Category Archives: Research Papers

What are the current positive or negative impacts to business operations involving the IT management processes?

– What are the current positive or negative impacts to business operations involving the IT management processes?
– How can Six Sigma or TQM benefit your organization?
– What change management processes are currently in place, or if there are no formal processes, what would you recommend?
– Conclude with your thoughts on how implementing IT process improvement and change management in your business would make a positive impact


1.1.1 Decision Skills Self-Assessment

1.1.1 Decision Skills Self-Assessment

Team and individual competencies can also be characterized along these two dimensions as “hard” (technical) and “soft” (social and psychological) skills. Naturally, this leads us to ask: What skills do I bring to complex decision problems? Am I a skillful leader and communicator with a deep understanding of human nature and the social, psychological, and organizational aspects of decision making? Am I a skillful analyst, mathematical modeler, and problem solver with a deep understanding of the technical aspects of value modeling and data-driven decision making?

In preparing your answers, follow the outline below exactly. This is not a free-form essay.

  1. How would you describe your own current skills and abilities in terms of the two dimensions depicted in the grid?

    • Primarily Hard Skills

    • Primarily Soft Skills

    • Both Hard and Soft Skills

1.1.1 Decision Skills Self-Assessment

Support your answers with details about your skills and why you rated yourself as you did.

  1. Given your self-assessment in Question 1, consider not where you are now, but where you would like to be eventually.

    • Are you content with the balance of skills you currently have?

    • Would you like to improve in either your hard or soft skills or both?


The Planet that I Consume

The Planet That I Consume: Essay #1 Prompt This essay asks that you consider the inner (and outer) workings of the world around you in terms of your food and other consumptions. We manipulate the planet and all its creatures. We create, we consume, we build, and we destroy, but how often do we consider the processes and people that provide unceasingly for our unquenchable appetites? How often do we consider the consequences? During this project we might ask ourselves: where do our food and our “stuff” come from, and at what cost? How have our foods and other goods been processed, conceived, even constructed, and then shipped and stored? How do we treat the animals we eat? How should we treat them? How are they killed? How do they live? Where does all of our “stuff” come from? How is it made? How does its production effect the planet? How conscious are we of the world we are taking from every single day? Where do we fit in? What do we have to say? For this essay we are most interested in how we give and how we take from the planet, from plants, from animals, from the earth, and from the people who share in the spaces we occupy. During this essay block you will be asked to take part in conversations, readings, and writing activities which will require you to look closely at how we might have lived in the past, and how we currently live in and interact with the world around us, particularly when it comes to what we eat, the planet we exhaust and renew in order to build and flourish, and how our consumption of all things living and nonliving shapes the world, in both positive and negative ways. You will need to choose a topic (although it must be related to the main theme of this essay block by considering your relationship with food and consumption and the consequences of your living and eating habits, on yourself, other individuals, societies, and the planet that we share) which you will then think about independently so that you might share your story in order to convince your reader that your experience is one worth considering (we want a moral, a lesson, a warning, or maybe just something to consider). You must have some exigency (a reason for writing, a “necessity”) before beginning this essay. In other words, this essay is a personal literacy narrative in which you discuss your own relationship with food and/or consumption and reflect upon the various factors (communal, cultural, political, familial, academic, etc.) that contribute to it. In this way, you are becoming literate in regards to your understanding of the ways in which these outside forces have played a role in shaping your thoughts and your ability to be an active, selfaware member of your various communities and beyond. To achieve this, you will write a “narrative essay” about how you might have acquired behaviors and attitudes related to food and consumption (things like how your behaviors and actions contribute to the manufacturing of goods, pollution, and the manipulation of the environment so that you might live a more comfortable life) and what you learned from your experiences. In addition, you are encouraged to consider not only how these behaviors and/or experiences may have affected you, but how they affect society, as well. You may wish to consider some or a few of the following as you draft your essay: • Your educational background as well as that of those closest to you and how this relationship might have influenced your decisions when it comes to eating and living. • Your attitude towards the “food cultures,” and/or “environmental activism” within any communities you might belong. • The ideas and themes that circle around food/consumption in the essays we have read. • Any transformative experiences that pertain to your ideas of food and consumption. • Your feelings in general towards your own concept of moral and ethical eating and living habits. You are not being graded on the ideas you hold, but rather on your ability to convey them in an effectual way. Additionally, I will be looking to see that you are able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the ways in which your chosen experience has influenced your own eating habits and lifestyle.


What can make a decision tough?

What can make a decision tough?

1. First, based on your readings, course slide presentations, and your reflections so far, make a list of things than can make a decision tough. Be thorough and display the knowledge you have gained so far in studying this module. List as many as you can.

2. Next, provide one example from your own experience of a tough decision and describe what made it tough.


​Statement of Personal Understanding – Clearly explain whether nursing is or is not a ministry. Clearly explain how the above stance affects patient care

Statement of Personal Understanding:

This paper serves to validate the student’s ability to produce a scholarly paper that clarifies a personal understanding of the ministry of nursing. The paper should reflect the student’s ability to utilize the major course topics and professional writings from journals and/or books to support their position regarding the ministry of nursing and how that impacts the care of patients.

  • Clearly explain whether nursing is or is not a ministry (20 pts)

  • Clearly explain how the above stance affects patient care (15 pts)


Research essay on the Latin American composer

Write a short research essay on the Latin American composer of your choice. Be sure to include the following:

  1. Basic biographical data

  2. A work representative of that composer’s style, with specific reference to what can be heard in the score.

  3. That composer’s significance both in Latin American and internationally.

  4. At least 1 citation


Hex cap screw

Buy a hex cap screw (1/4-20, any length) from a local hardware store and draw it in Solidworks with matching dimensions. 3D print the hex cap screw at the FAB lab in the UTA library. Upload Solidworks file on Canvas. Put the part in a plastic bag with your name on it and drop it off in a collection box outside ERB 182.


Imagine that a new planet is discovered in our solar system with a mass of 4.47×1025 kilograms and a radius of 12,500 kilometers.

planet is discovered in solar system with a mass of 4.47×1025 kilograms and a radius of 12,500 kilometers.

Calculate the density of this planet.

how do I get my answer to be in g/cm^3 with this information?


How to fix login issues in Protonmail?

Protonmail is one of the widely used webmail services, created by Proton technologies. With over 10 million users, the email service is increasing its reach in the global market. However, a few of the users keep complaining about the Protonmail login issue, which could have been raised due to different reasons. If you are also facing trouble with Protonmail login, then you can fix it by using these tips.

  • Make sure to use a stable and high-speed internet network.

  • Retype the Protonmail user ID and password.

  • Switch to another browser and clear the history and browser cache files.

  • The Internet Explorer version before 11 and safari version before 6 do not support the Protonmail. Consider upgrading them to the latest version.

  • Use the correct domain name.

  • To quickly login to your Protonmail account, you must activate the JavaScript, Session Storage, and Cookies.


Leadership Change Project Framework

Assignment Content

  1. Leaders seek out change opportunities regularly. Innovation, critical thinking, and decision making are key to making an impact on an organization. This assignment is designed to help you look at aspects of your own clinical practice and become a change agent in your organization. Use your current or past experience to identify a change project to implement.

    Step 1: Select a topic [Process, policy, procedure, disaster management [Pandemic/Epidemic], and such, for a propossed change project.

    • Review the following resources for potential change topic or process ideas. On your paper, you can opt to propose implementation of on of these:

    Step 2: Identify the context for your change (Where will the change project occur? Who will it impact?).

    • Describe the setting where the change will take place. For example, clinical, insurance, home health, or public and community.

    • Explain who is affected: patients, nurses, leadership, and other stakeholders in the organization.

    Step 3: Review the literature to find possible solutions and evidence to address your topic (Support your actions with evidence).

    • Research sources that guide evidence-based practice to improve outcomes related to your selected topic.

    • Find a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles directly related to addressing your change topic.

    Step 4: Create a draft implementation plan [Action plan described within your paper or presentation].

    • Summarize each article to explain how the evidence you gathered will help address your change topic.

    • Explain how you could use the information in the research to carry out the change in your identified setting.

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