Category Archives: Research Papers

Petri net model,Finite State Machine model

Draw Petri net model for the bridge segment system and Finite State Machine model for the bridge segment system ; how to draw class diagram and include all necessary methods with pseudo code ,write pseudo code to show how you would set up the system to construct the GUI


MGT301; Given the budget issues created by giving star performers more, should someone earning a 3 get a 2 percent raise—or should they get less? What are the arguments for and against a 2 percent raise level for average performers?


  1. Do you agree with Bock that star performers should get a lot more—not just a little more—than average performers? If someone earning a 3 on Google’s evaluation system gets a 2 percent raise, what should employees earning 4’s and 5’s get? (1.25 Marks )

  2. Given the budget issues created by giving star performers more, should someone earning a 3 get a 2 percent raise—or should they get less? What are the arguments for and against a 2 percent raise level for average performers? (1.25 Marks )

  3. Consider all the things Google’s People Operations group does to motivate its employees. Which motivation theories do they seem to be leveraging, and how? (1.25 Marks )



Write a one-page direct approach letter that simulates a workplace writing situation.

Write a one-page direct approach letter that simulates a workplace writing situation.
Assignment Objectives – You will learn to
• Write workplace correspondence using the direct approach.
• Use correct letter format (full-block) and style.
• Write effective and grammatically correct letters for personal and workplace applications.



Potential topics include: American revolution, the early republic, colonist-native relations, slavery, slave rebellions.


Pick a topic from this learning unit that you found interesting and compelling. Potential topics include: American revolution, the early republic, colonist-native relations, slavery, slave rebellions.


Select a primary source document from your readings on Canvas that aligns with the topic you’re interested in. Primary sources you can choose from include:

  • “Oneida declaration of neutrality, 1775,”

  • “Boston King recalls fighting for the British and securing his freedom, 1798.”

  • “Thomas Jefferson’s racism, 1788,”

  • “Black scientist Benjamin Banneker demonstrates Black intelligence to Thomas Jefferson, 1791,”

  • “Maria Stewart bemoans the consequences of racism, 1832,”

  • “Nat Turner explains the Southampton rebellion, 1831,”

  • “Harriet Jacobs on rape and slavery, 1860,”

  • “George Fitzhugh argues that slavery is better than liberty and equality, 1854,”

  • “Mary Polk Branch remembers plantation life, 1912.”


Analyze your selected primary source using the guiding questions we’ve covered in class:

  1. Content: what is the document about, what is the general topic?

  2. Citation: when was this document created and by who?

  3. Context: what was going on in the world and/or region when this document was written? What major economic, social, political, or cultural trends might this document be responding to directly or indirectly?

  4. Connections: Does this document reflect, support, or challenge what we are learning in class? What connections to other class content to do you see in this document?

  5. Communication: Does this source have an identifiable point of view or bias? Do you think this document is reliable? Why or why not?

  6. Conclusions: How does this source contribute to our understanding of history and the moment in which it was written? What is the main idea or take away for you?


Music Class Concert Report

  • When and where did the concert take place? How long did it last?

  • How many pieces were performed? What were they called and how many movements were in each? Who composed each piece?

  • Who were the performers (name of the ensemble and/or names of the soloists)?

  • If there was a conductor/director, what was his or her name?

  • What types of instruments/voices were played and/or featured?

  • Was there any special purpose to the concert?

  • URL of the online concert you attended at the beginning of your report

General Questions to Keep inMind

  • What was your general reaction to the concert? How did the performance sound?

  • Was the music performed well?

    • Were the musicians rhythmically“together”?

    • Were they playing/singing in tune?

    • Did any instruments or voices stick out?

    • How would you rate the musicians’ technical ability and the energy of their performance?

    • Did they seem well prepared for the concert?

  • Which composition did you like best? Why? (e.g., what specifically did you like about the piece itself or the way it was performed?)

  • Which composition did you like least? Why?

  • Did any of the compositions trigger an emotional response from you? What were your specific feelings or thoughts in response to the music?

  • Is this type of concert experience new to you? How do you think that might influence your perceptions of what you heard and observed?

  • What makes a performance an artistic event?

Specific Points toConsider

You may want to focus your discussion and analysis of the concert on one or more of the following:

  • Describe what you heard and observed using the following musical terms, elements, and concepts discussed in

    • Genre (symphony, concerto, string quartet,)

    • Stylistic period (Baroque, Classical, Romantic,)

    • Mood (emotion conveyed by the music and performers)

Pitch To what extent does pitch vary throughout the piece? How do changes in pitch reflect changes inmood?

  • Rhythm (beat, accent, tempo, meter, syncopation) How were the elements of rhythm used to create special or interesting musical effects?

  • Dynamics (level of sound) Identify changes in dynamics and discuss the effect these changes create.

  • Tone color (bright, brassy, warm, ringing, hollow,)

  • Mode (major,minor)

Harmony/Melody Discuss the balance (or lack of it) between the melody and its “accompaniment.” Did you hear consonance, dissonance, or a combination of both?

  • Motives/Themes Identify and note where individual motives and themes are first introduced and subsequently reappear in each

  • Texture (monophony, homophony, polyphony,)

  • Form (sonata form, A B A, theme and variations,)

  • Using the musical terminology and concepts covered in-class, discuss the most interesting musical elements or features of the pieces that were

  • Compare the pieces from this performance with other compositions you have studied in class, noting similarities and differences. (Note: In selecting a composition from class, you may want to look for a piece by the same composer, from the same style period, or of the same genre as the piece(s) from the)

  • How does this concert compare to the performance(s) you attended previously?

  • Describe the behavior of the performers and the audience. What, if any, interaction occurred between the two? What kind of behavioral expectations do performers and audiences bring to the concert? How are these expectations satisfied or frustrated?

Concert links:


ENGL 2311; Final Writing Project

ENGL 2311; Final Writing Project

The ability to sell an idea is the cornerstone of professional writing. Whether you are seeking funding to open your own small business or professional practice, proposing new procedures in your workplace, leading a large-scale marketing campaign, or organizing a small neighborhood improvement effort, your ability to persuade others to care about the project can determine whether it will succeed. For our final class project, you will do this kind of persuasive professional writing by advocating for a particular solution to a local issue. To do so, you will create a proposal that requires approval, support, or funding from a specific audience. The complete package of materials you will submit for a grade includes:

  • A proposal that identifies the problem, provides a potential solution, and categorizes the resources needed to implement the solution.

  • A press release that imagines the proposal audience has approved the project and announces it to a wider public audience.

  • A visual presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Slides) that you would use if you were pitching your idea live and in-person to the proposal audience.

Example topics from former students:

  • A proposal to the President of TCC Northwest to create a food truck park so that students can have expanded on-campus food choices on certain days of the week.

  • A proposal to a local HOA to turn a vacant lot into a community pool and park.

  • A proposal to a local hospital board asking the hospital to be the primary sponsor of a community mental health and wellness fair.

Ask yourself these questions as you brainstorm topics:

  • Does the problem exist? (Do TCC students need more food options? Is this community less appealing without a pool and park to attract families? Do Fort Worth residents have enough access to free mental health and wellness services and information?)

  • Who is the specific audience that would have the power to say yes or no to approving your request or investing in your solution? You cannot write to a vague, general audience.

  • Is this a topic/issue/problem that you are familiar with or passionate about? You have limited time to research, collect data, and formulate your plan, so choose something that works with your existing knowledge base, experience, etc.



How to annotate your chosen text,

If you need to watch the following video to refresh yourself on how to annotate your chosen text, particularly concerning fiction.


Look at the reading schedule you turned in Week 4: Create & Submit a Reading Plan, and set aside time during the week to read and annotate the chapters or time you have listed under Week 8. Then, fill out an annotation worksheet for the reading as you work through your chapter(s). This Annotation Worksheet needs to include/cover the chapter(s) for Week 8 in your plan/schedule.

Blank Annotation Worksheet here. (DOCX)

Blank Annotation Worksheet here. (PDF)

(You can download it, type in your responses, and save your file or you can print it out, write your answers on the worksheet, and post a scan of the document.)


Linguistic anthropologists

The purpose of this project is to let you practice being linguistic anthropologists. You will learn skills in interviewing, note-taking, analysis, reading and writing. You will interview one individual who grew up speaking a language other than English. Your goal is to come to know them and their relationship to language.

How do I find a partner?

You are welcome to do this project with someone whom you already know, or you can meet an international student through EKU’s international student program and International Student Association. There are also a number of civic organizations in the region whom you can contact to do a conversation exchange. Please get in touch with me if you’re concerned about finding a partner!

You will want to do these interviews using social distancing and EKU health guidelines. Virtual interviews are welcome and encouraged.

Before beginning your interview, be sure to share this consent and informational form with your interviewee:…

In this proposal, I want you to describe your project.

Follow this template:

Your Name:

  1. Who you will interview to learn about this topic and what is your relationship to that person?

  2. Why you are interested in interviewing this individual?

  3. What initial steps do you think you should take to start your project?

  4. Will you be able to interview this individual at least 3-4 times during the semester?

  5. What do you anticipate will be difficult about this project? What do you anticipate will be fun about this project?

  6. How might aspects of your identity (gender, race, ethnicity, class) and life experiences influence your fieldwork process?

  7. If you are not certain you want to interview this person, please describe a few alternative individuals or let me know if you’d like help finding someone.


In what way is the title, “The Lottery”, misleading? Why would the author want to trick her readers by having a misleading title, and how is the author’s choice connected to the specific lie you selected? Give an example of a similar situation in the real world.

1. Identify how the specific lie you selected is played out in Jackson’s fictitious story, and give an example of a similar situation in the real world.

2.What conclusions can you draw about the title “The Lottery” and how is it connected to the specific lie you selected? Give an example of a similar situation that exists in the real world.

3.In what way is the title, “The Lottery”, misleading? Why would the author want to trick her readers by having a misleading title, and how is the author’s choice connected to the specific lie you selected? Give an example of a similar situation in the real world.



Design a synthetic cell

Imagine that you are going to design a synthetic cell (that is, a cell you will make from scratch in the laboratory). Address why you would want to create a synthetic cell (meaning, “how could your synthetic cell’s functions help address a problem in society?”) in the context of the four questions below:

  1. At minimum, what structures or components would a synthetic cell need to be considered alive? (To help you to focus on essential structures and functions, you might want to start by thinking about structures that were present in all cells we studied.)

  2. Would you make your cell more similar to a prokaryote or eukaryote?

    1. Explain your reasoning for this choice.

    2. Be sure to describe which social problem your synthetic cell will address, and how.

    3. (NOTE: It is possible to provide strong reasoning for either choice, depending on which social problem / application you choose.)

  3. What ingredients would you include in your synthetic cell? (Describe building blocks, such as small molecules and macromolecules).

  4. How do your ingredients from Question #3 associate with each other to build functional cell machinery?

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