Category Archives: Research Papers

Encoding with a State Machine

Implementing the 8b/10b Encoder in Hardware
In the final task you will use Python to implement a software model of the 8b/10b encoder. Since strings are made
up of ASCII characters with a length of eight bits, you will then use the encoder to encode inputted lines of text.
This portion of the project is available via Github Classroom at
Use Git to clone the project directory from the Github repository created by Github Classroom. You can then
navigate into the cloned folder using Terminal or Git Bash and run python At first you should see no
output from the command, it is working as long as there are no warnings or errors. Next, try typing a message
into the terminal (stick to ASCII characters here, i.e., just English letters, numbers and punctuation), the program
will attempt to encode each character of the message into a ten bit output. You should notice that the program
outputs only zeros, that is where you come in. By implementing the functions in the file you
will be able to make a functioning 8b/10b encoder.

There are four Python files within the repository,,, and contains helpful functions including the ones that poll the lookup table reference above in the 3b/4b
and 5b/6b encoders. shows how we will exercise the functions you write in this section, do not change
this file.
To complete the assignment, implement the five functions in and use Git commands to
push your changes to Github. Make sure you pass all the provided test cases for full marks. We may also run your
code on additional text cases. If you do not pass all the test cases at first, you can make additional changes to your
code and continue to push these changes to Github.



ACCG2000 Excel Assessment S2 2020

Seasonal Delights Catering offer personalised catering to corporate clients. To help cost their jobs they have
recently implemented a Job Costing System. The head chef has allocated a costing for ingredients to each
menu item to help quickly calculate how much they will spend on materials based on the menu selected by
the client. For each job casual staff are employed by the hour as required. You need to help finish off the
spreadsheet template that they will use to cost Job 4155 and all future jobs.
Start by downloading the assessment workbook from iLearn and copying/moving it to an appropriate folder.
When you open the Excel file it is very important that you Enable Macros and Content. You will then be asked
to enter your Student Number (you will not be able to edit it afterwards, so type it in carefully) and then enter
your Student Name. Please note the first two worksheets are locked and you will only be able to change the
cells specified.




What mathematical tool you would use to develop a mathematical model for this phenomenon? What variables would you introduce in your model? Briefly describe how it is used.

  1. Fibonacci Rabbits

Consider the following problem proposed by Fibonacci in 1202, “A man put a male-female pair of newly born rabbits in a field. Rabbits take a month to mature before mating. One month after mating, females give birth to one male-female pair and then mate again. No rabbits die. How many rabbit pairs are there after one year?”

  1. What mathematical tool would you use to formulate the problem? Briefly describe how it is used.

  2. Briefly describe what prediction one might consider asking from the mathematical model.

  3. Describe one limitation of the mathematical model described above when applied to the real world.

  4. Describe another possible application of the model developed.

Habitat Conversion

Consider the following problem,

“Habitat conversion from forests to agriculture and then to degraded land is the single biggest factor in the present biological diversity crisis” (Dobson, Bradshaw, Baker 1997).

  1. What mathematical tool you would use to develop a mathematical model for this phenomenon?

  2. What variables would you introduce in your model? Briefly describe how it is used.

MathWorks Math Modeling Challenge 2018 (

Consider the following M3C 2018 problem,

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations reports that approximately one-third of all food produced in the world for human consumption every year goes uneaten. As an example, perfectly good produce that is considered misshapen or otherwise unattractive is regularly discarded before reaching your grocery store shelves. The problem is even more pronounced in the United States, where the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that more food reaches landfills and incinerators than any other single material in our trash. Uneaten food also wastes resources (water, fertilizer, pesticides, land, etc.) used in food production. At the same time, it has been estimated that over 42 million Americans are food-insecure and could take advantage of all of this squandered food, frequently described as “wasted food.”

The challenge is to create a mathematical model that a state could use to determine if it could feed its food-insecure population using the wasted food generated in that state. Participants may choose to use provided data which contain (1) Texas_food_data, (2) Food Expenditures, (3) Consumer Behavior Based on Income, and (4) Average Daily Intake of Food.

What mathematical tool you would use to develop the mathematical model? Briefly describe how it is used.



If molecular techniques for T. vaginalis are not limited, what is a loss of function experiment you would propose to further investigate your research question of interest which mutating the calcium-binding domain in CLP? What readout/result would you assess and what would this experiment help you discover?

1. What did the adhesion experiments in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 reveal about CLP’s function? Utilize the terms heterophilic and homophilic interactions in your explanation.

2. If molecular techniques for T. vaginalis are not limited, what is a loss of function experiment you would propose to further investigate your research question of interest which mutating the calcium-binding domain in CLP? What readout/result would you assess and what would this experiment help you discover?


Strategies for overcoming VPN performance and stability issues, VPN deployment planning for the enterprise, Software vs hardware-based VPN solutions, Best practices for implementing and managing VPNs, VPN implementation

  • Strategies for overcoming VPN performance and stability issues

  • VPN deployment planning for the enterprise

  • Software vs hardware-based VPN solutions

  • Best practices for implementing and managing VPNs

  • VPN implementation

Once you chose a topic, write a reflection (3-4 paragraphs of approximately 200-to-250 words). You need to research this topic and add your comments about it; making sure you are not copying anything from the textbook or copying/pasting from any other sources. While you can research things, the write-up in the post MUST be your original words. Your initial post must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and scholarly references.


If we have 100 values in the search area, how many tries will this algorithm need? If we have 100 values in the search area, how many comparisons will this algorithm need?

If we have 100 values in the search area, how many tries will this algorithm need?

If we have 100 values in the search area, how many comparisons will this algorithm need?

Write a function called dir_search to return a list of paths to a specified
filename within a specified directory.
• For example, if a particular directory called test has three copies of a file
named f1.txt in it, one directly in test, one in a subdirectory called d2, and one
in a subdirectory of a subdirectory, d1/d4, then the function call
dir_search(“test”, “f1.txt”) should return [“test/f1.txt”, “test/d2/f1.txt”,
• The ”os” module has a function called listdir that returns a list of files and
subdirectories in a directory.
• The “os.path” module has a function called isfile that return True if the
parameter is a file (and not a directory).



Comparing the players average distance, maximum velocity, and total load over the duration of the training session.

Let’s assume you need to take data from the GPS Training Data and make a plot comparing the players average distance, maximum velocity, and total load over the duration of the training session. Decomposing this into smaller steps, we will need to:

1. Group information by players,
2. Summarize the pieces of information by player,

3. Reorganize the data so it can be plotted, and

4. Plot the data.


Project Management

Finalization of title and research questions (60 points)

After going through the past literature, you will develop a clear idea of the gap in the area of your selected topic. Explore this gap and find a suitable title for your chosen research topic. Please note that you are naming your research, earlier it was just broad topic. Draft research questions can be tweaked or improved with the gained knowledge from literature review. The title and the research questions can be finalized with strong logic provided by supportive literature. At this stage, you are expected to finalize the title and the research objectives.




A. Statement of Context: The Starting Picture:


Open with a statement that describes the context in which YOUR TEAM is negotiating generally.Do not include information about the other teams’ contexts – this is focused on your context for your proposed location and operations.

o Country demographics

o Cultural issues relating to consumers (location, food, farm-to-table, etc.)

o Relevant industry data

o Geographical information

o Any other relevant demographics or information you feel that informs YOUR country’s position.


o Feel free to include infographics, data images (tables, figures) and anything you think helps strengthen your Statement of Context

B. Team Goals

o What are your team’s goals, underlying interests, and priorities in this negotiation? Answer questions such as these for each of your goals:

  • Specify your target, reservation point, and expected ZOPA for each of these
  • Allocate priorities/strength to your goals. What are your “must-haves,” your “it-would-be-nice-to-haves,” and your “not-a-big-deal” goals?

o What is your best alternative (BATNA) to this deal? Would you immediately be able to implement it if you were unable to reach agreement with the other side? Describe your BATNA in detail, including how desirable it is to you.

o What, if anything, would make you decide to walk away without a deal?


You do not have to do this part, I am including it just in case you needed to understand the full idea of the assignment

C. Your Team’s Cultural Issues that Affect Negotiation: In Depth

o Describe the characteristics of your negotiating team’s culture, using evidence (sources) to support your conclusion.

  • Use Salacuse’s dimensions (2004) (found in Ch.10 of PNO) generally, to structure your discussion
  • Use outside sources to identify where your team’s culture falls in these negotiating style dimensions (the more, the better here!)

o Explain how these characteristics you’ve identified about your culture apply to your negotiation practices in your assigned roles.

D. Cultural Issues that Affect Negotiation: Other Teams

  • Describe the characteristics of the other 3 countries’ negotiating cultures, using evidence (sources) to support your conclusion.

o Use Salacuse’s dimensions (2004) (found in Ch.10 of PNO) generally, to structure your discussion.

o Use outside sources to talk about what the other negotiating parties’ cultures are like. You do not need to go as in depth as you did with your culture, but do cite support for your position.

  • What are the most important cultural differences between and among the various cultures involved in the cross-cultural simulation in terms of negotiation practices? What are the similarities?

o By doing this, you can see who is likely to support you in certain of your approaches, and who is not

o Feel free to make a table or other visual if it helps you make your points here – this is your team’s negotiation plan, so it is important that it be usable and thorough for your negotiation team to use before and during negotiations

E. The Other Side – Goals & BATNA — Trying to Get in their Head

  • For each of the 3 other negotiating teams: What do you think their main goals are? Why do you think that?
  • For each of the 3 other negotiating teams: What is your best prediction of their BATNA? Are they strong or weak BATNAs, in your view?

F. Negotiating Dynamics

  • What should be your team’s strategy (distributive, integrative or a mixture) both overall for each of your specific issues? Which team(s) do you think would make good allies?

o Use this section to show off your understanding of strategy concepts in depth! Your book and videos will be a great help with this.



Divide the following C++ program into appropriate lexemes: Describe the language denoted by the following regular expressions and provide transition diagrams:

  1. Divide the following C++ program into appropriate lexemes:

float limitedSquare(x) float x; {

/* returns x-squared, but never more than 100*/

return (x <= -10.0 || x >= 10) ? 100 : x*x;


  1. Describe the language denoted by the following regular expressions and provide transition diagrams:

    1. a(a | b)*a

    2. ((ε | a)b*)*

    3. (a | b)*a(a | b)(a | b)

    4. a*ba*ba*ba*

  2. Write regular definitions for the following language:

    1. All strings of lowercase letters that contain the five vowels in order.

    2. All strings of lowercase letters in which the letters are in ascending lexicographic order.

  3. Give DFA’s accepting the following languages over the alphabet {0, 1}

  1. The set of all strings ending in 00.

  2. The set of all strings with three consecutive 0’s (not necessarily at the end).

  3. The set of strings with 011 as a substring.

  4. The set of strings that either begin or end (or both) with 01.

  5. The set of strings that the number of 0’s is divisible by five, and the number of 1’s is divisible by 3.

  1. Design finite automata (deterministic or non-deterministic) for each of the language in exercise number (3).

  2. Give the transition table for:



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