Category Archives: Research Papers

You have been hired by Fixing Windows LLC as an Information Technology consultant to develop a technology proposal. Fixing Windows LLC manufactures and distributes solar panel for the consumer market. Your job is to submit a proposal that meets their criteria.

  • The company will have 3 locations (Los Angeles, Dallas, and Houston) but are planning to grow rapidly due to high demand in solar panels. Main staff will be at Dallas and Houston offices.
  • Data security is priority since patent and trademarks are at stake.
  • Los Angeles sales personnel will need secure remote access to Houston office.
  • The WAN connectivity is in place and it is not an issue. There is ample bandwidth in place.
  • Feel free to make other assumptions but they need to be noted in the paper.

Topics to Cover:

Your document should cover the content presented in the course. The outline below contains recommended points to cover. You are free to add other related information.

Describe the technical and business reasons for each choice, citing other resources as appropriate. The Windows Server 2016 operating system should be used for all aspects of the solution.

The topics include:



  • How had DHCP installation and authorization been implemented?
  • DHCP scope design (e.g., lease times, number of scopes, address range)
  • Will a form of DHCP fault tolerance be implemented?
  • Will DHCP reservations be used for servers?
  • How can IPAM be utilized?
  • How will IPv6 be utilized?
  • How will DNS be implemented?
  • DNS Security
  • How will DNS be handled for the second and third site?
  • What namespace should Fixing Windows LLC implement?
  • What types of zones needed?


  • How will the shares be secured?
  • Will quotas be used? FSRM be configured?
  • Will DFS be implemented?

Remote Services and NETWORK POLICY SERVER (NPS):

  • What technology will be implemented to provide secure remote access for users?
  • Who should have remote access?

Discuss these other server 2016 Networking concepts:




Physics DC CircuitsLab

  1. Imagine you’re an engineer making a string of battery powered holiday lights. If a bulb burns out current cannot flow through that bulb any longer like if the wire at the bulb has been cut. Figure out how to hook up 2 light bulbs and a battery so that when one bulb burns out or is disconnected the other stays lit.
    1. Insert images to illustrate that your circuit works as expected.
    1. Explain why you think it works.


  1. Imagine that you want to make sure the battery for your string of lights will last as long as possible. A battery will last longer if it powers a circuit with low current. How could you hook up a battery and 2 light bulbs so the least amount of current flows through the battery? Use the measurement tools in the simulation to check your design.
    1. Insert images to illustrate that your circuit works as expected.
    1. Explain why you think it works.



Publish series of pocket-sized guidebooks. Is it a good idea?

I came up with the idea for a series of pocket-sized guidebooks to help travelers translate foreign language menus more easily. The idea came from own experiences. I had difficulty translating menus despite proficiency in Spanish and French, and realized that others would as well.

So combining mine and internet provided skills: I found out is buyessayclub legit– ordered basic copy from them skills – I ordered writing services and I was the graphic designer – we created the Eating & Drinking series of guidebooks. If you are ever going to a Spanish, French or Italian speaking country, pick up one of their books. Can it make you less apprehensive at meals, and allow you to enjoy them more?


Lean Manufacturing paper

select a subject within the scope of the course (e.g., Lean for the semiconductor industry, value stream mapping, etc.), identify at least five (non-open-access) journal papers that have been published in the literature on the selected subject; propose a study plan; document the plan as the Abstract of the Final Project, and submit it for instructor approval and evaluation; excessively similar project scopes and possible significant overlapping of selected journal papers will be identified by the instructor, who will inform the students to change their at least two of them and preferably three or more for detailed study; document the selection process, criteria and your study plan as the Introductory Report of the Final Report, and submit it for instructor approval and evaluation;study them individually in detail; compare them in terms of their commonality and differences with respect to their technical aspects (including scopes, approaches, methods, results, etc.) and their human aspects (including worker behavior, management support, top leadership, company culture, etc.); suggest possible improvements to how the two cases were conducted (as reported in the two papers); distill the lessons learned from the individual papers, your comparisons and your suggestions; document all these as the Final Project Report; submit it to the instructor for evaluation;present the project findings succinctly to the entire class toward the end of the semester.



You are required to choose a character from a film and perform a psychological assessment on the character. Your paper should be 6-7 pages in length. You must have a minimum of 2 research articles and/or books. You may use your film as a source, but you cannot use Wikipedia.

Possible films you can choose from: A Clockwork Orange; Girl, Interrupted; One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest; Boy‘s Don‘t Cry; Nuts; A Beautiful Mind; The Fisher King; Pollack; As Good as it Gets; Identity; Fight Club; Memento; Misery, Joker.

  1. Paper topic and working diagnosis : 2 to 3 pages 0
  1. Paper Details: your paper should follow this format :

Biographical details of the character


Marital status

Employment and employment history

Reason of intake

Past History of Mental Health Issues

Past hospitalizations

Past treatments

Substance Abuse History


How would the client be diagnosed?

Criteria for diagnosis


How would the client be treated?


Research on the treatment, why is this the best treatment option?

What do you expect the outcome to be?



Disaster Recovery

Graded Assignments may be found at the end of each chapter of the required textbook under the title “Real-World Exercises”. Each assignment is due Sunday evening before 11:59 p.m. EST. of the respective week. Each student is to complete the exercise listed below. Provide documented evidence, in Moodle, of completion of the chosen exercise (i.e. provide answers to each of the stated questions). Detailed and significant answers will be allotted full point value. Incomplete, inaccurate, or inadequate answers will receive less than full credit depending on the answers provided. Plagiarism will be awarded ZERO points (no makeups, no excises). All submissions need to submitted in the appropriate area of Moodle. Late submissions, hardcopy, or email submissions will not be accepted. (50 points).



Company’s financial analysis

  • Background Information/Environmental Scan
  • DuPont Identity
  • Current Ratio
  • Quick Ratio
  • Inventory Holding Period
  • Average Collection Period
  • Debt Ratio
  • Free Cash Flow
  • Market Value Added
  • Economic Value Added
  • Dividend Yield
  • Required Rate of Return based on the Capital Asset Pricing Model

After calculating the above items, the student will make a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold the company’s common stock at its current price. The recommendation should be based on the calculations required plus any other information about the company that the student believes pertinent.

In a separate section of the paper, the student will describe a situation in which his/her company would make use of capital budgeting. No calculations are required. This section of the paper would be about one to two pages describing the process that the company would make use of for analyzing the capital budgeting situation.

In a third section of the paper, the student should describe how the company would use cost-volume-profit analysis for one of its products. No calculations are necessary; just provide an explanation of how the process works. This section of the paper should be one to two pages.

For the purpose of this exercise, students will choose a company for which they will conduct an environmental scan and a financial analysis. The analysis of the company should culminate with students recommending that the company is “excellent,” “healthy,” or “ill.” Students will be evaluated based on correctness of the calculations, the insight of the analysis, and the quality of the discussion relating to the requirements.

Additionally, students will be expected to prepare an executive summary of the process of capital budgeting, using an example that is specific to the company that is being analyzed. An executive summary of cost-volume-profit analysis is also required, using an example that is specific to the company that is being analyzed.

The written paper is to be typed double–spaced, 1’ margins, Times New Roman and 12-point font, with correct spelling and grammar, proper citation, references, with a cover page and organized with headings. The instructor’s approval of the topic is required.


Transparency in a digitally intertwined world: the necessity of a hybrid approach to protect consumers and enforce their rights during the current technical revolution

Transparency in a digitally intertwined world: the necessity of a hybrid approach to protect consumers and enforce their rights during the current technical revolution

Transparency in a digitally intertwined world: the necessity of a hybrid approach to protect consumers and enforce their rights during the current technical revolution

Transparency in a digitally intertwined world: the necessity of a hybrid approach to protect consumers and enforce their rights during the current technical revolution


positive integer, polynomial time, highly nontrivial.

3. In the course, we mentioned that the problem of deciding whether a given positive integer n is prime is solvable in polynomial time but that the proof is highly nontrivial. This is based on the as-sumption that n is given in base 2, i.e. as a binary string. In this problem, we will see that primality has a much simpler al-gorithm, if we change the base in which we represent n; so, the complexity of a problem does depend on how we represent the input.



Concepts Assignment Segment – Discrete Random Variables & Probability Distributions


While the primary purpose of this assignment is for you to think about and work with statistical concepts, it is important after you complete your writing that you take the time to review and edit it for coherence, completeness, and grammar. Using a grammar and spelling program such as Grammarly is highly recommended, as excessive grammar errors and incoherent writing will lower your grade. Download and use the CA 2.3 Template to answer the questions for this assignment. Use ONLY words (no formulas, no equations, and no symbols) to answer the following questions:

  1. Define in your own words what a random variable is and what makes it discrete?

a. What limitations are there in using this approach to probability prediction?

b. What type of data do you need?

2. Define Expected Value in words only.

For the following 3 types of distributions explain in words (no formulas, no equations, and no symbols) a)what they model and b) what the given elements are for each (i.e. event, sample, conditional/independent). c) Then provide one example from your field *of how they could be applied (you may use sources but must have more than one, you may not quote them, and you must cite them):

3. Binomial

4. Hypergeometric

5. Negative Binomial

6. How does the Bernoulli random variable relate to the binomial and negative binomial distributions?



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