Category Archives: Research Papers

Database Web Interface

Step 1: Design the database for both of the problems. Each blog post (and video) will have comments. Please add a “Comments” entity to each of the problems.

Step 2: Populate the database with some sample data and write sample queries for accessing the content and comments of a specific post.

Two small PHP problems

1) Assume that in the blog management system. you have all the information about the Post_ID, Post_Title, and Post_Body in an array (create an array with sample info about four posts). Run a loop on this array and create the content of the “List of the posts” you create in the week one assignment.

2) Assume that in the video management system. you have all the information about the Video_Id, Video_Title and Video_Description, and Video_Link in an array (create an array with sample info about four videos). Run a loop on this array and create the content of the “List of the Videos” you create in the week one assignment.


Despite a huge potential market and strong consumer demand for erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs in China, why has Pfizer failed to generate blockbuster sales for Viagra?

  1. Despite a huge potential market and strong consumer demand for erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs in China, why has Pfizer failed to generate blockbuster sales for Viagra?

  2. What are the major factors that have contributed to Pfizer’s ultimate success in securing its patent right for Viagra in China?

  3. What are the major factors that have contributed Pfizer’s failure in claiming “Weige” as its unregistered well-known trademark in China?

  4. What are some alternative market entry strategies that Pfizer could have pursued to improve the sales performance of Viagra, and to avoid the costly lawsuits over its patent and trademark in China?


Explain the ways that social justice is integral to environmental justice.

Write a three- to four-page essay in which you explain the ways that social justice is integral to environmental justice. Use specific examples from two or three of the sources (readings and videos) we have examined thus far in the course to articulate your understanding. Include at least one quote from each source you use, being sure to cite the source correctly using in-text citations (Links to an external site.) and works cited (Links to an external site.) entries. (This sample from the OWL (Links to an external site.) shows what a works cited page might look like. Yours will be shorter, of course.) Draw on the readings and videos to explore different ways the authors focus on environmental justice, then offer your own definition.


QSEN Evidence-Based Practice

Find an article, create a bibliography, and come up with 3 questions that I can present to my group.

My topic from QSEN is

  • Evidence-Based Practice


The article must be new (within 3 years) and fit into the ATTITUDES level/criteria.


Math200; Find the probability that at most 9 adults have a good job.

According to, a good job is a job in which you work 30+ hours per week and receive

a regular paycheck. A poll found 52% of adults have a good job. Suppose we ask 20 adults about

their job status.

1. How many adults should we expect to have a good job?

2. Find the probability that 7 adults have a good job.

3. Find the probability that at most 9 adults have a good job.

4. Find the probability that more than 11 adults have a good job.


Governance in international sport

Find a peer-reviewed article no more than 5 years old related to governance in international sport. Write a brief summary (250-500 words) that includes at least:

  • Stating the problem/research question

  • Methodology

  • Findings

  • Three (3) practical ideas/takeaways


Mobile app ​high fidelity wireframe

1) . You are to develop a mock high fidelity wireframe and style guide for a hypothetical mobile app that you would want to create.  You should think of a problem, potential users, and how this app will function.  At minimum, your high fidelity wireframe and style guide will have the following:

– Minimum of five screens including a home screen

– Navigation drawn between all buttons that move to different screens

– A justified color palette with at least five colors (mix of primary and accent colors)

– Sample typography and hierarchy for that typography

In addition to this, you will produce a  short video that will address the theory behind your wireframe and layout.  You will also justify your color palette and typography choices.  Explain how potential users will approach your app and why you made the design choices that you did.  So for this portion you will be submitted three things: the high fidelity wireframe screenshot or video, the style guide including colors and typography, and the video explaining your mobile app and theory behind your design.

2) . You will conduct a heuristic review for app of your choosing.  You chose any IOS mobile app from App store .  In addition, you will answer the following questions:

  • Why do we put applications through this evaluation process?  When do you believe we should conduct these evaluations?  Based on this evaluation, what improvements would need to be made to the usability of your assigned mobile app?

  • Do the evaluation review from the Usability-review-template excel file.




  1. For the Career Research Paper, choose a career that interests you or one suggested by the career assessments done in the class. Answer these questions:

  2. Describe the career. What are the typical job duties? Why are you interested in this career?

  3. Are certain personality types and skills desired and/or required? How does your personality type match this career or not? Go back to your AchieveWorks Assessments in your e-book or the Skills Assessment you did in the Discussion.

  4. What are your interest codes for this career? How does your interests and values match this career? Go to back to the Career Cruising Assessment and Research you did in the Discussion.

  5. What are some advantages and disadvantages of working in this career? What type of environment will you be working in?

  6. What is a typical day, week, month, year? What is the salary or pay? Part time? Full time?

  7. What is the job outlook? Is there a demand or not in this field? How difficult or not difficult is it to gain employment in this career?

  8. What are the educational requirements? Licensures?

  9. What are related majors or majors needed for this career?

  10. What are related occupations for this career? Research other occupations similar that may be of interest.

  11. What are the growth opportunities?

  12. What interesting facts did you discover?

  13. Extra: Find a job advertisement on this career and paste it on a piece of paper or download it from a website (extra)


Business Case: Implement Modda’s Customer Portal (MCP)

In less than five years, Modda has grown from a single store to a small chain of fashion clothing stores in a few NY City and Long Island neighborhoods. The executive management has recently considered introducing additional product lines, such as watches, small appliances, rugs and selected (small) furniture.

However, Modda’s expansion has been hindered by the fact that its operating model remained largely unchanged; specifically, its reliance on a single sales channel (“bricks-and-mortar”).

As a result, the executive management identified the following strategic objectives:

  • Develop additional sales channels (desktop website and mobile-based)
  • Improve marketing campaigns’ efficiency
  • Optimize core processes, such as product selection, inventory management, etc.

To support the above goals, the IT division identified the need for a large technology program, which will include the following major projects

  • Develop and implement a leading-edge company portal, which will enable the consumers to make on line purchases using their computers, tablets or smart phones

  • Provide extensive BI / analytics capabilities

  • Implement an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) application to address the business needs around inventory management, shipping, etc.

Your Role

You have been designated as the project manager for the phase 1 of the “Modda Consumer Portal” (MCP) project. One of your first tasks is to contribute to the project activities plan and schedule.

Deliverables: Create a project activity plan based on the IT and business objectives. Ensure you showcase all of the elements of a standard activity plan.


Analytical Argument

Craft a 4-5 page paper that strongly develops an analytical argument. You are only required to use our primary text(s) which are “Peter Pan” by J.M. Barrie, AND “Island of the Aunts” by Eva Ibbotson

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