Category Archives: Research Papers

Presentation for speech class

Select a topic which allows you to inform your audience of a significant aspect of a culture that is
different than your own. Possible topics include social customs, family traditions, holidays, clothing,
food, religious traditions, and sporting activities. Refer to Chapter 7 of your text as a guide.
Research your topic. Be imaginative in choosing content for your speech. It is not enough to simply
summarize basic information from the Internet about a country or culture. Narrow the topic by selecting
one specific aspect on which to focus your ideas.
Organize the main points of your speech using an informative pattern of organization. Your speech
should give your audience a deeper understanding of your topic, but should not be designed to affect
your audience’s beliefs, attitudes, or behavior.
Provide adequate support for each main point by citing at least three credible sources in the speech.
Incorporate examples, narratives, testimonial evidence, statistics, analogies, explanations, and/or
definitions where appropriate. Sources must be cited orally in the speech. If you have had direct contact
with a different culture, you should supplement your research with your personal experience.
Create an introduction and conclusion.
Once you have thought through each part of the speech (introduction, body, & conclusion), create a
rough draft outline of the speech.
Create speaking notes to use during your delivery. Use key words and phrases rather than complete
sentences. Your notes should serve only as a memory aid and should not be a word-for-word manuscript
of your speech.



ECON 570 Problem Set 1

ECON 570 Problem Set 1

1 Cholesky Factorization
A. Recall that if A ∈ R
is symmetric and positive definite, then it can be factored as
A = LL′
, (1)
where L is lower triangular and nonsingular.
Assume that A is 2 × 2. Write down the system of equations implied by (1) and
calculate the number of flops required to perform the Cholesky factorization in this
B. Extend the previous result and show that the complexity of the Cholesky factorization
for the general case of a n × n matrix is O(n
2 Computational Complexity
A. Write custom functions for
1. Calculating the inner product of two vectors.
2. Calcuatling the product of two matrices.
B. Generate random m × n matrix X and n × p matrix Y , for m = 50, n = 100, p = 200.

1. The amount of time it takes to multiply X and Y using the custom code you
2. The amount of time it takes to multiply X and Y using built-in NumPy methods.

C. Now increase m, n, p each by a factor of 10.
1. How long do you expect it would take to multiply X and Y using your custom
code? How long does it actually take?
2. How long do you expect it would take to multiply X and Y using built-in NumPy
methods? How long does it actually take?
D. Increase m, n, p each by a factor of 10 again, and repeat the above but using NumPy’s
built-in methods only. How long does it take to multiply X and Y ? Did it increase by
the same factor as it did before when all the dimensions were increased by a factor of
10? Why or why not?
E. Generate a n × p matrix and a n-vector y.
1. Set n = 5000, p = 200. How long does it take to regress y on X?
2. Set n = 50000, p = 200. How long do you expect the same regression would take?
How long does it actually take?
3. Set n = 5000, p = 2000. How long do you expect the same regression would take?
How long does it actually take?



Variables and Levels of Measurement

Variables and Levels of Measurement

the IV and DV and level of measurement in the following examples.

Specifically note whether the variables are nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio along with IV and DV, using the following table.

What is the difference between PTSD avoidance symptom severity post scores of critical illness survivors who receive nurse-initiated diaries during hospitalization and critical illness survivors who do not receive nurse-initiated diaries during hospitalization at a large military medical center in the Pacific Region?
Do males and females differ on their level of math anxiety?
There is no significant difference among students who manifests high, moderate, and low achievement motivation with regards to their mathematics performance.

Gender has no significant influence on students’ achievement motivation and attitude with regards to their Mathematics performance.
To what extent does an administrator’s knowledge of eminent domain law contribute to his or her use of eminent domain for economic development?
People who are clinically depressed will have different sleep patterns than those who are not clinically depressed.
In routine office work, the introduction of a four-day work week will lead to higher productivity among millennials.
Does weight and blood pressure affect sleep efficiency in elder adults?
Does Melatonin 1 mg and Melatonin 5 mg have the same effect on sleep patterns in HIV-positive individuals?
Is teacher effectiveness, as a measure of professionalism, higher for schools that have implemented sustained Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) than those schools that have not implemented sustained PLCs?



Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution.

  1. Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution.

  2. Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government.

  3. Describe separation of powers and checks and balances in both theory and practice in Texas.

  4. Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government.

  5. Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas.

  6. Analyze the state and local election process.

  7. Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

  8. Analyze issues, policies and political culture of Texas.

  • What is redistricting? What is gerrymandering? How do both of these play into campaigns and elections?

  • What was the original intent for redistricting the specified area in the first place?

  • Was the redrawn district representative of the original intent and what have the courts had to say about this issue?

  • As a citizen or resident of Texas, what do you think of the politicizing of districts in an effort to garner votes from specific types of people (race, ethnicity, gender, political party affiliation, etc)?

  • What are your over all thoughts and impressions about this issue? Should the politicians be taken completely out of the redistricting procedure, in an effort to maintain a bit more fairness or is the current system working? Why or why not?



Weston Corporation just paid a dividend of $2.5 a share (i.e., D0 = $2.5). The dividend is expected to grow 8% a year for the next 3 years and then at 4% a year thereafter. What is the expected dividend per share for each of the next 5 years? Round your answers to two decimal places.

1/Weston Corporation just paid a dividend of $2.5 a share (i.e., D0 = $2.5). The dividend is expected to grow 8% a year for the next 3 years and then at 4% a year thereafter. What is the expected dividend per share for each of the next 5 years? Round your answers to two decimal places.

D1 = $
D2 = $
D3 = $
D4 = $
D5 = $


Tresnan Brothers is expected to pay a $2.8 per share dividend at the end of the year (i.e., D1 = $2.8). The dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 5% a year. The required rate of return on the stock, rs, is 13%. What is the stock’s current value per share? Round your answer to two decimal places____$

3/Holtzman Clothiers’s stock currently sells for $16 a share. It just paid a dividend of $3.75 a share (i.e., D0 = $3.75). The dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 6% a year.

  • What stock price is expected 1 year from now? Round your answer to two decimal places.


  • What is the required rate of return? Round your answer to two decimal places. Do not round your intermediate calculations.




Synthetic Theorizing

A three page paper in which they theorize about the relationship between any three course concepts as a means of explaining some relevant organizational communication phenomena.

course concepts:




3-Organizational Identification

4- wisdom and dissent


6- Leadership

Organizational communication phenomena could include things like:


Workplace bullying

Workplace romances

Workplace politics

Workplace conflict


Role uncertainty



Who to interview?

1.Who to interview?

Select someone in whom you are genuinely

interested in learning more about their past or current job. Make sure

you able to set up a time to interview this person.

2.Make contact.

If you are reaching out to a person you found online or

someone you don’t know via email, make sure to write a professional,

polite email (err on the side of formality).

3.Prepare your questions in advance.

Have a neatly written list and a

plan to take organized notes.

4.If you want to record the session, make sure to ask permission.

5.Take notes as carefully as you can

, and then, if you haven’t recorded,

make sure to type up or rewrite a fuller version of your notes the



, so you don’t forget information.

Developing Your Questions

1.What do you want to know? At this point, do not worry about the

phrasing; simply brainstorm what you hope to learn from conducting

this interview



The intrinsic value of nature is more important to consider than its utilitarian value when developing sustainable management plans.

  1. The intrinsic value of nature is more important to consider than its utilitarian value when developing sustainable management plans.

  2. Traditional ecological knowledge should take precedence over scientific evidence in developing ecosystem management frameworks.

  3. Human advancement cannot occur without adversely affecting the natural environment and attempting to balance ecosystem needs with human resource needs is futile.

  4. Prioritizing technological innovation is the best way to ensure that we can reverse damage to ecosystems and sustain future generations.

  5. It is no longer possible to talk of ‘natural’ systems or of ‘nature’ given that the earth has been wholly colonized by human beings during the Anthropocene.

  6. Before taking action to protect the environment we should wait for full scientific certainty and consensus about the key causes of environmental degradation.


IDS 200 UIC lab 1 Week 4

IDS 200 UIC lab 1 Week 4

You must design a database file with tables & fields, relationships, and queries as given below. Please submit your Access file without any data – the TAs will import a standard batch of data to evaluate your work. However, you may find it useful to temporarily add some data to your tables, especially to test your queries and reports.

1) Tables: Fields (keys in yellow, foreign keys in blue, both key & foreign key in green)

  • Supplier: SupId (Number), LastName (short text, field size 30), FirstName (short text, field size 30), Email (Short Text, field size 30), PrimaryPhone (Short Text with 000-000-0000 input mask)

  • Distributor: DistId (Number), LastName (short text, field size 30), FirstName (short text, field size 30), Supplier (Number), Email (Short Text, field size 30), PrimaryPhone (short text with 000-000-0000 input mask)

  • Customer: CustId (Number), Name (short text, field size 30), UserId (short text), Password(short text, field size 30), PrimaryPhone (short text with 000-000-0000 input mask), StreetAddress (short text), ZipCode (Number with 00000 input mask)

  • Item: UPC (AutoNumber), Name (short text, field size 50), Supplier (Number), UnitPrice (Number)

  • Transaction: InvoiceNumber (AutoNumber), Supplier (Number), Distributor (Number), Customer (Number), Date (Date/Time with Short Date format), Amount (Number)

  • TransactionElement (note that this table’s key is two fields): Item (Number), InvoiceNumber (Number), Quantity (Number), Amount (Number), Sent (yes/no, default value: no), Paid (yes/no, default value: no).

2) Relationships: Link all foreign key fields to their original tables

  • Supplier, Item.Supplier, and Transaction.Supplier to Supplier.SupId

  • Distributor to Distributor.DistId

  • Customer to Customer.CustId

  • InvoiceNumber to Transaction.InvoiceNumber

  • Item to Item.UPC

3) Queries:

  • Select all Transactions where Supplier.SupId = 509

  • Select all TransactionElements where TransactionElement.Amount <= 1000

  • Select all Items where Supplier.SupId = 771

  • Select all Items ordered by customer with the Transaction.Customer = 1112 that are not yet sent (e, TransactionElement.Sent = “no”)

  • Select all Distributors where Supplier.SupId = 101 and LastName = “Smith”

  • Select all Customers where Name = “Joe” and UserId = “xyz123”

  • Select all Transactions from March 2020 where the Distributor was named Jake Adams and the Customer’s UserId was “abc098”



Discussion 3 Stockholders and Management Interests

Part 1: Stockholders and Management Interests

Stockholders and managers want the same thing, don’t they? Theoretically, yes, but in reality, it does not always work that way. Too often, managers’ personal goals compete with shareholder wealth maximization. Sometimes, managers pay themselves excessive salaries or bonuses that are at odds with the idea of shareholder wealth maximization. How many times have you seen in the news examples of CEO excesses or outlandish spending on events or things that definitely do not help the overall goal of stockholder wealth maximization?

To prepare for this Discussion, think about a time in your professional experience when a decision was made that seemed to benefit a specific manager or small group of managers and not the overall corporation. If you do not have professional experience directly related to this topic, research a situation in the news where this theme is demonstrated. Consider the outcomes of such an imbalance between manager and stockholder interests and research on how to avoid such a situation.

Describe the situation from either your professional experience or your research.

Explain two or more motivational tools that can aid in aligning stockholder and management interests.

Explain how your selected tools are effective in resolving potential conflicts among managers and stockholders.

Support your discussion with appropriate academically reviewed articles. Use APA format throughout.

Part 2: Application of Concepts/Time Value of Money

Review the video links below. Based on the materials presented in these videos, discuss how you will use the time value of money concepts in managerial decision making. Be specific and give examples based on your experience or research.

Time Value of Money



1. Post your main post to later than Sunday, July 26Late post carries zero grade.

2. Read and respond to your classmates. Respond to at least 3 of your classmates’ posts. In your response to your classmates, consider comparing cash generation techniques at your company versus his or her company. Draw distinctions based on the industry and tell your colleagues why those distinctions are necessary for the management of cash flow. Below are additional suggestions on how to respond to your classmates’ discussions:

· Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.

· Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

· Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research.

· Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

· Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.



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