Category Archives: Research Papers

GB590M1: Synthesize consequentialism (results) theories within business conflicts of interest.

GB590M1: Synthesize consequentialism (results) theories within business conflicts of interest.

This Assessment requires that you complete the Ethical Lens Inventory (ELI) within the EthicsGame Simulation. Once completed, you will write a paper that answers the following questions:

  • Report the findings of your ELI. Include your overall type and the strength of the type as reported on the two axes. Be sure to cite your findings and do not copy and paste information from your ELI results into your paper. Use your own words.

  • Summarize the ethical theories associated with your type. This section requires at least three scholarly references. Again, assure you use your own words, and do not copy and paste information from your research into your paper.

  • Provide AT LEAST one example of how you have applied your preferred lens in a personal or professional setting that reflects your lens’s strengths, with special consideration to the consequences of your action.

  • Provide AT LEAST one example of how you have applied your preferred lens in a personal or professional setting that reflects your lens’s weaknesses with special consideration to the consequences of your action.

  • Discuss how you will use your knowledge of your preferred lens when managing or leading others, with special consideration to the consequences of your actions.

  • Discuss how you will overcome the challenges of your lens when leading or managing, with special consideration to the consequences of your action.


Implementing the 8b/10b Encoder in Hardware

Task 3 (10 marks): Implementing the 8b/10b Encoder in Hardware
In the final task you will use Python to implement a software model of the 8b/10b encoder. Since strings are made
up of ASCII characters with a length of eight bits, you will then use the encoder to encode inputted lines of text.
This portion of the project is available via Github Classroom at
Use Git to clone the project directory from the Github repository created by Github Classroom. You can then
navigate into the cloned folder using Terminal or Git Bash and run python At first you should see no
output from the command, it is working as long as there are no warnings or errors. Next, try typing a message
into the terminal (stick to ASCII characters here, i.e., just English letters, numbers and punctuation), the program
will attempt to encode each character of the message into a ten bit output. You should notice that the program
outputs only zeros, that is where you come in. By implementing the functions in the file you
will be able to make a functioning 8b/10b encoder.
There are four Python files within the repository,,, and contains helpful functions including the ones that poll the lookup table reference above in the 3b/4b
and 5b/6b encoders. shows how we will exercise the functions you write in this section, do not change
this file.
To complete the assignment, implement the five functions in and use Git commands to
push your changes to Github. Make sure you pass all the provided test cases for full marks. We may also run your
code on additional text cases. If you do not pass all the test cases at first, you can make additional changes to your
code and continue to push these changes to Github.



Why is it important to understand the concepts of inflation, present value, and future value of money as Saudi Arabia moves towards Saudi Vision 2030? What are some of the important terms and concepts that managers must understand in making decisions in today’s global environment? How will these factors affect Saudi Vision 2030?

Why is it important to understand the concepts of inflation, present value, and future value of money as Saudi Arabia moves towards Saudi Vision 2030? What are some of the important terms and concepts that managers must understand in making decisions in today’s global environment? How will these factors affect Saudi Vision 2030?

Search the SEU library or the Internet for an academic or industry-related article. Select an article that relates to these concepts and explain how it relates to doing business in Saudi Arabia.

For your discussion post, your first step is to summarize the article in two paragraphs, describing what you think are the most important points made by the authors (remember to use citations where appropriate). For the second step, include the reference listing with a hyperlink to the article.


Life History Psychology

A “nadir” is a low point. A nadir experience, therefore, is the opposite of a peak experience. Please think about your entire life. Try to remember a specific experience in which you felt extremely negative emotions, such as despair, disillusionment, terror, profound guilt, shame, etc. You should consider this experience to represent one of the “low points” in your life story. Even though this memory is unpleasant, we would still appreciate an attempt on your part to be honest and straightforward and to provide us with as much detail as possible. Please remember to be specific. We would like to know what happened, when it happened, who was involved, what you were thinking and feeling, why the event is significant, and what the event says about you and your personality.

Include all of the following in your written description of the event:

  • When did the event occur? (How old were you?)

  • What exactly happened in the event?

  • Who was involved in the event?

  • What were you thinking, feeling, and wanting in the event?

  • Why do you think that this is an important event in your life story?

  • What does this event say about who you are, who you were, who you might be, and how you have developed over time?

Basically you will see what kinds of characters, scenes, and themes come up in your life story.

his week you will also:

  • Look for 3 educational resources on the internet that will help you make sense of your nadir experience. Do some research online and find 3 resources that will help you understand your nadir experience. These 3 resources can be: a website, a news story, a video, a free Coursera course, a podcast episode, etc. The 3 resources you find should add to what you learned from this week’s chapter.

  • Explain how these resources helped you:

    • understand why you do the things you do

    • understand what you need most from your education and career

    • learn to accept and celebrate yourself as you are

    • know exactly what you need from your relationships to feel accepted, understood, and fulfilled

    • discover what you desire, more than anything else, from your life

    • gain the ability to ask for what you want and need

    • get the ability to control your behavior the way you want and under any circumstance

    • learn what you want your life to add up to in the end

You are not trying to figure out if anything is wrong with you, and you are not trying to judge the “goodness” of your life. Instead, you want to decide whether educational resources from the internet related to psychology can help you make sense of the characters, scenes, and themes of your life story.


Choose between medication errors and limited access to health care. Write a 3-5 page research paper.

Choose between medication errors and limited access to health care. Which ever one you choose, you will write a 3-5 page research paper.

Choose between medication errors and limited access to health care. Which ever one you choose, you will write a 3-5 page research paper.

Choose between medication errors and limited access to health care. Which ever one you choose, you will write a 3-5 page research paper.


Cross Site Scripting – Attack program

Cross Site Scripting – Attack program

This programming assignment require your in-depth knowledge in cyber threats and programming knowledge. In your programming, you will demonstrate this cyber threats(Cross Site Scripting Attack) and apply your preventive measures to counter these cyber attacks. You need to simulate a Cross Site Scripting Attack and showcase a proper documentation. You can use any programming language. You need to show how to run the program and provide screen shot of its running.


The Chinese Communist Party is developing a social credit system. Research the social credit system. Explain the social credit system vs the United State’s approach to assessing “trustworthiness”. Propose an alternative approach.

    1. *** If you are not a US citizen or you do not want to request a credit report, what is the equivalent to a credit score in your country or alternative country? How would you get a credit card or secure a loan? Compare your home country and China (or Australia if you are Chinese). How is credit assessed (in the US, a credit score is used) – how can the assessment be improved or impacted. The expectation is a 20 sentence response ***

  1. The Chinese Communist Party is developing a social credit system. Research the social credit system. Explain the social credit system vs the United State’s approach to assessing “trustworthiness”. Propose an alternative approach.  (20 points)


What is the marginal productivity of labor at L=2? What is the average productivity of labor at L=2?

1. A firm’s production function is just a function of labor (there is no capital). ??(??) = 100?? − ??2.
a. What is the marginal productivity of labor at L=2?
b. What is the average productivity of labor at L=2?
2. A firm’s production function is given by F(L,K)= L2 + K.
a. What is the MRTS of the function?
b. Does this function exhibit diminishing MRTS?
c. Does this function exhibit increasing, decreasing, or constant returns to scale?
3. Suppose a production function is given by the equation ?? = ????
a. Graph the isoquants corresponding to Q=10, Q=20, and Q=50.
b. Find the marginal Rate of Technical Substitution (MRTS).
c. Do these isoquants exhibit diminishing MRTS?
d. Does this production function exhibit constant, increasing or decreasing returns to scale?
4. Suppose the production function for hamburgers is characterized by ?? = ????. If the wage is $10
and rent is $1, find the cost minimizing combination of labor and capital that will produce
121,000 hamburgers.
5. Suppose there are two inputs in the production function – labor and capital – and that these two
inputs are perfect substitutes. The existing technology permits one machine to do the work of
three persons. The firm wants to produce 100 units of output. Suppose that the price of capital is
$750 per machine per week and that the weekly salary of each worker is $300.
a. Which combination of inputs should the firm use?
b. Suppose that a worker’s weekly salary is $225. Which combination of inputs should the
firm use?

6. A firm produces a good with the production function ?? = 10????. Rent is $4 and the wage is $2.
The firm is currently using K = 16. And just enough L to produce Q=320. How much could the
firm save if it were to adjust K and L to produce in the least costly way? Graph the original input
ratio with an isoquant and isocost curve, then show the optimal point on the same graph.



General Equilibrium

1. Cali and David both collect stamps (??) and fancy spoons (??). They have the following preferences
and endowments.
????(??, ??) = ???? ∙ ????
2 ????(??, ??) = ???? ∙ ????
???? = (10, 5.2) ???? = (14, 6.8)
a. Write down the resource constraints and draw an Edgeworth box that shows the set of
feasible allocations.
b. Label the current allocation inside the box. How much utility does each person have?
c. Show that the current allocation of stamps and fancy spoons is not efficient. (Hint: Define the
contract curve, or the set of Pareto optimal allocations.)
d. Show that the following allocation would make both Cali and David better off compared to
the original allocation. Is it possible to make any further pareto improvements?
???? = (8, 6) ???? = (16, 6)
2. Suppose the economy consists of two individuals, Ariel and Brad, who consume two goods, ?? and ??,
with the following preferences and initial endowments.
????(??, ??) = ???? ∙ ???? ????(??, ??) = ???? + ????
???? = (4, 2) ???? = (2, 3)
a. In an Edgeworth Box label the initial endowment, draw an indifference curve through the initial
endowment for each individual, and shade the region of allocations that would be a Pareto
improvement to the initial endowment.
b. Derive an equation to describe the set of Pareto-optimal allocations, and draw it in the
Edgeworth Box.
c. Define the competitive equilibrium allocation [(????, ????), (????, ????) ] and price ratio ????⁄????.
(Remember that without loss of generality, you may set ??1 ≡ 1.)

d. Find a set of transfers, ???? and ????, where ???? + ???? = 0, such that the competitive equilibrium
becomes [(1, 1), (5, 4) ]



Discuss How Netflix Use Amazon Web Services.

This Project discuss How Netflix Use Amazon Web Services. The world today is evolving technologically. Companies are increasingly searching for new forms of technologically, like cloud computing, to drive their values and meet their goals. This paper will assess how companies and organizations are using cloud computing to adopt efficient technologies and enhance productivity. Cloud computing is “computing on a network of remote servers accessible over the web, to store, manage, and process data.” It uses cloud providers’ services like data centers as opposed to having built its infrastructure. For Netflix, they moved their services 100 percent to Amazon Web Services (AWS). To better analyze this, this paper will focus on how Netflix has adopted and used Amazon Web Services to reach its level of success today.

Netflix uses Amazon Web Services to enhance its innovations. A cloud can be described as an enabling technology for AI to mine and perform analysis for deep insights. AWS contributes to the innovation success of accelerators for artificial intelligence. An accelerator for this case is a microprocessor that gives artificial intelligence, for example, machine learning and computer vision hardware acceleration (Wayne). Nonetheless, Amazon Web Services have more advantage over non-cloud artificial intelligence. That means that its extensive global network is positioned better or can process large amounts of data produced worldwide, taking into account that Netflix is used worldwide. Therefore, Netflix uses Amazon Web Services to improve its innovations to satisfy its users worldwide.

Netflix uses AWS to improve its agility. This is the rapid provisioning of computer resources. Before situations where companies took off with IaaS, Netflix had to email their suppliers for infrastructures and wait for quite long for the supplier to respond to their orders; now, the cloud environment offers computation in minutes. AWS executes the IaaS delivery system, thus allowing for faster release of contemporary features (Wayne). Therefore, they reduce the time the company takes to test, develop, and deploy new programs. For Netflix Company, with such a speed, they can implement many programs, and thus the management becomes more planned and aware of the budget assessments and approvals. The hardware is gradually a constraint for their processes and, therefore, continues to grow to become a global internet television.

Netflix uses AWS to enhance its scalability. The scalability of software is based on its ability to retain its intended functions with no quality compromise when shifted to an environment where customers are more “radical.” Any company or organization must acknowledge and use the users’ wants and needs when developing a program, and the response time should also be relatively low (Nguyen). Using Amazon Web Services (AWS), Netflix can expand its server networks globally (Donnelley). Running the AWS can provide billions of service hours to all its customers around the world. This is in contrast to a few DVDs orders Netflix could provide prior migrating to Amazon Web Services.

In 2018, most companies adopted professional cloud servers in search of solutions and cybersecurity. However, all cloud services are the same, and they enhance innovation, scalability, and agility. Enterprise innovation is now upon cloud machines learning models and, more importantly, data analytics. If it will continue using Amazon Web Services, Netflix is expected to grow at a fast rate and expand its services more widely. Therefore, most companies should now head into their boardrooms to discuss how to increase cloud-computing services to their strategies.

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