Category Archives: Research Papers

JRN4401 Discussion

  1. Refer to your textbook on pg. 160 (Chapter 7). Read or reread the “Local Research” Case Study, and briefly respond to the questions asked at the bottom.

  2. What is the one concept of Chapter 8 that you find the most applicable to your present or desired career? Explain your answer.

  3. As a consumer, what kind of internet and digital advertising is the most influential (pg. 207)? Which type of ad would most likely compel you to interact with it (i.e: click on it, purchase from it, read it, etc.)? Why?



Crop protection AGRI12002

Crop protection AGRI12002

In this assessment you will be asked to assume the role of a farm advisor (crop protection
consultant). You will be given a farm case study scenario and asked to develop an Integrated Pest
Management (IPM; read ‘pest’ here for pests, weeds, and diseases!) plan for that enterprise, or for a
subsection of the enterprise.
The aim of the IPM plan is to ensure an environmentally sustainable and economically profitable
crop. You will analyse the given scenario, collect appropriate information about management steps
and options, analyse them to come up with sound and well corroborated management
recommendations, and make a good case that your recommendations are practical, economically
viable and environmentally sound and sustainable. Your analyses, recommendations and evaluations
must be based on scientifically reliable, authoritative sources, preferentially peer reviewed



Come up with a business idea and write a mission statement.

Managing Within Organizations, all institutions and businesses have a mission statement which guides their actions and tell the world why they exist.The business you hope to create in your business plan assignment will be no different. Here, you will begin to explore what sort of organization you will spend the rest of the semester planning. After reading your final submission, myself and your peers should have a concrete understanding about what your business will do, who it will serve, and why it exists. After you have answered these three questions, pull together two or three elements to form one well-worded sentence. This sentence should capture the essence or vision of your business — this sentence should be both concise and powerful. This is your mission statement —the statement or purpose that drives an organization.


  • Describe the who, what, where, and how of your business

  • Answer the following questions:

    • Who will be your potential primary clients or customers?

    • What will your potential clients or customers value most from you?

  • Write a concise, descriptive and powerful mission statement for your organization



Blanda, S. (2017, Jan 15). Medium, and The Reason You Can’t Stand the News Anymore.

Blanda, S. (2017, Jan 15). Medium, and The Reason You Can’t Stand the News Anymore.

  • What is Blanda’s overarching argument?

  • Why does Blanda think that the current business model for journalism has led to an underlying public mistrust in journalistic institutions?

  • Explain the terms programmatic advertising and native advertising, including how each of them works and why they are used by news organizations. What problems do they pose for journalism, according to Blanda?

  • Why is social media so important for news companies?

  • Why is it important for the public to trust journalism? To answer this question, make sure you reference at least one of the readings from

    • Lesson 3: Croteau and Hoynes on ideology

    • Lesson 4: Grossberg et. al on the media/public/normative theories

  • Blanda ends by arguing that online distributors of news like Facebook and Google have little economic incentive to change their practices. Using the Grossberg reading from Lesson 4, explain what the Social Responsibility Theory and the Classic Liberalism Theory might argue about Blanda’s assertion.



What is your annual mortgage payment (CF or C)?

Most real-world mortgages feature uniform payments (CFs) and terms from 15 to 30 years. Solve this real-world mortgage problem:

Wells Fargo offers you a 6%, 30 year mortgage. The firm will give you $100K today to help you buy a house that costs $150K. (IE: you will buy the house with $50K of your own funds and $100K of mortgage-loan funds).

What is your annual mortgage payment (CF or C)?



There are crimes that people commit where we just shake our head in confusion. No theory can really help us understand WHY someone would act in such a manner. Can you think of a cyber crime that would make you feel this way?

There are crimes that people commit where we just shake our head in confusion. No theory can really help us understand WHY someone would act in such a manner. Can you think of a cyber crime that would make you feel this way?



Systems and Control: Assignment 1

Systems and Control: Assignment 1

The schematic representation of a DC motor driven railway bogie is shown in the figure. The wheels are
perfectly rigid and the track is perfectly flat, so there is no vertical excitation from the rail on the wheels
and the wheels have no vertical velocity. Note that this is not coach or car-body; the coach is mounted
on two such bogies with another set of secondary suspensions (air springs) placed in the V-grooves.
The following are the details of this system: ?? is a constant supply voltage from a battery pack, ???? is DC
motor characteristic constant and ???? is armature resistance, ???? and ???? are, respectively, the large
horizontal stiffness and damping of the primary suspension, ???? and ???? are, respectively, the soft vertical
stiffness and damping of the primary suspension, the mass and rotary inertia of each wheel are ???? and
????, respectively, the mass and rotary inertia of the bogie body are ???? and ????, respectively, the friction at
rail-wheel contact is nonlinear and is represented by a damping function ????, ??, ?? and ???? are the
geometric dimensions, as shown. The coordinate system to be used is shown in the figure.



​Case: Google Organizational Behavior

1.Do you agree with Bock that star performers should get a lot more—not just a little more—than average performers? If someone earning a 3 on Google’s evaluation system gets a 2 percent raise, what should employees earning 4’s and 5’s get?

2.Given the budget issues created by giving star performers more, should someone earning a 3 get a 2 percent raise—or should they get less? What are the arguments for and against a 2 percent raise level for average performers? (1.25 Marks )

3.Consider all the things Google’s People Operations group does to motivate its employees. Which motivation theories do they seem to be leveraging, and how?



The Black Death was a huge pandemic of a disease called ___________ _____________, which spread to Europe from ___________. Many experts believe the plague originated in Tibet as a localized epidemic but then spread, carried by ___________ and mice and ____________.

  1. The Black Death was a huge pandemic of a disease called ___________

    _____________, which spread to Europe from ___________. Many

    experts believe the plague originated in Tibet as a localized epidemic

    but then spread, carried by ___________ and mice and ____________.

    1. What were some of the symptoms of the plague?

    2. Somewhere between _____________ of people infected died.

    3. The latest research claims, in Europe as a whole, around _______

      of all people died.

  2. What was the Hundred Years War? Describe the sides involved in the war and the reasons the war was fought.

    1. What was the Code of Chivalry?

    2. The 116 Years War also changed the nature of war through __________________.

    3. The Hundred Years War also saw the spectacular rise and fall of ______________

      _____________, born to a prosperous French peasant family in __________.

  3. One of Europe’s great questions was whether the ______________ had authority over the entire Catholic world, or if _____________ had the ultimate authority in their kingdoms.

    1. The __________________________ was a huge blow to

      the Church and its claims of spiritual leadership.

    2. Ultimately others in the Church called a council to end

      the Great Schism, and church leaders finally elected

      a single pope, ________________________, in 1417.

  1. _____________ went on to replace Christianity as the leading

    religion in ____________________.

Artists, philosophers, architects, and others were simultaneously

creating Europe’s rebirth or ________________________.



HRA 360/ Saint Leo University

Father Michael’s Wraps (pitas, wraps, flat breads) is experiencing turnover in the range of 100 percent. Most of this occurs in the first 18 months of employment. How would you determine if this turnover rate is high?

How would you justify to your boss that lower turnover is strategically important?

What would you look at in both pay and other forms of rewards to identify ways of reducing turnover?



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