Category Archives: Research Papers

BEHS453 Advocacy; Domestic Violence Awareness Project

BEHS453 Advocacy; Domestic Violence Awareness Project

Individual Applied Final Project – Domestic Violence Awareness Project (30 points)

Throughout the term, you will work on a project that promotes awareness of domestic violence issues to the community of your choosing. Pick a population (teens, adults, elders…) and topic (verbal abuse, emotional abuse, date rape, elder financial abuse….it can be anything we covered in class that interests you).

You will create a specific activity, event, or “deliverable” (brochure, pamphlet, handbook, poster, Power Point presentation, writing and performing a song using online media, etc.) that will promote awareness of domestic violence and advocate for its victims. Be creative!

Your presentation should include relevant information from at least 10 original sources (e.g. statistics, published research (UMGC library), class materials, resources).


Harley-Davidson is known for its strong brand name and loyal following and yet by 1980 Harley was on the verge of bankruptcy. Why was Harley in deep trouble even with such a strong brand name?

1. Harley-Davidson is known for its strong brand name and loyal following and yet by 1980 Harley was on the verge of bankruptcy. Why was Harley in deep trouble even with such a strong brand name?

2. After almost going bankrupt during the invasion of Japanese motorcycle manufacturers (Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki) into the U.S. market, Harley-Davidson has re-emerged as a highly successful, and profitable, motorcycle manufacturer. What have been the keys to Harley’s success?

3. What key “job” or “jobs” are Harley customers buying a Harley-Davidson motorcycle to do for them? (In other words, Harley is typically hired to do what job for customers?). In what ways does Harley-Davidson attempt to differentiate its products relative to Honda, Yamaha, and BMW?

4. Looking into the future, what threats does Harley face (from rivals such as Honda and BMW)? What opportunities does it have? How might Harley modify its strategy to respond to its opportunities and threats?


If Myles Garrett worked for a different organization than the NFL (e.g., NBA, MLB, NHL), how might the situation been handled differently?

Using either the patagonia video or Myles Garrett video, discuss the elements of organizational culture seen. Some example questions for each video:

How might the organizational culture of Patagonia change sales?

Have you ever considered purchasing Patagonia products, and has this ad changed your views on that decision?

If Myles Garrett worked for a different organization than the NFL (e.g., NBA, MLB, NHL), how might the situation been handled differently?

Does the media coverage of the NFL change how they present their culture in the handling of this incident?


Individualized Education Program (IEP)

1. Read the IEP completely. Do not rush through this. You will be using the information in the IEP.

2. Identify the annual goals for this child. These are the broad, long term expectations for the child’s improvement. Example: The child will increase her adaptive skills in order to function more independently in the classroom setting.

3. Identify the Objectives or Benchmarks for this child. These are the short term, specific, and measurable tasks/abilities that the child will accomplish that must be mastered for the child to reach the goals. Example: The child will participate in an activity, using classroom tools such as playdough, crayons, paint, etc., independently.

Completion of Assignment: After you’ve finished reading the IEP and after you understand the difference between goals and objectives:

1. Choose THREE of the possible objectives specified in the IEP.

2. For each of the three objectives, describe two activities that you could plan and share in the preschool classroom that would help this child meet the objective. (3 objectives X 2 activities = 6 activities total)

3 . For each of the six activities, justify or provide a rationale for WHY you chose that activity as one that would help the child meet the objective.


Explain the history of gangs and gang membership. Describe the importance of symbols, graffiti, recruitment, and tactics in gangs. Connect the concept of criminal enterprise and organized crime in gangs. Evaluate methods used by law enforcement to control gangs

Part 1

This activity gives you the opportunity to discuss how U.S. policy could have an impact on gang members in the military. A bit more free flowing this week. The DREAM Act has never passed and likely never will (at least not in the next four years). DACA’s in trouble too. Trump has submitted several executive orders curtailing immigrants, especially the criminals, from entering the country. ICE etc. has initiated several crackdowns on workplaces and cities gathering up and presumably deporting multiple illegals, many of whom are gangsters.

And now we know that at one point in his presidency, Trump, apparently, gave the Dems everything they want for better Border Security and that wasn’t enough. Here’s an interesting article (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. that speaks to some of this (make a note that The Heritage Foundation is a conservative organization).

Respond to the following:

  • Where do you think this will go over the next few years?


Part 2

This book review/author analysis will require that you put yourself in the place of the author and analyze the writing of the book and its intent. This assignment will allow you to demonstrate competency in the following course outcomes:

Explain the history of gangs and gang membership.

Describe the importance of symbols, graffiti, recruitment, and tactics in gangs.

Connect the concept of criminal enterprise and organized crime in gangs.

Evaluate methods used by law enforcement to control gangs

You will select a non-fiction book related to gangs and conduct a fictional interview with the author. In your interview, you will ask author questions that get at the subjects listed below. You will then answer the questions as if you were the author, explaining why the characters did what they did and the authors objective in writing the book. Your interview should be approximately 4-6 pages. Base your author responses on knowledge you have gained in the course as well as course materials.

Subjects for interview questions should include, but are not limited to:

  • What inspired you to write this book?

  • What research did you do in order to prepare to write this book?

  • What was the most striking thing you learned about gangs and their culture?

  • Why did you address the criminal activity of the gang in the way in which you did?

  • Why did you choose to take the approach you did in dealing with the way law enforcement/corrections tried to control gangs?

  • What was your favorite part of the book?


ENGM90014 The World of Engineering Management

ENGM90014 The World of Engineering Management

  1. How does an intensive and company-wide approach to quality management lead to improved business results?

  2. Given that Toyota has led much of the world in its success in implementing these approaches to ‘build quality in’ to its processes and products, why do you think that almost all other companies have not implemented such an approach?

  3. Toyota measures very many things to do with its business, in production, employee engagement, customer satisfaction, usually in great detail. Is it possible to do too much such measurement, and how would you judge how and what to measure?

  4. How can a company such as Toyota assure itself that the large investment it makes in training, paying overtime to employees while they engage in problem solving activities etc, gets them a worthwhile return on investment?

  5. How much can Toyota influence its suppliers to engage in continuous improvement and how would you negotiate this? How does Toyota benefit from such initiatives?

  6. What is the role of employees in achieving these quality based improvements?



International Business Project about Doughnut Vault.

Stage 1: Define Research Objectives
Organization and product categories
For this project, the selected organization for research is the Doughnut Vault. This is one of the
latest foodie crazes at Chicago in the United States. It has an address 4011/2 N and serves five
types of doughnuts and coffee (Vault, 2011). There is potential international growth for the
Doughnut Vault product in Canada and other countries in the US.

Research questions
How can Doughnut Vault recruit a suitable distributor in Canada?
What government policies, guidelines and regulations govern entry of new products in the
How would Doughnut Vault position their product versus the competition?
How Doughnut Vault would ensure profit keeps increasing as it grows?
How would Doughnut Vault build a word-class distributor network?



Write a reflection on Basil Davidson’s “Caravans of Gold” documentary.

Write a reflection on Basil Davidson’s “Caravans of Gold” documentary. Please support your comments with examples from documentary and show how it adds to your understanding of Africa’s historical experience.


What should you have on your computer to protect it? Which operating system is more secure?

  • Provide a screen capture of the backup service working and another screen capture of the completed backup service. You must backup at least 100 files. (10 pts)

  • Answer the question, what should you have on your computer to protect it [List a minimum of 8 items. Each item should have at least a two-sentence explanation of the what and why on your computer should be protected]? (16 pts ).

  • Read the following articles


Develop a disaster recovery plan for an organization.

Develop a disaster recovery plan for an organization. There are many different templates available online for you to use as reference and guidance. Your plan should cover the following sections (these sections detail the elements in a DR plan in the sequence defined by industry compliance standards ISO 27031 and ISO 24762):

  1. Important: This section should summarize key action steps (such as where to assemble employees if forced to evacuate the building) and list key contacts with contact information for ease of authorizing and launching the plan.

  2. Introduction

  3. Roles and Responsibilities

  4. Incident Response

  5. Plan Activation

  6. Document History

  7. Procedures

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