Category Archives: Research Papers

Home work 2

  • You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.
  • It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
  • Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation).
  • Email submission will not be accepted.
  • You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
  • You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
  • Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
  • The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
  • Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.



Write about matlap Image Processing Toolbox

Student Self-Directed Learning ME 476C – Capstone I Moving forward in your career you will find that systems, technologies and problems in need of solutions will evolve or even revolutionize from what you encountered as a student in engineering. To best adapt to these changes, it is critical that you learn to teach yourself new skills. A major educational objective of the NAU Mechanical Engineering program is to help you develop “an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.” This assignment is requiring you to identify a self-learning opportunity. You will be asked to self-learn a new skill (e.g. programming an Arduino microcontroller) and apply this skill to any engineering design activity (e.g. remotely control a robot) related to content in ME 476C. You will be required to do this twice during the semester. You may choose which skill you would like to apply to each assignment based on your interests, but it is highly advised that you do the tutorials that best contribute to your capstone project.


My self learning assignment is to learing about Image Processing Toolbox, what is MATLAB toolbox and how you can ues it to analysis 3-D or 2-D images such as MRI ( DICOM file). What are process in MATLAB you need to know to able to use Image Processing Toolbox.

You need to follow part 1 and 2 to do part 3 which is writing 2-4 pages about my self learning


Part II: Identify a way in which to further practice or apply the skill that goes beyond the instruction videos, text or in-person training. Next, actually apply the new knowledge by accessing equipment, materials and/or software to practice the new skills. Some examples are given below, but what application you choose is dependent on the skill that you are trying to learn. Apply it in some manner towards your capstone project. o Create advanced drawings of your project parts based on GD&T principles o Program an Arduino board (checked out from a library) to power or control your capstone device or a prototype version of it. o Machine a part for a prototype in your design project. o Write a MATLAB or C++ program which can plot some of your data or perform calculations for your analysis. o Perform statistical analysis of your data to understand difference among data sets and their variation as well as their effect on the performance of your design.

Part III: In a 2-4 page memo, communicate the following information about your self-learning experience: o What skill did you begin to learn and why are you learning it? What attributes of design is this skill developing? Provide evidence of your self-learning training. o How did you apply the new skills, and what are the results of this early practice (actual physical device, code or calculations)? Use photographs of prototypes, drawing files, code or graphs to communicate the results of the application. o Provide a reference list in IEEE format at the end of the report for all websites/videos/resources used in the option that you chose for this assignment. Assignment Deliverable: The only deliverable that will be turned in for a class grade is the memo in part III detailing what skill you learned and then practiced and/or applied. This Self-Learning memo is due by the posted due date on Bb Learn though most learning activities will be taking place earlier in the semester and completing the activity sooner will only help you succeed with your capstone project. If you have questions about what is an acceptable self-learning activity, please come see the professor during office hours. The grading rubric for this assignment will be posted on BBLearn.


Program in java

Programming Task 2. The input consists of n numbers a1, a2, . . . , an. The goal is to determine a value t that can be obtained by adding two of these numbers and, moreover, the number of pairs of these numbers that add up to t is the largest possible (in other words, you need to find the most popular sum of two numbers in the list). Formally, your program will find a t such that the size of the set {(i, j) | i < j, ai+aj = t} is maximum among all possible t’s. For example, for 2, 7, 3, 1, 5, 6, we have: 2 + 6 = 7 + 1 = 3 + 5. This is the largest number of pairs that sum to the same number, and, therefore, t = 8. Describe an O(n 2 log n) algorithm for this problem, and implement it in Java or C++. (For an example of what I mean by “Describe …,” see the NOTE 2 at the end of this document). You must explain clearly why your algorithm runs in O(n 2 log n) time. Hint: The number of pairs (ai , aj ) with i < j is n 2  = n(n − 1)/2 = Θ(n 2 ), and so you can afford to consider all these pairs. Input specification: The input consists of two lines. The first line contains a positive integer n. The second line contains integers a1, a2, . . . , an, separated by spaces. You may assume that the input integers fit in int. You may also assume that n is positive and not larger than 10,000. Output specification: the output contains a single line with the number t. If there are multiple possibilities for t, output the smallest one. Sample inputs (see files) : input-2.1.txt input-2.2.txt Sample outputs : answer2.1.txt answer-2.2.txt Test your program on the following inputs: input-2.4.txt input-2.6.txt and report the results you have obtained. NOTE 2: You can find an example of what I mean by “Describe an algorithm …” at…



Compose a Follow-Up-Letter.

Assignment Topic: Congratulations you got the interview. Compose a Follow-Up-Letter for the position you applied for which was College Intern Administrative Intern with UCSD.
Format: One Page Business Letter Format
Submit: PDF draft via CANVAS to CEO for approval
Background:College Intern Administrative Intern
Requisition ID: 2021
Location(s): University of California San Diego, United States, California, La Jolla
Business Sector: Education School of Business Administration
US Citizenship Required for this Position: Yes or proof legal residence
Relocation Assistance: Relocation assistance will be available
Performs variety of status activities in support of program areas such as proposals, strategy, schedule and cost execution for the program manager. Gathers, collects, records, tracks and verifies data and information from multiple sources. Compiles, reviews and analyzes data. Generate reports, statistics, timelines, tables, graphs, correspondence and presentations for Grossmont Community College District. Provides data and information to others on functional unit processes and procedures.
Basic Qualifications: Currently pursuing AA/BS degree from an accredited university in Business or related field. Summer 2019 Internship, full time, 10 weeks. Must be full time student into Fall 2019.
Preferred Qualifications: Business management college coursework and interest in exposure to management of cost and schedule execution, team leadership, and government acquisitions.



MATH 4430A – Stochastic Processes

MATH 4430A – Stochastic Processes

  • Description: This course begins by reviewing conditional expectations and other key topics from probability theory. We then discuss counting processes and discrete time Markov chains. We consider the classification of states, first step analysis, invariant measures, and first passage times, as well as applications in science and business. Moving to continuous time, we consider diffusion processes and Brownian motion. We will treat both analytical results and stochastic simulation, the latter using the R programming language. This course is integrated with MATH 6602.





1. INTRODUCTION – What is an Excel Dashboard?
2. PURPOSE – What specific features in Excel are most used to create an Excel Dashboard? Why?
3. DESIGN – What should a Dashboard look like?
A. Give one example of an outstanding dashboard from web. Explain in detail why do you
think it is outstanding.
o Address below factors in Design:
1. Technological features used
2. Design Visualization Principles
3. Key metrics and/or processes
4. Include a screen shot of the dashboard.
B. Give one example of an outstanding chart from your selected Dashboard. Explain in detail
why it is outstanding.
o Address below factors for your outstanding chart:
1. Technological features
2. Design Visualization Principles
3. Key metrics and/or processes
4. Include a screen shot of the Outstanding Chart.
C. Identify and explain 3 ethical issues involved in presenting business data.
4. METHOD – Conclude with a plan that includes the steps that you will take to on how you will create
a prototype of an outstanding Excel Dashboard that does not contain any ethical issues.



ECO 430 Applied Economics

You decide to estimate the following three regressions using the same sample of data (assume that sample size is 10,000):
wagei = b0 + b1 femalei + ui (1)
wagei = c0 + c2 malei + vi (2)
wagei = d1 femalei + d2 malei + ei (3)
where wage refers to average hourly earnings, u, v, and e are the regressions’ error terms, and
femalei = 1 if observation i refers to a female, and = 0 if observation i refers to a male
malei = 1 if observation i refers to a male, and = 0 if observation i refers to a female
(a) How much is the expected wage of a female according to each regression?
(b) How much is the expected wage of a male according to each regression?
(c) Interpret the vertical intercept and the slope in regression (1).
(d) Interpret the vertical intercept and the slope in regression (2).
(e) Interpret the coe#cients d1 and d2 in regression (3).

(a) What fraction of the sample variance of ahe is explained by yrseduc?
(b) How much is the standard error of the regression (SER)?
(c) What is the sample size? [Hint: Check the degrees of freedom of the SER and note that we have lost 2 degrees of freedom when
estimating the two coe#cients of the regression.]
(d) What is the OLS estimate of the slope?
(e) What is the standard error of the OLS estimator of the slope?
(f) What is the t-statistic corresponding to the two-sided test with null hypothesis that the slope equals 0.
(g) Will you reject the null hypothesis that the slope equals 0 in favor of the two-sided alternative at 5% signi”cance level?
(h) Find the lower and the upper limit of the 95% con”dence interval for the slope of the regression (use the normal approximation,
which is justi”ed since the sample size is large enough).
(i) Calculate the predicted wage (i.e., average hourly earnings) of a person with 16 years of education.
(j) What would be the predicted increase in the wage of a high-school graduate if he/she obtains a college degree? In answering this
question assume that college takes 4 years.
(k) Give an example of a variable that can directly increase a person’s wage and can be positive correlated with years of education.
(l) In view of (k), do you expect the OLS estimator of the slope to be unbiased? In particular, do you think that the expected value of the
OLS estimator of the slope is greater, smaller, or equal to the true slope?



HC433 Discussion 2 utilization reveiw

HC433 Discussion 2 utilization reveiw

Utilization management and review is a process to determine if health care services are being used appropriately on a patient. Often, this process is completed by a group, in-house, that may not have the hands-on patient experience or clinical knowledge that physicians have. The result of the review may provide unrealistic expectations for the clinician.


  • Assume the role of a manager and reflect on the utilization review process.

  • Do you think utilization is a positive process? Explain why or why not in depth, utilizing external resources as appropriate.

  • What changes would you recommend for this process?



C++ Data Structure

C++ Data Structure

This assignment involves the writing of 2 CPP’s. To it’s clear which CPP goes with which “part” of the assignment, make sure that you have some reference to the part number in your file names (like part1.cpp or timingStudy.1.cpp for example).


An input file of 1,000,000 randomly generated names (one per line) is posted in this module. There are a few different versions of the file and it will serve as the input to both parts of the assignment. Choose the one that best suits you:

  • Windows users: names_windows.txt
  • Mac or Linux users: names.txt (this has the ^M’s removed)
  • If you use the Cloud9 IDE, there is an upload limit which may prevent you from uploading large files. Use this compressed version, which you will need to unzip after uploading:


In this lab you will apply the “4-cycle timing code” posted to Canvas in this module: timingtests.cpp. The purpose is to prepare you for making “big oh” determinations and confirming them with timing studies.

The provided code reads a predetermined number of lines from the data file into a vector. This can be changed by changing the constant NLINES at the top of the file. You probably won’t need to change this, but keep in mind that the data file itself contains only one million lines so NLINES cannot be larger than that.

Write a C++ console app, applying the timing test code to an operation that requires scanning the entire array. Here are some examples. Try writing a loop that:

  • Finds the shortest name in the array
  • Finds the longest name in the array
  • Counts how many times a particular first name occurs, like “Victoria”

To perform the timing tests, you will set the starting size with the variable n at the top of main(), which controls how many lines your algorithm will use for input. The string bigOh also represents your “guess” about your algorithm.

Start with n = 50,000 for the first cycle, and set bigOh to O(n) — that is, we expect that the time it takes to read the file is directly proportional to the number of lines read from the file.

In each of the 4 timing cycles:

  1. Start the timer (with clock()).
  2. Run your loop that processes n lines from the vector.
  3. Stop the timer.

It is possible that caching may throw off the timing for the first cycle, so run your program more than once to see it work correctly. Your timings will not be an exact match for the ‘expected’ amounts each time, but should be close.

Example Output

0.0002 (expected O(n)) for n=50000
0.0004 (expected 0.0004) for n=100000
0.0008 (expected 0.0007) for n=200000
0.0015 (expected 0.0015) for n=400000

As n increases each time through the loop, you should see the timing increase proportionally, i.e. doubling the input should double the processing time.

If you’re seeing numbers that don’t make sense, your computer may be too fast! Try increasing NLINES and the initial ‘n’ to a larger number.


In the second part you will make your own determination for the big oh of nested for-loop sorting of an array, and confirm your determination.

The nested for()-loop sort should use to this algorithm (with n as the number of strings):

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
      if (a[j] < a[i])
        swap(a[i], a[j]);

Write a C++ console app, applying the same timing test code from the module, to sort the names in your vector in ascending order. You decide what you expect the “big oh” to be, and what n to use for the first cycle.

Write your app to do the following:

  1. Start the timer, perform the nested for()-loop sort, and stop the timer.
  2. Write code to verify that each string in the array is greater or equal to the string before it, starting with the 2nd string. Use assert, like this:
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
    assert (a[i - 1] <= a[i]);

To use assert() you may need to include the header file <cassert>. Assertions are used to abort the program if some unknown condition occurs, and are mainly enabled in “debug” or “developer” builds of the code, where the programmer wants to catch abnormal conditions as soon as possible. In “production” code (deployed into the real world), assertions are usually removed.

  1. Output the results, which will look similar to part 1 but with different numbers.



What best describes what a derivative is? What is the slope of the function  when x=2

1. Given the following supply and demand equations

LaTeX: Q^s=28+5P

LaTeX: Q^D=100-3P

What is the surplus when P=15?

2. Given the function LaTeX: f\left(x\right)=x^{3\:}-2x+4

What is the value of x when LaTeX: f\left(x\right)=8?

3. What best describes what a derivative is

slope of a function

a tangent line

the slope of a function at a given point

Slope of a secant line

which one?

4. What is the slope of the function LaTeX: f\left(x\right)=5x+1 when x=2

5. What is the slope of the function f(x)=5, when x=2

6. What is the slope of the function LaTeX: f\left(x\right)=5x^2+5x-2, when x=2

7. What is the slope of the function LaTeX: f\left(x\right)=5x^3+5x^2-5x+4, when x=2?

8. What is the value of x when the function LaTeX: f\left(x\right)=-2x^2+8x-12, has a slope of -4?

9. What is the smallest value of x when the function LaTeX: f\left(x\right)\:=\frac{\:2}{3}x^3-2x^2-10x+8, has a slope that equals 0?

10. What is the largest value of x when the function LaTeX: f\left(x\right)\:=\frac{\:2}{3}x^3-2x^2-10x+8 has a slope that equals 0?

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