Category Archives: Research Papers

Product branding

Brand and Product Decisions in Global Marketing (attached), the article Disneyland Paris: A Case Analysis Demonstrating How Glocalization Works, look through Forbes’ list of The World’s Most Valuable Brands (Links to an external site.), and watch The Billionaire Behind the Space Jump (Links to an external site.) video.

There are a number of factors that can help a company build its product brand. Considerations in building a brand will require an understanding of both product concepts and branding concepts. Both Red Bull and Disney are among the many listed brands you will find in The World’s Most Valuable Brands (Links to an external site.) list.

Part 1:

  • Explain the concept of brand image and brand equity for Red Bull.

  • Explain why Red Bull’s global marketing activities are so heavily invested around extreme sports and events that are associated with excitement and movement.

  • Identify at least five examples of brand extensions and co-brandings that Disney has implemented besides Disney Parks. Briefly explains each example.

Part 2:

  • Choose a country in Asia (e.g., Japan) and a country in South America (e.g., Brazil) where the PayPal has a presence.

  • Explain what similarities and differences you see in the product and/or brand between the two countries using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, cultural perceptions, and strategic alternatives in global marketing. Not all of the companies have a branch in those regions. In that case, discuss the implications of moving to an Asian county and/or a South American country should your mentor marketer decides to expand there using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, cultural perceptions, and strategic alternatives in global marketing.


About government and non profit accounting subject.

Q1. State whether these statements are true or false.  Discuss why the false statements are false.

  1. An entity is likely to be a governmental entity if a controlling majority of its governing body is appointed by governmental officials.

  2. The objective of a government is to provide services to its constituents.

  3. AICPA pronouncements have approximately the same level of authority as articles appearing in the Journal of Accountancy.

  4. The objective of a not-for-profit organization is to provide services to its constituents.

  5. By definition, all funds have cash, financial resources, and capital resources.

  6. The objective of a business organization is to enhance the wealth of its owners.

Q2. A department of a local government began operations at the beginning of the current fiscal year with $250,000 cash.  During the fiscal year, the department made cash disbursements for the following:

            #    Salaries and other personnel costs, $100,000

            #    Office rent and utilities, $24,000

            #    Retirement of debt principal, $10,000; payment of interest, $2,200

            #    Purchased equipment at the beginning of the fiscal year for $30,000; the equipment is expected to last 6 years and have a salvage value of $6,000

            #    Photocopier rental, $10,500

Based on the preceding transactions, compute total annual expenditures for this department assuming it performs governmental-type activities and is accounted for in the General Fund.

Then compute total annual expenses for this department assuming it performs activities within an Enterprise Fund.

Q3. The council of the Town of Tulia approved the 2013 budget as follows:

            Budgeted 2013 revenues from:

               Property taxes                                                                             $5,000,000

               Sales taxes                                                                                  $1,000,000

            Appropriations for 2013:

               Salaries                                                                                       $4,600,000

               Materials                                                                                     $1,200,000

               Equipment                                                                                     $100,000

            During 2013, the town’s mayor presented the council with a budget revision to increase the amount of appropriation for salaries by $10,000.  The council approved this budget revision.


  1. Prepare the general journal entry necessary to initially record the budget.

  2. Prepare the general journal entry necessary to record the budget revision.



Q4. Following is a trial balance for Nadia Day Care, as of July 31, 2013, the end of its first month of business. Based on the trial balance, prepare an income statement for the month ended July 31, 2013, and a balance sheet as of July 31, 2013.

                                                                                                              Debits        Credits

            Cash                                                                                       $27,400

            Accounts receivable                                                                      500

            Prepaid rent                                                                                2,500

            Equipment                                                                                  6,000

            Accumulated depreciation, equipment                                                          $100

            Accounts payable                                                                                             300

            Salaries payable                                                                                                240

            Interest payable                                                                                                133

            Notes payable                                                                                              20,000

            Capital                                                                                     10,000

            Revenues                                                                                                     11,500

            Operating expense                                                                      1,000

            Salary expense                                                                            1,840

            Utility expense                                                                              300

            Interest expense                                                                            133

            Rent expense                                                                              2,500

            Depreciation expense                                                                    100                  

                 Totals                                                                                $42,273       $42,273



A known successful organization

Based on this week’s learning materials, conduct research and write a minimum two to
three-page paper about a known successful organization that is dedicated to being a learning

In your paper, you will address the following points:
 Why did you choose this organization?
 What did you find that shows this organization is dedicated to being a learning
 What makes this organization successful?
 How do the organization’s practices reflect Baldrige principles?
 Would you like to work at this organization? Why or why not?


Write a case study that demonstrates one form of unethical marketing.

You will write a case study that demonstrates one form of unethical marketing. First, you need to conduct research to find out more about this form of marketing and to locate a good case study. Your research will help you find the following information, which you need for this assignment:

  • A description of this type of unethical marketing strategy or issue

  • An explanation of why this marketing strategy or issue is or could be considered an ethics issue

  • A case study of this marketing strategy or issue. A case study is a real-life example of this marketing strategy or issue. It describes the circumstances, the people and organizations involved, what happened, and whether anything changed afterward. For example, did the organization change its marketing campaign? Did anyone go to jail? Was a new law created?

– The following online resources may be helpful in your research:

“Statement of Ethics.” American Marketing Association,…


Fit a LASSO regression model against the training set and report on the coefficients. Do any coefficients reduce to zero? If so, which ones?

Use the College dataset ( from the ISLR library to build regularization models by using Ridge and Lasso (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator). Predict Grad.Rate for all models.

  1. Split the data into a train and test set – refer to the Feature_Selection_R.pdf document for information on how to split a dataset.

Ridge Regression

  1. Use the cv.glmnet function to estimate the lambda.min and lambda.1se values. Compare and discuss the values.

  2. Plot the results from the glmnet function provide an interpretation. What does this plot tell us?

  3. Fit a Ridge regression model against the training set and report on the coefficients. Is there anything interesting?

  4. Determine the performance of the fit model against the training set by calculating the root mean square error (RMSE). sqrt(mean((actual – predicted)^2)).

  5. Determine the performance of the fit model against the test set by calculating the root mean square error (RMSE). Is your model overfit?


  1. Use the cv.glmnet function to estimate the lambda.min and lambda.1se values. Compare and discuss the values.

  2. Plot the results from the glmnet function provide an interpretation. What does this plot tell us?

  3. Fit a LASSO regression model against the training set and report on the coefficients. Do any coefficients reduce to zero? If so, which ones?

  4. Determine the performance of the fit model against the training set by calculating the root mean square error (RMSE). sqrt(mean((actual – predicted)^2)).

  5. Determine the performance of the fit model against the test set by calculating the root mean square error (RMSE). Is your model overfit?


  1. Which model performed better and why? Is that what you expected?

  2. Refer to the Intermediate_Analytics_Feature_Selection_R.pdf document for how to perform stepwise selection and then fit a model. Did this model perform better or as well as Ridge regression or LASSO? Which method do you prefer and why?


Produce a thick description of this virtual church service.

Pick a church that has a working link to a full-length service recording available for June 7. Then, prepare to do
your observation of that church service. Watch the service all the way through, jotting notes to yourself about
what you see, hear, and experience. Describe the setting and features of the video production. Who is featured
in the video? What do they look like (e.g., physical characteristics, clothing/jewelry, perceived identities such as
gender, race, etc.)? What do they sound like? Do they say what their role is? What are they saying? What is their
body language like? What emotions are being expressed? What are the songs about (e.g., titles, themes, bits of
lyrics)? What kinds of readings take place? What is the sermon on? What kinds of stories are told? What kinds of
assumptions are made? What images or messages appears on the screen? What do they tell you about church
activities or priorities? What if anything is mentioned about COVID-19? I want you to take descriptive fieldnotes
on everything you see, but pay special attention to anything said, expressed, or presented about race. What do
you perceived the race/ethnicity of people shown in the recording to be? Who is doing which tasks in the service
(e.g., the music, the preaching, the reading, etc.)? Use any transcript that might be provided (e.g., in YouTube) or
pause the recording and write down a few key quotes if and when the topic of race comes up. What is it like to
be participating, in some ways, as a viewer of the service? What might other participants have faced in watching
the service online? Use all of your senses to produce a thick description of this virtual church service.


CKM1 Task 1 Cloud based automation system


You are the IT administrator for SparkIT-Game Company, a successful video game producer. The company is preparing to launch a new version of an existing game. You have been tasked with rolling out a new cloud-based automation system that will handle expected loading during critical press events and monitor for continuing use of the cloud-based back-end system for the game. The core requirement is to keep game play smooth and available throughout a year of anticipated ups and downs of user demand due to marketing events, word-of-mouth advertising, and positive press across all platforms. When designing the solution, ensure all other requirements are considered and can be implemented.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Section 1: Solution Design and Implementation

A. Introduce your proposed solution, including an overview of the purpose, goals and objectives, and scope of the solution. Provide a brief description of how the solution functions.

B. Create a visual representation of your solution (e.g., storyboard, flowchart, UML diagram, GUI) that illustrates how the system process or workflow aligns with and supports the business requirements for SparkIT-Game Company. Include the executable tasks and decision points in your representation.

C. Write an executable automation script that aligns with the visual representation in part B.

Note: All coding must be written and executed within the Chef platform. You may modify an existing Chef cookbook to create this script. You must design, write, implement, and debug all code that you turn in for this assessment. Code downloaded from the internet, other than Chef cookbooks, or acquired from another student or any other source may not be submitted and will result in automatic failure of this assessment.

Section 2: Optimization

D. Capture the performance measurements of your solution from part C and the code(s) you used to gather the data in the diagnostic report.

E. Provide the web sources you modified to create both the automation script and the scripts used to gather the performance measurements.

F. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

G. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


Article Where Physical Security Failed

Search the Internet for an article where physical security failed

-> Propose a possible change in that organization’s physical security that could have prevented the breach/failure for that scenario


BADM 2301 Lab 3 Assignment; Microsoft Excel (III)

BADM 2301 Lab 3 Assignment

1. Formatting (2pt). Open Grocery.xlsx (the file after finishing Lab 3 Tutorial), create a new sheet. Name the new sheet “Suppliers” and move it behind “Grocery” sheet. Open WeeklyQuotes.xlsx, copy the whole sheet and paste it onto the new “Suppliers” sheet you just created.
Format the worksheet using font Arial, size 10. With the exception of column A, make sure the numbers are in “Currency” format with 2 decimal places, aligned to the right.
Make the header row stand out using font style Bold and Center alignment.
2. Understanding Price Quotes (2pts). Britney would like to calculate the average and minimum of the price quotes for each item (product). Please do so using Excel functions and put the results in column P (for average) and Q (for minimum) of the “Suppliers” worksheet. Label the columns accordingly (“Average” for P and “Minimum” for Q).
 Pay attention to the empty cells. Would they affect the average and minimum?
3. Finding Lowest Quote for Restocking (3pts). Switch to “Grocery” worksheet, put “Average” in E1 and “Minimum” in F1. In column E and F, use VLOOKUP to find the average and minimum quotes for each item from the “Suppliers” worksheet.
Note: the list in the “Suppliers” is much longer so copy & paste won’t work.

You will need to REALLY understand how VLOOKUP function works and the meaning of each argument. Check Lab 3 Tutorial again if you have any issues.

4. Inventory Management Based on Previous Demand (4pts). Every week Britney needs to decide how many units she needs to replenish for each item. She would like to estimate the weekly replenishment order size using both the sales and quotes data from Week 52 of last year (more precisely, the number of units sold across all items during
that week).
Please calculate the estimate for her and put the results in column G. Label it “Units.” Since we do not have weekly sales data, we will assume the following for simplicity:
(1) There were exactly 52 weeks in the last year;
(2) Weekly demand for each item is constant all year long (i.e., demand in week 1 = demand in week 2 … = demand in week 52) (Think: given annual sales, how do you calculate weekly sales);
(3) Britney always orders from the supplier with the lowest quote; and
(4) Britney always sets a fixed 5% markup for each item.



What is the predicted value of miles per gallon for a car that has 2.78 (2,780 lbs) weight and 225 horsepower? Suppose that this car achieves 18 miles per gallon, what is the residual based on this actual value and the value that is predicted using the regression equation?

The company expected fuel efficiency (miles per gallon) and weight of the car (often measured in thousands of pounds) to be correlated. The company also expects cars with higher horsepower to be less fuel efficient than cars with lower horsepower.


  1. What is the predicted value of miles per gallon for a car that has 2.78 (2,780 lbs) weight and 225 horsepower? Suppose that this car achieves 18 miles per gallon, what is the residual based on this actual value and the value that is predicted using the regression equation?

  2. How do the plots and correlation coefficients of your peers compare with yours?

  3. Would you recommend this regression model to the car rental company? Why or why not?

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