Category Archives: Research Papers

Fundamentals of marketing

• What are the key themes in the article?

• What is the purpose of the study?

• Who is the intended audience for the work and is there background information to the ‘problem’ or research question?

• Is there discussion of how significant the work is to an understanding of Marketing?

• How many sources were used to write the paper?

• Are all the references used relevant to the ‘problem’ or research question?

• Does the author\s critically analyse the references e.g. question their relevance or outcomes

• Is the empirical research study qualitative or quantitative? Why?

• What is the size of the sample? Why is this important?

• How was the research data collected?

• How are the results presented? Are the results significant? Are the results unexpected?

• Are the results easy to follow?

• Is there evidence of ‘new’ findings?

• Were the new findings related to theory and\or practice?

• What were the key limitations of the article?


Briefly describe the issues/facts in this case. Which of the options that John and Liza are discussing would work best for the company? Should Mary be charged more than the young mechanics because she is a woman? Should all of the workers absorb the groups increasing costs equally?

John asked his wife Liza if they could afford to hire Robert, the best applicant they had found for the boar mechanic’s job they had open. They both liked him very much and his references were impeccable, but there was a problem with hiring him that neither of them wanted to admit.

Business was good for John and Liza, and they were happy to have the resources and customer base to allow them to grow. John started his boat repair business six years ago when he and Liza had moved from their previous home in Chestertown, Maryland to Wilmington, North Carolina. Together they had been part of a family-run marina, but had struck out on their own when they wanted to create a more independent life for themselves. Liza managed the books and ran the office, while John negotiated with customers and repaired the yachts. They had already hired three other mechanics and all of them were more than busy since the recession had resulted in more people keeping and repairing their old boats rather than upgrading. The office was so busy that Liza had just hired a young woman to help with the paperwork as well.

John was proud of the fact that he was able to provide health insurance for his employees. It was expensive, but the men on his team were young and healthy, and so far, he had been able to afford the premiums. He was shocked when he received his health insurance rates for the new year, however. The premiums had risen 25% in just one year! When he asked for a breakdown to explain the rise in premium costs, he discovered that because one of the mechanics had turned 30 he was in a new risk group and Mary, the new office worker, was in a high-risk group because she was 25 and could potentially become pregnant. Finally, two of the mechanics were smokers. All of these factors contributed to the increased premiums.

John definitely wanted to hire Robert, who was well known in the Wilmington area for being a top-notch mechanic. Robert was having a hard time finding a job, however, because everyone in the relatively small boating community knew his wife was ill and required expensive medical care. John is troubled because he knows that by hiring Robert his health insurance costs will rise, yet again. Robert is a great mechanic, but is he good enough to justify the added expense?

John and Liza have been discussing their options. They could continue to absorb the costs of the health insurance premiums and do nothing. They could encourage the men to quit smoking and provide incentives for them to quit. They could ask the smokers to pay a larger share of their health insurance costs. Finally, John and Liza could contribute a fixed amount to everyone’s premium and allow each individual worker to absorb the additional cost of their coverage. However, this last option may encourage some of the workers to drop their health insurance coverage altogether, which would be the last thing that John and Liza would want for them.

Your post should include an in-depth discussion of the following:

  1. Briefly describe the issues/facts in this case.

  2. Which of the options that John and Liza are discussing would work best for the company?

  3. Should Mary be charged more than the young mechanics because she is a woman?

  4. Should all of the workers absorb the groups increasing costs equally?

  5. Should smokers be encouraged to quit with incentives or be punished for smoking by increased premiums?

  6. Should Robert not be hired because of his wife’s illness?

  7. Why is it harder for a small business to provide health insurance for its workers than a larger business?

  8. What impact, if any, did the Affordable Care Act have on John, Liza, and other small business owners?


Given what we have covered so far including speaker presentations, how effective do you think Sustainable Investing is or could be? What would it take for Sustainable Investing to really make a meaningful difference to things like climate change, inequality and other ESG issues of risk and opportunity, and do you have a related Theory of Change in mind that you could express in this paper?

1. Given what we have covered so far including speaker presentations, how effective do you think Sustainable Investing is or could be?

2. What would it take for Sustainable Investing to really make a meaningful difference to things like climate change, inequality and other ESG issues of risk and opportunity, and do you have a related Theory of Change in mind that you could express in this paper?

3. If you think Sustainable Investing isn’t effective, what is your Theory of Change for solving the sustainability challenges of our time?

4. Do you have related work experiences that might have informed this opinion or is this an area you are considering as a career?

5. What are you most excited to learn about in this class, ie.; is there one particular Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) issue that is most important to you and why?


Probability and Algebra

1. Multiply the following polynomials using a rectangular area model. Label each of the
original polynomials and resulting components in your diagram. Clearly indicate how your
diagram shows the solution. Write your solution in lowest terms.
(n + 4) • (5n + 2)

5. Two workers, Ava and Bob, working 9 hours made 243 parts. Ava makes 13 parts in 1 hour.
a. Write two equations, one for each worker, relating hours worked and parts made.
Label each variable.
b. If the workers work at a steady rate throughout the day, who is more productive,
Ava or Bob? Briefly explain how you know.

7. Consider the following story problem: Lizeth left her apartment for a coffee shop. She
walked down University Avenue for three blocks at a constant rate, then instantly began jogging
at a constant rate for three more blocks. Halfway to the coffee shop, she realized that she forgot
to lock her apartment! She immediately turned and sprinted back towards her apartment at a
constant rate. She caught her breathe for a few moments as soon as she arrived home while
locking her door. To ensure she would not be late to meet her Chrissy, she immediately sprinted
to the coffee shop at a constant rate.
a. Graph the relationship between Lizeth’s position from apartment and time.
b. Graph the relationship between Lizeth’s distance traveled and time. Use the same scale
as in part (a), and put part (b) right under (a).



CRJS390 stress and crisis management

CRJS390 stress and crisis management

You are an environmental behavioral specialist for criminal justice professionals in the law enforcement field. The chief of police has asked you to review the seven-person undercover narcotics unit because there have been several internal affairs investigations involving excessive use of force, mishandling of evidence, and mishandling of informants. The chief knows the six men and one woman on the team and believes they are all good officers.

He uses them outside of narcotics work to make death notifications to families when someone dies in an accident or crime. He also knows they have been doing a lot of excessive drinking on the job and after work. They are highly productive in terms of quality cases and seizures of controlled substances, and they are working around the clock, on some cases 24 or 36 hours in a row. You must evaluate the situation and provide the chief with suggestions.

In a report to the chief of police, you will cite the findings of your research and observations with recommendations to the chief. Statements of fact in your presentation require that you cite the reference from which you obtained the information in the text of the paper and that the reference be included in your reference page. As always, your paper will be submitted in the current edition of APA format.


Adequate intake of dietary Calcium is yet another example of the “retirement plan”.

Analyze the graph below, just like what we did with the table from in Learning Module #1. Convince me that adequate intake of dietary Calcium is yet another example of the “retirement plan”.

Analyze the graph below, just like what we did with the table from in Learning Module #1. Convince me that adequate intake of dietary Calcium is yet another example of the “retirement plan”.

Analyze the graph below, just like what we did with the table from in Learning Module #1. Convince me that adequate intake of dietary Calcium is yet another example of the “retirement plan”.


Write an Executive Summary (narrative)

Write an Executive Summary (narrative) of not more than two (2) pages in length, regarding the importance of ‘an agreement of understanding’ that is entered into by the team and documented in the contract. when writing the essay please include the answer of these questions

  • What are its strengths…?

  • What are its weaknesses…?

  • Who is responsible for maintaining it…?

  • In your words, what is the value of using this tool…?

  • How is it enforced…? In this assignment you will be develop a critical understanding on the use of this tool, the ‘Team Contract,’ to facilitate the building of the ‘team’ into a ‘unit.’ Discuss the components of this subsidiary plan as you understand them.


Action Memo on City-Wide Composting Program

Requirement: NYC is considering a city-wide composting program you are a waste management specialist and you must write a recommendation(pro/against-factor in costs, man power, pros and cons)What agencies are involved?

Requirement: NYC is considering a city-wide composting program you are a waste management specialist and you must write a recommendation(pro/against-factor in costs, man power, pros and cons)What agencies are involved?

Requirement: NYC is considering a city-wide composting program you are a waste management specialist and you must write a recommendation(pro/against-factor in costs, man power, pros and cons)What agencies are involved?


RAPTOR program


Submit the final RAPTOR program (.rap file) here that you created during the RAPTOR Tutorial found in the Learning Activity 1 section of this Lesson.

Location of RAPTOR tutorial within Lesson Click for more options



Before attempting this lab, make sure you have installed the RAPTOR flowcharting program. See the Start Here! page and refer to the section “Software required for this course.”

  • A flowchart is a diagram that graphically depicts the steps that take place in a program. Symbols are used to depict the various steps that need to happen within a program. Flow lines are used between the symbols to indicate the flow of the program.
  • Ovals are used as terminal symbols, which indicate a start and stop to a program.
  • Parallelograms, the data symbol, are used for input and display statements.
  • Rectangles, the process symbol, are used for calculations and variable declarations.
  • On page connectors are used to link a flowchart that continues on the same page.The connecting system starts with the letter A, whereas A would appear in the two connectors that show the flow.
  • The statements inside the data and the process symbols can be written similarly to the statements used in pseudocode.

 Click for more options

Help Video: Watch this video: lab1-3.wmv Click for more options

Download this PDF document and complete the lab: Lab 1-3.pdf Click for more options

Upload your completed RAPTOR (.rap) file as your submission.


Programming Challenge 1 – Team Average

Help Video: Watch this video: lab1-5.wmv Click for more options

Download this Word document and complete the lab (you should use a colored font for your answers): Lab 1-5.docx Click for more options

Upload your completed Word document as your submission.

question 4:

Programming Challenge 2 – Pedometer Calculator

Help Video: Watch this video: lab1-6.wmv Click for more options

Download this Word document and complete the lab (you should use a colored font for your answers): Lab 1-6.docx Click for more options



Use the five paragraph format. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences. Include 3 quotes with quotation marks and cited in-line and in a list of references. Include an interesting meaninful title.

Include at least one quote from each of 3 different articles. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library, not Google. Place the words you copied (do not alter or paraphrase the words) in quotation marks and cite in-line (as all work copied from another should be handled). The quotes should be full sentences (no more, less) and should be incorporated in your discussion (they do not replace your discussion) to illustrate or emphasize your ideas.

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