Category Archives: Research Papers

Psychology; Critical Analysis of Research.

This assignment will require you to analyze, critique, and review three primary research articles
published within the last 5 years (i.e., between January 2015 and October 2020), on a specific area
of study covered in this course. You will be required to analyze and critique these articles and the
research they provide on the specific topic you have selected. You will be required to give a brief
overview of the study and findings in each paper, and explain how these three papers together
contribute to the topic area you are focusing on. Your paper should include an analysis on the
impact of the research in each paper (e.g., is this providing new information, is information that was
previously examined in a different way being shared in a new way, is perhaps the information not
novel at all, etc.).
Writing a good critical analysis and review requires that you understand the material, and that you
know how to analyze and evaluate that material using appropriate criteria. You will need to make a
commentary on the structure, methods, results/conclusions, and logic that each paper incorporates.
You will also need to show how these 3 articles together contribute to advancing knowledge in this
particular area, in which case, you must draw your own thoughts and conclusions about the benefit
of this work. Ensure that you have highlighted strengths or limitations of each paper; in the case of
limitations, you should also ensure that your proposed solution is in fact realistic.
Formulate a thesis based on your overall evaluation of all three papers. Avoid presenting your
points in a laundry-list style, and instead, focus on synthesizing the information as much as



ACC201 Module 5 (Ch 5) Homework #1

This is a matching exercise. The 10 numbered items listed below are explanations of specific terms and/or concepts pertained to the conceptual framework of accounting.

1 An assumption that would be unreasonable to use in reporting on a firm that had become insolvent
2 Requires a company to use the same accounting procedures and practices through time
3 Required if the accounting treatment differs from that previously used for a particular item
4 An assumption that the life of an entity can be subdivided into time periods for reporting purposes
5 The assumption that economic activity can be measured by a monetary unit such as the dollar
6 None of these
7 Concerned with relative size of dollar amounts
8 A common basis for the recording of assets
9 The current body responsible for setting accounting standards in the United States
10 Requires separation of personal from business activities in the recording and reporting processes

The lettered items below are specific terms or concepts pertaining to the conceptual framework of accounting.

A Historical cost
B Going concern
D Expense recognition
E Consistency
F Money measurement
G Periodicity
H Business entity
I Full disclosure
J Materiality

Medical negligence

Using the following guidelines, research and submit a brief report on a published case or article where medical negligence occurred or was suspected to have occurred. You may use journal articles, or case studies. Please use the online library found in the Blackboard course for CLE 110, Medical Law and Ethics.

Address the following in the paper:

  1. 1. Was there an apparent failure for the medical care practitioner to provide services rendered? Please explain.

  2. 2. What type of negligent act was committed? Please explain.

  3. 3. What was the result of the negligent act? Please explain.

  4. 4. Was the plaintiff able to demonstrate against the defendant what are called the “four D’s?”

    1. a. What was the duty?

    2. b. Was there a dereliction of duty?

    3. c. Was there a direct or proximate cause based on the dereliction?

    4. d. And were injuries caused? Was restitution paid for damages?

    5. 5. Was the plaintiff awarded any form of restitution for the negligent act?

    6. 6. Was the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur applied to this case of negligence?

    7. 7. What could have been done to prevent this act of negligence and maintain the proper Standard of Care?


 In your opinion, why is global health important?

TASKS: For this Journal entry, students are to contemplate and thoughtfully answer the following questions, demonstrating critical thinking and the ability to make connections to assigned readings and class discussions:

(This task requires reading materials and writing a 350-450 word response)

  1. After reviewing the resources provided below, list five (5) habits you plan to actively adopt to reduce your energy usage. Explain your plan and how you intend to monitor your energy usage to determine that you have reduced your levels of energy usage.
  2. What are some ethical issues concerning the continued high usage of fossil fuels? From whose perspective? Explain your thoughts from more than one perspective.

TASKS2:(There is no reading material for this task. Write a 3-4 sentence response to each question below. There are no other requirements. Just answer according to your own understanding.)

1. After listening to the continued student Health debates on Monday 9/28/20, what other comments would you have added about Debate 3: Should the US government regulate the prices of non-generic drugs?

2. In your opinion, why is global health important? Explain your thoughts in your own words.


The chosen article must present a new finding or discovery in science.

The chosen article must present a new finding or discovery in science. (Within the past five years.) Carefully read the article and analyze it to answer the following questions.

  • Briefly summarize the article. What did they study? What did they find?

  • What is the observation being addressed? Is it an anomalous observation?

  • What type of explanation (or explanations) are used? Are alternative explanations presented? Are reasons given why the specific explanation presented was chosen?

  • How was the explanation tested? Was the test/tests used decisive?

  • Is it a causal study? If so, what type? Were the causal links properly established? Explain.

  • Did the paper contain any fallacies disguised as science? Describe them.

  • What conclusions were made? Were the conclusions presented supported by the test results?

  • Were any new questions raised by the conclusions?


Is teacher burnout caused by low levels of self-efficacy in teaching?

The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between teacher self-efficacy and teacher burnout in order to see if a positive, negative, or no correlation existed.

Therefore, the researchers attempted to answer the question of is teacher burnout caused by low levels of self-efficacy in teaching?


Dynamic Array Allocation . Bitwise Operations​

Create a program that has these functions

  • makeArray(max: const int, min: const int, size: const int) : double
  • randBetween(min: int, max: int) : int

In makeArray:

  • Fill a dynamically allocated integer array with random numbers between max and min
  • Loop thru the array and divide each value in the integer array by the next value in the integer array, but make sure your answer is a double
  • store the division answer in a dynamically allocated double array
  • If the integer array value is being divided by zero, throw an error.
  • Return the sum of the double array

In main:

  • Create a loop that runs 2000 times calling makeArray with max = 5, min = -5, size = 100000,
  • Catch but do not do anything with your error
  • Print sum and average of each loop


Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Dynamic memory allocation and handling
  • Creating, throwing, and catching exceptions

What is the probability that at most 2 patients will show up in a 15 minute interval? What is the probability someone finishes the exam between 95 and 120 minutes?

1a. In a certain hospital ER the average amount of patients that enter in a 15 minute interval is 3.6. If each 15 minute interval is independent of one another, and the amount of patients that show up in one 15 minute interval does not influence or change the number of patients that show up in any other 15 minute interval. Arrivals occur smoothly throughout each 15 minute interval. Answer the following questions: (round final answers to 4 decimal places)

A. What is the probability that at most 2 patients will show up in a 15 minute interval?

B. What would be your new mean, if we were to use this information to figure out probabilities during a 5 minute interval?

C. Using the new mean in part B, what is the probability that more than 1 patient will show up in a 5 minute interval?

1b. The completion times for the government exam used for entrance into Officer Candidate School is uniformly distributed between 85 minutes and 145 minutes. (round final answers to 4 decimal places)

A. What is the probability someone finishes the exam between 95 and 120 minutes?

B. What is the probability it takes a candidate at least 110 minutes to finish the exam?

2. The average daily commuting distance for a New Yorker is 31 miles with a standard deviation of 5.8 miles. If commuting distances are normally distributed:

A. What is the probability that a person commutes at most 35 miles?

B. What is the probability that a person commute is between 25 and 38 miles?

C. What would someone have to commute to be in the top 6% of longest commutes (Where does the Top 6% start)?


CJA/385: Criminal Justice Policy Analysis & Program Evaluation

CJA/385: Criminal Justice Policy Analysis & Program Evaluation

Two steps in creating, updating, or changing policy are policy development and implementation. In this assignment, you explain the aspects of policy development and implementation, and share any concerns that you have identified, along with how those can be addressed.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you include the following:

  • Identify and describe the components of policy development and implementation.

  • Provide at least 2 examples of influences on criminal justice policy development. How do each of the examples that you provided influence policy development?

  • Are there concerns regarding implementation? If so, is it because it is incorporated into policy development? Explain your response.

  • Include research, factual information, and public opinion information that supports your points.


Describe why you found it interesting and why you think it may be important to how governments understand, react to, or prevent terrorist acts in the future.

 Describe why you found it interesting and why you think it may be important to how governments understand, react to, or prevent terrorist acts in the future.

 Describe why you found it interesting and why you think it may be important to how governments understand, react to, or prevent terrorist acts in the future.

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