find the suggested variety of poems. To thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the poems, you should read them aloud.

EDU 250: Poetry Assignment

● Write a review for the anthology. Include:
o APA reference citation
o Full bibliography of all title included
o Summary that lists topics/themes covered
o Selected poems [Try to list five different (types of) poems for each anthology; put the title and type of the poem; of course, if you have a book of limericks, you will not be able to find five different types, but still list five poems]
o See PowerPoint for identified Types of Poetry
o Evaluation (Use criteria listed below; you should address at least five of the criteria.)
o Personal reaction



Research Hypothesis (or Research Hypotheses)

Research Hypothesis (or Research Hypotheses)

First sentence starts here.

For example, Hypothesis 1: X1 is positively/negatively associated with Y.

What are the rationales behind the positive/negative association? Why do you anticipate a positive/negative association between X1 and Y? (X1 is the variable of your interest. Your X1 can be different from other teammates’ X1 in your group. You may have more than one hypothesis.)


First sentence starts here.

Y =  + X1 +  X2 +  X3 + X4 +  X5 +  X6 +

What are the other independent/control variables (X2-X6 are either your teammates’ X1’s or control variables) in your regression model? Do you expect a positive/negative association for each of the variables? Why do you anticipate the positive/negative association between the independent variable and dependent variable for each of the independent variables? (Sometimes the direction of the association is not clear because there exist both positive and negative effects. In that case, describe why the association may be positive or negative.)



Compliance and Accountability Manager for the mid-size company.

You are the new Compliance and Accountability Manager for the mid-size company. During the first two weeks on the job, you have conducted several inspections on the alarm, intrusion, and video technology systems. The findings from your investigations provided overwhelming evidence that these systems are either not operating efficiently, or they are not in compliance with governmental requirements. For this assignment, write a two-page double space memo, the company administrator addressing the following:

The significance of equipment and system overhaul

Application and the importance of an effective alarm system and its components

Getting the systems certified

An efficient video system

The lenses and illumination




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